Conspiracy Theory Paul McCartney is a Fraud?

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Some points to re-mention....

The pre-66 Paul McCartney had an affair with a woman in Germany, and a girl was conceived. Later, the post-66 Paul McCartney had to provide DNA evidence to support the woman's claim. It turned out his DNA did not match the girl's. Tho it was acknowledged that indeed that girl was a child of Paul McCartney.

Post-66 Paul McCartney had a DNA test in Japan due to some prior legal issue of a marijuana conviction by the pre-66 Paul McCartney. It turned out the post-66 PM DNA sample did not match the pre-66 PM DNA.

In this video below (1hr 30 mins), a Stephen Dickinson from Liverpool, was born in July 67, and his mother told him when he was 7 years old that his real father wasn't George Dickinson, but Paul McCartney (pre-66). They had had a short fling. His mother worked in a typing pool across the road from George Epstein's office in Liverpool. He goes on to say that when he was 7, he had a feeling PM wasn't the same PM, that the had died prior. Anyway, he kept harping on about it to his mother. Only a few months later, he says the four Beatles and Billy Shepherd's mother all came to visit him in Liverpool to try to hush him up. He says his mother told John Lennon, I swear it wasn't me who told him, he figured it out himself (about PM being dead). The band were all trying their best to make him just keep quiet. He was being very angry about it all, and Billy's mother just leapt at him and started choking him, but Ringo broke it up. John Lennon told him to just let it go, let it be. He ran after the four Beatles asking for confirmation that PM really was dead or not, and says George Harrison turned around and said "we have our suspicions too".

Anyway, Paul McCartney (both pre-66 and post-66) had many illegitimate children with many different woman, there is one of them in Seattle and that guy in Seattle reckons PM lawyers told him the truth that PM was dead and that post-66 PM isn't his real father. Anyway, Stephen has been trying in vain to arrange for all the illegitimate children of PM (both pre and post 66) to come together and provide DNA samples so that the whole thing can be proven, but many of the others stay silent and aloof.

There are some good photos in this video where you can see a big difference between Paul and Faul. Height-wise alongside original girlfriend Jane Asher, where 66 PM is an inch taller, and 67 PM is four or five inches taller. As well as photos that stand out.

I've posted in here before about an Italian forensic test made using photos, measuring the head, comparing the ears etc, and how their conclusion was two different people.

This video is mostly 1 hrs and 20 minutes of an interview between some podcast guy, Stephen Dickinson, and some woman representing Stephen. It's very annoying to listen thru, sometimes it comes across a bit loopy too. But i've essentially broken down above what the whole interview touches on.

To be honest....there are times when it does look like the same person, and times when it looks like a completely different person.

What's weird is that PM of today looks exactly like an aged version of the 66 PM.

But there are many images of PM around 67-70 where he looks noticeably different to the 66 PM.

You may not know this, but, it was true that all four Beatles had body doubles that would be used for certain occasions like....when the band needed to be whisked away after a concert and avoid all the people and cameras....the fake ones would be the ones used to go out there into the throngs so that the real ones could slip away by car. Or when coming off an airplane to thousands of screaming fans. Etc.
PM was born June 18 1942.79 years old.
FM was born September 9, 1937. 84 years old.
Billy Shepherd hung around The Beatles for years before he became Paul. He wrote for their magazine. He was in their studio. He played a couple of Beatles songs on each of the Pepperpots Albums. He didn't just drop in as William one day and take over.

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To me, PM -66 seems to have a fuller soulful-like voice, while PM 67+ has a thinner voice.

But....the verdict by the vocal analyst is that they are the same voice.....both vocalists are either spot on pitch, but when they don't hit the right pitch, they are always SLIGHTLY flat of the pitch. Same natural tendencies. It's something genetic. Also, both voices have a rasp to them when they try to hit the same higher note (G4). You can't imitate someone's voice exactly like that, he says, not back then anyway, when this type of tech wasn't available to illustrate with wave forms.
Reminder again of the book Memoirs of Billy Shears. I havent read it yet tho ive owned it for a few years. But heres a small breakdown of it from an Amazon book review ...

The book puts to rest whether McCartney died in 1966. We have been listening to Bill Shepherd songs for 50+ years now. Paul McCartney's name and persona became a character actor in a band called the Beatles. Although there is an author (Thomas Uharriet), the book is written in first person by William (Bill) Shepherd. Bill explains that due to legal implications (confidentiality agreements and non-disclosure) the book and its contents need to be framed in a way where some of the information is fiction (not true) with the vast majority being non-fiction. The level of detail is stunning especially in the full blown version of the book (Memoirs of Billy Shears) which weighs in at 666 pages (note the number). This abridged version (Billy's Back) is well put together and you might do what I did... order the big book after reading this version. Shepherd's early work can be found on 1960s albums where he is known as Billy Pepper and the Pepperpots. He also played Vivian Stanshall (along with other who played the part) and relishes in playing various characters (Stanshall as an example) and did work early on with Neil Innes (later of The Rutles - Beatles parody group). Shepherd also states in the book that he is a very high level Freemason and his entry into the Beatles was orchestrated by the secret society when the real Paul McCartney died in a car crash on September 11, 1966 (note the date). He also explains the Beatles were (are) a Tavistock Institute project. The Beatles loaded their songs with clues and, according to Shepherd, were quite surprised when it took so long for the public to pick up on the hints. Shepherd's breaking down of Beatle song lyrics and inspiration can only come from someone who was there. He also states that his insertion into the Beatles with the release of Sgt Pepper (Bill Pepper) was a turning point in leadership within the band. He claims he was the hardest working member of the band going forward with John, George and Ringo not being as dedicated. In Lennon's making of his Imagine documentary (1970s) there is dialog between Lennon and Harrison where George clearly refers to "McCartney" as Beatle Bill. In "Give My Regards To Broad Street" "McCartney" in one scene is introduced as "William". As Shepherd states in the book; the real Paul McCartney was a Beatle for 2.5 years and he for over 50. He also states he is a better musician than the real Paul and the Beatles were better off for it. He is heavily into mysticism (e.g., Crowley) and believes the real Paul was and is influencing and working through him from the great beyond. The book is an eye opener.

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