Competition Can-Am Premiership 2016 - CHAMPIONS: MIAMI VICE

Vote for the uniform theme that you want in the 2016 season.

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Multicultural kits would be sick.

How do you propose that this is implemented?

Currently some teams in the NBA do have Chinese uniforms (so it is within the realm of the Can-Am to do this), but the NBA teams also have writing on the front of their uniforms that can be converted (yes the Can-Am have names on the back, but would this make it any different to what happens in the AFL?).

So if the Can-Am was to adopt this how would it work? What would the guidelines be for designs? Would it be a specific nation for all teams, or open to teams to decide on a specific nation, or would it be a design that is meant to represent all people in all countries?
How do you propose that this is implemented?

Currently some teams in the NBA do have Chinese uniforms (so it is within the realm of the Can-Am to do this), but the NBA teams also have writing on the front of their uniforms that can be converted (yes the Can-Am have names on the back, but would this make it any different to what happens in the AFL?).

So if the Can-Am was to adopt this how would it work? What would the guidelines be for designs? Would it be a specific nation for all teams, or open to teams to decide on a specific nation, or would it be a design that is meant to represent all people in all countries?
Maybe a rule like "a significant design element similar to GWS Giants" thereby allowing unrestricted creativity but not allowing a simple colour or language change like Port
How do you propose that this is implemented?

Currently some teams in the NBA do have Chinese uniforms (so it is within the realm of the Can-Am to do this), but the NBA teams also have writing on the front of their uniforms that can be converted (yes the Can-Am have names on the back, but would this make it any different to what happens in the AFL?).

So if the Can-Am was to adopt this how would it work? What would the guidelines be for designs? Would it be a specific nation for all teams, or open to teams to decide on a specific nation, or would it be a design that is meant to represent all people in all countries?
Something like this (early design for my team)
From memory it says Hundred
Recoloured league logos
- I'm really against this and I don't think it's required. Only the MLS does it, and I don't think the MLS is very representative of general US sports aesthetic.

League wide single number and name font. (MLS)
- As above. The MLS isn't representative of US sports as a whole.

Removal of shorts colour rule for home and away kits (allowing coloured shorts on home and white on away if team chooses to do so), guernsey and socks remain majority white at home and coloured away. (NHL, reverse of NFL)
- I'd consider making it so either the shorts or the socks must be majority white on the home, but the other can be coloured. Let people choose. Definitely keep at least one of them majority white.

Removal of specialty uniforms and reverting to Home, Away, and Alternate uniforms only.
- If this is just because of the recent controversy, don't worry too much about it. Alternatively, remove restrictions on special kits and just give people 1 alternate and 1 special kit where they can do as they please, whether it be heritage, city pride, Spanish night, colour rush or whatever.

Single uniform manufacturer to be introduced. Choice to be made by the teams, with majority decision. (CFL, MLB, MLS, NBA, NFL, NHL)
- I actually really, really like this idea with a vote to decide it. It happens basically across the board with US sports and that's exactly the sort of thing we should be pushing for. If this goes ahead, i'd also be standardising the location of the league and manufacturer logos

I know you've specifically said no, but i'm again going to call for the removal of enforced sponsors. People can use them if they want, but I don't believe they fit with the aesthetic and I find them to be a massive hinderance on these kits. While they can really make or break an NAFL kit, I find that in this case i'm trying to get a wordmark on the front because nothing screams US sports like a chest wordmark, but then I have to squeeze in a sponsor logo as well and it looks cluttered, and clutter is not what you generally see on a US sports uniform.

If sponsors continue i'll continue to use Sony because it's not eye catching and i'll continue to make it as small and invisible as possible.
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Recoloured league logos
- I'm really against this and I don't think it's required. Only the MLS does it, and I don't think the MLS is very representative of general US sports aesthetic.

The MLB now does it with the Majestic logo on their uniforms as well.

League wide single number and name font. (MLS)
- As above. The MLS isn't representative of US sports as a whole.

I know, just an option to consider. It is certainly not something that is guaranteed to be implemented, and more likely will never happen.

Removal of shorts colour rule for home and away kits (allowing coloured shorts on home and white on away if team chooses to do so), guernsey and socks remain majority white at home and coloured away. (NHL, reverse of NFL)
- I'd consider making it so either the shorts or the socks must be majority white on the home, but the other can be coloured. Let people choose. Definitely keep at least one of them majority white.

Only reason I would be against this is that having a single item that is different rather than it being a choice brings a bit of uniformity across the entire league. Plus it makes it easier for me to make sure the designs meet the guidelines (only having to look at one area rather than two). Also having the guernsey and socks white is a more realistic clash alleviator than guernsey and shorts (from an actual game perspective).

