Event SFAEW Season 37: Semi-Finals On Now!

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I think we can sort this out.

Next week: Chipmunk vs U2tigers...in a Street Fight!

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They lock up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a hiptoss against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a soccer kick on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits JoshWoodenSpoon with a kick.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan sends JoshWoodenSpoon into the turnbuckle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a lariat on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is going for the cover.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a superkick against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan attempts to place JoshWoodenSpoon on the turnbuckle, but
JoshWoodenSpoon blocks it.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits JoshWoodenSpoon with an elbow.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan tries a springboard knee strike, but JoshWoodenSpoon steps out of the way.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes a spinebuster slam against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits a dropkick on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon sets up Shaun Freakin' Duggan on the turnbuckle.
JoshWoodenSpoon uses a superplex on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a backbreaker against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Numerous fans are using Shaun Freakin' Duggan as target practice.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses a running single-leg dropkick on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for a spinning mule kick, but JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with a legsweep.
JoshWoodenSpoon puts Shaun Freakin' Duggan in a figure-four leglock.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is struggling to reach the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan makes it to the ropes after holding out for 6 seconds.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits a snap suplex on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon uses a hiptoss on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon nails Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a powerslam.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon complains about a slow count.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a knee to the back against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a spinning mule kick against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan with an elbow.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon misses with a kick.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a lariat on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs the Sling Blade against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan nails JoshWoodenSpoon with a backbreaker.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is going for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan nails JoshWoodenSpoon with a standing moonsault.
Blacky counts: One, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan misses with a clothesline.
JoshWoodenSpoon goes for a high speed sunset flip, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan blocks it.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon tries a flying shoulderblock, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan counters it with an intercept superkick.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan kicks JoshWoodenSpoon.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan chops JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan punches JoshWoodenSpoon.
The crowd is vociferously booing Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a short-arm high knee on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan climbs to the top turnbuckle, but JoshWoodenSpoon nails him in the stomach.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan falls onto the top turnbuckle.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits a superplex on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The crowd is behind JoshWoodenSpoon all the way.
JoshWoodenSpoon covers Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon does the "Good Blend" hand wave taunt.
JoshWoodenSpoon goes for the STF, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan counters it with a small package.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan nails JoshWoodenSpoon with a rolling elbowsmash.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan takes JoshWoodenSpoon down with a bodyslam.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a backbreaker on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is being booed out of the building.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for a frog splash, but JoshWoodenSpoon gets his knees up.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits a kick to the head on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon nails Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a flying cross body press.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a dropkick against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon nails Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a DDT.
The chants for JoshWoodenSpoon are deafening.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a Frankensteiner against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon takes Shaun Freakin' Duggan down with a back suplex.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a back suplex against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts a vertical suplex, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan slides down his back.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs an inside cradle against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a springboard lariat against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan throws JoshWoodenSpoon out of the ring.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes through the ropes.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan reenters the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon climbs back into the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon brings the table into the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon sets up Shaun Freakin' Duggan on the table.
JoshWoodenSpoon tries to drive Shaun Freakin' Duggan through the table with a DDT, but he blocks it.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for a back suplex, but JoshWoodenSpoon blocks it.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts an electric chair facebuster, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan counters it with a Victory Roll.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan sets up JoshWoodenSpoon on the table.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the Pedigree through the table.
The table is broken in half.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan sends JoshWoodenSpoon into the turnbuckle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs shoulder-first into the corner.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan chops JoshWoodenSpoon.
The crowd is vociferously booing Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan chops JoshWoodenSpoon.
JoshWoodenSpoon punches Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The chants for JoshWoodenSpoon are deafening.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan punches JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is being booed out of the building.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan tries a high knee, but JoshWoodenSpoon ducks out of the way.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes an inverted suplex against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon is going for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon does the "Good Blend" hand wave taunt.
