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It is recognised that this is a fraught topic for any number of you posting here. Some of you will have family in Israel or Palestine. Some of you will have connections to either side of the conflict. What you need to understand is that this site has rules governing posting standards and the appropriate way to talk to other posters, and you will abide by them.

How this interacts with this thread is that the following will result in your post being deleted, with a recurrence of the same behaviour resulting in (depending on severity) a threadban for a week and a day off:
  • direct labelling of someone as anti-semitic or a terrorist sympathiser for posting that is merely critical of Israel's response over time. Israel has the right to defend themselves from violence, but that does not mean that Israel has carte blanche to attack disproportionately towards people under their care.
  • deliberate goading or flippant responses, designed to get people reacting to your posting emotionally.
  • abuse.
  • attempts to turn this into a Left vs Right shitfight.
  • Use the word 'Nazi' in here, you had better be able to justify it in the post you're making and the comparison had better be apt. Godwin's law is in full effect for the purposes of this thread; if you refer to Nazis, you've lost whatever argument you're involved in.
  • Any defense of Hamas' actions on the basis of justification. There's no justification for genocide, regardless of whether or not they have the power to do so.
Please recognise that this is a difficult time for all involved, and some level of sensitivity is absolutely required to permit discussion to flow. From time to time, mods will reach out to specific posters and do some welfare checks; we may even give posters who get a bit too involved some days off to give people some time to cool down. This is not a reflection on you as a poster, merely that this is an intense subject.

I get that this is a fairly intense topic about which opinion can diverge rather significantly. If you feel you cannot be respectful in your disagreement with another poster, it is frequently better to refuse to engage than it is to take up the call.

From this point, any poster who finds themselves directly insulting another poster will find themselves receiving a threadban and an infraction, with each subsequent reoccurance resulting in steadily more points added to your account.

It has also become apparent that this needs to be said: just because someone moderates this forum that does not hold them to a different standard of posting than anyone else. All of us were posters first, and we are allowed to hold opinions on this and share them on this forum.

Treat each other with the respect each of you deserve.

Maggie5 Gone Critical Anzacday Jen2310
well this changes things entirely. You probably need to investigate whether your mother has enough status as a jew, to give you status as an israeli citizen.

If that's the case, then I wouldn't say anything negative in any forum about israel. They monitor everything and I'm sure that they would check out any negative online comments....and it would be a shame to give up an ability to live with a tax-free status in israel. Not that they dont pay tax, it's just that services are heavily subsidised by Americans.

Having said that, you might have to volunteer for the IDF etc. Alternatively, you might view that as fun.

So hold your powder, Manic.

well this changes things entirely. You probably need to investigate whether your mother has enough status as a jew, to give you status as an israeli citizen.

If that's the case, then I wouldn't say anything negative in any forum about israel. They monitor everything and I'm sure that they would check out any negative online comments....and it would be a shame to give up an ability to live with a tax-free status in israel. Not that they dont pay tax, it's just that services are heavily subsidised by Americans.

Having said that, you might have to volunteer for the IDF etc. Alternatively, you might view that as fun.

So hold your powder, Manic.
Mum was shunned by her jewish Relo's because you can't change from Judaism to any other religion. There are Catholics and there are protestants. Protestants go by the bible which says that the Jews are god's chosen people. They believe, accept and respect that. Catholics believe they are god's chosen people and the pope is pretty much their God. This is really important. Mum wouldn't accept jewish citizenship even if offered it to her. They wouldn't offer it to her anyway because she's Baptist.
Mum was shunned by her jewish Relo's because you can't change from Judaism to any other religion. There are Catholics and there are protestants. Protestants go by the bible which says that the Jews are god's chosen people. They believe, accept and respect that. Catholics believe they are god's chosen people and the pope is pretty much their God. This is really important. Mum wouldn't accept jewish citizenship even if offered it to her. They wouldn't offer it to her anyway because she's Baptist.
Have you seen Peter, Nick and Josh? The Greek islands? Lamb? All that seafood? Greek orthodox are god's chosen ones. Except for Con and Spiro. They're just dodgy mechanics who will rip you off whilst also collecting workers comp for fake back injuries, but maybe that's god's will.
I don’t know why I tapped on this thread. To be honest just two pages of reading has frozen me in my seat for the last half an hour.
The whole situation just saddens me deeply, as do all the conflicts, especially as there is nothing mysterious about why these things happen over and over again. The tactics, “reasons”, justifications for the same human atrocities century after century remain the same. The consequences of these conflicts are just as predictable. We know the solutions, they are difficult but achievable but mostly avoided because we don’t seem to actually want change and we are still ridiculously frightened of difference. I sometimes wonder if we’ve given up on the concept of human development outside of economics, property and power, it often seems that way.

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Mum was shunned by her jewish Relo's because you can't change from Judaism to any other religion. There are Catholics and there are protestants. Protestants go by the bible which says that the Jews are god's chosen people. They believe, accept and respect that. Catholics believe they are god's chosen people and the pope is pretty much their God. This is really important. Mum wouldn't accept jewish citizenship even if offered it to her. They wouldn't offer it to her anyway because she's Baptist.
well that probably stops the dual citizenship plan....

the tight membership of judaism is one of the few things that i like about it ahead of the other religions....and that means that they dont go out and try to convert people by giving them food etc like the christian missionaries.

But on the other hand, it really intensifies that god's chosen people concept and i think they believe it (especially those with the hair etc) far more than catholics. Catholics are a bit like the Pies and Carlton - arrogant because they think they're the biggest. However, it's not difficult to become a catholic if you follow the course they set.

Mel Gibson or more accurately his father, was from the old school of catholics who blamed jews for the death of Jesus. They certainly did nothing to discourage antisemitism. Catholics have been "managed" out of that since the early 1960s.