Removal of specialty uniforms and reverting to Home, Away, and Alternate uniforms only.
- If this is just because of the recent controversy, don't worry too much about it. Alternatively, remove restrictions on special kits and just give people 1 alternate and 1 special kit where they can do as they please, whether it be heritage, city pride, Spanish night, colour rush or whatever.

Nah nothing to do with that, just makes it easier for scheduling and less taxing on the designers, meaning that (hopefully) they can get their designs in earlier with only 3 kits to make instead of 4 or 5. I am open to those options should people want them.

Single uniform manufacturer to be introduced. Choice to be made by the teams, with majority decision. (CFL, MLB, MLS, NBA, NFL, NHL)
- I actually really, really like this idea with a vote to decide it. It happens basically across the board with US sports and that's exactly the sort of thing we should be pushing for. If this goes ahead, i'd also be standardising the location of the league and manufacturer logos

I agree, my only concern is that with all the different templates out there, not everyone would have the same collar/design elements that occur with a single manufacturer. However, if it was to be a single manufacturer just in logo on the uniform only, then there is no issue with it happening and being implemented.

I know you've specifically said no, but i'm again going to call for the removal of enforced sponsors. People can use them if they want, but I don't believe they fit with the aesthetic and I find them to be a massive hinderance on these kits. While they can really make or break an NAFL kit, I find that in this case i'm trying to get a wordmark on the front because nothing screams US sports like a chest wordmark, but then I have to squeeze in a sponsor logo as well and it looks cluttered, and clutter is not what you generally see on a US sports uniform.

If sponsors continue i'll continue to use Sony because it's not eye catching and i'll continue to make it as small and invisible as possible.

I know that it is the case, but with the CFL, MLS and NBA having logos, and the NFL and NHL considering them, it is now an inevitability that the Can-Am is ahead of the game on.
Ok have gone through the received messages and updated who has submitted and who either has no submissions or partial submissions.

Those missing a design have been individually messaged to remind them.

Those who have not submitted are: E92_ (Chicago), stormy2 (Edmonton and Detroit), Discrim (Great Lakes) and Norm Landrover (Newfoundland) {though Discrim has not been on since the beginning of the month, and Norm hasn't been on for months}.

If you are going to submit entries please try and get them in ASAP Preferably by the end of the day Sunday (31st July). The same for those missing entries. Those who have not submitted anything also let me know if you do not intend to submit (Mostly looking at E92 and Stormy for this).

Also if you intend to alter designs (to align with the amended rules) this is now your last chance to do so (this is optional).

As soon as I know that I have all the entries submitted that I am going to get I will work out the draw and get the competition going.
Ok have only one person who has to submit a single design and has not yet replied, will be messaging them again in the next few minutes.

E92_ what is your status? Are you not entering or are you going to get someone else to finalise your design?


stormy2? stormy2? stormy2?
Sorry for no update, I have had a very busy week. I am nearly ready to get this going. All teams with partial entries have now submitted and are ready to go.

E92_ and stormy2 I know you have both been on and would have seen the above post. Could you please let me know what is happening with your entries so I can get this going. I would like at least one of your complete team entries if possible (would make the conferences 11 teams and 14 teams), two would be better (12 and 14), and of course all three would be great (13 and 14). If it remains 10 and 14 I may have to move a team or two (ones that have not updated their designs to feature the new logo as the imbalance is too great at the moment.

Once I know what is happening I can get the draw done and get this going.
Ok, as I have not heard from stormy2 (which I am not too pleased with, but there isn't anything I can do, so oh well), I have removed his teams from the competition and as such we will have a competition of 24 teams. This broke down to a split of 14 in the East and 10 in the West, so with that I have moved two teams to the West from the East. These two teams were the most logical geographically to be moved and as neither designer resubmitted designs with the new logos it made the move even easier. So the new conferences are now:


Alberquerque Angry Koalas
Fort Worth Reserves Troops
Indiana Bluebirds (Moved from Eastern Conference)
Los Angeles Dolphins
Minnesota Elk (Moved from Eastern Conference)
Oakland Dragons
Oklahoma City Might
Portland Brewers
San Antonio Armadillos
San Francisco Bloodhorns
Seattle Space Rangers
Vancouver Sea Eagles


Atlanta Panthers
Boston Green Monsters
Brooklyn Patriots
Cincinnati United
Miami Vice
New York Force
Orlando Lightning
Philadelphia Fighters
Pittsburgh Pitbulls
Tampa Bay 100s
Toronto Thunderbirds
Washington Hawks

I will now create the draw, there will be 15 rounds, with each team playing every team from their own conference once and 4 teams from the other conference once. The top 6 from each conference will then progress to the play-offs.

I will hopefully have the draw done in the next few hours and will be able to get the competition going within the next week (if not today if I can get the time to get everything ready).