The crowd is behind JoshWoodenSpoon all the way.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts an electric chair facebuster, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan counters it with a rana.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes, but JoshWoodenSpoon reverses it.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses a lariat on JoshWoodenSpoon.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a rolling elbowsmash on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan attempts an enzuigiri, but JoshWoodenSpoon steps out of the way.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits a dropkick on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon is going for the cover.
Blacky counts: One, kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits a powerslam on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a vertical suplex against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The chants for JoshWoodenSpoon are deafening.
JoshWoodenSpoon runs into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a kick.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts to place Shaun Freakin' Duggan on the turnbuckle, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan blocks it.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits JoshWoodenSpoon with an elbow.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a reverse neckbreaker on JoshWoodenSpoon.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses a snap suplex on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for a standing moonsault, but JoshWoodenSpoon gets his knees up.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a swinging cutter against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts a diving overhead legdrop, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan steps out of the way.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is going for the cover.
Blacky counts: One, shoulder up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes, but JoshWoodenSpoon reverses it.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan with an elbow.
JoshWoodenSpoon puts Shaun Freakin' Duggan in the STF.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan makes it to the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
JoshWoodenSpoon takes Shaun Freakin' Duggan down with a vertical suplex.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes the Good Blend on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts a back suplex, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan counters it with a facerake.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for a springboard lariat, but he can't do it.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes the Good Blend on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes a vertical suplex against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon takes Shaun Freakin' Duggan down with a snap suplex.
JoshWoodenSpoon goes for a DDT, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan counters it with a backdrop.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits an enzuigiri on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is being booed out of the building.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan gives the sign for the DuggWalker.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the DuggWalker on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan tries a superkick, but JoshWoodenSpoon ducks out of the way.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes, but
Shaun Freakin' Duggan reverses it.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a lariat on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a kneedrop against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a backbreaker against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is being booed out of the building.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses a lariat on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses a kneelift on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a spinning mule kick against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes, but JoshWoodenSpoon reverses it.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits a spinebuster slam on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Blacky counts: One, two, in the ropes...
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a powerslam against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon goes for a vertical suplex, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan reverses it.
In turn, JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with a small package.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a bodyslam against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a bulldog against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan misses with a clothesline.
JoshWoodenSpoon misses with a clothesline.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a running single-leg dropkick against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is being booed out of the building.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan works the crowd.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses a springboard lariat on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan attempts a short-arm high knee, but JoshWoodenSpoon ducks out of the way.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes a spinebuster slam against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon nails Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a high speed sunset flip.
Blacky counts: One, kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon throws Blacky out of the ring.
Blacky is out cold.
Blacky crawls back into the ring.
Blacky shakes off the pain.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a dropkick against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon goes for a swinging cutter, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan turns in mid-air and lands on him.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a Falcon Arrow against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Blacky counts: One, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses a chop on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a superkick against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan works the crowd.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan nails JoshWoodenSpoon with a standing moonsault.
Blacky counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a lariat against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan nails JoshWoodenSpoon with a superkick.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan attempts a legdrop, but JoshWoodenSpoon moves out of the way.
JoshWoodenSpoon does the "Good Blend" hand wave taunt.
The crowd is giving JoshWoodenSpoon a standing ovation.
JoshWoodenSpoon runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan misses with a clothesline.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a shoulderblock.
JoshWoodenSpoon gives the sign for the Good Blend.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes the Good Blend on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon shoves down Blacky.
JoshWoodenSpoon shoves Blacky.
JoshWoodenSpoon takes Shaun Freakin' Duggan down with a gutwrench suplex.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits JoshWoodenSpoon with a clothesline.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the DuggWalker on JoshWoodenSpoon.
The crowd is vociferously booing Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the DuggWalker on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, three.

