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Sorry for the negative comment. These articles are coming thick and fast and from reputable sources.

Whatever is fuelling the clubs confidence needs to be MASSIVE or we will get hammered. Here's hoping it is.

It doesn't have to be massive, it just has to show AOD is not banned under the s0 clause. We know this drug is NOT a PED, it is safe to a certain extent and legal to use in various ways. Cosmetic cream, food, injections...all safe and legal.
Can you even read? Less than 10 posts before yours explains how we are NOT in any shit and won't need a miracle. Our fanbase is as stupid the the rest of the AFL.
Shane I think a lot of us are just confused about it all now. You can't blame some. Has there ever been anything like this before in the AFL? Must be around 30 articles in just last few days.

I for one am slightly confident because so many at the club are. The footage in the rooms after the win against West Coast made me feel highly confident but at the same time they could all be united by what's to come and are making the most of it before it all comes to a head ( I don't actually think that is what it is by the way).

The only time I've been concerned in last 3 - 4 months was Friday night when I saw Tim Watson talking to Bruce.
He said that there will be sanctions and pretty much conceded Jobe will lose his Brownlow.
I hope i'm reading too much into it but it is shaping up to be a massive fine (who cares), loss of picks ( hurts a bit but not the worst thing that can happen, just spewing that my brother would have no chance of getting picked up by the club he loves), and loss of points for 2013 ( this I do not swallow well. Would probably turn me off the code completely as it would crush me as we'll as so many others)

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don't go chicken little on us Lance.

WADA don't need any convincing as they don't apply any penalties. If they knew the basics they wouldn't be writing half the tripe they have.

Guys, even if our best hope of no player suspensions comes through, I really think we need to brace ourselves for what will likely be the biggest combination of fines/points deductions/draft losses/non-playing staff suspensions ever delivered in the history of Australian sport, let alone the AFL. This is so much bigger than any previous AFL rule breach (or non-rule breach in the case of Melbourne's tanking) that it's not funny. It boggles the mind that people in our great club were stupid, naive or careless enough to let this fiasco occur.
Unfortunately Jobe lit the flame and everyone has jumped on board and started to create fanciful headlines to get their papers sold.

The topic was dying a week or so ago and had run out of steam. All of a sudden everyone knows everything because Jobe spoke. What a load of crap.
Agree. I've been keeping this in the back of my mind. The flog Barrett even said on the footy show days before Jobe spoke that it was looking very likely that the bombers would be cleared of any wrong doing. 4 days later he like so many other vultures all of a sudden we're gunning for the club again with recycled articles worded slightly different.

I'm not worried about what these imbeciles write.
All I'm worried about is why Tim Watson was almost in tears Friday night. He said there will be sanctions. He wouldn't just say that for sake of saying it.

A massive fine I think is safe to say we have all been expecting since story broke.

What else will it be?

I can live with loss of draft picks as I think we've got a great young side ready to seriously challenge.

We better not lose any ****ing points this season. That will hurt like hell
Guys, even if our best hope of no player suspensions comes through, I really think we need to brace ourselves for what will likely be the biggest combination of fines/points deductions/draft losses/non-playing staff suspensions ever delivered in the history of Australian sport, let alone the AFL. This is so much bigger than any previous AFL rule breach (or non-rule breach in the case of Melbourne's tanking) that it's not funny. It boggles the mind that people in our great club were stupid, naive or careless enough to let this fiasco occur.

Agreed with this. I love Hird, but we can't expect him to get out of this unpunished (unless he was completely oblivious to what happened). He and others have a lot to answer for if this shit about guinea pigs and the club sabotaging the players turns out to be true. The AFLPA are absolutely filthy with the club and will make sure that every non-playing staff is held accountable
Agreed with this. I love Hird, but we can't expect him to get out of this unpunished (unless he was completely oblivious to what happened). He and others have a lot to answer for if this shit about guinea pigs and the club sabotaging the players turns out to be true. The AFLPA are absolutely filthy with the club and will make sure that every non-playing staff is held accountable
Hmmmm. Not entirely sure about that but does make me think a little bit more about something I was told about 4 or 5 weeks ago. Someone extremely close to Choco ( a relative) told me the club had a meeting with him that was kind of along the lines "in the event of".
When I was told this I burst into laughter as this was the same person who told me that Choco had already signed as Bombers coach but won't be announced til end of season when Knights will be sacked.

Well we all know that didn't happen
I'm not worried about what these imbeciles write.
All I'm worried about is why Tim Watson was almost in tears Friday night. He said there will be sanctions. He wouldn't just say that for sake of saying it.

He was nearly in tears because Ch7 showed a clip of Jobe's week including Jobe crying after Thursday night's game as well as all the other emotions that came after the game. It was clearly the week from hell for his son with everyone questioning his future - which was because his own doing - and I think Tim had his dad hat on for that short period seeing his son in that state.

