No Doctor will put his balls on the line for that - unless clubs bully themSome sports doctors are quite proficient in reading imaging before a radiologist finalises a report. Granted, CT w/ contrast is the gold standard in definitive spleen diagnosis. When I first started out as a sports trainer 44 1/2 years go, we had an opposition player receive a blunt trauma abdominal injury that was, as time progressed, clearly more than just winding. Called an ambulance because he was in all sorts of pain. One symptom was radiating left shoulder pain. I remember to this day the paramedic saying, "Guaranteed spleen laceration." He was right when confirmation came though later that day. I stored that away and it came in handy 42 years later in a state league match with the same clinical presentation. Also, some sports doctors have ultrasounds which will pick up free fluid in the abdominal cavity. May not give clear imaging of which organ is affected, but, free fluid demonstrates something is wrong. And, an ultrasound will pick up a rib fracture quite accurately.