Society/Culture Is antisemitism on the rise?

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"People have been marching and calling for ceasefire for months but apparently to you it's all be antisemitic hate and vile slogans" Don't put words in my mouth!
You could actually be specific about what you're talking about you know
You are so intellectually limited that it's a f****ng joke that you are even allowed to be a moderator let alone a super one.
Yes very thoughtful response
You live in a bubble where the plight of people is just some cause célèbre. You have no idea of the reality of what is happening over there as you have no idea of what is happening in the indigenous communities outside of the big cities.
Ah the old I've got no idea and I'm stupid
Much easier than actually responding

You jump on board minority, so called "radical" bandwagons and think that you know what is good for others on the say so of people like blak fascist and extremists who scream vile, racist slogans as if that is going to bring peace and security to people's lives.
Again broad generalisations and othering of people from the community you propose to support because you don't like what they say.

You give me shit for jumping on bandwagon then say stuff like this

Those morons that tried to gatecrashe the ALP conference in Melbourne did absolutely nothing but re-enforced the perception that the zionist lobby and Dutton want the citizenry to believe, that is, that pro-Palastinian people such as me are antisemitic extremists!
I have heard accounts of one person yelling homophobic slurs at a gay MP
That stuff needs to be shut down, I don't know if that person was ejected from the rally or not, but I've not heard about anything actually said beyond that.

I've seen the Premier and others claim that one person was actually the entire group chanting antisemitic and homophobic phrases without any proof.

The rally was organised by unionists they were protesting the government who is in bed with Israel and providing weapons and banning wearing anything in parliament that could be considered showing support to Palestinians including watermelon earrings

I don not consider that "from the river to the sea" is controversial, nor antisemitic. It's just another bit of victimhood crap being peddled by the right wing which you and others have taken serious offence at and instead of laughing at the f****rs,
When you don't get specific about what you mean by chanting vile slogans this is the result.
When the senate condemns to the River to the sea it's more than right wing victimhood

you've taken the bait and and played right into their hands - just as happened when Morrison's pentecostal moron Deves made transgender an "issue" and you and some in the bourgeois party, took the bait and went bunta and the only people that copped s**t were transgender people but that's OK, so long as you are happy fighting for a "cause".
I have zero idea what you're on about here

As for "that's one theory A two state solution is certainly a popular idea", it's what the Palestinian people have been fighting for since they were stripped of their land in 1948, that is, wanting to reclaim their ancestral land.
Israel have refused anything other than total control so again how do you actually see it working?
Definitely. I think the risk of running an ethnostate is that if your government commits war crimes and does a lot of rotten things, people are going to dislike your kind.

Israel used their religion to hide from criticism in the past, and now it's coming back to bite them.
Definitely. I think the risk of running an ethnostate is that if your government commits war crimes and does a lot of rotten things, people are going to dislike your kind.

Israel used their religion to hide from criticism in the past, and now it's coming back to bite them.
There are certainly groups and people jumping on this to stoke antisemitism

they're always going to look for opportunities to do this

You've got zionists attacking other Jewish people for not being zionists, you've got them claiming every criticism of the state is antisemitic which can devalue the power of the term

and its giving people an easy in to be antisemetic

the amount of antisemitic and anti Islamic shit I am seeing on the webs at the moment is much higher than usual and its sustained because of this ongoing conflict, its feeding off it

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Definitely. I think the risk of running an ethnostate is that if your government commits war crimes and does a lot of rotten things, people are going to dislike your kind.

Israel used their religion to hide from criticism in the past, and now it's coming back to bite them.
Israel is not en ethnostate. Every country that has ever been to war has committed war crimes including Australia.

You could use the same arguments to justify hatred to Muslims if you were as bigoted. You could say "I think the risk of committing terror campaigns in the name of your religion, committing war crimes and terrorism and doing a lot of rotten things, people are going to dislike your kind. Islam used their religion to hide from criticism in the past, now it's coming back to bite them"

Imagine what kind of bigoted person would come up with a justification like that for Islamophobia.
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Apparently leading a government committing war crimes and having an arrest warrant against you is.... antisemitic?
He's a massive problem currently but as usual the media are doing what is wanted by running with his statements as the headline

At this point I have to think they do it because they want to do it

They've decided journalism = being stenographers for right wing political figures who constantly lie
He's a massive problem currently but as usual the media are doing what is wanted by running with his statements as the headline

At this point I have to think they do it because they want to do it

They've decided journalism = being stenographers for right wing political figures who constantly lie
What power do you think Israel exerts over Australian media? How does it work?
Israel is not en ethnostate. Every country that has ever been to war has committed war crimes including Australia.