The winner is Shaun Freakin' Duggan. Time of match: 0:15:51
Sim Rating: *****

Frothies Mcveigh comes to ringside.

Frothies McVeigh grabs a microphone.

FMcV: People of Sweet...the end of the Senor M age is coming! My good friend Shaun Freakin' Duggan will be World Champion once again!

As for the rest of the Bang Bang Furie Gang...well Pick and JC already have the tag belts...and I have a bone to pick with another champ!

Hey Loonerty! Last time I checked, you haven't beaten me 1-on-1! You made JC tap, and the one time we fought, the only thing that kept me from winning was the time limit!

I want a rematch...and I want it for your Intercity Championship at SweetaMania!

Frothies McVeigh poses on the turnbuckles.

Shaun Freakin' Duggan looks up at him and raises an eyebrow.
Grand Uncle Horace and Mrs Turbo start brawling in the back of the tavern.
King Tenz enters the tavern and distracts Grand Uncle Horace.
Mrs Turbo is handed a keyboard.
Mrs Turbo hits him with the keyboard.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Mrs Turbo hits him with a keyboard.
They're brawling in the back of the tavern.
King Tenz comes from behind and distracts Grand Uncle Horace.
They're brawling in the back of the tavern.
Mrs Turbo hits him with a keyboard.
Mrs Turbo throws Grand Uncle Horace into the arena wall.
Mrs Turbo hits him with the keyboard.
They're brawling up the tavern stairway.
Mrs Turbo nails Grand Uncle Horace with a pop-up Samoan Drop.
Mrs Turbo is handed a baseball bat.
Mrs Turbo hits him with the baseball bat.
They're brawling in the first floor hallway.
Mrs Turbo launches Grand Uncle Horace across the hallway with a release German suplex.
Mrs Turbo taunts the crowd.
Mrs Turbo performs a hiptoss against Grand Uncle Horace.
King Tenz comes from behind, but Grand Uncle Horace nails King Tenz.
Mrs Turbo hits him with the baseball bat.
Mrs Turbo hits him with a baseball bat.
They're brawling up the tavern stairway.
Mrs Turbo executes a bodyslam against Grand Uncle Horace.
King Tenz comes from behind, but Grand Uncle Horace nails King Tenz.
Mrs Turbo hits him with the baseball bat.
They're brawling on the roof.
Grand Uncle Horace goes for a back suplex, but Mrs Turbo counters it with a bulldog.
Mrs Turbo hits him with a baseball bat.
They're brawling on the roof.
Mrs Turbo is handed a keyboard.
Mrs Turbo hits him with the keyboard.
Mrs Turbo doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction she's getting.
Mrs Turbo covers Grand Uncle Horace.
Chief counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Mrs Turbo hits him with a keyboard.
They're brawling on the roof.
Mrs Turbo gives him a vertical suplex, but Grand Uncle Horace only stares at her.
They're brawling on the roof.
Mrs Turbo executes a backbreaker against Grand Uncle Horace.
Mrs Turbo is handed a road sign.
Mrs Turbo hits him with the road sign.
They're brawling down the stairway.
Mrs Turbo hits a snap mare on Grand Uncle Horace.
Mrs Turbo is handed a fire extinguisher.
Mrs Turbo hits him with the fire extinguisher.
Mrs Turbo is handed brass knuckles.
