Brushes with fame

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Lol. Now THAT'S one of those star-struck type stories. Not mocking you. But I guess that's what can happen when one is face to face with a mega-celeb of the highest order. Stalking them, stammering, nervous, things pass by quickly, you don't hear what they say, you say something timid/silly back.

Absolutely star struck and that wouldn't have come about with many others.
Have gone out with many people that may be labeled as stars without being star-struck, but even seeing De Niro, was on another level completely.

I just didn't expect it to be him in the bathroom and we were literally only inches away, face to face. I could see his mole clearly. :)

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Just on fast food really ticks me off. Every time I stand in line at a fast food joint, I always give the person ahead room. You don't stand right up against their ass. Can't count how many times, especially women, older ones but also those high-maintenance upwardly mobile 20-30 yo's, do the same thing as what Johns did. Just ignore everyone, not even ask if you're in line, and push right in. Every single time I have to pull them up on it. Not letting anyone get away with that shit. So much "fast food waiting line rage".

Hate people like that.

I witnessed a nerd stand up for himself and pwn someone that did that to him once, was quality viewing. He's deciding what to order but not directly in front of the counter. These other people come barging in and move ahead of him and are trying to get the attention of person behind the counter.

Super nerd, starts to ark up and tells them to step back because he was here before them.

Just the look of the guy (skinny, glasses) - wouldn't have expected that from someone like him!
Once spent a night on the piss (along with some fellow crew members) with Billy Thorpe and his band at the Nippon Club in Broome swapping stories.

Tim Bailey, channel 10 weatherman was billeted at our house for a week or 2 for a footy carnival when he was a teenager. He came over from Tassie where his old man was a famous cartoonist.

Tim Kaiser was my high school sports teacher, he was also coach of the Geelong SuperCats at the time and Cal Bruton and James Crawford quite often showed up for basketball clinics with us.

Grade 6 teacher was a Geelong footballer, on Friday afternoons when things were slow, we'd often have other Geelong players jump the fence and come and grab him out of the class, we'd spend the last hour of the week playing kick to kick with them on the dodgy school oval.

I used to know a few Swans footballers. I was in Sydney with the Navy one year and was bored on a Sunday night so I walked up the hill to The Cross and went to the Aussie Rules club (it was a public holiday the next day). The Swans reserves had won the gf the day before and were all up stairs celebrating, a couple of the blokes that I knew invited me in. They said the bar staff didn't have a clue so just tell them that I played for The Swans and it was free piss and food all night. We finished at some ungodly hour and staggered outside with Troy Luff yelling abuse at me for freeloading on them. He did this while he had 3 of my cigarettes simultaneously in his mouth and all going.

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I saw Dennis Rodman in Vegas one night coming out of a bar with literally about 3 women on each arm, walking off with them to his hotel or wherever. All of them smoking hot 20-something gold-digger types.

He was in town for some reason a few years ago and crashed our works Christmas party. He just had a few drinks and was dancing before going out to clubs.

Stinking hot summer day in Manly. School holidays. I'm standing in line at Hungry Jacks. Millions of people in there, was waiting in line forever. Hot stinking claustrophobic. Everyone's irritable I guess.

So I'm next person up after the person being served. You know how you stand a meter or so back, so you're giving the person some room. That's what I'm doing. In rocks up two men with two women and some kids. The lead guy (Johns) just walks straight into that gap, without looking at me or anyone else, at least ASK if I'm in line.

So he just walks in there, with all his entourage joining him, and because there's a bunch of them, it's squishy, so he takes a step back to let them in and steps on my toes and nudges me with his shoulder backwards. Doesn't turn or anything. Fck everyone else, I'm Joey Johns. I tap him on the shoulder, "The line's back there, buddy" I say to him. He looks at me like "don't talk to me", giving me that squint like I'm crazy. Then turns back, chatting away and laughing with his group/family. I raise my voice a little more, "Hey, go back there".

Just as I say this, the person being served finishes and the girl at the counter calls out "next, yes please can I help you", and Johns steps forward to make his order. I yell a bit louder again to the girl that I'm next in line and he pushed in. One of the women with Johns looks at me like I just killed her 8 year old daughter's dog, shocked. The guy with Johns says something to me, I dunno what. I step forward and around the kids and woman and stand side-on to Johns, "You're not pushing in."

He was kinda half-leaning on the counter. He stands up tall, leaning in, and says, "you yanks are all arrogant loudmouths". While he was saying that, I noticed how skinny he is, skinny torso, skinny legs, but has an abnormally big ass for such a body shape. I say, "maybe, but at least I don't have a fat girly ass". Something in him clicked over. That laughing face and boisterous voice of his vanished in a heart-beat. He had like a twitch in his eyelid. His eyes sad and demented. He was stuck for words.

The girl at the counter, and everyone else looked at me like I was the devil. But I persisted, pushed back in, and said to the girl (looking right to Johns then left to me and back again), "I just want some fries and a cola". I felt a little guilty now. Everyone in there was staring at me, the place had gone quiet. I stood over to the side to wait for my order. Johns still pushed in ahead of the others and got served. He was fuming, and his male friend was talking to him, like calming him down. I just avoided eye contact. They still gave Johns' order, multiple burgers etc, before my measly soft drink and fries. :rolleyes:

Johns and group started to leave. He turns his head around and says, "You're lucky I'm with my kids or I'd smash you". He's walking on out. I call out, "I'm standing right here fat ass" like c'mon then. He stopped and made a half-gesture to come back down the stairs at me, but his male friend pulls him away. I look around, and everyone's glaring at me, silence, shock. Some kid says to me, "do you know who that is?" I say, "who is it?". He says, "that's Joey Johns!" I make that wrist gesture like "who?" I take my order and leave.

Some weeks later, I was talking to a random shop owner in Mona Vale about this incident. And the guy's jaw dropped, but then he started laughing. I said "what?" He goes on to say he knows a lot of rugby league players and Johns, and says that Johns is very very very self-conscious about his ass, so touchy about it, worse than a woman, and that I have a knack for finding people's weaknesses.

Joey is a client of ours, I think I'll be seeing him in NZ in a months time. Definitely going to ask him about this and wind him up about his fat ass.

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