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It is recognised that this is a fraught topic for any number of you posting here. Some of you will have family in Israel or Palestine. Some of you will have connections to either side of the conflict. What you need to understand is that this site has rules governing posting standards and the appropriate way to talk to other posters, and you will abide by them.

How this interacts with this thread is that the following will result in your post being deleted, with a recurrence of the same behaviour resulting in (depending on severity) a threadban for a week and a day off:
  • direct labelling of someone as anti-semitic or a terrorist sympathiser for posting that is merely critical of Israel's response over time. Israel has the right to defend themselves from violence, but that does not mean that Israel has carte blanche to attack disproportionately towards people under their care.
  • deliberate goading or flippant responses, designed to get people reacting to your posting emotionally.
  • abuse.
  • attempts to turn this into a Left vs Right shitfight.
  • Use the word 'Nazi' in here, you had better be able to justify it in the post you're making and the comparison had better be apt. Godwin's law is in full effect for the purposes of this thread; if you refer to Nazis, you've lost whatever argument you're involved in.
  • Any defense of Hamas' actions on the basis of justification. There's no justification for genocide, regardless of whether or not they have the power to do so.
Please recognise that this is a difficult time for all involved, and some level of sensitivity is absolutely required to permit discussion to flow. From time to time, mods will reach out to specific posters and do some welfare checks; we may even give posters who get a bit too involved some days off to give people some time to cool down. This is not a reflection on you as a poster, merely that this is an intense subject.

I get that this is a fairly intense topic about which opinion can diverge rather significantly. If you feel you cannot be respectful in your disagreement with another poster, it is frequently better to refuse to engage than it is to take up the call.

From this point, any poster who finds themselves directly insulting another poster will find themselves receiving a threadban and an infraction, with each subsequent reoccurance resulting in steadily more points added to your account.

It has also become apparent that this needs to be said: just because someone moderates this forum that does not hold them to a different standard of posting than anyone else. All of us were posters first, and we are allowed to hold opinions on this and share them on this forum.

Treat each other with the respect each of you deserve.

Maggie5 Gone Critical Anzacday Jen2310
Hey he gives you credit for owning a home... thats pretty generous imo

There is an old Warner Bros cartoon with a big dog strutting along with an annoying little dog bouncing along around him going "we gonna chase cats today Rex? We gonna chase cats???" and Rex goes "nahhh" and slaps the little dog. Undeterred the little dog resumes his prancing around the big dog going "yeah hahaha that was a stupid idea Rex, yeah, so what we gonna do Rex?"

I keep my greatest disdain on this Earth for people like that little dog, the uncritical hangers on of the bullying and the supposedly strong, sitting in their slipstream while they intimidate and strut, laughing like the pathetic fools they are at their jokes and their putdowns.

Congrats Zev, you just made the list. Woof.
There is an old Warner Bros cartoon with a big dog strutting along with an annoying little dog bouncing along around him going "we gonna chase cats today Rex? We gonna chase cats???" and Rex goes "nahhh" and slaps the little dog. Undeterred the little dog resumes his prancing around the big dog going "yeah hahaha that was a stupid idea Rex, yeah, so what we gonna do Rex?"

I keep my greatest disdain on this Earth for people like that little dog, the uncritical hangers on of the bullying and the supposedly strong, sitting in their slipstream while they intimidate and strut, laughing like the pathetic fools they are at their jokes and their putdowns.

Congrats Zev, you just made the list. Woof.

I'm really sorry but I'm not that familiar with your cartoons.

If you don't like me that's fine.

Don't know what I've done to upset you.

But if you want to sit here in judgement of me when I have held my tongue against all those anti-semitic posts Mark has made and you get upset about joking about the size of his house... Didn't pick you as someone who supports discrimination.
lets think about this, 75% or around 300,000 dwellings have been destroyed (gaza). to comprehend, thats every dwelling turned to rubble in Ballarat, Geelong, Bendigo, Shepp and Latrobe Valley

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Bro, are we talking about recent history in Persia because that's what I'm referring to. As I said, speak to any middle Eastern refugees that have been here for the last 10 years and then you might understand what I'm talking about.
I'm talking about Iran - Persia is the Greek name for the ancient empire. Hasn't been called that since the 1930s and was only ever that outside of Iran. Perhaps your mate is doing what the Cambodians did and changed the international name back to Cambodia to disassociate from the Khmer Rouge. (It's actual local name has never changed and is closer to Kampuchea than Cambodia). Perhaps your mate and others are calling it Persia to disassociate from the Islamic nutters. Or perhaps you've gotten a bit confused and your mate is raving about Ancient Persia and its incredible history in the same way that some greeks rave about ancient greek and all the incredible history of that culture?

Specifically, I'm talking about 1970s Iran before the revolution. Khomeini being worse doesn't mean the Shah wasn't pretty bloody awful.
I'm really sorry but I'm not that familiar with your cartoons.

If you don't like me that's fine.

