News Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread IV

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That isn't remotely like terrorism.

Its closer to what Kristo Langker did than terrorism.

I'm more concerned that a politician calls that incident urban terrorism.
So you are not concerned that violence and threats of violence by a small minority have become normalised over the last couple of months?
I very much hope I am wrong, but i think it may only be a matter of time and we are going to see something terrible happen to a politician/s.

All sides of politics need to stand up and condemn this behaviour, before it is too late.
Scott Morrison issues response after coming under attack from Labor state premiers over way out of pandemic | Sky News Australia

I am all against violence, but understand that people don't like government's telling them what to do.


He is happy to throw the premiers under the bus to secure the anti-everything vote.


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I very much hope I am wrong, but i think it may only be a matter of time and we are going to see something terrible happen to a politician/s.

All sides of politics need to stand up and condemn this behaviour, before it is too late.
You can't shrug away death threats. Particularly if there is a loose network of support for them. Sooner or later some "hero" will act for the cause. I have no doubt ASIO will be going nuts in the background at the moment.
That's a pretty ****en loose definition of terrorism, in fact its garbage. But either way I'm not intimidated by any of those campaigners and I'm pretty sure you aren't either.

By that definition there are people on this website who are terrorists. After all more than one individual that posts here admitted they were on the front lines during the Patricks dispute and that definition can be stretched to cover what happened back then. Even tho it should never be.

So you are not concerned that violence and threats of violence by a small minority have become normalised over the last couple of months?

I'm not concerned by most of the stuff we're seeing in the streets no. I've seen that sort of stuff all my life and for the most part I've supported it. When I haven't it mostly hasn't bothered me, if I have been bothered them I've turned up and taken action myself.

I don't approve of people attacking vaccination clinics or medical facilities used for vaccination. Its assault and its disgusting behaviour. But we have laws about that sort of criminal behaviour and we can (and should) enforce them.

By the way this is from the Attorney general's website.

A terrorist act is an act, or a threat to act, that meets both these criteria:

  • it intends to coerce or influence the public or any government by intimidation to advance a political, religious or ideological cause.

  • it causes one or more of the following:
    • death, serious harm or danger to a person
    • serious damage to property
    • a serious risk to the health or safety of the public
    • serious interference with, disruption to, or destruction of critical infrastructure such as a telecommunications or electricity network.

Advocating, protesting, dissenting or taking industrial action are not terrorist acts where the person doing the activity does not intend to cause serious harm to a person or create a serious risk to public safety.

Anyone guilty of committing a terrorist act could face up to life imprisonment.

They haven't achieved any of those things in the second part of that act. They haven't even posed a serious risk to public health and safety with their pissweak attacks on vaccination centres and they certainly haven't intimidated anyone into not getting vaccinated from fear of them. None of that stuff in the video is a real organised threat to MacGowan's safety.

MacGowan is just letting his inner fascist out. He's no different to mining company execs calling environmental protestors terrorists.

If someone attacks or even kills a politician my question would be why the **** didn't the AFP or ASIO/ASIS stop it?

That's their job. They've turned this country into a slumbering police state over the last 20 years on the basis of the terrorism threat. They have more than enough equipment and personel and they have the legal means to prevent such an attack so if one happens its their fault for failing to prevent it almost as much as it is the perpetrators.

But their powers and access to resources are so great right now that I am confident they will prevent any serious political violence. Surely they aren't so incompetent or useless that this pack of dumb**** nuffies could pull off an actual terrorist attack.
You can't shrug away death threats. Particularly if there is a loose network of support for them. Sooner or later some "hero" will act for the cause. I have no doubt ASIO will be going nuts in the background at the moment.
Has there been an explicit death threat against a politician or vaccination provider?
Has there been an explicit death threat against a politician or vaccination provider?
I'm not completely sure, but the papers have certainly indicated that there have been without going into specifics (that I have read).

You can bet that bloke who was leading the gallows around will have his phone & social media accounts tapped at the moment.
Scott Morrison issues response after coming under attack from Labor state premiers over way out of pandemic | Sky News Australia

I am all against violence, but understand that people don't like government's telling them what to do.


He is happy to throw the premiers under the bus to secure the anti-everything vote.


He lies so often and so regularly that I don't think he even knows what the truth is anymore. I suspect for Scott the "truth" is whatever he thinks will save his skin in tomorrow's news cycle.

This from the Government of such shit policies as Indue Card (which tells people where and how they can spend their money) and believes in can do capitalism (but doesn't mind handing over billions to companies in charity at the first chance).
Has there been an explicit death threat against a politician or vaccination provider?
Daughter of crossbench MP attacked amid heated pandemic bill debate (

But hey nothing to see here right?

You are 100% wrong to dismiss this as a passing whatever. These are real concerns, with real threats that have now manifested themselves into real violence against the family of a member of parliament.

