Minecraft Minecraft Map

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Had my second of 3 exams today, hopefully I can get online a bit more now.

Jousting lists are on the small island between Tollbooth and my Mushroom Island. Coords are 821x, -1053z.




Competitors Entrance




View of the Arena from the Second Grandstand.

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That is awesome (yes I've seen it now). Wondering what "on youtube" means though!
Skatey wants to start a YouTube channel and make videos. We've tried once but got no sound. I have to work out how to use Fraps.
Update of rail system map :
                                                                                             O North Swamp
                                                                                  Mirakzul's |                                                                         {unnamed (mine)}
                                                                                   Mushroom  O------------------------------------------------O--------------------------------O--------------------O Flower Hill
                                                                                    Isand    |                                            Mt Erebus                            |                    |
                                                                                             |                                                                                 |                    |
                                                                                             |                                                                                 |                    O
                                                                                             |                                                               +-----------------+                    |
                                                                                             |                                                               |                                      |
                             O {unnamed (desert)}                                            O {unnamed (mine)}                                              |                               O------O Oo
                             |                                                               |                                                               |                          Inundation  |
                             |                                                               |                                                               |                           Station    |
                             |                     Random                                    |                                                               |                                      |
                             |                    Station                                    |                                                               |                                      |
     O-----------------------O-----------------------o---------------------------------------O TLC                             Corner      Villawood         |                                      |
    West                     | Lodge                                                         |                                  Store O----------O-----------O                                      |
    Swamp                    |                                                               |                                        |              Friggin |                                      |
                             |                                                               |  O Centurion                           |                      |                                      |   
                             |                   Somebody's          Matt's     Cheez's      | /                                      |                      |                                      |
                             |                     Place           Wild West    Quarry       |/      Julian   Markillies              | Labouf           Tormeillon          Mooshcatraz            |                   Treota                    Mullettville
                             |                       o-----------------O----------O----------O---------O----------O---------O---------O----------------------O------------------------O-------------O-----------O----------O---------O-----------------O
                             |                                                    |          |Toll                       Trebare                             |                        |          Boatwright  Rovelague           {unnamed}
                             O Laeanil                                            |          |Gate                                                           |                        |
                             |                                                    |          |                                                               |                        |
                             |                                                    O          O Phantom Island                                                |                        |
                             |                                                 Stiffwood     |                                                               |                        |
                             |                                                               |                                                               |                        |
                             |                                                               O {unnamed (mine)}                                              |                Pelican O
                             |                                       New                     |                                                               |                  Point |
        Karusan              | SITMON                   HBK        Crackton        Eucudbii  |                                                               |                        |
            O-----O----------O---------------O-----------O------O-----O--------O------O------O----------O Bolangum                                           |                        |
               Karusan's     |\         Hammerhead       |     West   |        Rum          Bastow      |                                                    |                        |
                 NPC         | \                         |  Crackton  |      Valley         Manor       |                                                    |                        |
               Village       |  O {someone}              |            |                                 |                                                    |                        |
                             |                  {memory} O            |                                 |                                                    |                        |
                             |                           |            |                                 |                                                    |                        |
                             |                           |            |                                 |                                                    |         {unnamed}      |
                             |                           |     Engimal|                                 |                                            Starren O-------------O----------O
                             |                Quivovir's O------------O-------O vlick #2                |                                                    |                    {unnamed}
                             |                                        |                                 |                                                    |
                             |                                        |                 Layer           |                                                    |
                             |      Browndog                          |      vlick #1    Cake           |                                                    |
                             |    O Mountain                      cfc O-------O-----------O-------------O Nambular                                           |
                             |   /                                    |                   |             |                                                    |
                             |  /                                     |                   |             |                                                    |
                             | /                            Mirakzul's|                   |             |                       Flusha                       |
                      Kieran |/                                 Castle|                   |             |     Mullcatraz       Lookout         Ampa          |
                       Spawn O----------------------------------------O          Berryton O-------------O---------O-------O-----------O---------O------------O
                             |                                        |                   |          Botherin'    |     Shorn                   |         Miravel
                             |                                        |                   |            Hill       |      Penn                   |
                             |                                        O Prudder's         |                       |                             |
                             |                                        |                   |                       |                             |
                             |                         Vipertooth's   |                   |                       |                             |
                      Laputa O--------O Bartelonia        O-----------O-------------------O Egg                   |                             |
                                                          |        Scooter's              | Palace                |                             |
                                                          |        Mountain               |                       |                             |
                                                     Dark |                               |                       O Error Plains                |
                                                Phoenix's O                               |                       |                             |
                                                                         Alex #1          |                       |                             O {unnamed}
                                                                            O-------------O Samwise               |                             |
                                                                            |               Domain                |                             |            
                                                                            |                                     |                             |            
                                                                            |                                     |                             |            
                                                                            |                                     |                             |            
                                                                            |                                     O {unnamed}                   |   Jorjovda O--------O Elcuros
                                                                            |                                     |                             |            |
                                                                            |                                     |                             |            |
                                                                            |                                     |                             |            |
                                                                            | Turbo                               |                             |            |
                                                                            | Armstronghold                       | Gourge                      |            |
                                                    Esgahalen O-------------O-------------------------------------O------------O----------------O------------O Blue
                                                                            |                                    /|         Letarrim        {unnamed}          Oyster
                                                                            |                                   / |
                                                                            |                                  /  |
                                                                            |                         Little  /   |
                                                                            O Strongerhold            Gourge O    |
                                                                                                                  O Midbridge
                                                                                                                  O Lilypad Station
                                                                                                                  O Alex #2
                                                                                                                  O {unnamed}
                                                                                                                  O Causeway
                                                                                                                  O {unnamed}
                                                                                                                  O Jungle Hill
                                                                                                 Western O--------O-----------O Sandstone Village