Don't know what I've done to upset you.

But if you want to sit here in judgement of me when I have held my tongue against all those anti-semitic posts Mark has made and you get upset about joking about the size of his house... Didn't pick you as someone who supports discrimination.

You prance around in the slipstream beside one of the worst people ever to appear on this board, a person animated only by hatred, malice, and scorn, a serial disgrace and homophobe who was instrumental in me leaving last time, and who it should be clear from this thread, is not a genuine human but simply a troll animated solely by those hatreds. When you start following on his jokes, especially when his boastful ridiculous "Im a self funded retiree with more money than you" shtick, and its nauseous undercurrent you make yourself no better than him.

you continuously align yourself with horrible people, when they agree with you, and you increasingly beccome them whether you can see it or not.

Discrimination? Dont give me that shit. That is the kind of ridiculous histrionic bullshit Markfs tries.

You are so obsessed by you victimhood and aligning yourself with anyone who plays to it, you can't see what they are or what you are becoming.

You are right though, I have some perspective, enough to be heartily sick of your exceptionalism. I get it. But you are not alone.And when you cavort in the shadow of the worst of the worst, my sympathy runs scant.

And dont ever, ever accuse me of discrimination without some actual evidence when all Im doing is actually holding you to account when you engage in dumb, unworthy behaviour, you come across as a moron.
A reflection on Aaron Bushnell's protest earlier this week.
histrionic bullshit? I'm just trying to convince people to advise their local member that we dont want our gov't to support a mass murderer.
lets think about this, 75% or around 300,000 dwellings have been destroyed (gaza). to comprehend, thats every dwelling turned to rubble in Ballarat, Geelong, Bendigo, Shepp and Latrobe Valley

with deaths and casualties equal to a taylor swift concert at the MCG...

that fact might appeal to our gov't leaders who love their swifties...
You prance around in the slipstream beside one of the worst people ever to appear on this board, a person animated only by hatred, malice, and scorn, a serial disgrace and homophobe who was instrumental in me leaving last time, and who it should be clear from this thread, is not a genuine human but simply a troll animated solely by those hatreds. When you start following on his jokes, especially when his boastful ridiculous "Im a self funded retiree with more money than you" shtick, and its nauseous undercurrent you make yourself no better than him.

you continuously align yourself with horrible people, when they agree with you, and you increasingly beccome them whether you can see it or not.

Discrimination? Dont give me that s**t. That is the kind of ridiculous histrionic bullshit Markfs tries.

You are so obsessed by you victimhood and aligning yourself with anyone who plays to it, you can't see what they are or what you are becoming.

You are right though, I have some perspective, enough to be heartily sick of your exceptionalism. I get it. But you are not alone.And when you cavort in the shadow of the worst of the worst, my sympathy runs scant.

And dont ever, ever accuse me of discrimination without some actual evidence ogther than me actually holding you to account when you engage in dumb, unworthy behaviour, you come across as a moron.

Don't take this personally but I don't know who you are. I could care less about who you sleep with. I don't know who you have fought with or who did what to you or what was said and I don't really care either.

You called me a dog for responding to an anti-semite. Theres your evidence.

When it comes to victimhood, perhaps a little self-reflection is warranted.

Maybe you can enlighten me as to what I'm becoming.

I could not give two ****s about your sympathy.
Don't take this personally but I don't know who you are. I could care less about who you sleep with. I don't know who you have fought with or who did what to you or what was said and I don't really care either.

You called me a dog for responding to an anti-semite. Theres your evidence.

When it comes to victimhood, perhaps a little self-reflection is warranted.

Maybe you can enlighten me as to what I'm becoming.

I could not give two *s about your sympathy.

If you cant distinguish between comparing you to a character who is portrayed as a dog for the purposes of a cartoon and an actual dog, I am unable to help much. If you can't understand analogy I am also unable to help.

What you are becoming is nasty, entitled, vindictive.

Your call on whether you are happy with that, but there it is.

One day you may wake up and realise you are standing beside some of the worst of humanity because they pander to your prejudices. You seem happy to choose that regardless. Don't complain if you are judged accordingly.
If you cant distinguish between comparing you to a character who is portrayed as a dog for the purposes of a cartoon and an actual dog, I am unable to help much. If you can't understand analogy I am also unable to help.

What you are becoming is nasty, entitled, vindictive.

Your call on whether you are happy with that, but there it is.

One day you may wake up and realise you are standing beside some of the worst of humanity because they pander to your prejudices. You seem happy to choose that regardless. Don't complain if you are judged accordingly.

What prejudice have I displayed?

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What prejudice have I displayed?

Zev, I see you live in the same suburb as sideswipe. I was talking to him about the ERUV that you have there. He hadnt heard of it. Did the council put it up. I was curious how something relatively private could be erected on public power poles.
What prejudice have I displayed?
The comment that kicked our beloved horse off displayed financial prejudice.

