Happy Australia Day 2024!!

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This thread is fxxking gold!..

Geez we need the footy season to start dont we..

One game against those power flogs and we’ll all be lined up shoulder to shoulder in the trenches backing each other up again!
You and Mutineer lined up side x side cheering on Keays!
It’s what dreams are made of!

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That is nice you have moved on. No, it's not generation ago. Some Stolen Generation Aboriginals are still in their 50s. Living it now. Do you know what it was like to be ripped from your mother's arms, listen to your mothers screams as she is raped, have her suicide because her kids were taken from her, never see your mother, brothers or sisters again, be beaten with fern hooks and whipped with stock whips, be tied to trees like a dog and locked in hot tin sheds, not know your name or birth date, be beaten for speaking your language, told you are worse than animals, put in the pen with pigs, escape and live in the bush when you are around 5 doing anything you can to survive, live in long grass camps without parents, listen to the rapes and beatings. People still carry that.
Yep I have and I am a white man. My family non existent to me. Yes I know that feeling but I cant complain about it all my life. I just had to get on with living through it. I will say though I wasn't tied to a tree but I was whipped. I was put into a State reformatory not into foster care. Life was difficult. So I can sympathise but you just have to move on somehow.

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Personally had a great Aussie Day.
Went to a party with a quarter pounder, but ended up leavingView attachment 1894635 with a double quarter pounder with cheese.

I'm so wasted in this pic.
Happy you didn't walk in with a "Whopper".

A burger fight on Australia day is not a good look.

Happy Australia Day 2024!!

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