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Shows Gysenn , Father Jack ... TheThaweMan ... and new lines between cfc and TBD, Kieran Spawn and Vipertooth 's place ... and a couple of other things including some name updates

Rich (BB code):
                                                                                                  |                                                                              Gysenn
                                                                                                  O North Swamp                                                                     O                                                                                                  |
                                                                                       Mirakzul's |                                                                         {unnamed (mine)}
                                                                                        Mushroom  O------------------------------------------------O--------------------------------O--------------------O Flower Hill
                                                                                         Isand    |                                            Mt Erebus                            |                    |
                                                                                                  |                                                                                 |                    |
                                                                                                  |                                                                                 |                    O
                                                                                                  |                                                               +-----------------+                    |
                                                                                                  |                                                               |                                      |
                             O {unnamed (desert)}                                                 O {unnamed (mine)}                                              |                               O------O Oo
                             |                                                                    |                                                               |                          Inundation  |
                             |                                                                    |                                                               |                           Station    |
                             |                          Random                                    |                                                               |                                      |
                             |                         Station                                    |                                                               |                                      |
     O-----------------------O----------------------------o---------------------------------------O TLC                             Corner      Villawood         |                                      |
    West                     | Lodge                                                              |                                  Store O----------O-----------O                                      |
    Swamp                    |                                                                    |                                        |              Friggin |                                      |
                             |                                                                    |  O Centurion                           |                      |                                      |  
                             |                         Arro &             Matt's     Cheez's      | /                                      |                      |                                      |
                             |                        Mikipiki          Wild West    Quarry       |/      Julian   Markillies              | Labouf           Tormeillon          Mooshcatraz            |                   Treota                    Mullettville
                             |                            O--------O--------O----------O----------O---------O----------O---------O---------O----------------------O------------------------O-------------O-----------O----------O---------O-----------------O
                             |                            |      Matt's                |          |Toll                       Trebare                             |                        |          Boatwright  Rovelague           {unnamed}
                             O Laeanil                    |      Swamp                 |          |Gate                                                           |                        |
                             |                            |                            |          |                                                               |                        |
                             |                            +----------------+           O          O Phantom Island                                                |                        |
                             |                                             |        Stiffwood     |                                                               |                        |
    O                        |                                             |                      |                                                               |                        |
    | KARUSAN                |                                             |                      O {unnamed (mine)}                                              |                Pelican O
    |  EMPIRE                |                                            New                     |                                                               |                  Point
    |                        | SITMON                        HBK        Crackton        Eucudbii  |                                                               |                        |
O---O------O-----------------O--------------------O-----------O------O-----O--------O------O------O----------O Bolangum                                           |                        |
    |     Karusan's          |\              Hammerhead       |     West   |        Rum          Bastow      |                                                    |                        |
    |      NPC               | \                              |  Crackton  |      Valley         Manor       |                                                    |                        |
    |    Village             |  O The Citadel                 |            |                                 |                                                    |                        |
    |                        |   JackMeldrum            Jabso O            |                                 |                                                    |                        |
    |                        |                                |            |                                 |                                                    |                        |
