January 6 hearings.

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Well you're entitled to your opinion that the US admin can lock up (or otherwise prevent from running) the opposition candidate. But as an anti fascist I simply can't agree with you on that one.

So you think Hitler should never have gone to prison for the Beerhall Putsch?

Odd position for an anti-fascist to have.

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What if the opposition candidate only runs to avoid suffering the consequences of his/her illegal activities?
If the voters (who are well aware of the allegations against him) hypothetically plan on electing him as president, then denying them their choice is as anti-democracy as you can get. I don't believe for a second that anyone actually gives the faintest of shits about him inflating the price of a condo or keeping boxes of documents by the toilet or telling people to peacefully demonstrate at the capitol (and then peacefully leaving office after his legal challenges failed).

Many people despise him so much that they don't think they can trust the voters. "We know better than those working class hicks who are voting against their own interests. They aren't smart enough to be trusted with a vote, we intellectuals need to decide for them".
And that's fine, but be honest about it. It's not about the crimes. If it were then no POTUS from the last 3 decades+ would've been permitted to run for office m8. It's not about muh rule of law that everyone suddenly pretends to care about, it's about arrogance and a vendetta!
So you think Hitler should never have gone to prison for the Beerhall Putsch?

Odd position for an anti-fascist to have.
With the benefit of hindsight then any remotely decent person would say Hitler should've copped the death penalty well before he had the chance to commit any of the unspeakable evil that he did. We're not exactly comparing oranges with oranges here m8.
If the voters (who are well aware of the allegations against him) hypothetically plan on electing him as president, then denying them their choice is as anti-democracy as you can get. I don't believe for a second that anyone actually gives the faintest of shits about him inflating the price of a condo or keeping boxes of documents by the toilet or telling people to peacefully demonstrate at the capitol (and then peacefully leaving office after his legal challenges failed).

Many people despise him so much that they don't think they can trust the voters. "We know better than those working class hicks who are voting against their own interests. They aren't smart enough to be trusted with a vote, we intellectuals need to decide for them".
And that's fine, but be honest about it. It's not about the crimes. If it were then no POTUS from the last 3 decades+ would've been permitted to run for office m8. It's not about muh rule of law that everyone suddenly pretends to care about, it's about arrogance and a vendetta!

With the benefit of hindsight then any remotely decent person would say Hitler should've copped the death penalty well before he had the chance to commit any of the unspeakable evil that he did. We're not exactly comparing oranges with oranges here m8.
Dear me the mental gymnastics on display here. Congrats FK a job at Newsmax awaits.
If the voters (who are well aware of the allegations against him) hypothetically plan on electing him as president, then denying them their choice is as anti-democracy as you can get. I don't believe for a second that anyone actually gives the faintest of shits about him inflating the price of a condo or keeping boxes of documents by the toilet or telling people to peacefully demonstrate at the capitol (and then peacefully leaving office after his legal challenges failed).

Many people despise him so much that they don't think they can trust the voters. "We know better than those working class hicks who are voting against their own interests. They aren't smart enough to be trusted with a vote, we intellectuals need to decide for them".
And that's fine, but be honest about it. It's not about the crimes. If it were then no POTUS from the last 3 decades+ would've been permitted to run for office m8. It's not about muh rule of law that everyone suddenly pretends to care about, it's about arrogance and a vendetta!

With the benefit of hindsight then any remotely decent person would say Hitler should've copped the death penalty well before he had the chance to commit any of the unspeakable evil that he did. We're not exactly comparing oranges with oranges here m8.
The USA system is not about a fair chance to vote. So suppressing a candidate for an erratic association with facts and causing insurrection is not big when voters are themselves suppressed and gerrymandered
Trump is a narcissistic sociopath and anyone who thinks he should be in charge of anything is either stupid or filled with hate so I don’t have any qualms about saying his supporters are idiots and he would be disqualified from running in any sane country.

FFS him and his enablers have destroyed faith in the honest media that used to hold power to account. They’ve destroyed trust in science, medicine, education, equality.

They are creating a hate driven, post truth society where politics has become a cesspool of increasingly crazy, corrupt, immoral creatures who compete to say the most hateful, offensive sound bites while completely denying any objective reality.

Jail them all forever. They are a menace to the free world.
Well you're entitled to your opinion that the US admin can lock up (or otherwise prevent from running) the opposition candidate. But as an anti fascist I simply can't agree with you on that one.

But what if said candidate was an actual fascist?

If the voters (who are well aware of the allegations against him) hypothetically plan on electing him as president, then denying them their choice is as anti-democracy as you can get. I don't believe for a second that anyone actually gives the faintest of shits about him inflating the price of a condo or keeping boxes of documents by the toilet or telling people to peacefully demonstrate at the capitol (and then peacefully leaving office after his legal challenges failed).

Many people despise him so much that they don't think they can trust the voters. "We know better than those working class hicks who are voting against their own interests. They aren't smart enough to be trusted with a vote, we intellectuals need to decide for them".
And that's fine, but be honest about it. It's not about the crimes. If it were then no POTUS from the last 3 decades+ would've been permitted to run for office m8. It's not about muh rule of law that everyone suddenly pretends to care about, it's about arrogance and a vendetta!

