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Tweeted by Auskadi this morning is an email directed to Little.

The claim seems that 3 people on the board are disgruntled, just not Madden on his own.

Essendon Football Club
275 Melrose Drive
Melbourne Airport VIC 3045
By email:
Attention: Mr Paul Little
29 July 2014
Dear Mr Little
James Hird
I have read with concern a report in media that the Board of the Essendon Football Club recently
deliberated the future of James Hird as Senior Coach of the Club in 2015 and 2016 .
Specifically, it has been reported that “Hird is understood to have lost the support of up to three
directors” of the Club.
I request that you circulate this letter to each member of the Board, to communicate the following
1 Each member of the Board needs to be reminded that they serve at the pleasure of the
2 James Hird retains the overwhelming support of the membership of the Club. We regard him
as having exhibited commendable restraint in the face of a ceaselessly vindictive media
campaign bearing no proportion to the responsibility he bore for the events at the Club in
2011-2012, and the likes of which has never been directed at any sporting figure in public
3 Any attempt by the Board or the Club to remove James Hird from his coaching position in
2015-16 will be met with the immediate requisition of an extraordinary general meeting to
spill the board and replace the directors authorising and/or failing to intervene against such
4 I trust that you have confidentiality arrangements in place with each of the directors
covering the disclosure of Club business, including board deliberations. If not, they should be
implemented. In the event of continued disclosures of sensitive Club business to media, an
extraordinary resolution will be brought without further notice, with the view to having the
breaches of confidentiality investigated and –if appropriate– proceedings brought against
the offending directors.

Who sent this e-mail?

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Nathan Bock speaking about retirement:

and despite my best endeavours and those of the medical and high performance staff, unfortunately the time has come to end my football career

I wonder who will coach us if the board does strong arm a no Hird return and I'm getting a bit annoyed that this is all gaining speed before the court case...

I am concerned Niel Craig has his grubby little hands on this and angling for the position...
Tweeted by Auskadi this morning is an email directed to Little.

The claim seems that 3 people on the board are disgruntled, just not Madden on his own.

Essendon Football Club
275 Melrose Drive
Melbourne Airport VIC 3045
By email:
Attention: Mr Paul Little
29 July 2014
Dear Mr Little
James Hird
I have read with concern a report in media that the Board of the Essendon Football Club recently
deliberated the future of James Hird as Senior Coach of the Club in 2015 and 2016 .
Specifically, it has been reported that “Hird is understood to have lost the support of up to three
directors” of the Club.
I request that you circulate this letter to each member of the Board, to communicate the following
1 Each member of the Board needs to be reminded that they serve at the pleasure of the
2 James Hird retains the overwhelming support of the membership of the Club. We regard him
as having exhibited commendable restraint in the face of a ceaselessly vindictive media
campaign bearing no proportion to the responsibility he bore for the events at the Club in
2011-2012, and the likes of which has never been directed at any sporting figure in public
3 Any attempt by the Board or the Club to remove James Hird from his coaching position in
2015-16 will be met with the immediate requisition of an extraordinary general meeting to
spill the board and replace the directors authorising and/or failing to intervene against such
4 I trust that you have confidentiality arrangements in place with each of the directors
covering the disclosure of Club business, including board deliberations. If not, they should be
implemented. In the event of continued disclosures of sensitive Club business to media, an
extraordinary resolution will be brought without further notice, with the view to having the
breaches of confidentiality investigated and –if appropriate– proceedings brought against
the offending directors.

It's been sent to the "general enquiries" inbox. In my experience that's EFC code for "trash folder".
I cannot fathom how any person with an official role at the club could even consider speaking out of school to Parrot.
Did you answer my post - Other's from the Footy Department or Executive have gone into the distance without a whimper. Do you think Hamilton or Robson were maligned or scapegoated ?

I discuss a range of Essendon employees who have been impacted by this saga - My focus is not just on Hird.

Anyway I can see an EGM on the way.
Yaco, where does Hird fit in the governance issue? Where do Hamilton and Robson?

Answer that and you just might understand why you are talking garbage.
I wonder who will coach us if the board does strong arm a no Hird return and I'm getting a bit annoyed that this is all gaining speed before the court case...

I am concerned Niel Craig has his grubby little hands on this and angling for the position...

I will be seriously pissed off if Neil Craig is ever head coach of our club. I don't have an issue with him being amongst the coaching staff, but not head coach, No thank you.

I don't see why we need to buckle to anyone. The club should come out strong in the press and simply say "Any decisions made by the EFC are being made with the best interest of the club, it's players and it's supporters. Journalistic opinion is just that and won't in any way affect us". Leave it at that, let the foamers foam, and get on with it.

As for board members leaking to the press, that is inexcusable in this climate.
How many of that third would be not wanting Hird to return because we have bomber?
A mate at work wants bomber to be head coach next year, happy for Hird to become Ass. Coach, which would make him one of that third

That's quite some punihment. Just what would this new role invole? How do you coach Ass? (Mick Malthouse will probably know the answer to this..)