Mrs Turbo hits him with the knuckles.
Mrs Turbo executes a release German suplex against Grand Uncle Horace.
King Tenz comes from behind, but Grand Uncle Horace nails King Tenz.
They're brawling in the first floor hallway..
They're brawling down the stairway.
Mrs Turbo is handed the Beez Trophy.
Mrs Turbo takes a swing at Grand Uncle Horace with the Trophy, but he gets out of the way.
Grand Uncle Horace snatches the Trophy from her.
Grand Uncle Horace hits her with the Trophy.
Grand Uncle Horace acknowledges the portion of the crowd which is cheering him.
Grand Uncle Horace yells at the fans.
King Tenz comes from behind and distracts Grand Uncle Horace.
They're brawling in the back of the tavern.
Mrs Turbo uses a legsweep on Grand Uncle Horace.
They're brawling in the pokies lounge.
Mrs Turbo executes a kick to the midsection against Grand Uncle Horace.
Mrs Turbo flings Grand Uncle Horace over a row of chairs.
They're brawling in the pokies lounge.
Mrs Turbo is handed a road sign.
Mrs Turbo hits him with the road sign.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Mrs Turbo hits him with a road sign.
They're brawling in the bar room.
Mrs Turbo attempts a chokehold, but Grand Uncle Horace counters it with a facerake.
They're brawling behind the bar.
Grand Uncle Horace throws Mrs Turbo over the bar.
They're brawling inside bar room.
Grand Uncle Horace throws Mrs Turbo over the bar.
Grand Uncle Horace throws Mrs Turbo into the bar.
They're brawling inside the bar room.
Grand Uncle Horace throws Mrs Turbo over the bar.
Grand Uncle Horace hits a kick to the thigh on Mrs Turbo.
Grand Uncle Horace covers Mrs Turbo.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
Grand Uncle Horace performs a belly-to-back suplex against Mrs Turbo.
Grand Uncle Horace throws Mrs Turbo into the bar.
They're brawling behind the bar.
Mrs Turbo hits an elbowsmash on Grand Uncle Horace.
Mrs Turbo is going for the cover.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
They're brawling behind the bar.
They're brawling behind the bar.
Mrs Turbo goes for a backbreaker, but Grand Uncle Horace counters it with an elbowsmash.
They're brawling behind the bar.
They're brawling behind the bar.
Mrs Turbo executes a bodyslam against Grand Uncle Horace.
Mrs Turbo whips Grand Uncle Horace into the bar.
They're brawling in the bar room.
Mrs Turbo executes a release German suplex against Grand Uncle Horace.
The crowd is wildly cheering Mrs Turbo with only a few scattered boos audible.
Mrs Turbo runs Grand Uncle Horace into the bar.
Mrs Turbo is handed Chain.
Mrs Turbo hits him with theChain.
Mrs Turbo tries a short clothesline, but Grand Uncle Horace ducks out of the way.
Grand Uncle Horace covers Mrs Turbo.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
They're brawling inside the bar room.
Grand Uncle Horace executes an elbowsmash against Mrs Turbo.
King Tenz comes from behind and hits Grand Uncle Horace with a pipe.
Mrs Turbo covers Grand Uncle Horace.
Chief counts: One, two, three.
The boos are resurfacing again.

