Mark Latham panel show

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Off-topic so I guess we should move this somewhere more appropriate if either of you two know where?
Nah, I am, that is why I added that. I actually didn't mind some of his articles. He adds a different perspective - and a necessary one IMO. But I think his writings come from a bad place, he tends to have a lot of hate in his heart - which isn't good. But if you put that aside and focus on the content, I thought he raised some valid arguments in some of his articles - especially those on domestic violence. Latham highlighted that domestic violence is also a socioeconomic issue, and I think that discussion needs to be had. Regardless of what I think of Latham, I also think the discussion of domestic violence has been hijacked and made into a gendered issue, and that anyone who talks otherwise - gets ridiculed. Complex issues need alternative perspectives, it creates for a healthy debate, I don't just want to flick on channel 9 all the time and get told that I am an animal for just being a bloke.
I've noticed a bit of grief about supposed anti-MRA bias. I think what you need to understand is not that people don't care that men are abused or disadvantaged in the family courts, it is that there is a never-ending refrain whenever a woman speaks about domestic abuse, that 'it happens to men too'. Generally the first two or three comments after such an article will have someone saying that defensively. DV is a complex issue as it mostly involves intimate relationships, but it is undeniable that men attacking women is the vast majority of cases and a key part of the problem due to them often being both physically and economically superior. That isn't all cases, no, but its a huge part of the problem and if men find themselves in the same situtation they will benefit if women find solutions to that major, major problem. It's not some ghastly sexist thing. It is a reflection of reality. Men do have major problems when trying to get access to their kids. It is a big issue, but women talking about domestic abuse is not a backhander to those men. They are putting forward their perspective and men can put forward there's too. The blowback I've seen comes when men, some of whom are no doubt angered by court decisions, react negatively and aggressively to women having their say. It's not "healthy debate" but men claiming women are 'hijacking' an issue.
Latham is a flawed character but he is needed in some form in the media to provide a voice for this issue as he seems like the only one who has the cojones to speak up about it.
Plenty of people talk about it. The problem is they do so with such anger that they're hard to put to air. Wasn't there an MRA group running around in all black covering their faces? Maybe that's why they get angry - women do get to go to air, because they can speak about it without getting too personal or worked up. And given male anger is a big part of the problem, it's not surprising women might react poorly to angry men telling them what to do.

That might sound provocative, but as with any dicussion, being 'one-eyed' will provoke criticism. You just won't get far in any issue without taking into account what other people are saying or might be feeling.
I remember that turd. Nine must have told Molloy "We want The Daily Show but you can't hire comedians and have to use these hack personalities we already have on the payroll. Oh and all the jokes have to be dumb so bogans can watch. First episode 2 hours as well."

You remember it but didn't watch it beyond the first few minutes. They had a number of comedians and Molloy had complete creative control over the show which was Nine's biggest mistake. It was great knowing Packer and co were pulling their hair out not knowing what to do. Molloy even made constant jokes of it, having a panel of false Nine Execs sitting just off camera with clipboards and looking serious, asking them if that last joke was okay. They must have begged Molloy to stop and threw money his way in the middle of the last show because it basically just ended 1 hour into it. TV guides were still listing the show weeks after so it wasn't pre-planned. Hoping Latham will have a similar deal but that'll be too good to be true.

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Off-topic so I guess we should move this somewhere more appropriate if either of you two know where?

I've noticed a bit of grief about supposed anti-MRA bias. I think what you need to understand is not that people don't care that men are abused or disadvantaged in the family courts, it is that there is a never-ending refrain whenever a woman speaks about domestic abuse, that 'it happens to men too'. Generally the first two or three comments after such an article will have someone saying that defensively. DV is a complex issue as it mostly involves intimate relationships, but it is undeniable that men attacking women is the vast majority of cases and a key part of the problem due to them often being both physically and economically superior. That isn't all cases, no, but its a huge part of the problem and if men find themselves in the same situtation they will benefit if women find solutions to that major, major problem. It's not some ghastly sexist thing. It is a reflection of reality. Men do have major problems when trying to get access to their kids. It is a big issue, but women talking about domestic abuse is not a backhander to those men. They are putting forward their perspective and men can put forward there's too. The blowback I've seen comes when men, some of whom are no doubt angered by court decisions, react negatively and aggressively to women having their say. It's not "healthy debate" but men claiming women are 'hijacking' an issue.

Its not healthy in general by claiming that men are the cause of domestic violence. Not only is it not healthy - but it is wrong. I do agree that both genders need to participate in the debate, because it is a problem for both genders. It is drastically under reported in Males - they don't come forward. So I would expect that statistics to be as they are in Australia, however, overseas they are roughly similar for both genders (Straus, Dutton and Pizzey show this in extensive studies). The debate has been hijacked in Australia, its not like men are being encouraged to come forward - which further skews the statistics when men are being neglected in the debate, then feminists turn around and point to the statistics of men as perpetrators. I hope Latham does speak on this issue, bring about some awareness to people what is actually happening, maybe then males will come forward and the statistics will then represent more accurate picture. I disagree entirely that the blow back is from men being angered by court decisions, I think the blow back is the persistent narrative that gets churned out that men are are overwhelmingly the perpetrators of DV. I agree that men need to enter the debate, as do the Indigenous - because this isn't just a gendered issue, the Indigenous should be stamping their feet up and down about this, it would be the perfect opportunity for them to be given a platform in an important debate.