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Just echoing the views of those re board leaks to Caroline ****ing Wilson.

For all the genuine points of discussion that can be had on this issue, which can often cause disagreements, surely whether leaking highly sensitive, confidential information to this poisonous bitch is ever, in any way, shape or form, in the best interests of Essendon Football Club, is not, nor will ever be, a point for debate amongst members and supporters.
I take it that the question is directed at me.

Yes, I think that Hamilton/Robson/Corcoran are innocent of any compliciity in use of illegal substances. The only wrongdoing they are guilty of is governance eg checking invoices, supervising Dank and Robinson more closely.
Are you trying to make some twisted argument that because they went, though not responsible, so should Hird and Thompson?

Not sure what you are getting at with the sarcasm re the collateral damage of players getting suspended.
But, I am not underselling the gravity of player suspensions, just saying it isn't Hird's or Thompson's fault if they are suspended. It is Dank and Robinson who would be at fault.

Flailing around sacking all in sight to make a clean start, irrespective of responsibility, is just dumb.
Agreed. where does one draw the line on responsbility?
Should Hird have been there for all injections?
Should he have injected them himself?
Even though the vials may be labelled, how do you know that thats the drug inside? Should he have been at Alavi's clinic to make sure they were mixing the right compounds?
Should he have mixed the compounds himself?

If we start going after the overall person in charge, how high up do we go? Coach, Pres/CEO, AFL, government???
Is it Julia Gillards overall responsibility to make sure australian codes are drug free?
If it is her responsibility the logic dictates its Tony Abbotts fault...
Sydney Friday night. This is all a non issue. I commend the club, Thompson and Hird for the way they are handling the transition back.
I will be seriously pissed off if Neil Craig is ever head coach of our club. I don't have an issue with him being amongst the coaching staff, but not head coach, No thank you.

I don't see why we need to buckle to anyone. The club should come out strong in the press and simply say "Any decisions made by the EFC are being made with the best interest of the club, it's players and it's supporters. Journalistic opinion is just that and won't in any way affect us". Leave it at that, let the foamers foam, and get on with it.

As for board members leaking to the press, that is inexcusable in this climate.
Had someone say, unlikely to be a board member.
Likely to be someone far lower down the chain and heard some conflict, but one small bit of conflict is common in board meetings.

Caro's likely got it from down the chain somewhere and used an article to exploit the situation. See if it causes any reaction and so on.
Had someone say, unlikely to be a board member.
Likely to be someone far lower down the chain and heard some conflict, but one small bit of conflict is common in board meetings.

Caro's likely got it from down the chain somewhere and used an article to exploit the situation. See if it causes any reaction and so on.

Then it's time to get serious. Until further notice what happens in the board room stays in the board room, unless unanimous agreement that information is to be divulged through approved channels to approved recipients.
Agreed. where does one draw the line on responsbility?
Should Hird have been there for all injections?
Should he have injected them himself?
Even though the vials may be labelled, how do you know that thats the drug inside? Should he have been at Alavi's clinic to make sure they were mixing the right compounds?
Should he have mixed the compounds himself?

Didn't Sheedy have his fingers in every pie of the coaching, recruitment and football departments; causing unrest with other internal staff and eventually the board? Wasn't this the key change to the club to introduce management positions to the football department to claim some control back into the club...away from one man. A lot was learnt and put into place to help the club perform much better off the field, with stakeholders put into place to oversee departments. at the end of Sheedy's tenure and all through Knight's, our club improved in many departments to have the strong grounding we saw up to and including 2012.

To me, it seems that when we touted Hird to come back to the club that we threw everything at him to get him over the line. At the time, he was a great get and don't get me wrong, the guy is a smart bloke that has the ability to be good at anything he turns his hand to. But when we get back to the situation (I believe) of one man overseeing the running of the club, then things get missed.

If Hird is returning to the club as coach, my bet is that it will be under completely different circumstances than what was originally offered. It will he up to him if the deal is still as acceptable as what it once was.
I wonder who will coach us if the board does strong arm a no Hird return and I'm getting a bit annoyed that this is all gaining speed before the court case...

I am concerned Neil Craig has his grubby little hands on this and angling for the position...

This is my concern too - he has the most to lose when Hird comes back as Senior Coach, and they are looking for a role for Thompson...
Where the **** is this bullshit coming from? I thought it had already been decided Hird would be coaching next year? :s
Where the **** is this bullshit coming from? I thought it had already been decided Hird would be coaching next year? :s

This bullshit is coming from the murmurings that at board level there is a small number of board members that want Hird removed, and the media has caught wind of it and using it as another angle to have Hird removed from coaching.

Basically the usual suspects are not necessarily going to attack Hird going forwards, but try and pressure the club into getting rid of him. At least that's the way I read the cards.
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