And that is not to forget the police that have been hospitalised by these people.

Dismiss this at your peril, this is a type of politics we haven't seen here since the 1920s, and one I had hoped was buried in the dustbin of history.

Do you really want to see these public figures with Secret Service type protection for them and their families as the norm in this country?
If someone attacks or even kills a politician my question would be why the fu** didn't the AFP or ASIO/ASIS stop it?

That's their job.

I thought you were a serious player, but this is straight out of the anarchists cookbook.

Any other crimes that we will accept if the authorities fail to prevent it from occurring?

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Daughter of crossbench MP attacked amid heated pandemic bill debate (

But hey nothing to see here right?

You are 100% wrong to dismiss this as a passing whatever. These are real concerns, with real threats that have now manifested themselves into real violence against the family of a member of parliament.

And that is not to forget the police that have been hospitalised by these people.

Dismiss this at your peril, this is a type of politics we haven't seen here since the 1920s, and one I had hoped was buried in the dustbin of history.

Do you really want to see these public figures with Secret Service type protection for them and their families as the norm in this country?
From the start i think that all the states were being too lenient with people who were protesting. If they had come out from the start with a zero tolerance policy people would have thought twice about this kind of behaviour. They just let them assault and batter police relentlessly with almost all the offenders being allowed to leave with no consequences. If they had involved the army and cracked down hard on any non peaceful protests the results might have been different. Jail time (10 years) plus massive fines of 6 figures plus would have been a good start, only the most hardcore would ever consider violent protests with such harsh penalties applicable if they were apprehended.
So with new rules what does that entail for you and family G.R. ?

If you are a contact of someone who tested positive:
Household contacts: You must quarantine at home (for 7 days if fully vaccinated and for 14 days if not fully vaccinated). A household contact is someone who lives with a case or has spent more than four hours with them in a house, accommodation or care facility.

Social contacts: If you are a social contact of someone with COVID-19, you are strongly recommended to get a standard (PCR) test at a testing centre and isolate until you get a negative result.

Workplace or education contacts: You will be informed by your workplace or education facility. You are required to get a standard (PCR) test at a testing centre and stay isolated until you get a negative result, and show evidence of your test result before returning. You will also be offered rapid antigen tests for recommended use afterwards.

Other contacts: The Department of Health may directly provide you special advice (including to get a PCR test or quarantine) if you have attended some high-risk public venues where positive cases have visited. You must follow that advice.
From the start i think that all the states were being too lenient with people who were protesting. If they had come out from the start with a zero tolerance policy people would have thought twice about this kind of behaviour. They just let them assault and batter police relentlessly with almost all the offenders being allowed to leave with no consequences. If they had involved the army and cracked down hard on any non peaceful protests the results might have been different. Jail time (10 years) plus massive fines of 6 figures plus would have been a good start, only the most hardcore would ever consider violent protests with such harsh penalties applicable if they were apprehended.
Protests are fine and necessary. The death threats are coming from a minority. Sort them out for sure.
Has there been an explicit death threat against a politician or vaccination provider?

Not sure about any specific death threat and I doubt if the public would be made aware of it if there was, but recently Daniel Andrews did not travel to an organised event in Bendigo, because the Police warned that it would be unsafe for him to do so. Make of that what you will
Has there been an explicit death threat against a politician or vaccination provider?
There was a security breach at Mark McGowan's home recently.

Unrelated, but this was in the same article....

One man has already been charged after allegedly making death threats to Mr McGowan in a YouTube video.

Father-of-two Jamon Allan Hartzer, 42, faced Armadale Magistrate's Court on Friday after his arrest on Thursday night.

Australian Counter-Terrorism Group officers allegedly found four high-powered rifles at the truck driver's house, with a police prosecutor telling the court they were 'unsecured' and least one was loaded.

Mr Hartzer, who the court heard has bipolar disorder, was supported by his wife and parents at court and was refused bail, with the magistrate noting a 'term of imprisonment' would be likely.

He is charged with threatening to kill, failing to comply with firearm or ammunition storage requirements and making a statement or giving information that was known to be false and indicated a threat.

'You have called death and death has answered – he has answered to you. You called death and he said hello I am death – I am death. And you're f**ked,' Mr Hartzer said in one video.

'Anybody who is complicit with you is going to die – there is no mercy for you. You can't force vax people — we are going to start shooting you at the door.'
Society has become too polarised. People are so convinced that they are not just right, but morally superior to the "other side". When you're convinced both that you're right and that the people on the other side are morally bankrupt, it's easier to justify taking extreme action. The answer is to try and bring different sides closer to the middle. The media has to play a role in that, politicians have to play a role in that, and some f***wits need to take some personal responsibility for their own f***wittedness and take a good hard look at how they're behaving.
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