Multiplat Games you love that others don't

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Wave Race is the reason I ended up getting a 64. I remember being at Myers with my mum not long after it launched and they had Wave Race playing on the screens and even she was amazed at how good it looked. So much so that she caved and bought it on the spot. Love that game.

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The G1 Jockey games - Love, love, LOVE these games for a break from my regular gaming schedule every now and then. They just keep getting better too. Only gripe is it's still too easy to win most of the time, but that could be because I play it so much :oops:
Im playing the last one from time to time...
As a punter I love it!
Medal of Honor: warfighter
Game is so underrated its not funny. This is probably due to the release of the new COD game I would think.
Critics rate it 4.5 out of 10.
Gameplay is really good and the storyline is amazing. So the car chase missions are shit, I mean who wants to do long and boring car chases in a war game? I certainly don't. But the pro's certainly outweigh the con's in my view.
Medal of Honor: warfighter
Game is so underrated its not funny. This is probably due to the release of the new COD game I would think.
Critics rate it 4.5 out of 10.
Gameplay is really good and the storyline is amazing. So the car chase missions are shit, I mean who wants to do long and boring car chases in a war game? I certainly don't. But the pro's certainly outweigh the con's in my view.

I hated Warfighter and I'm not a COD player.
Football Manager. Nobody understands. They look at it and it's pretty much always the same questions...

"So what do you actually do?"
"You just watch them play?"
"Can you control them at all?"

And then the inevitable conclusion:
"So it's just a complicated version of excel pretty much?

It was worse before the 3D match engine. My roommate would look at me and ask why I was watching dots rubbing against each other for hours at a time.

For me it would be Privateer 2. It's pretty much seen as the black sheep of the Wing Commander universe due to it being a bug-riddled mess and having layers of complexity from the original stripped down, but I loved the story at the time (the FMV segments starred actors like Christopher Walken, John Hurt and Clive Owen so it actually had a ton of talent involved).
Janes fleet command, an oddly crap game that I just couldn't stop playing. I'm a sucker for old school strategy games like the xcom series, dune 2, etc.
I don't know if it's hated or not, but I absolutely adore The Witcher 1; so much so that I actually enjoy playing that much more than Witcher 2. I dig Witcher 2, but I believe so many people underestimate the first Witcher.
Does anyone remember Mischief Makers on N64? Man I loved that game at the time but again I just didn't know anybody else who had it.

Such an epic game. Found my original copy over christmas.

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Not an unpopular game worldwide, but I haven't seen it mentioned in a post on this board without it being trashed in the next sentence.
I really enjoyed the game.

However, the complete lack of story and absolutely horrible, horrible ending meant that the game was seen and put in a bad light. I haven't heard a lot of people trash the game though, here or elsewhere.

The sequel was superior in every way though.
For me, Alpha Protocol was a blast - a secret agent RPG type game with a great dialogue system. Got smashed by reviewers for being so glitchy (which I learned to ignore as I loved the game so much) and sold poorly so unlikely to see a sequel. If it had some more polish, would have been much better received.

A game that would be close to my all time favourites was freedom fighters on the PS2. It reviewed well - not sure on sales but just seems to never have gotten the praise and acclaim it really deserved.
A game that would be close to my all time favourites was freedom fighters on the PS2. It reviewed well - not sure on sales but just seems to never have gotten the praise and acclaim it really deserved.

That was made by the team who made Hitman IO Interactive.

It reviewed real well in fact, I played it in the day and it was solid as all hell. Don't think it sold well enough to get a sequel though. Would have lended itself well to 4 player co-op this gen as well
Lost Planet 2.

This game was both bad and good! Terrible, terrible single player game with some of the most stupidest achievements.

Defeat 30 bosses (one playthrough will give you 6)
Complete 300 chapters (game has 6)

But its co-op multiplayer was amazing. I must of finished that game 5 times in co-op, didn't even get past the second episode in single player...

Football Manager. Nobody understands.

I played FM06 on and off until I got FM12. No matter how many times I changed computers, I'd always have a backup with my FM save files. I always hated when someone would be looking over my shoulder, but it took fantasy football to another level. Take an average English team from second/third division to the Premier League and qualify for Europe. Swap over to a major team with a dodgy player list and incredible debt and turn them into a major powerhouse. In between, prepare a national team (I always tried to apply for Australia) and qualify for the World Cup.
I played FM06 on and off until I got FM12. No matter how many times I changed computers, I'd always have a backup with my FM save files. I always hated when someone would be looking over my shoulder, but it took fantasy football to another level. Take an average English team from second/third division to the Premier League and qualify for Europe. Swap over to a major team with a dodgy player list and incredible debt and turn them into a major powerhouse. In between, prepare a national team (I always tried to apply for Australia) and qualify for the World Cup.

My single greatest achievement was leading Forest Green Rovers from the Blue Square premier league to the Euro cup. Nothing beats masterminding a relegation escape, promotion or league or cup triumph.

I honestly think that the football manager games, pound for pound offer the greatest value as a game. You can replay so many careers over and over and it never really gets old. Sure you might take a break and play something else for a while but FM will somehow drag you back :thumbsu:
That was made by the team who made Hitman IO Interactive.

It reviewed real well in fact, I played it in the day and it was solid as all hell. Don't think it sold well enough to get a sequel though. Would have lended itself well to 4 player co-op this gen as well

Yeah that's right! I remember there being some rumours of a sequel a few years back but sadly looks like nothing happened/will happen. I loved the recruiting of freedom fighters and telling them to attack/defend certain points of the battlefield. Added a nice tactical element to the game.
It was worse before the 3D match engine. My roommate would look at me and ask why I was watching dots rubbing against each other for hours at a time.

And it was probably worse before that with the Championship Manager ones (The decent ones, not the ones that are now known as CM), it just had the boxes with text in them. Although it was good in a way trying to use your imagination as to where the ball was on the pitch
To this day I only ever use the text commentary, will never use the match engine. I've been playing CM/FM for 15 years dammit, text commentary is just the way it's meant to be!
A game that would be close to my all time favourites was freedom fighters on the PS2. It reviewed well - not sure on sales but just seems to never have gotten the praise and acclaim it really deserved.

Blast from the Past, I've still got that game. Was really great, remember the hectic multiplayer, mowing down all your mates 'recruits' until they realise which base your trying to take and storm you. Might plug it in for a replay soon.

As for games I love that get alot of hate. MGS2 is my favorite MGS so far, controversial. Also I'm hooked on Diablo 3 since launch, absolutely loving it, 190k dps barb and trying to break into the truly elite leagues.

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