South Am Javier Milei. Here we go again.

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No I wanted proof that these people are agents from foreign countries.

Not all of them but many are, the ring leaders are, it's common knowledge here talking to small business owners. BTW chief as a small medium business owner not reliant on the state these protesters would have your head on a stick. "Chickens for KFC"
Not all of them but many are, the ring leaders are, it's common knowledge here talking to small business owners.
Yeah but that's not proof, is it? It's rumour. Easy to spread via influence campaigning.

Have they busted anyone? With a conviction in a court?

BTW chief as a small medium business owner not reliant on the state these protesters would have your head on a stick. "Chickens for KFC"
I don't know anything about your KFC reference.
Yeah but that's not proof, is it? It's rumour. Easy to spread via influence campaigning.

Have they busted anyone? With a conviction in a court?

I don't know anything about your KFC reference.

Hey Cheif if I wanted to send you a private message with proof how would I do that mate? I'm on the ground in Buenos Aires rn

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Ill send you the email of the leader of the small business resistence being attacked by Cuban and Venezuelan agents
Sure, send it to

I don't know why it would need to be private, nor how an email is sufficient evidence? It still just sounds like hearsay. Happy to read some sort of official evidence or whatever. Happy to say that countries do this sort of thing to each other.

Does it change the fact that democratic rights are being removed? If true, is it worth losing those rights? There's no other way to curtail foreign activity like that?
Sure, send it to

I don't know why it would need to be private, nor how an email is sufficient evidence? It still just sounds like hearsay. Happy to read some sort of official evidence or whatever. Happy to say that countries do this sort of thing to each other.

Does it change the fact that democratic rights are being removed?

They actually aren't. Argentina is basically 50 years behind countries like Sweden and Denmark. Milei is trying to catch us up in a few weeks. The "shock" leads to your hyperbolic statements
Milei is the greatest thing that has ever happened to Argentina and if he fails we might as well just flush ourselves down the toilet. There is no alternative goodbye
They actually aren't. Argentina is basically 50 years behind countries like Sweden and Denmark. Milei is trying to catch us up in a few weeks. The "shock" leads to your hyperbolic statements
Happy to be shown to be wrong.
Milei is the greatest thing that has ever happened to Argentina and if he fails we might as well just flush ourselves down the toilet. There is no alternative goodbye
You sound like a Taylor Swift fangirl.
If any bigfooty scum have the guts to come to argentina and want to see first hand Mileis success msg me I'm logging out byebye

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I'll be back in April when inflation has normalised for the first time in 30 years in Argentina

Then I'll move to London and make my third prophecy come true
So any examples other than the utopian paradise of Yugoslavia? Millions of refugees are risking their lives attempting to get into capitalist countries like Aus, the US, Euro countries etc. Any examples of this occurring with socialist countries, or is the traffic all one-way and Yugoslavia is the gold standard? :$

Quick one: a socialist, a marxist, and a nihilist walk into a bar. The bartender says "we don't serve anyone under 18 here".

Get some life experience under your belt, my ideologue chums.
Is this like the Cubans in Florida "they took everything from me, even the slaves"

That's it. Capitalism with a safety net. And what many progressives refuse to mention when they spruik the systems of these nations is that these are quite monocultural societies (as was Yugoslavia).
Jesus Christ, Get some History under your belt champ

I've been a spousal argentina resident since 2000 and this js the greatest moment of our lives Milei is not Trump he is a Trump of actions 10000 better than Trump

Argentina is West Germany after Ww2. We are in heaven. I love you Milei

Conquered, leaderless and largely destroyed?
Feel like you want to say east Germany after the reunification, that's the usual Capitalist waffle
Harry Potter Lol GIF by Sky
I've been a spousal argentina resident since 2000 and this js the greatest moment of our lives Milei is not Trump he is a Trump of actions 10000 better than Trump

Argentina is West Germany after Ww2. We are in heaven. I love you Milei

...ensuring Nazis remain in prominent positions of power?
So any examples other than the utopian paradise of Yugoslavia?
Thanks for admitting you have no actual arguments against Yugoslavia. Well done.

Millions of refugees are risking their lives attempting to get into capitalist countries like Aus, the US, Euro countries etc.
No, they're risking their lives to get into rich countries. Somalia is a capitalist country but I don't think people are risking their lives attempting to get there.

Any examples of this occurring with socialist countries
Sure, tens thousands of people fled from what is now Bangladesh into India in the 70s, back when India had a centrally planned economy.

Quick one: a socialist, a marxist, and a nihilist walk into a bar. The bartender says "we don't serve anyone under 18 here".

Get some life experience under your belt, my ideologue chums.
See if you had actual arguments, you wouldn't need to resort to poor jokes to feel smug and superior.
That's it. Capitalism with a safety net. And what many progressives refuse to mention when they spruik the systems of these nations is that these are quite monocultural societies (as was Yugoslavia).
I'm embarrassed for you and your utterly dismal knowledge of the outside word if you're saying that with a straight face.

South Am Javier Milei. Here we go again.

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