But to use an analogy that you'll get, I think the suggestion is more along the lines of:

Someone goes to a Ceasefire rally because they want the deaths of civilians to stop. Everyone is on their side so they get into the rally. The chant: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will always be free" begins. Everyone is on their side so they join in. Then someone carrying a red version of the Aussie flag, burns an Israeli flag and they laugh along with the others on the same side as them. Then before too long, everything creeps from criticism of the Israeli govt to criticism of the Jews and they applaud and cheer because they're all on the same side. And then... We all know where it goes. And that is how it goes.

By the end is there a difference between the person carrying the red Australian flag and the person who went there to protest civilian deaths?
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The comment that kicked our beloved horse off displayed financial prejudice.

But to use an analogy that you'll get, I think the suggestion is more along the lines of:

Someone goes to a Ceasefire rally because they want the deaths of civilians to stop. Everyone is on their side so they get into the rally. The chant: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will always be free" begins. Everyone is on their side so they join in. Then someone carrying a red version of the Aussie flag, burns an Israeli flag and they laugh along with the others on the same side as them. Then before too long, everything creeps from criticism of the Israeli govt to criticism of the Jews and they applaud and cheer because they're all on the same side. And then... We all know where it goes. And that is how it goes. By the end is there a difference between the person carrying the red Australian flag and the person who went there to protest civilian deaths?

So this analogy is a piece of fiction for educational purposes, SR?
Zev, I see you live in the same suburb as sideswipe. I was talking to him about the ERUV that you have there. He hadnt heard of it. Did the council put it up. I was curious how something relatively private could be erected on public power poles.

If you weren’t displaying such bigotry I would think about making fun of your stupidity. It’s a fine suburb but I don’t live there.

Why are you persisting with making fun of(as far as I know/ didn’t know) an obscure religious practice?

On iPhone using mobile app
If you weren’t displaying such bigotry I would think about making fun of your stupidity. It’s a fine suburb but I don’t live there.

Why are you persisting with making fun of(as far as I know/ didn’t know) an obscure religious practice?

On iPhone using mobile app

note : add bigotry to the list

I thought you said that you went jogging in caulfield. My mistake. Anyway, I was just name-dropping you to Zev to show him that we're good mates and he could tell me about the ERUV in caulfield. I'm curious about it to answer your other question.
If you weren’t displaying such bigotry I would think about making fun of your stupidity. It’s a fine suburb but I don’t live there.

Why are you persisting with making fun of(as far as I know/ didn’t know) an obscure religious practice?

On iPhone using mobile app

btw, as youre a legal genius wipey and as you have been vociferous with your classification of me, I thought that I might ask you whether it is racist to criticise jewish people or whether it demonstrates bigotry. You might know the whoopi goldberg matter where she expressed an opinion that criticism of jewish people isnt racist.
btw, as youre a legal genius wipey and as you have been vociferous with your classification of me, I thought that I might ask you whether it is racist to criticise jewish people or whether it demonstrates bigotry. You might know the whoopi goldberg matter where she expressed an opinion that criticism of jewish people isnt racist.

You classified yourself as a bigot when you chucked a slur at an entire religious group as all of them being irrational and then doubled down with this bizarre persistent singling out of an obscure religious practice.

I guess the small mercy is at least you have put your real self out there for all to see.

Maybe take some time to reflect on that.

On iPhone using mobile app
You classified yourself as a bigot when you chucked a slur at an entire religious group as all of them being irrational and then doubled down with this bizarre persistent singling out of an obscure religious practice.

I guess the small mercy is at least you have put your real self out there for all to see.

Maybe take some time to reflect on that.

On iPhone using mobile app

do you volunteer with youth groups? lol
The last shah was ousted in 1979 and died in 1980.

And just to be clear, the Shah was a vain despot with an expansive 'secret' police which ruthlessly destroyed any semblance of democratic impulse.

He bankrupted the country, spending its money on military purchases and personal gratification.

His rule finally brought a broad-based revolution, which was hijacked by a-hole Ayatollah and associated religious wackjobs. The 'alliance' with progressives didn't fall apart; Khomeini had them butchered.

Manic's musings about the wonders of 1970s Persia are a fantasy from the murk of his own mind.
And just to be clear, the Shah was a vain despot with an expansive 'secret' police which ruthlessly destroyed any semblance of democratic impulse.

He bankrupted the country, spending its money on military purchases and personal gratification.

His rule finally brought a broad-based revolution, which was hijacked by a-hole Ayatollah and associated religious wackjobs. The 'alliance' with progressives didn't fall apart; Khomeini had them butchered.

Manic's musings about the wonders of 1970s Persia are a fantasy from the murk of his own mind.

it makes you wonder what might have happened to iran if the US/UK didnt like the elected leader in 1953.....

and then you wonder what might have happened to the palestinians if netinyahoo and his mates didnt encourage hamas in its infancy

and there's US invasion of iraq and the various radicals that caused...

etc etc...

and now the US is funding murder in gaza....

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