If your child supported another team.....

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I'm curious. What would you do if your child supported another team instead of following your lead?

I know some on here have children, some old enough to have declared their allegiance. The rest can run a hypothetical on how they might feel. Chances are most of you differ from your own parents as to where your loyalties lie. How did they feel? Is their a bit of disharmony after the match between your two sides?

For some of the more vocal fans on these boards, how would you Bomber or Magpie fans feel about your child supporting the Blues? Or a Crow's offspring crazy for the Power?
Some people generalise and claim that they hate all "Carlscum" fans for example. Would that apply to your child too or would you be a hypocrite?

My father is a Richmond fan but he started following the game the same time as me so I didn't have any deep rooted culture to adhere to.

If my daughter decided she wanted to be an Essendon or Collingwood supporter, I think I might have to use the 'hands over the ears', "la la la la I'm not listening" method.

mens sana in corpore sano - a sound mind in a sound body
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Oh and I'm going to sleep now. Not without using my topic to post my 300th. I'm not one of those people who would post a whole topic congratulating themselves. Double posting in the one thread is my limit.
My brother brainwashed his son. When he was about 2 he would say he barracked for "the penguins" because they were black and white. It was a constant Collingwood message from the day he arrived.

Needless to say he is 8 now, loves playing football and supports Essendon.

My brother tries to stay cool about it, but I doubt that this particular child will be included in his father's Will....

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All my family are fanatical followers of the NZ All Blacks and when I announced to the clan that I didn't follow Rugby anymore and had started to play and support Australian Rules, well, I was an instant sporting outcast.

They still have enormous problems with my allegiances but at least that part of my family that still lives in Adelaide has an inkling of what I am on about, but those of my brothers that live here in Sydney really do think I have taken leave of my senses.

Ironic thing is - I am the only member of our to have ever played Rugby (or Australian Rules)the others all played soccer or basketball. And now they call me a twit for not liking Rugby very much !
A key component of brainwashing a child is to keep a length of birch in clear view. Better still, don't have kids and your family will stay pure (doesn't do much for the family tree, though).

Other bands play, Manowar KILL !!!!!!!!!
Good post TODN

Well i have a daughter emma who post on here sometimes and she is well known on nicks bulletin board.Well im proud to say she has been going to every collingwood game since about the age of 5 she is now nearly 15 and she is a one eyed collingwood follower and its a good feeling when you are at the footy and your most precious belonging is going feral for the club that i myself have held most lovingly for the past 35 years!!!
The magpie tradition lives on in my family
and it feels good to know when i am gone emma will be there barracking for our beloved pies, just as my folks did and my dear grandparents as well.
I've been taking my 6 year old to the football since she was 4 (next year I will be taking the 4 year old as well). When they get older, will they support any other team?? Like hell they will, we need all the members we can get !!! lol.. Seriously though folks, it's the game I want them to be involved with. If they decide they want to barrack for the Bombers or the Bulldogs so be it, they will still be taking an interest in the game, and that's what is important..
Welllllllll, my folks never liked AFL. Because we lived in Sydney, Rugby League was their thing.
I'm glad I thought otherwise! Something drawed me towards AFL and I had made up my mind. My parent's didn't care. However, I have made my folks get into AFL more and they have a clearer understanding of it. They too barrack for the Tigers - they didn't really have a choice

If i had kids and they barracked for a diff team, I wouldn't mind but i guess there would be a few wars after a certain match!
My eldest daughter doesn't hold a lot of interest in football, but whenever asked always faithfully answers 'Tigers'.

My 6 year old son has a best friend who is a Geelong supporter. One day he came home and said I barrack for the Cat's now.

I looked at him straight in the eye (glared really!) and said "No. No you don't. You barrack for the Tigers." He replied "Oh yeah, that's right." That was the end of that. Hasn't even thought about deviating from the faith since.

I guess the key to this is taking them along to games wherever possible. That way they get involved with the excitement of following the team, and are not just another TV team as is the case with English Soccer, NBA, NFL etc. The footy is real to them!

The youngest daughter is only 9 months old. Not really old enough to form any allegiance. Nonetheless, on the day she was born, even before I bought some flowers for FF, I had already decked her out with a Richmond beanie.

It does start from the cradle!

This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.
Originally posted by Darky:
A key component of brainwashing a child is to keep a length of birch in clear view. Better still, don't have kids and your family will stay pure (doesn't do much for the family tree, though).

Well ... I'm a cruel man ... but fair!!!

And I reckon you've got the right idea, Darky. And if that doesn't work there's always retrospective abortion.

**floreat pica**

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Originally posted by The Old Dark Navy's:
I'm curious. What would you do if your child supported another team instead of following your lead?

I would immediatly know that they were not my child. I would leave my wife for tricking me into thinking that it was.
If my children grow up wanting to follow a team other than the Lions, I will know I have failed as a parent!!!!!!!!
lol. Ummm I guess if all forms of bribery didn't work, I would just grit my teeth and buy them a membership of their club of choice.
Can't speak for young tackers (as I don't have any yet).

But, I have gone out with a series of women over the years, all of whom where either historically non-Essendon supporters or indifferent to footy/ sport in general.

Without exception they have all duly converted to the one true faith....

Does this count?

PS. ODN, I would love any child of mine, even if they had cerebal palsey, two heads, *** , straight or hermaphedite. But if they so much as think of supporting that blue scum they will be out on their arses... (note: I'm not overly worried about their chances of supporting the pies...)
My one year old currently has membership to two clubs (Roos & Cats) I would like to think that I wouldn't mind whoever she chose to barrack for, but the reality is I will not be taking her to any AFL game unless the Roos were playing, likewise for the hubby and Cats. She received a Cats backpack, umbrella & raincoat for Christmas from Nana, which has been bundled up and placed deep, deep, deeeep into the back of the cupboard. I'm hoping that seeing as my daughter was born October '99, and went to all Roos games at MCG that season pre-birth, I have a distinct advantage over hubby (but I keep that quietly to myself!)
Hi all just a quick message as I only have 5 mins before the library throw me out. Merry Xmas to you all, I hope I can find another PC to use soon. Anyway back to the topic, my kids were born Bombers & will die Bombers, no choice or they will get disinherited.

Cheers talk to you soon, god I love Victoria.

Just wouldn't happen. I had my bloke woofin before he said "Daddy". I simply said he wouldn't be seeing any games if he didn't follow the dogs and I took him at 4 years of age. He had no chance.
I just couldn't see it happening in my family either, tho my young nephew is such a little rebel at 4 and a half that he may be the one to break the mould in the future. Lucky that will be my sisters problem and not mine.

My little bloke has been going to the footy since he was born. My father had the vision to plan ahead and foresee the growth of the membership base here in Brisbane, and the possiblility of ground redevelopment. So since the little tyke of mine was 18 months old, he has had his 'own seat'. Dad wanted to ensure that we were able to get seats together for the future. Good Call Dad!! Now he is 7 and is a Lions devotee! However he does enjoy watching the other games on tv and does actually chose who he would like to win those games (not sure of the logic behind the choices tho).

Can't see the little fella ever following anyone else but Brisbane.
I would make my children barrack for Essendon although if they didn't want to barrack for the Bombers (although why wouldn't they barrack for them) I could probably handle them barracking for anyone else apart from Collingwood, Carlton or Kangaroos.
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