Conspiracy Theory Boston Marathon bombings - False Flag

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Sep 6, 2005
AFL Club
Early Evidence Indicates Boston Bombing Was a False Flag

Only hours after two bombs were detonated near the finish line of a Boston marathon, evidence is beginning to emerge suggesting that the act may have been a false flag attack.

While reports continue to emerge from the scene, a number of facts point toward the typical setup used to devise, control, and execute such an attack as took place around the 9/11, 7/7, and OKC bombings as well as the Aurora and Sandy Hook shootings.

One of the hallmark signals of a false flag attack, as Webster Tarpley has expertly demonstrated in his book, 9/11 Synthetic Terror, is the use of drills acting as a cover for sinister plans and mechanizations within the halls of the shadow government itself which ultimately manifest as false flag terror attacks. Much like the aforementioned attacks, the Boston Bombing also carried the trademark “coincidence” of a drill scheduled to take place at almost exactly the same time that the bombs were being detonated at the marathon.

For instance, earlier in the morning of April 15, 2013, the Boston Globe tweeted “Officials: There will be a controlled explosion opposite the library within one minute as part of bomb squad activities.”

In addition, it was reported by Business Insider in the article “2 More Explosive Devices Found At Boston Marathon,”[1] that a police scanner “said police were going to do a third, controlled explosion on the 600 Block of Boylston Street.”

Yet, despite the fact that the police had scheduled a highly “coincidental” explosion at the JFK Library, much of the mainstream reports regarding the device have presented it as another part of the Boston Bombing itself.

In fact, the New York Post reported almost the polar opposite of the Boston Globe in regards to the second device. It said, “Police confirmed a third explosion at JFK Library in Boston. Boston fire officials confirmed during a press conference that the third explosion was linked to the ones that occurred at the Marathon. There were no injuries reported from the third bombing.”

Andrew Katz of TIME tweeted that “police were investigating reports of bombs in other parts of the city,” and “Citing a police scanner, Katz tweeted that there was an ‘incendiary device’ possible at JFK Library as well as ‘another device’ in front of Boston’s luxury Mandarin Hotel.”

Business Insider also reported that, around 3 p.m., there was a fire inside the JFK Library but states that it was not related to the “terrorist bombings.” This, as I mentioned, is in direct contradiction to the later reports that the “fire” was actually an explosion related to the terror bombing.

Thus, we have a device planted inside the library by the police and confirmation that an explosion at the library was connected to the Boston Bombing. This fact alone should be enough to raise questions regarding the individuals responsible for the bombing. If the police had planted a device inside the Library and the explosion was related to the Boston Bombing, should there not be an immediate investigation of the police?

It should also be noted that Chris Faraone of the Boston Phoenix also tweeted that a police officer near the finish line stated, “There are secondary devices that have been found and are unexploded.”

Also interesting, however, is the fact that the University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach, Ali Stevenson, stated that bomb sniffing dogs were present at both the start and finish lines.
Speaking to Local 15, the local Boston news station, Stevenson stated, “They kept making announcements on the loud speaker that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about. It seemed like there was some sort of threat, but they kept telling us it was just a drill.”

At this time, law enforcement officials state that they have identified a suspect, a Saudi national currently in the hospital for shrapnel wounds. One must also wonder if this individual is nothing more than a mere patsy in yet another government-sponsored false flag. It is highly dubious that an individual (with the exception of a suicide bomber which this individual’s survival excludes him from) setting off such powerful bombs would stand so close to them as to be injured by shrapnel.

Ali Stevenson also stated that there was no doubt in his mind that the bombings were intentional and this much is quite clear.

The question, however, is who was behind them?

As Mike Adams of Natural News writes, “It’s far too early to take an informed guess on all this. However, it is indisputable that the FBI is actively engaged in carrying out bomb plots in the United States, then halting them at the last minute to “catch the terrorists.” This fact has been covered by the New York Times, among other publications.”

Indeed. And the track record of the FBI, as well as other elements of the governmental establishment, should be reason enough for us to continue watching these developments and the subsequent claims made by these agencies and individuals.


Facebook Page Set Up For Boston Marathon Bombings Days Before Boston Marathon Bombings


This is so strange. This kind of thing happened with Sandy Hook too I believe. Who knows who made it but common sense says that the perps who carried out the bombing did. If they did, why? None of it makes any sense but then nether does this bombing.


“Why Were People Told To Stay Calm Before The Bomb Went Off?” reporter asks without answer.


The Boston marathon bombing has the signature of the shadow government written all over it!

“Boston marathon bombing happened on same day as ‘controlled explosion’ drill by Boston bomb squad”, Mike Adams reports for Natural News.

“What’s not yet being reported by the mainstream media is that a ‘controlled explosion’ was under way on the same day as the marathon explosion.

As the Boston Globe tweeted today, ‘Officials: There will be a controlled explosion opposite the library within one minute as part of bomb squad activities.’

Some people believe this explosion might have been part of the demolition of another bomb. It seems unlikely, however, that a bomb at the library, one mile away, could be so quickly located and rigged to be exploded by the bomb squad in less than one hour following the initial explosions at the marathon.”[1].

This is the EXACT modus operandi of the secret brotherhood ruling the world from the shadows!

