Training 2024 Pre-season training

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I'm torn.

I'm meant to be on a diet and I'm due to weigh myself in two days, but our #9 is making me crave KFC for dinner. The boys from work are getting that and I'm looking at my can of tuna feeling left out.

What should I do?

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This is BigFooty. Pre-season practice matches completely determine the course of the season, remember?

We will do well to track down flag faves Norf Melbourne
I'm torn.

I'm meant to be on a diet and I'm due to weigh myself in two days, but our #9 is making me crave KFC for dinner. The boys from work are getting that and I'm looking at my can of tuna feeling left out.

What should I do?
Get the kfc brother

Get thee behind, Satan 👹
The best since Barry Standfield
A bloke named Bob went alright (I think Warragul counts).
Fish was great - but Bairnsdale's own Choko Royal might have been our best
Please pardon the intrusion. Where does Bailey Williams fit in (if at all) when your squad is fully fit?

thank you
Probably a wing but is a bit of a utility. Started off a defender and played a lot of forward last year.

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Pretty impressive day overall, sounds like some promising signs from the 2nd game too.

My thoughts from the first:

West - he just has to play doesn’t he? So clearly best 22 it’s not funny. Can be sloppy at times but not sure why we focus on his weaknesses, his strengths make us a stronger side with his contested work, pressure (probably close to the best tackler in the side) link up and his vision brings the other forwards into the game. He should be a lock at HF for 23 games.

Sanders - looks awesome, so powerful already and looks tailor made for our ‘brand’ classy too. It’s really nice to have another elite mid coming through.

Gags - bit quiet early but worked into it, definitely a bit to work with I love his skillset, just a bit small for an inside role I’d think to be honest. Looks like an u16s kid in there against modern mids. Not sure what his best role will be long term but pretty confident he has a future at AFL level

Coffield and Buku were great and really transform our defence. Definitely room for them both IMO. Think Buku replacing the 3rd tall we played all year (ie Gardner, Keath, Bruce etc) and Coffield replacing Doc. Bukus so nice behind the ball - these two will pick up a lot of the intercepting slack that’s been left to Richards.

Harmes will add a lot, hard edge bit of run and an experienced head. Sanders, Harmes & Coffield slot in round one and make us a lot stronger.

Darcy and Lobb both brilliant and basically traded blows against each other all day for the back up spot. Lobb was really great, so impressive in the air and with his link up skills. Darcy’s just going to be an animal, how the **** is anyone going to stop this bloke at his peak? Awesome in the ruck against a very strong opponent (who made English his bitch last year mind you) follows up at ground level like a mad man, then rolls onto the left peg and hits up a target like he’s 180cm. Goes forward takes contested marks kicks snags. Such a ridiculous package

McNeil & Arty played some genuine crumbing roles and just stuck out how good they were front and centre at times. I would have been happy to delist McNeil but he really proved me wrong today and has apparently had a strong preseason. If he can keep up that form there’s a spot for him. My issue has always been the little things he messes up like a bad set shot, a dropped chest mark etc the difference was today he took all his chances. Was so clean front & centre. Really offered something.

Cleary - started slow but built into the game nicely and had some really impressive moments in the 2nd half. He’s behind a few but I quite like what he brings and think if he was called upon he’d offer something at the top level.

Williams & Poulter - surely first choice wings, Williams did some really nice things forward. Poulters kicking still worries me for an outside player but pretty tough conditions tbf.

VDM & Gardner - meh same old, VDM is just not an AFL standard footballer. Such poor awareness, composure and skills - he’s quick great but **** me surely he’s behind a few. Gardner well, honestly I’d struggle to pick him at VFL level he’s ****ing awful, basically at everything. Not much more to say there 😂

Naughty - haven’t seen much said about him. But wow he looks unbelievably good. Just such a weapon of a player both in the air and at ground level. Showed some really nice connection with Lobb today and will love having some decent partners in a fit Marra and Lobb/Darcy. Unleash him at CHF and just let him dominate the opposition

Coffield Jones Buku
Richards JOD Dale

Williams Libba Poulter
English Bont Treloar

West Naughty Sanders
Cody Marra Lobb

Macrae, Daniel, JJ, Harmes sub: McNeil

That would be my round one line up - pretty comfortable with that and it’s a bloody good squad. I’m sorta tempted by the 4 headed monster again… if I went that way I’d take out Poulter and run Treloar, Harmes, Sanders etc through that wing and slot in Darcy
Aight now that I'm home and comfortable, my little write up on today, please bare with me as I'm going from memory, straight from work, no sleep, lack of coffee, etc.

