Training 2024 training updates.

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So two Irish players formally on AFL lists who I assume were based in Ireland.

A unique set of circumstances which might enable an exemption from the AFL if asked.
Ethan Phillips wasn’t a train-on player for Hawthorn, they didn’t even have a list spot; he was a VFL listed player for Box Hill who was told by Hawthorn they were going to SSP him, two days after James Blanck did his ACL in an intraclub.

Marty Hore was signed by Melbourne on the opening day of the SSP after playing VFL for two years.

Jed Anderson was signed by the Suns at the start of the SSP after having been delisted by North.

Ditto Liam Shiels who North committed to before the SSP window opened and then signed him on day 1.

There are lots of examples of players committed to or just outright signed before they had a chance to train, making being a train-on player a condition completely superfluous. It isn’t just the Irish players. Obviously though with the Irish, being in another country at the time just makes it more cut and dried that that’s what unfolded.
Ethan Phillips wasn’t a train-on player for Hawthorn, they didn’t even have a list spot; he was a VFL listed player for Box Hill who was told by Hawthorn they were going to SSP him, two days after James Blanck did his ACL in an intraclub.

Marty Hore was signed by Melbourne on the opening day of the SSP after playing VFL for two years.

Jed Anderson was signed by the Suns at the start of the SSP after having been delisted by North.

Ditto Liam Shiels who North committed to before the SSP window opened and then signed him on day 1.

There are lots of examples of players committed to or just outright signed before they had a chance to train, making being a train-on player a condition completely superfluous. It isn’t just the Irish players. Obviously though with the Irish, being in another country at the time just makes it more cut and dried that that’s what unfolded.

Don't be a silly billy.

As if I meant players had to physically train with a club before being allowed to be listed. That's just how it generally goes and clubs try before they buy. Just like we did this season.

No the only requirement is for clubs to have an available list spot, for the player to be eligible, for them to agree to terms and for them to be nominated as a SSP addition during the allowed period.

When I raised the issue of the Irish players and possible exemption I thought you were talking about those two being signed outside the allowed SSP period. It was never an issue of them being eligible or signed during it which is what happened I assume.

Where we differ is that I contend that in 2024 the only players eligible for an SSP place are those nominated (whether as train on or nominated then immediately signed) and once we reached our maximum allowed quota of 6 we weren't seemingly in a position to use this function to list Long.

I say seemingly as I'm not sure if we could have taken the route of removing one and adding Long prior to making our decision or the rules don't allow for this.

Anyway it's MSD, DFA or nothing from here so time to move on.

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lNo the only requirement is for clubs to have an available list spot, for the player to be eligible, for them to agree to terms and for them to be nominated as a SSP addition during the allowed period.
You keep saying this but there’s no evidence of it.

We know;
a) players need to be nominated to train-on during the SS period, and that
b) eligible players who are added to club lists need to do so during the SS period

… but there’s no evidence that you have to do a) to then do b). None at all.
Don't be a silly billy.

As if I meant players had to physically train with a club before being allowed to be listed. That's just how it generally goes and clubs try before they buy. Just like we did this season.

No the only requirement is for clubs to have an available list spot, for the player to be eligible, for them to agree to terms and for them to be nominated as a SSP addition during the allowed period.

When I raised the issue of the Irish players and possible exemption I thought you were talking about those two being signed outside the allowed SSP period. It was never an issue of them being eligible or signed during it which is what happened I assume.

Where we differ is that I contend that in 2024 the only players eligible for an SSP place are those nominated (whether as train on or nominated then immediately signed) and once we reached our maximum allowed quota of 6 we weren't seemingly in a position to use this function to list Long.

I say seemingly as I'm not sure if we could have taken the route of removing one and adding Long prior to making our decision or the rules don't allow for this.

Anyway it's MSD, DFA or nothing from here so time to move on.
It’s pretty well established that the criteria to be eligible for SSP selection are:
1. The player must have played for an AFL team and been delisted


2. Nominated for the most recent draft and been overlooked

The train on rules are a seperate thing all together and have never been reported as a necessary part of the process to actually be selected by a club, and that lack of necessity has played out multiple times already, as TRS has posted already.

Face it, you made an assumption and it was wrong. It happens. Time to move on.
You keep saying this but there’s no evidence of it.

We know;
a) players need to be nominated to train-on during the SS period, and that
b) eligible players who are added to club lists need to do so during the SS period

… but there’s no evidence that you have to do a) to then do b). None at all.

For a player to be added to a clubs list it has to be signed off by the AFL first.

The only way that can happen obviously is if a club informs the AFL and nominates the player it wants to add during the SSP.

I'm fully aware players can be signed without the need to be "train on" players like examples you gave but if you want to formally sign them via the SSP mechanism it can still only be done during the windows specified by the AFL. This year those dates were November 27th to December 14th, January 15th to February 19th.

So Long could have been added during the SSP but after we nominated our 6 train on players the question was whether the rules allowed us to still add him to our list.

If we could then we would have had to wait until the deadline to officially list him if we wanted to retain our ability to have 6 train on players, as any listing of him would have reduced our available spots to 2 and only allowed for 4 train on players per the rules.

