Training 2024 Pre-season training

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Could see the dogs holding out to mid season to grab someone

They generally don't rush these decisions esp the last couple of year
Wouldn't be shocked if we didn't pick anyone up
Could see the dogs holding out to mid season to grab someone

They generally don't rush these decisions esp the last couple of year
Wouldn't be shocked if we didn't pick anyone up
Go and get Sullivan. Deserves a chance and would fit straight in. Also a bonus he has been training with the premier.
Could see the dogs holding out to mid season to grab someone

They generally don't rush these decisions esp the last couple of year
Wouldn't be shocked if we didn't pick anyone up
Is there any chance at all that Smith could return towards the very back end of next season? I understand the usual timeframes are roughly 12 months and perhaps this is being way too optimistic to the point of delusional, but I believe Matt Scharenberg returned from his first ACL in around 8 months - which would leave Smith at August-ish. With Smith being generally ultra diligent in his training and preparation.

If there were to be any possibility of that (which there probably isn't anyway), maybe you would hold off to mid-season before deciding whether to put him on the LTI, rule him out of the season entirely and take a midseason draft pick?
Is there any chance at all that Smith could return towards the very back end of next season? I understand the usual timeframes are roughly 12 months and perhaps this is being way too optimistic to the point of delusional, but I believe Matt Scharenberg returned from his first ACL within 9 months - which would leave Smith at August-ish. With Smith being generally ultra diligent in his training and preparation.

If there were to be any possibility of that (which there probably isn't anyway), maybe you would hold off to mid-season before deciding whether to put him on the LTI, rule him out of the season entirely and take a midseason draft pick?
Possible but unlikely I reckon. If we make a GF I'd love to bring him on for 10 minutes as the sub to get a premiership medal. That shit would secure him as a bulldog for life
Is there any chance at all that Smith could return towards the very back end of next season? I understand the usual timeframes are roughly 12 months and perhaps this is being way too optimistic to the point of delusional, but I believe Matt Scharenberg returned from his first ACL in around 8 months - which would leave Smith at August-ish. With Smith being generally ultra diligent in his training and preparation.

If there were to be any possibility of that (which there probably isn't anyway), maybe you would hold off to mid-season before deciding whether to put him on the LTI, rule him out of the season entirely and take a midseason draft pick?
I guessing there is a chance
I know Bruce and Mclean should have been on LTI but came back late in the season

All depends on how the medical staff go
Just a thought out of left field as clubs get more professional. It is a long lonely road back from an ACL, mentally as much as the physical rehab. Especially when there is no one else (touch wood) in the same situation. Why can't the dogs and pies get together and get Dan McStay and Baz together do their rehab both doing their ACL at about the same time. They could alternate their rehab between the Lexus centre and the Whitten oval. The clubs could easily protect game day intel and the two could bounce off each other.
I'm sure Alex Johnson could share a word or two with him
Could see the dogs holding out to mid season to grab someone

They generally don't rush these decisions esp the last couple of year
Wouldn't be shocked if we didn't pick anyone up
Exactly. Why rush?

Come mid year we could be desperate to fill once particular position. We could then target a player
Just a thought out of left field as clubs get more professional. It is a long lonely road back from an ACL, mentally as much as the physical rehab. Especially when there is no one else (touch wood) in the same situation. Why can't the dogs and pies get together and get Dan McStay and Baz together do their rehab both doing their ACL at about the same time. They could alternate their rehab between the Lexus centre and the Whitten oval. The clubs could easily protect game day intel and the two could bounce off each other.
IIRC isn't Bruce at the club at times for his rehab? No need to search out players from other teams
Is there any chance at all that Smith could return towards the very back end of next season? I understand the usual timeframes are roughly 12 months and perhaps this is being way too optimistic to the point of delusional, but I believe Matt Scharenberg returned from his first ACL in around 8 months - which would leave Smith at August-ish. With Smith being generally ultra diligent in his training and preparation.

If there were to be any possibility of that (which there probably isn't anyway), maybe you would hold off to mid-season before deciding whether to put him on the LTI, rule him out of the season entirely and take a midseason draft pick?
ACL is a ~9 month injury, just the way the AFL season lines up it’s almost always a ‘season’ injury. Being this early in the preseason it’s definitely possible he could return ahead of schedule for a few games late in the season plus finals IMO. Especially considering how fit & dilligent he is like you mentioned.