Game 1:

Standout players: Lobb, Sanders, Darcy, Libba, Harmes, Poulter, McNeil, Naughton

Lobb was seriously clunking everything, when he commits and gets his hands up there's next to no stopping him, same goes for Darcy, they both have a reach that is undefendedable if they get a single step on their opponents. Darcy put a few goals through, Lobb set up some more, but Lobb was better off higher up the ground and in the ruck, really did well in link up play. I don't know how you play both, but both deserve game time based on todays outings.

McNeil has seriously increased his potency around goals, knows where to find them, slotted 5 in all styles (snaps, set shots, crumbs, running goals), I'd say if he continues this form he can lock down a small forward role. Naughton was back to his old high-leaping self, slotted 3 very nice goals, seems to have fixed up his kicking action as well.

Engine room was solid, Libba acting as captain and barking orders all day, Harmes was also instrumental in setting positions and telling younger players who to take. Sanders, will be a star, and Power nailed this recruit without question, I have no doubt Watson will be a star for the Hawks (small forward much harder position to play) but if you wanted immediate impact, then we have it with Sanders, a couple of pre-seasons and this kid could be anything.

Poulter was noticable on the wings, ran hard all day, I'd say with more game time and some cleaning up of his disposals he'd be a lock.

Game style (This goes for both games). We've changed how we play, alot less 1-2 handballs back out of a pack and then a blind kick forward, instead we're looking for the short angled kick out of the pack, it was noticable to me that there always seemed to be one of our players drifting forward and generally off to the side of the pack by about 15-20m to allow for the outlet handball or kick, Sanders and Libba were very good at spotting up this player to get the ball out and moving forward - also - MUCH less ''dump kick down the line'', honestly it was rarely used today, we've seriously increased the speed we move, and how direct we're moving.

Our forward line has had some serious minutes put into it as well, both teams forward lines functioned incredibly well (This could be a reflection on the lack of Hawks defenders) - You really didn't see the ''everybody jump for the ball'' bullshit that we've become acustom to over the last few years. I noticed forwards delibrately running out of eachothers ways and pulling their defenders with them allowing for more room for our guys to lead up and move.

Game 2:
Standout players: Treloar, Weightman, Bont, Buss, Clarke, Richards (and the redhead who sat 3 isles down from me).

This was akin to witches hats, our midfield completely dominated theirs with Bont putting on a masterclass of poise and class cutting through traffic like a hot knife through butter, if he doesn't win the Brownlow this year I'd say the whole thing is rigged, he makes playing look so effortless and I cannot imagine the Dogs without him. The other midfield standout was surprsingly Weightman, who rocked a very Ninja/Samuri style top-knot haircut, but boy can he run, and is very low and flat with his kicking, I can see bursts of Weightman in the middle when we need a point of difference. Treloar was his clean, beautiful self and also was prevelent with moving the ball out of hte middle and into the forward line.

Richards was instrumental in getting the ball off half back, I remember one play in particular with him and Busslinger streaming back into defence 2 on 2, with the Hawks players infront and the ball infront of them. They worked together really well to stop a sure-goal. Buss has ''it'', his still skinny as a twig but he does read the play well, moves even better and knows how to position himself, he gave away 1-2 dumb free's today (over hte shoulders) but overall a good outing from him, I doubt he'll play round one but he should float in and out of seniors this year.

Charlie Clarke, boy oh boy, kicked 5 and setup probably another 3-5, set shot, crumb, and a beautiful dance-number that was akin to Bont vs the Demons goal of the year back in 2014. Hard up against the point post, 1 v 3 Hawks, he shimmed, shaked, baked, shrugged some tackles and snapped to score a goal. This one got most of the crowd off their feet. If he wasn't putting them through himself he was roaming the 50 line and pressuring any ball that came close, set up a few goals as well. Round 1 starter for me and the real standout imrpover overall.

Right now, based on today (and injuries) if I had to put a team together:

FWD: JUH Naughton Clarke
HHF: Lobb McNeil Weightman
Mid: Bont Libba Sanders
Fol: Harmes Treloar Poulter
Back: Caleb Darcy Coffield
Duryea Jones Richards

Int: English Williams West JJ

Honestly, there's gonna be some really unlucky players if today's form rolls on. A strong Footscray side is always good, and pressure for spots is even better.
Wayne Weideman was the one we missed from Fish Creek.
Pretty impressive day overall, sounds like some promising signs from the 2nd game too.