At the end of the day we preferred 3 others ahead of him and only time will tell whether that was the correct call.
For a player to be added to a clubs list it has to be signed off by the AFL first.

The only way that can happen obviously is if a club informs the AFL and nominates the player it wants to add during the SSP.

I'm fully aware players can be signed without the need to be "train on" players like examples you gave but if you want to formally sign them via the SSP mechanism it can still only be done during the windows specified by the AFL. This year those dates were November 27th to December 14th, January 15th to February 19th.

So Long could have been added during the SSP but after we nominated our 6 train on players the question was whether the rules allowed us to still add him to our list.
And the answer is “yes”, and then we would have had to send two of the train-ons home, because we would have had one less list vacancy.
Training: April 23rd. Main (while light) session. Anzac week.

Lighter session this morning, given the short break.

Absent players:

Steene (Injured)



* Kreuger, Ryan and Harry all in full training. It's nice to get some players out of the rehab group. So now we only have McStay and Eyre -- Steene, of course, but we may not see him out on the ground for a few weeks.

As far as the rehabbers going, McStay did some fast pace running, really strongly. Some twist and turning, agility work.
Eyre started off doing a couple laps of running, then started to participate in some of the drills the boys were doing. During this.. ball movement drills; they had him up forward, maybe its to prevent some real physical or have to do anything too stressful at this point of his rehab.

Kreuger did extra running post the session, so I think they'll ease him in next week with Ryan and Harry this week.

Today's focus seem to be more geared toward pressure, contest, ball movement. Fast movement they did one particular drill on. One I've never seen before. Called "Frampton's fast ball movement"

Goal kicking was a big focus early in the session before they got into line groups.
WHE was with the forwards. Would be hard to move him at this point.

The Seniors v VFL from last week was the same as v Port.


  • Lippa
  • JDG
  • IQ
  • Maynard
  • Elliott
  • Mitchell
  • JDaicos
  • Schultz
  • Noble
  • Pendles
  • Cameron
  • Frampton
  • Sidey
  • Hill
  • Crisp
  • Reef
  • Moore
  • Beau
  • WHE
  • NDaicos
  • Howe
  • Checkers
  • Cox


  • Carmichael
  • DeMattia
  • Kreuger
  • Allan
  • Macrae
  • TJ
  • Ryan
  • Bytel
  • Sullivan
  • Harrison
  • Markov
  • Begg
  • Johnson
  • Parker

* Sullivan, Reef, Harrison spent some time doing extra running given they missed both games last week and for Reef, needed more conditioning given the small minutes last sat.


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Round 8 - Monday April 29th.

I waited for 3 hrs, I thought it was gonna be a morning session, but once I saw the players arrive bit by bit after 10am, I figured this might be a lunchtime thing.
In between, I had 2 hot chocolates and a toastie from the cafe at aami park. Saw Petracca inside on his laptop.

Some other dees players too.

Things started to progress at 1:30

There were a couple players absent:


We now know that Jordy and Mitchell are under an injury cloud and face a fitness test on wed. Hopefully Eyre hasn't had a setback and that he was absent for another reason.

Josh Daicos was separate from the group, doing agility and some light running. He left the track early, about 45 mins into the session.


Bit of a lighter run this afternoon, with some focus on ball movement inside F50, some offence from defence and working through getting that right.

Rotated through some line group work. And WHE was still training with the forwards

Those that played VFL left the track half way through, as they did last week. While the seniors completed some extra work since they have had an extra break compared to the others.

Training: May 1st. Wednesday; Main session.


Minus Steene who is yet to make an appearance on the track

  • Josh Eyre
  • Dan McStay

Both did a bit of running. Josh did some warm up drills. Then they both started to progress with bag work, ground ball and things that was the next part of their rehab. Josh, moreso than Dan, but was nice to see Dan doing this as well.

No De Goey on the track
Mitchell was on he track but did very little. I knew he wouldn't be playing when he was just hanging around near the goal square while the rest of the squad did drills and the rest of the session.


Black -


White --


Things I noticed:

Ryan played between half back, and wing
And while it was hard to tell, I mean they only did two centre bounces in this match play
Nick, Pendles and Crisp seemed to be the three mids.

Lippa and Schultz interchanged between the bench and forward
WHE still playing forward (in white)
Cox played forward while DC rucked v Beggy

Carmy looks to be pure forward

Continuing the Johnson in defence experiment, he trained with the defenders and lined up there during matcb play.

Kreuger is back! For how long? Touch wood, hopefully he can stay injury free.

I had a brief chat to Eyre after he had finished chatting to what I assume were family members, he said he was good, progressing well.
While we look forward to him recoverying and playing some games, I think its a good plan for them to take their time with him and bullet proof that hamstring so that touch wood, he doesn't have anymore issues going forward.

There was some senario based simulations when there is 2 mins left on the clock, that kind of stuff; which is something they practice a lot, and something they have been doing for the last couple years.

Can only assume the boys are training Mon Wed and Friday this week?
I couldn't go today.
And they do have wed advertised, they dont mention friday - but they will train, as that will be the main session

Training 2024 training updates.

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