I’d be keeping the spot open until midseason and reassess for sure, could be a nice little bonus on field & off field to have him back late in the year. We know he likes finals…

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Match sim with AFL umps at training today, if anyones thinking about going down would be a good day for it 👍
Think Woof is going to be there today
plus they provide some nice details outside of their fourm

I'd trial Arty Jones as a HBF. Quick and can break the lines and learn the game. Either that or the wing
Reckon Wing would be better suited for Arty
Play him similar to Liam Henry
Not sure how a bloke who doesn’t find the footy is gonna go well on a wing. Jones is a small forward, his best attributes are without the ball.
The biggest question mark I have on him is whether he actually has a complete enough game for either. I agree that his struggles finding the ball raise questions about his viability on the wing, but it is also pretty hard to make it as a small forward who isn't a particularly threatening goal-kicker or ball-winner.

Hoping for a big spike this pre-season (as there was last), regardless of what position he settles in.
The biggest question mark I have on him is whether he actually has a complete enough game for either. I agree that his struggles finding the ball raise questions about his viability on the wing, but it is also pretty hard to make it as a small forward who isn't a particularly threatening goal-kicker or ball-winner.

Hoping for a big spike this pre-season (as there was last), regardless of what position he settles in.
Tbh I just don’t see it with him. He seems like a great person and full of energy. But is there any place in a good afl team for a bloke who doesn’t kick goals, doesn’t find the footy, doesn’t mark it, has no endurance? We’re basically a man down on the field when he’s there.
Put it this way, if we were coming up against Arty Jones I imagine the coaches would put Bailey Dale on him and tell him to completely ignore him.
Tbh I just don’t see it with him. He seems like a great person and full of energy. But is there any place in a good afl team for a bloke who doesn’t kick goals, doesn’t find the footy, doesn’t mark it, has no endurance? We’re basically a man down on the field when he’s there.
He has elite endurance…

He’s also won a game of AFL footy off his own boot, not everyone has that sort of ability.

Kids 20yo & weighs about 60kgs, he’s a long shot to make it and chances are he probably doesn’t. But he’s got AFL level attributes and I’d rather spend the time on seeing if he can develop the consistency required, than wasting time on battlers who will never develop elite AFL level attributes
But he’s got AFL level attributes and I’d rather spend the time on seeing if he can develop the consistency required, than wasting time on battlers who will never develop elite AFL level attributes
... but you'd also rather win a premiership than finish outside the 8, right?

This board really, really, really hates veteran foot soldiers. On the one hand I do get it, but sometimes you've gotta make the call on whether you want to develop or win. With the list where it is, we want to be delicately balancing these priorities. This group can still contend on paper, but doing so may require taking less chances with young guys that aren't contributing.
... but you'd also rather win a premiership than finish outside the 8, right?

This board really, really, really hates veteran foot soldiers. On the one hand I do get it, but sometimes you've gotta make the call on whether you want to develop or win. With the list where it is, we want to be delicately balancing these priorities. This group can still contend on paper, but doing so may require taking less chances with young guys that aren't contributing.
Sure but those guys aren’t helping us win a premiership, a guy like AJ may one day. An over reliance on avg foot soldiers has us as a middling mediocre team with no upside over the past couple of years. It’s not really a toss up between playing them and winning a flag or playing AJ and finishing outside the 8

I’m not advocating playing him if he’s not ready or contributing, I don’t have him in my round 1 team as it stands. But I’d definitely rather spend time developing him on the list and his consistency over guys who just don’t have it IMO.

He’s not too dissimilar from a guy like Bobby Hill at the same age who just had zero output, but like AJ had always shown he had AFL level attributes. He found a role, developed his consistency and has now shown his match winning ability on the biggest stage. It’s easy to say AJ is contributing nothing and yeah most of the time he has, but it shouldn’t be underestimated that with under ~10 games to his name he’s already won an important game off his own boot with a huge last qtr.

Match winning ability/x factor is an important trait good sides need and overall as a team it’s something we lack so if you’ve got a guy whose shown that briefly you nurture it and prioritise it over someone who can find the ball 20 times at VFL level but could be replaced with 200 blokes from state level who could offer a similar level

Training 2024 Pre-season training

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