My thoughts from the first:

West - he just has to play doesn’t he? So clearly best 22 it’s not funny. Can be sloppy at times but not sure why we focus on his weaknesses, his strengths make us a stronger side with his contested work, pressure (probably close to the best tackler in the side) link up and his vision brings the other forwards into the game. He should be a lock at HF for 23 games.

Sanders - looks awesome, so powerful already and looks tailor made for our ‘brand’ classy too. It’s really nice to have another elite mid coming through.

Gags - bit quiet early but worked into it, definitely a bit to work with I love his skillset, just a bit small for an inside role I’d think to be honest. Looks like an u16s kid in there against modern mids. Not sure what his best role will be long term but pretty confident he has a future at AFL level

Coffield and Buku were great and really transform our defence. Definitely room for them both IMO. Think Buku replacing the 3rd tall we played all year (ie Gardner, Keath, Bruce etc) and Coffield replacing Doc. Bukus so nice behind the ball - these two will pick up a lot of the intercepting slack that’s been left to Richards.

Harmes will add a lot, hard edge bit of run and an experienced head. Sanders, Harmes & Coffield slot in round one and make us a lot stronger.

Darcy and Lobb both brilliant and basically traded blows against each other all day for the back up spot. Lobb was really great, so impressive in the air and with his link up skills. Darcy’s just going to be an animal, how the * is anyone going to stop this bloke at his peak? Awesome in the ruck against a very strong opponent (who made English his bitch last year mind you) follows up at ground level like a mad man, then rolls onto the left peg and hits up a target like he’s 180cm. Goes forward takes contested marks kicks snags. Such a ridiculous package

McNeil & Arty played some genuine crumbing roles and just stuck out how good they were front and centre at times. I would have been happy to delist McNeil but he really proved me wrong today and has apparently had a strong preseason. If he can keep up that form there’s a spot for him. My issue has always been the little things he messes up like a bad set shot, a dropped chest mark etc the difference was today he took all his chances. Was so clean front & centre. Really offered something.

Cleary - started slow but built into the game nicely and had some really impressive moments in the 2nd half. He’s behind a few but I quite like what he brings and think if he was called upon he’d offer something at the top level.

Williams & Poulter - surely first choice wings, Williams did some really nice things forward. Poulters kicking still worries me for an outside player but pretty tough conditions tbf.

VDM & Gardner - meh same old, VDM is just not an AFL standard footballer. Such poor awareness, composure and skills - he’s quick great but * me surely he’s behind a few. Gardner well, honestly I’d struggle to pick him at VFL level he’s ******* awful, basically at everything. Not much more to say there 😂

Naughty - haven’t seen much said about him. But wow he looks unbelievably good. Just such a weapon of a player both in the air and at ground level. Showed some really nice connection with Lobb today and will love having some decent partners in a fit Marra and Lobb/Darcy. Unleash him at CHF and just let him dominate the opposition

Coffield Jones Buku
Richards JOD Dale

Williams Libba Poulter
English Bont Treloar

West Naughty Sanders
Cody Marra Lobb

Macrae, Daniel, JJ, Harmes sub: McNeil

That would be my round one line up - pretty comfortable with that and it’s a bloody good squad. I’m sorta tempted by the 4 headed monster again… if I went that way I’d take out Poulter and run Treloar, Harmes, Sanders etc through that wing and slot in Darcy
Good team but Darcy needs to be in there somewhere, somehow. He could be anything.
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I'm torn.

I'm meant to be on a diet and I'm due to weigh myself in two days, but our #9 is making me crave KFC for dinner. The boys from work are getting that and I'm looking at my can of tuna feeling left out.

What should I do?

Two zinger fillets are 420 calories with heaps of protein, regular chips around 300, so you can make a fillets box work.
Moving Naughton away from the goal square for periods in the game. Is a great move.He along with Jamarra should be playing Jeremy Cameron's role.While Darcy or Lobb play Tom Hawkins role.
All for Weightman playing Collingwood style also. More midfield time especially if Clark can come on .Signs are good .
With Sanders ,Clark and Weightman providing spark and run .It will make it hard To play Macrae.
Reminds me of the Cross days.
Just a great player and club man who unfortunately .Only had one gear late in his career.
Not sure if it would work but if Darcy rucked could English play CHB. BIG QUESTION MARK He Has the smarts. Also Artie Jones to defence is a great move.He can defend and has pace and run.JJ may have a replacement finally.
Have a lot more faith this year. They will select on balance and needs.
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Training 2024 Pre-season training

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