The winner is Mrs Turbo. Time of match: 0:09:44
Sim Rating: ** 1/2

Mrs Turbo retains! With some help from former champ King Tenz. Interesting...
They lock up.
Loonerty puts PhenomenalV1 in a double chicken wing submission.
PhenomenalV1 tries to escape the hold.
PhenomenalV1 manages to grab the ropes after holding out for 12 seconds.
Loonerty attempts a German suplex, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with a backward kick.
PhenomenalV1 runs into the ropes.
Loonerty hits PhenomenalV1 with a clothesline.
PhenomenalV1 falls out of the ring.
Loonerty goes for a tope, but PhenomenalV1 moves out of the way.
The crowd is going crazy.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mike Uppet counts: 1.
PhenomenalV1 performs a gutwrench suplex against Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 is handed a baseball bat.
PhenomenalV1 hits him with the baseball bat.
PhenomenalV1 sets up a table.
PhenomenalV1 sets up Loonerty on the table.
PhenomenalV1 executes an elbowdrop through the table.
The table is broken in half.
PhenomenalV1 executes a kick to the midsection against Loonerty.
Mike Uppet counts: 2.
PhenomenalV1 climbs back into the ring.
Loonerty climbs back into the ring.
PhenomenalV1 whips Loonerty into the ropes, but Loonerty reverses it.
PhenomenalV1 tries a swinging DDT, but Loonerty counters it with a backbreaker.
The crowd is behind Loonerty all the way.
In turn, PhenomenalV1 counters it with an elbowsmash.
PhenomenalV1 whips Loonerty into the ropes.
Loonerty hits PhenomenalV1 with an elbow.
Loonerty is going for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Loonerty goes for a flying bulldog, but PhenomenalV1 steps out of the way.
The crowd is behind PhenomenalV1 all the way.
PhenomenalV1 nails Loonerty with a single arm DDT.
PhenomenalV1 does the "DELETE" arm swipe.
PhenomenalV1 nails Loonerty with an enzuigiri.
PhenomenalV1 nails Loonerty with a reverse neckbreaker.
The crowd is giving PhenomenalV1 a standing ovation.
PhenomenalV1 covers Loonerty.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 goes for the Splash Mountain, but Loonerty blocks it.
Loonerty executes a dragon suplex against PhenomenalV1.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
Loonerty hits a vertical suplex on PhenomenalV1.
Loonerty uses a headbutt on PhenomenalV1.
Loonerty whips PhenomenalV1 into the ropes.
Loonerty tries a chokehold, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with a facerake.
PhenomenalV1 throws Loonerty out of the ring.
PhenomenalV1 goes outside.
PhenomenalV1 knocks Loonerty into the ringsteps.
PhenomenalV1 executes a swinging neckbreaker against Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 is handed a frying pan.
PhenomenalV1 hits him with the frying pan.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
PhenomenalV1 whips Loonerty into the guardrail.
Mike Uppet counts: 1.
PhenomenalV1 tries a swinging DDT, but Loonerty counters it with a backbreaker.
The crowd is behind Loonerty all the way.
Mike Uppet counts: 2.
Loonerty executes a single-leg takedown against PhenomenalV1.
Loonerty reenters the ring.
PhenomenalV1 climbs back into the ring.
Loonerty whips PhenomenalV1 into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 hits Loonerty with an elbow.
PhenomenalV1 performs a lariat against Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 tries a figure-four leglock, but Loonerty kicks him off.
Loonerty runs into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 performs a lariat against Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 whips Loonerty into the ropes, but Loonerty reverses it.
Loonerty executes a monkey flip against PhenomenalV1.
Loonerty executes an elbowdrop against PhenomenalV1.
Loonerty runs into the ropes.
Loonerty misses with a clothesline.
Loonerty tries a flying clothesline, but PhenomenalV1 steps out of the way.
PhenomenalV1 performs the Splash Mountain against Loonerty.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 whips Loonerty into the ropes.
Loonerty hits a flying clothesline on PhenomenalV1.
The crowd is giving Loonerty a standing ovation.
Loonerty puts PhenomenalV1 in an Indian deathlock.
PhenomenalV1 grabs the ropes after 14 seconds.
Loonerty tries a facerake, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 whips Loonerty into the ropes.
Loonerty hits PhenomenalV1 with a kick.
Loonerty executes a headbutt against PhenomenalV1.
Loonerty catches PhenomenalV1 in a cross armbreaker.
PhenomenalV1 is struggling to reach the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 manages to grab the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
Loonerty goes for a dropkick, but PhenomenalV1 steps out of the way.
PhenomenalV1 goes for a front slam, but Loonerty turns in mid-air and lands on him.
Mike Uppet counts: One, shoulder up.
Loonerty hits a German suplex on PhenomenalV1.
Both combatants' shoulders are on the mat.
Mike Uppet counts: One, Loonerty lifts a shoulder, kickout.
Loonerty performs an elbowdrop against PhenomenalV1.
Loonerty runs into the ropes.
Loonerty tries a flying clothesline, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with an intercept superkick.
PhenomenalV1 performs an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle against Loonerty.
Mike Uppet counts: One, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 tries an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle, but Loonerty rolls out of the way.
Loonerty throws PhenomenalV1 out of the ring.