With the benefit of hindsight then any remotely decent person would say Hitler should've copped the death penalty well before he had the chance to commit any of the unspeakable evil that he did. We're not exactly comparing oranges with oranges here m8.
Did hitler have a spray tan too ?
Jail them all forever. They are a menace to the free world.
Slow down there a minute Chairman Mao. You must see the irony in jailing people for disagreeing with you in order to somehow prevent fascism? Fighting fire with fire I guess. Personally I'd leave it up to the voters to decide instead of presuming that I could better decide on their behalf!

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Slow down there a minute Chairman Mao. You must see the irony in jailing people for disagreeing with you in order to somehow prevent fascism? Fighting fire with fire I guess. Personally I'd leave it up to the voters to decide instead of presuming that I could better decide on their behalf!
The voters where trump stuffs the ballots and still loses?
He only knows so much about fraud because he did all those things he accuses the democrats of.

And trump if you are readings this and want to sue for defamation be my guest you orange ****stick
Slow down there a minute Chairman Mao. You must see the irony in jailing people for disagreeing with you in order to somehow prevent fascism? Fighting fire with fire I guess. Personally I'd leave it up to the voters to decide instead of presuming that I could better decide on their behalf!
So the yanks should let Schwarzenegger run for President and "let the voters decide"????
Am I the only leftie that actually agrees with the Trump *ers that the sentences for the participants appear pretty draconian?

I know it's the USA and they don't * around generally when it comes to lengthy sentences, but 20 odd years seems steep for a bunch of vulnerable people cooked by social media (and basically manipulated by the President) into doing what they did.
No you're not. Some of them have got sentences that were way to long, others deserve what they got. There were dudes walking around with zip ties (and I presume weapons) to take prisoners and they should have gone down for decades imo.

Others looked like they were there for a laugh not a murder spree or coup.
Slow down there a minute Chairman Mao. You must see the irony in jailing people for disagreeing with you in order to somehow prevent fascism? Fighting fire with fire I guess. Personally I'd leave it up to the voters to decide instead of presuming that I could better decide on their behalf!

They are being jailed because they broke the law.
As has Trump, repeatedly & long before he became a politician. He belongs in jail because he’s a lifelong fraud, conman, sex pest & lowlife.
He has no business being in charge of anything let alone a government.
The state governments are being very careful how they conduct themselves in the 14A issue. They are following their state constitutions to a t. Elections have also been the purview of local authorities. That is how it is usually done. That is how states can gerrymander up the yingyang while the rest of the world watches and shakes its head. It's Boss Hogg time. The only reason ATM there is any pushback is that the local GOP are defying state supreme courts.
and IIRC a major part of the reasoning for the SCOTUS to pick apart to Voting Rights Act is because of state supremacy when it comes to elections.
Am I the only leftie that actually agrees with the Trump *ers that the sentences for the participants appear pretty draconian?

I know it's the USA and they don't * around generally when it comes to lengthy sentences, but 20 odd years seems steep for a bunch of vulnerable people cooked by social media (and basically manipulated by the President) into doing what they did.

No they don’t at all to me. I wouldn’t care who did what they did. Trying to subvert the peaceful transfer of power should mean you have the book thrown at you.

Maybe if these people can be rehabilitated in prison and declutter their minds they could be allowed to be released sooner and rebuild their lives.

Also another thing, there needs to be a deterrent for those who will want to do Jan 6 revisited in future.

However I’d like to see the real perpetrators like Guiliani, Powell etc see the heavier jail time.
So the yanks should let Schwarzenegger run for President and "let the voters decide"????

By the logic of FK literally anyone should be allowed to run for president, regardless of whether they are serial killers, child rapists, actual fascists etc.

Why should the bar be so much lower than holding down any normal job in society?
No they don’t at all to me. I wouldn’t care who did what they did. Trying to subvert the peaceful transfer of power should mean you have the book thrown at you.

They're vulnerable idiots though. The same sorts of idiots that think horse dewormer cures COVID, or that 'Putin good'. They've been manipulated via social media algorithms and a deliberate program of brainwashing by Russia and non State actors (i.e. Grifters).

It's like hating on Qanon idiots. They're not smart people. They're vulnerable uneducated and usually socially isolated suckers, who have been manipulated by forces they dont actually understand.

We all have a crazy Aunt or Uncle that fits this mold, slathering shit on Facebook that they've been told to believe.

I get what they did was wrong, but 20 years seems excessive.

If it happened in Australia, they'd get a year or two, max.
They're vulnerable idiots though. The same sorts of idiots that think horse dewormer cures COVID, or that 'Putin good'. They've been manipulated via social media algorithms and a deliberate program of brainwashing by Russia and non State actors (i.e. Grifters).

It's like hating on Qanon idiots. They're not smart people. They're vulnerable uneducated and usually socially isolated suckers, who have been manipulated by forces they dont actually understand.

We all have a crazy Aunt or Uncle that fits this mold, slathering s**t on Facebook that they've been told to believe.

I get what they did was wrong, but 20 years seems excessive.

If it happened in Australia, they'd get a year or two, max.

I think it’s only like proud boys or oath keeper leaders getting 20 years.

The others I don’t think are getting anywhere near that.
By the logic of FK literally anyone should be allowed to run for president
Well, yeah. Citizens choosing their leader via voting is kinda the point of democracy, I'm surprised I have to point that out. All the Kathy Newman-esque "so what you're saying is" strawmans aside.

I understand people not wanting the leading opposition candidate to have the ability to run. Many countries engage in this sort of authoritarianism, some even believing it is for the best. But as an anti-fascist I prefer the idea of people-power.

January 6 hearings.

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