Cars & Transportation Road signs - they're awesome

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I love trying to get from point A to b using nothing but dirt roads. You find some awesome things.

Once found an abandoned Neptune service station complete with pumps out the front. The road was once a main road but had been made redundant by a new one.

Do you remember where this was?

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Do you remember where this was?
it was somewhere around burra in south australia. i've gone looking for it since then but i've never been able to find it.

i did find it around 15 years ago, so theres a chance it's been destroyed. but i remain hopeful that it hasn't been
while we are on road related things, i'm currently negotiating with the wife to do up one of these
- i think it would look magnificent in a games room
I agree, what about when you see a dirt road off track and you sort of want to explore where it goes... that's why I like it out in the Otways

I was driving from Portland (Vic) back to Geelong one Australia Day weekend. I needed to make one turn to head to Warrnambool and I was home and hosed. Naturally enough I missed it and ended up in the middle of nowhere (very early 90s, no gps). The car was playing up while I was driving along some narrow, random bitumen road. The car conked out and I stopped next to a gravel road off to my right. I looked up and the road was my surname (unusual surname), was a bit freaky. I finally got the car going and made it into Warrnambool, a new regulator and I was on my way home again.

I also remember around the same time that a group of drunk high school / college students in the US, for a prank, took down a stop sign. Someone drove through the intersection and died. Pretty sure they were all charged with some version of murder and convicted.

This sign annoys me. How do the wheels on the car change sides?

The old joke about Porsche airbags, should be fitted behind the driver.

I always presumed the car in the sign had spun.
The thing that nobody ever points out is that the two skid marks are both coming from the same tyre!
There are actually two slightly different versions. The one I've used here looks like someone tried to change the original so the wheels didn't swap sides.

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The thing that nobody ever points out is that the two skid marks are both coming from the same tyre!

More seriously, the quirkiness of that sign means you spot it every time. .. Which means it is probably suiting its purpose. ..
Geez, you'd almost want to be pulled over by the local cop so you could say 'Mate you're such a blowhard'.
I don't know if I've mentioned this before but a mate of mine is a lawyer in the northern suburbs of Adelaide and one of his clients asked him one day if he would be allowed to change his name to F*** off Copper C***, so when next pulled over he could when asked his get the picture. It was explained that The Registry of Births, Deaths and marriages may take issue with his new choice of names.

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