You could use the same arguments to justify hatred to Muslims if you were as bigoted. You could say "I think the risk of committing terror campaigns in the name of your religion, committing war crimes and terrorism and doing a lot of rotten things, people are going to dislike your kind. Islam used their religion to hide from criticism in the past, now it's coming back to bite them"

Imagine what kind of bigoted person would come up with a justification like that for Islamophobia.
Yes, you could - that's the point I'm making. Israel has spent a long time trying to blur the like between being Israeli and being Jewish, in order to deflect criticism of Israel as being antisemitic.

Now that they're committing horrible crimes, that blurred line is now a massive issue for Jewish people worldwide.
What power do you think Israel exerts over Australian media? How does it work?
Hey Jazny if you're still asking this question in May of 2024 then you're not asking in good faith.

But even more importantly you didn't even read what I wrote properly

I didn't say anything about Israel having power over the media

I wrote this

At this point I have to think they do it because they want to do it

They've decided journalism = being stenographers for right wing political figures who constantly lie
You'd have to think so.
There is no 2 state solution.
Zionists need some protocols.

The Protocols of Zion

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a fabricated text purporting to detail a Jewish plot for global domination.​
It has been described as "probably the most influential work of antisemitism ever written"​
Hey Jazny if you're still asking this question in May of 2024 then you're not asking in good faith.
Dodging the question is more likely a sign that you are acting in bad faith than me just asking it.
Hey Jazny if you're still asking this question in May of 2024 then you're not asking in good faith.

But even more importantly you didn't even read what I wrote properly
You also wrote this "He's a massive problem currently but as usual the media are doing what is wanted by running with his statements as the headline"

As wanted? As as is wanted by who? Forgive me if I assumed you meant Israel here...

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Dodging the question is more likely a sign that you are acting in bad faith than me just asking it.
I'm not dodging the question, I and others have been over this with you in more than one thread more than one time and you just keep doing this

Governments influence media, the Israeli government influences media.

Politicians influence media

Politicians give soundbites to media that they want to run with for clicks

headlines are frequently direct quotes of politicians as if that is the story

hence my commend about stenographers in my original post
You also wrote this "He's a massive problem currently but as usual the media are doing what is wanted by running with his statements as the headline"
In this instance Netanyahu and the government of Israel want the story to be that charging him with war crimes is antisemetic

ABC are giving him that with that headline
As wanted? As as is wanted by who? Forgive me if I assumed you meant Israel here...
You can't work it out?
I'm not dodging the question, I and others have been over this with you in more than one thread more than one time and you just keep doing this

Governments influence media, the Israeli government influences media.

Politicians influence media

Politicians give soundbites to media that they want to run with for clicks

headlines are frequently direct quotes of politicians as if that is the story

hence my commend about stenographers in my original post

In this instance Netanyahu and the government of Israel want the story to be that charging him with war crimes is antisemetic

ABC are giving him that with that headline

You can't work it out?
If that's what you think, you seem to not really know how journalism works. Is it possible that "Netenyahu Labels Arrest Warrant Antisemetic" was the headline in that particular video because it was about Netenyahu's response to the charges? And look at the headline in this video:
It's almost like they write the headline that sums up the story they are reporting on... or maybe that US lawyer has a junket he takes Australian journalists on too.
I'm a little uncomfortable with allegations of 'Israel manipulate the Media'.

That's the identical argument put forward by Neo Nazis (the Jews/ 'Hollywood elites' control the media).

It's not true, and its straying into antisemitic tropes.

Seems to me you're conflating two different things here.

All kinds of organisations work to influence reporting to be more favourable.
I'm a little uncomfortable with allegations of 'Israel manipulate the Media'.

That's the identical argument put forward by Neo Nazis (the Jews/ 'Hollywood elites' control the media).

It's not true, and its straying into antisemitic tropes.
You don't think politicians and governments manipulate the media?

Or you are uncomfortable with calling out Israel because of Nazi tropes?
I'm a little uncomfortable with allegations of 'Israel manipulate the Media'.

That's the identical argument put forward by Neo Nazis (the Jews/ 'Hollywood elites' control the media).

It's not true, and its straying into antisemitic tropes.
I understand your point, and this whole discussion is very difficult because it's just enabling actual anti-Semites and islamophobes to grow and spread their hate.

Like the post at the top of this page referencing the 'protocols of zion'...

But there has to be space for a legitimate discussion around media influence in Australia.
We know and can state that the US has influence over Australian media.
We know and can state that Murdoch has influence over Australian media.
We know and can state that lobbyists have influence over Australian politicians and outcomes.
We have to be able to discuss the concept that Israel (not the citizens) could have some influence over Australian media.
Especially if a number of Australian Jews are also making the same kind of statements and claims.

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