The world would be better without all of them. This war is just an example of a long list things that could be improved if we got rid of organised religion.
I don’t know why I tapped on this thread. To be honest just two pages of reading has frozen me in my seat for the last half an hour.
The whole situation just saddens me deeply, as do all the conflicts, especially as there is nothing mysterious about why these things happen over and over again. The tactics, “reasons”, justifications for the same human atrocities century after century remain the same. The consequences of these conflicts are just as predictable. We know the solutions, they are difficult but achievable but mostly avoided because we don’t seem to actually want change and we are still ridiculously frightened of difference. I sometimes wonder if we’ve given up on the concept of human development outside of economics, property and power, it often seems that way.
Re the above. I apologise in advance that I won’t be partaking in the thread again and therefor won’t be replying to posts. It’s just not good for my well-being. ✌️🙏
well that probably stops the dual citizenship plan....

the tight membership of judaism is one of the few things that i like about it ahead of the other religions....and that means that they dont go out and try to convert people by giving them food etc like the christian missionaries.

But on the other hand, it really intensifies that god's chosen people concept and i think they believe it (especially those with the hair etc) far more than catholics. Catholics are a bit like the Pies and Carlton - arrogant because they think they're the biggest. However, it's not difficult to become a catholic if you follow the course they set.

Mel Gibson or more accurately his father, was from the old school of catholics who blamed jews for the death of Jesus. They certainly did nothing to discourage antisemitism. Catholics have been "managed" out of that since the early 1960s.

The world would be better without all of them. This war is just an example of a long list things that could be improved if we got rid of organised religion.
I'm all for no religion, it seems to be the catalyst for most things war. I should add that in Africa, there are many Muslim missionaries who do exactly the same thing. It's not just the Christians that do it
Mum was shunned by her jewish Relo's because you can't change from Judaism to any other religion. There are Catholics and there are protestants. Protestants go by the bible which says that the Jews are god's chosen people. They believe, accept and respect that. Catholics believe they are god's chosen people and the pope is pretty much their God. This is really important. Mum wouldn't accept jewish citizenship even if offered it to her. They wouldn't offer it to her anyway because she's Baptist.
Manic, if you want to include US evangelicals as protestants, they certainly love israel, although they tend to be racist against jewish people. The reason for this is that they believe in the bible which predicts that jesus will come again when Israel returns to what it was in Jesus's time....that means expanding to the west bank and further. So evangelicals give money to israel to promote this. However, the bible also says that only a small number of converted jews will go to heaven, the rest will die....and so evangelicals are giving money to israel even though they think jewish people will be slain by god....and israelis accept the money because....well its money. Its basically warped.
interesting developments that provide background information as to why our country's leaders take the positions that they do in the middle east.

A group of billionaires in a new york whatsup group had "advised" the mayor to bring in the police to the university campuses. The advice was accompanied by political donations.

The police in california stood by and watched pro-israeli jewish protestors beat up the pro-palestinian students on cali campuses.

There appears to be significant support within jewish american students for the calls to stop the murders in gaza. However, the older generation appears to be far less supportive and tolerant. Everything has been nicely packaged by propaganda in the past, but it seems that the younger generation has developed immunity to the propaganda.....and now the tactics are becoming a little more persuasive.

The tail continues to wag the dog but not as effortlessly as it did in the past.

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You have them but can't exercise (enforce?) them

well that's a moot point ... a bit like whether a tree falling in a forest actually happened if there's no one to witness it. I wanted to use that line

the students on american campuses have rights too, or they thought that they did. People spruik on tv about how americans have rights but it seems that they only have a right to follow the pro-israeli view.

but yes, there are theoretical rights, i guess. Written in constitutions, discussed by academics.
well that's a moot point ... a bit like whether a tree falling in a forest actually happened if there's no one to witness it. I wanted to use that line

the students on american campuses have rights too, or they thought that they did. People spruik on tv about how americans have rights but it seems that they only have a right to follow the pro-israeli view.

but yes, there are theoretical rights, i guess. Written in constitutions, discussed by academics.

This question gets more butchered than .. than something that gets butchered a lot.
cant these religious folk just be quiet and fade into the shadows..... evidently i see that the catholic church is going to make a pronouncement on visions..... the last big one was about a century ago involving three children. The Pope made 2 out of the 3 saints.... i wonder which one was naughty...

evidently the pope put forward a big policy on human dignity.....the right to eat etc etc etc. Probably the right to get brainwashed as a child and be molested...just go away frankie..

evidently they want to get into the david grusch UFO scam
My point is you got the paraphrasing wrong. Of course the tree fell whether someone saw it or not. The question is is something a sound if it isn't heard.

well geez how would i know that you did a phd in gordon lightfoot...anyway the tree might have been lifted down by aliens
its surprising that there are reports of hamas activity in the north of gaza...the israelis have returned to flatten anything remaining but there still seems to be resistance. A recent report indicates just how difficult it is to wage war against the israelis. A couple of tanks saw a weapon poking from a building recently and they flattened the whole block. They then found out that it was 5 IDF in the building. It makes me wonder about the long held idea of hamas using civilians as shields. I dont think israelis have second thoughts about completely destroying an area where they think there are hamas. It makes the notion of a human shield ridiculous.
And Trump wants the chinese to pay $10 trillion for something the americans instigated? All the labs should be shut down...and anyone doing research on inventing viruses should be castrated...
Applying common sense to israel-palestinians....the professor uses simple words and simple sentences to discuss a complex topic...shame that the interviewer who ironically has prepared questions, doesnt have the same clarity.....but its a good primer to pass onto people who are looking for clarity in this area.


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