Play Nice Scott Morrison - How Long? Part 6 - Prosperity Theology, The Coal Man + His Bootlickers

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the future fund gig was a ******* sinecure.

and frankly, the most wasteful treasurer (current occupant except3d), ensured that any wealth generated during a once in a lifetime boom was surrendered chasing electoral advantage.

The biggest crime is every treasurer since Costello has lacked the cohunas to claw back the middle class welfare that the Howard Government introduced. Howard/Costello could afford (poor policy at best) them but the lightweights since them can not. Spineless effort by all since.

On 5 May 2006, A$18 billion, derived from government surpluses as well as income from the sale of a third of Telstra in its ongoing privatisation, was deposited into the fund. February 2007, the government transferred the Commonwealth's remaining 17% stake in Telstra, valued at A$8.9 billion, into the Fund.
The mere notion of a politician creating a special fund to bank taxpayer funds for future unspecified investments to be made by future governments (including those of his political opponents) should send alarm bells ringing in anyone with half a brain.

I've actually witnessed Departmental heads sacked for carrying over unspent agency funds from one financial year to another without Treasury approval because of the 'potential' for fraud. And yet we allow politicians to set up electoral slush funds worth hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars with impunity.

Are you talking about the Future Fund?

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The biggest crime is every treasurer since Costello has lacked the cohunas to claw back the middle class welfare that the Howard Government introduced. Howard/Costello could afford (poor policy at best) them but the lightweights since them can not. Spineless effort by all since.

On 5 May 2006, A$18 billion, derived from government surpluses as well as income from the sale of a third of Telstra in its ongoing privatisation, was deposited into the fund. February 2007, the government transferred the Commonwealth's remaining 17% stake in Telstra, valued at A$8.9 billion, into the Fund.

and what was the cost to the nation of not privatising it for the good of the country, not the ‘future fund’ on payment around 12 billion to bypass the copper then another similar amount to about face and use the copper. That’s before opportunity cost.
Scotty, even I know you don’t get on the plane to come here without the correct paperwork. You have the airlines do the heavy lifting.

when I arrived in Nov

‘You vaccinated mate’


‘Through there Mate’ pointing to the street exit

It was way way harder to leave the country such is the mixed up world we are in.

don’t tell me there haven’t been a thousand Novak’s waved in by govts in the last two years
Send Morrison to the gulag, carry out an Operation Valkyrie, lock him in stocks in the desert - I just never want to hear or see from this fraud ever again.
Nah, That is too good for scotty, make him read every day about how bad he has been as an MP, or as a tourism adviser, or how his rich private school rejected him ect ect

Long term mental disintragtion.

Make him know everyday how bad of a waste of sperm and eggs he has been
and what was the cost to the nation of not privatising it for the good of the country, not the ‘future fund’ on payment around 12 billion to bypass the copper then another similar amount to about face and use the copper. That’s before opportunity cost.

of not privatising it

Not privatising Telstra ... who knows, do tell.
It was restructured under Keating, ripe for privatisation. Arguably for privatisation by the Government of the day:

Looking back at good & bad does not see many decisions by the Governments of the day as right for the long term.
Think about how many pig ignorant tories learned the meaning of recalcitrant when Keating used it. You should be thanking him for expanding your vocabulary.
A 15 year old high school dropout is better as leader then private school w***ers.

If I was as correct as Keating my ego would be the size of Europe's.

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While I don’t disagree with a word of this, it should be pointed out that the complete ******* of the housing market has been largely a bipartisan effort.

Little will change if Labor gets in, at least in the short to medium term. There is absolutely fu** all political will to tackle it properly.
Labor took a policy that would have made a difference to an election.

And arguably lost as a result.
Scummo and his pack of nuff-nuffs couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery. Ordinarily, this may not be a pressing matter, but when it comes to pain and suffering caused by this gross negligence it's time to boot 'em. Put Scummos Libs last cos it's where they put you.

Did the ****wit stop for photo opportunities while he cooked a curry tonight?

I actually struggle to think about this cretin being our Pm without swearing under my breath.
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