As for sanctions, he could have meant anything, which we'll clearly cop in some way or another.
Once the investigation is 'over', the club owes us a very comprehensive and honest account of what's happened, well before the AGM in November.

I'm over hearing people from the club expressing confidence that everything will be fine while refusing to provide any details of why they believe this. If it turns out they were full of shit all along and knowingly / recklessly gave us false hope, I'll lose even more respect for them.
Once the investigation is 'over', the club owes us a very comprehensive and honest account of what's happened, well before the AGM in November.

I'm over hearing people from the club expressing confidence that everything will be fine while refusing to provide any details of why they believe this. If it turns out they were full of shit all along and knowingly / recklessly gave us false hope, I'll lose even more respect for them.

But I agree, we do deserve a very good explanation on this whole saga
But I agree, we do deserve a very good explanation on this whole saga

Can't believe we are in this situation - if we have truly treated our players like guinea pigs; Hird has to go.

If we are innocent - I want to find a way to sue the **** out of the pigdog and her paper.
Can't believe we are in this situation - if we have truly treated our players like guinea pigs; Hird has to go.

If we are innocent - I want to find a way to sue the **** out of the pigdog and her paper.

I pray option two comes to fruition! :rainbow:

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guinea pigs?!?!? For **** sake everyone! That come from third hand information and from someone who isn't even part of the investigation (reading that Robbo and baker article)

Remember Dank said he tailored the players supplements to their individual needs! Don't bullshit me essendon board, media with the placebo effect bullshit. Reid has been a doctor for 40 plus years he would know better than anyone in this forum and anyone in the whole media fraternity about player welfare.

Before you sucome to the media hysterics about guinea pig bullshit..think about it for a second.

Geez some the people here.
You can understand how people are getting completely riled up here. The media are doing nothing but building this issue up. Personally whilst I've been keeping abreast of all the recent developments I think I'm going to do my absolute best to read as little as possible about it over the next 4-6 weeks until it gets closer to any investigation completion unless something really significant comes out. I've read so many things about AOD that I don't even know what to believe anymore.

Its hard for all us Essendon supporters because we want to support our club, but we are not sure if our club has acted in a manner that is in any way ethical or responsible and thus we are caught in a position where we are tempted to defend something that we are not even sure is true just because so many other parties are attacking our club with allegations that also may or may not be true. The best thing for us would be for this issue to quieten down until the real facts from ASADA/AFL/Essendon come out in their entirety.

I can't help but think that the Watson interview was a mistake. I love Watson, I think he's a great person, a great leader and a great player. I have no doubt whatsoever that he thought what he was taking was completely legal and Its hard to find fault with a person for simply speaking the truth. That said, the interview was extremely poorly timed because its turned the heat up again on the issue when any resolution is still 1-2 months away. If he was going to have done this interview it would have been much better timed in another month's or so time.
I can't help but think that the Watson interview was a mistake. I love Watson, I think he's a great person, a great leader and a great player. I have no doubt whatsoever that he thought what he was taking was completely legal and Its hard to find fault with a person for simply speaking the truth. That said, the interview was extremely poorly timed because its turned the heat up again on the issue when any resolution is still 1-2 months away. If he was going to have done this interview it would have been much better timed in another month's or so time.

thing with the interview is, it doesn't actually have any effect on anything, unless (and this is highly, highly, highly, highly unlikely) what Jobe said on TV differs from what he said in his interview.

Yeah there's more hyperbole and scaremongering, but honestly, who gives a shit? it's not like the media coming at us is a new phenomenon or anything
On 6PR Radio here in Perth this afternoon, another flog sports journo by the name of Kim Hagdorn told the listeners that: a) The BOOING on Thursday was solely justified because Jobe should not have been out there, and b), the AFL are deliberately keeping us Bombers supporters waiting until the end of the H&A season to avoid loss of crowd revenue. And then WHACK! We WILL be stripped of enough points to make us miss the 8 altogether because "How's it going to look for the AFL if Essendon actually WIN the Flag?". Hagdorn then got upset with a listener who labelled him "The Eagles Apologist" or something to that effect. Then, going about my business, I got personally attacked by some muppet at a local junior footy game today for wearing my Essendon trackies down. He said "How's it goin ya DRUG CHEAT?". Pissed me right off. I almost dropped the prick. So the sooner this ends the sooner we can all calm TF down!
I have one other question that may or may not have been asked on other threads. Has or will Monfries, Lonergan & those delisted/ traded been interviewed by ASADA? And if they are part of this and found to have cheated, will they cop the same suspensions? I have not heard their name mentioned at all in ANY of this.
if we lose points or players get suspended or either of bomber or hird get sacked i will go on a rampage gta style

very serious
might just stop watching all footy shows except the footy show coz sam just shuts down any asada talk gets me to agro
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