    |                        |                                |            |                                 |                                                    |         {unnamed}      |
    |                        |                                |     Engimal|    Watergardens                 |                                            Starren O-------------O----------O
    |                        |                     Quivovir's O------------O-------O-----O                   |                                                    |                    {unnamed}
    |                        |                                             |            Dazz                 |                                                    |
    |                        |           Browndog          Frankie Valley  |                 Layer           |                                                    |
    |Thawe                   |           Mountain                     (cfc)|      vlick #1    Cake           |                                                    |
    O Man                    |         O-----------------------------------O-------O-----------O-------------O Nambular                                           |
  (actually much             |         |                                   |                   |             |                                                    |
      souther   )             \        |                                   |                   |             |                                                    |
                               \       | Kieran                  Mirakzul's|                   |             |                       Flusha                       |
       O---+                    \      | Spawn                       Castle|                   |             |     Mullcatraz       Lookout         Ampa          |
       |    \                    \     +-----------------------------------O          Berryton O-------------O---------O-------O-----------O---------O------------O
       O-----O--+                 \    |                                   |                   |          Botherin'    |     Shorn                   |         Miravel
           Ruling\                 \   |                                   |                   |            Hill       |      Penn                   |
          Faction \                 \  |                                   O Prudder's         |                       |                             |
                   \                 \ |Kieran                             |                   |                       |                             |
                    \                 \|Spawn               Vipertooth's   |                   |                       |                             |
                     +-----------------O-----------------------O-----------O-------------------O Egg                   |                             |
                                       |                       |        Scooter's              | Palace                |                             |
                          Random House O                       |        Mountain               |                       |                             |
                                       |                  Dark |                               |                       O Error Plains                |
                                Laputa O--------O    Phoenix's O                               |                       |                             |
                                            Bartelonia                        Alex #1          |                       |                             O {unnamed}
                                                                                 O-------------O Samwise               |                             |
                                                                                 |               Domain                |                             |           
                                                                                 |                                     |                             |           
                                                                                 |                                     |                             |           
                                                                                 |                                     |                             |           
                                                                                 |                                     O {unnamed}                   |   Jorjovda O--------O Elcuros
                                                                                 |                                     |                             |            |
                                                                                 |                                     |                             |            |
                                                                                 |                                     |                             |            |
                                                                                 | Turbo                               |                             |            |
                                                                                 | Armstronghold                       | Gourge                      |            |
                                                         Esgahalen O-------------O-------------------------------------O------------O----------------O------------O Blue
                                                                                 |                                    /|         Letarrim        {unnamed}          Oyster
                                                                                 |                                   / |
                                                                                 |                                  /  |
                                                                                 |                         Little  /   |
                                                                                 O Strongerhold            Gourge O    |
                                                                                                                       O Midbridge
                                                                                                                       O Lilypad Station
                                                                                                                       O Alex #2
                                                                                                                       O {unnamed}
                                                                                                                       O Causeway
                                                                                                                       O {unnamed}
                                                                                                                       O Jungle Hill
                                                                                                      Western O--------O-----------O Sandstone Village
How'd you build this?
Its the basic maps from within the game ... lots and lots of travelling, parking, and mapping.
When they are placed into picture frames or whatever they are called, they expand to the edges of the block to make a perfect continuous map.

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