Red Dead Redemption

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Had a weird one before. I had to help this guy being chased by a cougar and because I need to kill 2 with a knife I got off Silver (my horse) and chased after them. I passed some random dude on the way. I finished up with the cougar and went back to get my horse because he wouldn't come when I whistled.

I get back there and the guy I passed is sitting on Silver. I pressed B to see if he had something to say and nothing. So I figured I'll just get him off and get back on my horse. I grabbed him and next thing I know I've lost 50 honour points and have a $20 bounty....FOR STEALING MY OWN HORSE BACK!!! I shot the guy for getting me in trouble.:D

I have figured out that I have played this game for way too long when I had to get back to Armadillo as part of a mission and I knew how to get there without looking at the map.:eek:
Here you go.
Awesome, thanks Jordz. I read on the challenge for that, that the Beavers were up north somewhere but I had no real idea where "North" was meant to be. I'm currently a bit far away from there (about 2 missions into Mexico) so I guess I have to wait until I unlock that area to get and smash the beavers (sounds so dirty:eek:).

Any chance bait will attract them better???
I'm a gun at Liar's Dice, play a lot of Poker and Blackjack too, back to the animals, damn wolves, luckily you hear the growling before they arrive so you have time to prepare, can't wait to unlock the Tall Tree's area...
OMFG Wolves!!! I was out trying to find strangers in Mexico and came across a few world events as you do. One of them I was far in the land from a road and I shit you not I killed 30+ wolves within about 5 minutes. I probably should've high tailed it after 10 of them, but I know how much they're worth at the shops and kept wanting to skin them for their pelts/hearts/meat and as I'd get done skinning some more would come. It was ****en insane, no idea how I didn't die. Was absolutely ridiculous, ended up just having to piss bolt out of there once I was done with the 30+ wolves pelts/meat/hearts.

Anyone like John Marston as a character??
Marston is good. Definitely up there with some of my fave Rockstar characters. What's amazing is the guy playing him has so little acting work previously yet he is perfectly cast. Still would like Marston to have a bit of a reckless streak and be able to bang the prossies. Overall this game as well is skyrocketing up to being close behind San Andreas (with Vice City first) in terms of Rockstar's open world games and it basically hinges on how the story plays out as to whether it is 2nd or 3rd.
Seriously, who makes a game filled with water that if you touch it you die? I can understand with a game like inFAMOUS where you're electric but a game like this? Come on Rockstar, you could've done better than that.
It's not exactly FILLED with water. But it does get explained as to why you die. As I said earlier though, would've been nice to have a doggy paddle or something as I've fallen into the water accidently a few times and you're dead right away.
I thought PC version was coming out in a month or two...

What's the deal with DLC, I want more, and I want it now - or soon.
No PC version coming atm. Nothing confirmed for it.

DLC will be co-op DLC coming in a few weeks for free. No word on expansion story DLC like with GTA IV yet though.

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Went from seeing not one cougar to being attacked by about 10 in the space of 5 minutes. Bloody fast pricks and really just come from no where. I was trying to get my 5th boar tusk for about an hour and the only play I know of is filled with cougars. I would have killed my first 4 boars in 4 minutes buy couldn't find any to save meself.

Does bait work for anyone? I've put it out twice and have not had one single animal get close...

Also having trouble shooting hats off. Do I aim for the very top or for the brim? Use Dead Eye or just regular aim. I tried the dead eye and ended up putting about 6 bullets in the poor bastard before getting nowhere near his hat. That bloody bandana is a life saver as I just keep killing the wrong people at the wrong time.

I saw some guy up on the roof and thought I might go and take a look. I was just getting the hang of shooting aiming and killing birds in quick succession when the bloody guy on the roof got too close. Knowing my luck he was a lawman and as soon as he was in my sights I hit the R1 trigger to shoot but instead of locking onto the bird it grabbed the cop by the neck and blew his brains out FBI style.
I was travelling to a mission via horse when I came across some deer and wolves, went for a bit of a hunt as they are next on the challenge list. After skinning them I heard some hissing and rattling, didn't take much notice for some reason then next minute BAM I got bitten by a bloody snake!

No venom or anything like that though so I didn't gradually die.

What colour was it?? cause while i was hunting deer i heard the same thing, i looked at the floor and saw two snakes, killed one which was a grey-ish colour then got bitten by a red one which nearly killed me but then killed that one too
Does bait work for anyone? I've put it out twice and have not had one single animal get close...
Bait should always work as long as you get a fair enough of a distance away to allow the animals to get close (10-20 metres is usually good enough).

I've got Coyote's a shitload of times from putting bait out, but occasionally you'll get the animal you want. I had 2 boars show up once which helped me to get the 5 boar tusks.
Had a funny thing happen to me before, Don't know if it's been mentioned but around armadillo i had to get medicine to a stranger.
Went and got the medicine and went back and she was not there, got my gun out and it was locking onto a rock so i thought there must be something so shot it and Bang she falls out of the rock dead LOL.
but then i was able to give her the medicine and get some honour and fame :D
Had a funny thing happen to me before, Don't know if it's been mentioned but around armadillo i had to get medicine to a stranger.
Went and got the medicine and went back and she was not there, got my gun out and it was locking onto a rock so i thought there must be something so shot it and Bang she falls out of the rock dead LOL.
but then i was able to give her the medicine and get some honour and fame :D

Ye I remember that mini quest (the woman you first saw on the train at the start?) I already had spare medicine in my bag which i gave to her then and there on the spot, no need to travel in and out
Had an annoying glitch happen last night in the last De Santa mission.
After you get betrayed in the church it just loaded for ages and then went straight to the rebels shooting at the army, I was like...I'm missing something here. Sho' nuff it skipped a cutscene. So i realoaded and started again and it happened again so I just watched it on youtube so I didn't miss anything.
What colour was it?? cause while i was hunting deer i heard the same thing, i looked at the floor and saw two snakes, killed one which was a grey-ish colour then got bitten by a red one which nearly killed me but then killed that one too

I think it was orange with stripes, looked almost like a tiger snake, was bloody hard to see though. Took me a few minutes to find and then kill.
Had a funny thing happen to me before, Don't know if it's been mentioned but around armadillo i had to get medicine to a stranger.
Went and got the medicine and went back and she was not there, got my gun out and it was locking onto a rock so i thought there must be something so shot it and Bang she falls out of the rock dead LOL.
but then i was able to give her the medicine and get some honour and fame :D
Haha, that's glitch number 397 in this game?

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With the shooting of hats, don't use dead eye and aim for just above the top of the hat with only the bottom part of your targeting reticle touching it.

Spoiler please! I would have liked to work that out for myself. :mad:
I had an issue today in the game in the Tall Trees area where the sound got all distorted, I couldnt hear any animals, gunshots or music. Also animals were appearing out of no where. I turned the game off as it was annoying. I'm not much into gaming. Is this likely to be a one off thing? If i restart the PS3 will it return to normal? Any help would be great cheers.
I had an issue today in the game in the Tall Trees area where the sound got all distorted, I couldnt hear any animals, gunshots or music. Also animals were appearing out of no where. I turned the game off as it was annoying. I'm not much into gaming. Is this likely to be a one off thing? If i restart the PS3 will it return to normal? Any help would be great cheers.

Donno... Theres only one way to find out
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