I remind you that during the 9/11 attacks, the US Air Force was conducting a “simulation” where terrorists hijackers had taken over passenger jets in order to fly them into the WTC towers.
“Simulations” of a terrorist attack were also undergoing in 2005 in London, when the actual attacks took place:

“On the afternoon and evening of 7th July 2005, information came to light about a private company running a terror rehearsal operation in London at the time that real explosions were reported to have occurred on the transport network. These revelations came not from an anonymous source but instead from the Managing Director (Peter Power) of the private firm running the terror rehearsal operation.”

Do you think it was just a coincidence? Well, think again!

Peter Power: “Our scenario was very similar (…) it was based on bombs going off, to the time, the locations, all this sort of stuff. (…) there was a few seconds when the audience didn’t realize whether it was real or not.
Yesterday we were actually in the City working on an exercise involving mock broadcasts when it happened for real. (…) When news bulletins started coming on, people began to say how realistic our exercise was – not realizing there was an attack.

I don’t know how many of you know, but almost one hour after the London Underground tube system attacks, a fourth bomb was detonated on the top deck of a double-decker bus.
But Mr. Power’s “simulation” did not included any bus bombing “simulation”…or has it?

Peter Power: “We simulated a scenario with multiple bomb explosions (…) and 1 bus interchange, to stretch ourselves and test our capabilities.” — [2] Source.

And there is more! During the Sandy Hook massacre, the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA conducted an exercise entitled: “Needs for children in disasters” at the same day, 12/14/2012, and in the same State as the Sandy Hook events! — [3] at 1:16:23 into the documentary.

The officials have already labeled this as a TERRORIST attack. It is indeed a terrorist attack, but the terrorists are the so called “elite” who stage and benefit from these acts of terror.

It is yet another deception, PLEASE, do not fall for it! As a result, we will loose even more of our liberties. Let us wait and see who will be falsely find guilty by the Babylonian Brotherhood and we shall find out what their secret agenda is, in this case. Stay OPEN MINDED and, please, share the article. It is crucial to spread awareness.

Update 01: “University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach, who was near the finish line of the Boston Marathon when a series of explosions went off, said he thought it was odd there were bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines.

‘They kept making announcements on the loud speaker that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about,” Coach Ali Stevenson told Local 15. “It seemed like there was some sort of threat, but they kept telling us it was just a drill.’

Stevenson said he saw law enforcement spotters on the roofs at the start of the race. He’s been in plenty of marathons in Chicago, D.C., Chicago, London and other major metropolitan areas but has never seen that level of security before.” — Source.

Update 02: Apparently, “Sandy Hook parents, families and townspeople were among the VIP attendees invited to sit in the grandstands at the finish line…the location of the first blast.” — Source.


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All very well, but have you no opinion whatsoever about the fate endured by the dead and wounded? Obviously not. To have one would interrupt your furious masturbatory self-flagellation.
I am surprised that there was a Facebook page but not a false-flag conspiracy before the event..
The FB thing is just a 4chan troll. Some good info otherwise.

I'm not the biggest fan of Alex Jones but this vid is pretty good. Navy Seals were all over the place.

Thanks for posting that Craft International photo.

It's an ongoing point of amazement to me that people are so ignorant and skeptical (still) of not only 'false flags', and them being carried out by governments on their own people, but also the spate of them occurring at increasing amounts as elements in the US Govt hasten their attempts to bring about martial law and/or put american civil rights (the last bastion) under the heels of the elite.

So much about Sandy Hook was exposed as false flag. And this Boston one now cracked wide open. People ought to snap out of their ignorance.

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Laughing at the level of fail in that Craft International photo.

I know the first thing I'd do when organising an international conspiracy would be to ensure my team is wearing matching jumpers, khakis and baseball caps.

You should have seen how much gear marked with a suspicious 'tick' was in the marathon course.

I've learnt that this 'tick' is for a group identifying itself as 'nike' the name of a Pagan godess.

Clearly a New World Order plot to take away our rights.
None of that photo was actual evidence. None. All it did was raise a few coincidences and suspicions, and asked questions about it.

However, this could be more suggestive of a false flag:

The poster predicts that investigators will find guns and a National Rifle Association book in the suspect's home, and that they will say one of the ingredients he used to make the bombs was reloading powder. That revelation, the anonymous poster predicts, will lead unnamed authorities to say "reloading powder shouldn't be for sale to the public," and that "because the powder in ammunition can be used for explosions that the number of rounds you can buy should be limited and taxed to help pay for these events."

GG did you see the talked about quote? I saw a screenshot (or maybe the original before it was taken down) of it earlier and will try to find it for you. Pretty interesting.
None of that photo was actual evidence. None. All it did was raise a few coincidences and suspicions, and asked questions about it.

However, this could be more suggestive of a false flag:

GG did you see the talked about quote? I saw a screenshot (or maybe the original before it was taken down) of it earlier and will try to find it for you. Pretty interesting.

Took that when it all started popping of on 4chan.

EDIT... liam inb4
Quite interesting that they have surveillance footage of the Boston marathon bombing, and caught the suspects on it, and were able to quickly locate and identify them, and release it to the public.....yet to this day....they still can't provide footage of a boeing flying into the pentagon, the most armed building with surveillance cameras in the world
Quite interesting that they have surveillance footage of the Boston marathon bombing, and caught the suspects on it, and were able to quickly locate and identify them, and release it to the public.....yet to this day....they still can't provide footage of a boeing flying into the pentagon, the most armed building with surveillance cameras in the world
Which is to concede that this thread is yet another stimulus for masturbation by you. As a person who has so many interesting opinions on other, unrelated topics, you should now consider this irrational obsession to be a distinct embarrassment. You have shot yourself in the foot.

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