Official Match Thread Season 37 Round 20 - Roys FFC v Las Vegas Bears @ Brunswick Junction Oval

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The Bears have got this. I have rubbed hotchilli all over Mooch's dentures. He's too aroused/distracted to qooty.
There is potentially a whole lot of truth in that statement. Eerily accurate as it goes.

Actually funny story. I was camping a couple of weeks ago and we got some steak for dinner one night. I had these really tasty chilli's while on travelling last month so I picked some up - or at least some that looked similar - to go with the steak. We cooked and everything looked delicious. Expecting a nice tasty chilli I chomped down hard on that thing. Only to find it wasn't a nice tasty chilli but something Alf Stewart might call flamin' hot. It was the hottest thing I've ever tasted and for about 20 minutes I couldn't do anything except try and put the fire out. Mostly with beer.

Anyway not to stress you all out too much but you would be pleased to hear that I found the right chilli's the other day and they went really well with some burgers on the barbie last night.
Wow two days in a row that haven't been any of thread day, match day or selection day.
Don't get used to it. Not for a few more weeks anyway.
There is potentially a whole lot of truth in that statement. Eerily accurate as it goes.

Actually funny story. I was camping a couple of weeks ago and we got some steak for dinner one night. I had these really tasty chilli's while on travelling last month so I picked some up - or at least some that looked similar - to go with the steak. We cooked and everything looked delicious. Expecting a nice tasty chilli I chomped down hard on that thing. Only to find it wasn't a nice tasty chilli but something Alf Stewart might call flamin' hot. It was the hottest thing I've ever tasted and for about 20 minutes I couldn't do anything except try and put the fire out. Mostly with beer.

Anyway not to stress you all out too much but you would be pleased to hear that I found the right chilli's the other day and they went really well with some burgers on the barbie last night.

Don't get used to it. Not for a few more weeks anyway.
Now that's a story!
Nah. The big job is trying to keep TheGoatBaron quiet these days. I'm just a lurker. I lurk around looking for the odd scrap somewhere in the vicinity of Betelguese goal.

It's the weekend? s**t I've been at work all day. No wonder the office was so quiet.

I have heard about TheGoatBaron trash talk and I am prepared for what he has to say.
Good evening everyone. The round 20 extravaganza will get underway around 4.20pm AEST, and will include final scores from around the grounds, the final ladder from around the grounds, and the Fred Medal winner. Good luck to both teams.

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Chris Hemsworth Yes GIF
@Dingster rn
Good evening everyone. The round 20 extravaganza will get underway around 4.20pm AEST, and will include final scores from around the grounds, the final ladder from around the grounds, and the Fred Medal winner. Good luck to both teams.
And the weather? :D
Good evening everyone. The round 20 extravaganza will get underway around 4.20pm AEST, and will include final scores from around the grounds, the final ladder from around the grounds, and the Fred Medal winner. Good luck to both teams.
Why are we playing on a Tuesday?
Alright Bears, this is it, the final showdown of the season! We're up against the Roys, and we need this win to keep our finals dreams alive.

Now, the Roys might think they’re seasoned pros, but we all know they’re just a bunch of old timers who still think the earth is flat. Let’s show them what the Bears can do when we come out of hibernation with a purpose and what modern Qooty looks like!

We’ve clawed our way here, and now it’s time to finish strong. Every tackle, every mark, every goal counts. We’ve got the spirit, the skills, and the hunger to take them down.

So, let’s hit the field with everything we've got. Let’s make them wish they’d stayed home playing bingo. And if we win, the drinks are on me, I’m sure I’ll find a way to pay for them.

And don’t miss the plane! The game starts at 4:20 pm AEST sharp. We don't want anyone left behind trying to hitchhike their way to the game. Be ready to board and let’s bring this win home! Go Bears!

#Las Vegas Bears All In for Victory!

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Art Vandelay_ Cap Chipmunk CountryLad Dingster Electronic_Renaissance Fizzler Grin guero HawkPatrol I Dont Care Jezmiester40 JoseMourinho JoshWoodenSpoon kane249 Matera92 Millky95 Muddiemoose MWPP RonnieRaven RookiePick Senor M Shadow Man Tandy Test Tickle Tommycash
Alright, my beloved Bears, gather 'round! Look who's back! Yours truly, Ted Lasso, has clawed his way out from the darkest depths of the Las Vegas desert where you all tried to bury me. Well, guess what? I made it back just in time for the final game of the season, and I’m here to help you squeeze into the finals.

Now, I’ve been hearing that things haven't exactly been peachy while I've been away. Some of you, maybe most of you, alright, let’s be real, all of you probably wanted to see me gone for good. But here's the thing, I thrive on challenges, just like a bear thrives on honey. And guess what? I’ve got a challenge for you today.

So how about this for a little motivation? Win today, make the finals, and take home the flag, and I promise I'll be on the first plane out of Vegas. Yep, you heard me right. I'll pack my bags, wave goodbye, and let you all bask in the glory of your victory without ol' Ted hanging around.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Today, it's about stepping onto that field and playing with every ounce of heart and soul you've got. I want you to play like you're running on that special powder we talked about, and no, I don’t mean the stuff from the desert. I mean the magic powder of pure, unadulterated passion and determination.

Remember, we’re not just playing Qooty; we’re creating memories. Memories of you running circles around these Roys, making them look like they’re stuck in quicksand.

And one more thing: Believe. I want you to believe in yourselves, in each other, and in the power of what we can achieve together. Stick that word in your minds and let it guide you through every tackle, every pass, every goal.

So let’s get out there and show everyone what it means to be a Bear. Let’s roar louder than ever, fight harder than ever, and leave everything on that field. And remember, if you need any extra motivation, just think about the sight of me boarding that plane.

Let’s do this, Bears! For the finals, for the flag, and most importantly, for each other. And who knows? Maybe a little bit for getting rid of me too. Onward to victory, and remember: Believe!

hands in.jpg
Alright, my beloved Bears, gather 'round! Look who's back! Yours truly, Ted Lasso, has clawed his way out from the darkest depths of the Las Vegas desert where you all tried to bury me. Well, guess what? I made it back just in time for the final game of the season, and I’m here to help you squeeze into the finals.

Now, I’ve been hearing that things haven't exactly been peachy while I've been away. Some of you, maybe most of you, alright, let’s be real, all of you probably wanted to see me gone for good. But here's the thing, I thrive on challenges, just like a bear thrives on honey. And guess what? I’ve got a challenge for you today.

So how about this for a little motivation? Win today, make the finals, and take home the flag, and I promise I'll be on the first plane out of Vegas. Yep, you heard me right. I'll pack my bags, wave goodbye, and let you all bask in the glory of your victory without ol' Ted hanging around.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Today, it's about stepping onto that field and playing with every ounce of heart and soul you've got. I want you to play like you're running on that special powder we talked about, and no, I don’t mean the stuff from the desert. I mean the magic powder of pure, unadulterated passion and determination.

Remember, we’re not just playing Qooty; we’re creating memories. Memories of you running circles around these Roys, making them look like they’re stuck in quicksand.

And one more thing: Believe. I want you to believe in yourselves, in each other, and in the power of what we can achieve together. Stick that word in your minds and let it guide you through every tackle, every pass, every goal.

So let’s get out there and show everyone what it means to be a Bear. Let’s roar louder than ever, fight harder than ever, and leave everything on that field. And remember, if you need any extra motivation, just think about the sight of me boarding that plane.

Let’s do this, Bears! For the finals, for the flag, and most importantly, for each other. And who knows? Maybe a little bit for getting rid of me too. Onward to victory, and remember: Believe!

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: stern look

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