**** all you campaigners(amidoingitright?).
I hope they'll be getting Latho's mate from school on too.
Ha. The moment the 2004 election was decided. I looked at my wife and we both said "Labor have just lost the election!"
You must be really fit Lebbo, jumping to conclusions as you so often do.;)

There was much more to that election loss than that. Not the least of which was so many of his own Party wanted him to lose too. Loose cannons don't generally do well as leaders.
You remember it but didn't watch it beyond the first few minutes. They had a number of comedians and Molloy had complete creative control over the show which was Nine's biggest mistake. It was great knowing Packer and co were pulling their hair out not knowing what to do. Molloy even made constant jokes of it, having a panel of false Nine Execs sitting just off camera with clipboards and looking serious, asking them if that last joke was okay. They must have begged Molloy to stop and threw money his way in the middle of the last show because it basically just ended 1 hour into it. TV guides were still listing the show weeks after so it wasn't pre-planned. Hoping Latham will have a similar deal but that'll be too good to be true.

I watched the entire first episode and didn't bother again. Nikki Osbourne was in it. Wikipedia says Tiffany Cherry and Jackie O were in it. Some well known comedians there :drunk:
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So, everyone's favourite arm-breaking, former Prime Ministerial aspirant has a tv show on channel 9.

How long will it last? I give it 4 episodes.

Oh yeah, and lol at the 'Strayan
It will be a big hit. Because Latham is not frightened to say what he believes .And everybody likes good debate or a blue , to watch, he has good ideas and could have saved the ALP from the union influence and a few crooks too. It goes on!

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So, everyone's favourite arm-breaking, former Prime Ministerial aspirant has a tv show on channel 9.

How long will it last? I give it 4 episodes.

Oh yeah, and lol at the 'Strayan
No way, a Mark Latham show would be like an old school labour Ray Hadley show on TV and on speed. It would be the greatest thing ever.
It will be a big hit. Because Latham is not frightened to say what he believes .And everybody likes good debate or a blue , to watch, he has good ideas and could have saved the ALP from the union influence and a few crooks too. It goes on!
I'm not sure if that is totally the truth. I'm a bit cynical about these shock jock types and I reckon Latho reckons he's found a niche market of disaffected former Howard battlers in sydneys outer suburbs that he's going to pander to until he becomes so popular that they give him a breakfast radio show so that he can then have the liberal party pandering to him.
I'm not sure if that is totally the truth. I'm a bit cynical about these shock jock types and I reckon Latho reckons he's found a niche market of disaffected former Howard battlers in sydneys outer suburbs that he's going to pander to until he becomes so popular that they give him a breakfast radio show so that he can then have the liberal party pandering to him.
Richo 2.0?
Get Tony on the show. It would be the best thing ever.
No way, a Mark Latham show would be like an old school labour Ray Hadley show on TV and on speed. It would be the greatest thing ever.
Ray has been killing it recently. He's completely lost it and it's hilarious.
Richo 2.0?
Get Tony on the show. It would be the best thing ever.

Ray has been killing it recently. He's completely lost it and it's hilarious.
I remember going to Sydney once and putting the radio on expecting some moderate reasonable host like we have down in Vic and what I got Ray Hadley going crazy for four hours about something that I can't even remember, but he was very angry. It was actually very addictive to listen to. I can only imagine how great he's been the last few days - I did catch a bit about him having a "dobathon" to catch people who voted for Malc.
Up until this week I had never listened to Ray Hadley, I saw some posts on Twitter that indicated it would be worth having a listen. Hilarious, people ringing up, almost in tears about Abbott.
I'm not sure if that is totally the truth. I'm a bit cynical about these shock jock types and I reckon Latho reckons he's found a niche market of disaffected former Howard battlers in sydneys outer suburbs that he's going to pander to until he becomes so popular that they give him a breakfast radio show so that he can then have the liberal party pandering to him.
Disagree, I don't think he has given it much thought, he is a nutter that has a platform.
I remember going to Sydney once and putting the radio on expecting some moderate reasonable host like we have down in Vic and what I got Ray Hadley going crazy for four hours about something that I can't even remember, but he was very angry. It was actually very addictive to listen to. I can only imagine how great he's been the last few days - I did catch a bit about him having a "dobathon" to catch people who voted for Malc.
There are virtually no moderates in Melbourne. You are that far Left you make Tasmania look like One Nation!
I remember going to Sydney once and putting the radio on expecting some moderate reasonable host like we have down in Vic and what I got Ray Hadley going crazy for four hours about something that I can't even remember, but he was very angry. It was actually very addictive to listen to. I can only imagine how great he's been the last few days - I did catch a bit about him having a "dobathon" to catch people who voted for Malc.
They even made a song about it, to the tune of Mambo 5. "A little bit of Julie by my side" etc. They're cray cray.
There are virtually no moderates in Melbourne. You are that far Left you make Tasmania look like One Nation!
Nah, you have your head so far into the sand, archaeologists think you're the missing link.
I'm not sure if that is totally the truth. I'm a bit cynical about these shock jock types and I reckon Latho reckons he's found a niche market of disaffected former Howard battlers in sydneys outer suburbs that he's going to pander to until he becomes so popular that they give him a breakfast radio show so that he can then have the liberal party pandering to him.
He's a smart fella!

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