Rumour Petty sister sledge resurfaces

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Or Brisbane players are known to be grubs?

Dude Zorko is a well known brat and widely disliked by non-Lions fans and as a result enjoys very little benefit of the doubt. In light of that, the fact that neutrals and even Melbourne fans are still pointing out that Petty is a big player in this situation is telling.

He’s getting a really bad rep for himself.

Zorko (as floggish as he can be) cops it sweet when he gets it back.

Petty however… yeesh…

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Nil all draw. Back to your corners.
Dumb for a couple of reasons

1) It's not even good or clever banter. Like who looks at that and thinks that's clever or funny. Im not offended I just sat there cringing at Answerth because he has taken the lowest of hanging fruit and served it up with the most bogan of hand gestures, there are more nuanced ways to imply crying. The only thing that could have made it more lower class was if he used the work 'sook'. NicNat handing ROB a phone wasn't world beating but it was halfway clever and a bit of effort went into it.

2) You're gonna end up looking like a tool in the media and probably gonna end up having to apologise. AKA You've lost. AFL is a brand and an organisation and one that seems to be on board with the version of man as an emotional creature. Therefore taking the piss out of someone who displayed emotion is going to get you a bollocking, and Noah will now have to come out and either apologise or walk back his action with some bs statement. Well done, Noah, you lost. Oh and Dayne ******* Zorko is now somehow the level-headed morality police as per the above.

3) At the end of the day You've gone not only for that low-hanging fruit but you've essentially exploited a personal vulnerability. If you think too hard about it that's pretty scummy. Calling someone a ******* campaigner is not considered that bad because it's a pretty general, vague statement but this is a very specific act. And you've done it in front of thousands of people. So it's just dumb and scummy.

Soooooo yeah as much as most people won't be offended, it's just plain dumb and also projects to the world that you enjoy bogan culture. Cooooool, Noah

Oh My God Wow GIF
Zorko said he’d have a word to Answerth, ironic but still. I think it looked a bit ordinary.

Petty is no angel though, has to expect to cop it if he wants to dish it.

The whole thing is a bad look for Petty. The original game where it all started, the Melbourne players were getting stuck into Zorko big time, Petty included I believe, which is fine, mental disintegration is a part of contact sports. But Zorko is perfectly within his rights to return serve, which he did, and obviously very well. If you can't take it then don't dish it out.

I can't stand Zorko, I think he's a ****, but he was treated grossly unfairly over this whole episode. Also, nothing wrong with what Answerth did.

Play on. They're playing a professional contact sport, ignore it and toughen up.

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If you’re a sensitive soul like Petty clearly is then I really don’t understand why you would sledge anyone, let alone Zorko who lives for that sort of s**t. You’re never going to come out ahead
Well said - you either have to have a thick skin or be the fastest lip in the west.

Can’t count how many warnings on here I’ve had because the ‘umps’ didn’t read or see the first rock.
If Petty can't take it, he prob shouldn't dish it out .
Zorko/Answerth - have the courage of men that know there's a camera on them at all times..

It's all a bit pointless.
I don't mind a sledge but it was such a bogan attempt at a troll. So men don't cry? Pretty sure half the lions team were crying on grand final day. But yeah, have some class Answerth. Maybe become a good afl player first.
I thought it was his mum?

Also in the lead up Petty was saying things so vile he would have been banned for life under Finlayson rules that's why he never wanted to take it further
That's the thing. No one knows for certain apart from those on the field. Petty is known to have a loud mouth.

This also isn't the first time this has happened. I can't remember who it was but I'm sure a lions player gestured in a way during the semi in 22. Might have been McCarthy.

Not defending Linc or Noah. But I feel it shows there wasn't as much in it in the first place or maybe Petty did cop something back from what he said.

In the end who cares. I think it's fair play. It's ok for everyone to target Zorks so get over it.

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