PhenomenalV1 hangs on to the top rope.
PhenomenalV1 pulls himself back in.
PhenomenalV1 whips Loonerty into the ropes.
Loonerty misses with an elbow.
PhenomenalV1 and Loonerty get hit with a double clothesline.
PhenomenalV1 performs a bodyslam against Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 whips Loonerty into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 executes a kick to the midsection against Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 goes for the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown, but Loonerty counters it with a backslide.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
Loonerty whips PhenomenalV1 into the ropes, but PhenomenalV1 reverses it.
Loonerty executes a flying clothesline against PhenomenalV1.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Loonerty covers PhenomenalV1.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Loonerty throws Mike Uppet out of the ring.
Mike Uppet is out cold.
Mike Uppet crawls back into the ring.
Mike Uppet shakes off the pain.
PhenomenalV1 places Loonerty on the turnbuckle.
PhenomenalV1 executes a superplex against Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 performs a swinging neckbreaker against Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 executes the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown on Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
PhenomenalV1 places Loonerty on the turnbuckle.
PhenomenalV1 executes a superplex against Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 executes a facebite against Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 runs into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 executes a swinging DDT against Loonerty.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
PhenomenalV1 hits an enzuigiri on Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 gets a figure-four leglock on Loonerty.
Loonerty makes it to the ropes after being trapped for 6 seconds.
PhenomenalV1 nails Loonerty with the Liger Bomb.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
PhenomenalV1 executes a gutwrench suplex against Loonerty.
The chants for PhenomenalV1 are deafening.
PhenomenalV1 tries a swinging DDT, but Loonerty blocks it.
Loonerty performs a single-leg takedown against PhenomenalV1.
Loonerty uses a European uppercut on PhenomenalV1.
Loonerty whips PhenomenalV1 into the ropes, but PhenomenalV1 reverses it.
Loonerty misses with a shoulderblock.
PhenomenalV1 nails Loonerty with a side slam.
The chants for PhenomenalV1 are deafening.
PhenomenalV1 performs a moonsault against Loonerty.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
PhenomenalV1 tries a lariat, but Loonerty counters it with a crucifix.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
Loonerty hits PhenomenalV1.
The crowd erupts.
Loonerty punches PhenomenalV1.
Loonerty hits PhenomenalV1.
Loonerty executes a flying clothesline against PhenomenalV1.
Loonerty runs into the ropes.
Loonerty hits PhenomenalV1 with a kick.
Loonerty goes for a surfboard, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 executes an elbowsmash against Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 attempts a DDT, but Loonerty counters it with a Northern Lights suplex.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
Loonerty nails PhenomenalV1 with a DDT.
Loonerty attempts a sleeperhold, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 goes for a tilt-a-whirl suplex, but Loonerty counters it with an enzuilariato.
Loonerty runs into the ropes.
Loonerty attempts a flying clothesline, but PhenomenalV1 steps out of the way.
PhenomenalV1 attempts the Liger Bomb, but Loonerty counters it with a small package.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
Loonerty runs into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 misses with a clothesline.
PhenomenalV1 misses with a kick.
PhenomenalV1 hits a bodyslam on Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 hits the Splash Mountain on Loonerty.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 runs into the ropes.
Loonerty goes for a flying clothesline, but PhenomenalV1 steps out of the way.
PhenomenalV1 hits a swinging DDT on Loonerty.
The chants for PhenomenalV1 are deafening.
PhenomenalV1 runs into the ropes.
Loonerty hits a monkey flip on PhenomenalV1.
Loonerty performs a vertical suplex against PhenomenalV1.
Loonerty chops PhenomenalV1.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 chops Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 kicks Loonerty.
The crowd is behind PhenomenalV1 all the way.
Loonerty chops PhenomenalV1.
Loonerty punches PhenomenalV1.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Loonerty punches PhenomenalV1.
Loonerty hits a headbutt on PhenomenalV1.
Loonerty uses a Russian legsweep on PhenomenalV1.
Loonerty climbs to the top turnbuckle, but PhenomenalV1 throws him to the mat.
PhenomenalV1 gives the sign for the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown.
PhenomenalV1 executes the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown on Loonerty.
The chants for PhenomenalV1 are deafening.
PhenomenalV1 goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
PhenomenalV1 shoves Mike Uppet.
PhenomenalV1 performs a vertical suplex against Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Loonerty counters it with a side suplex.
Loonerty executes the Sharp-Looner on PhenomenalV1.
Mike Uppet checks PhenomenalV1's arm.
He lifts it... it stays up!
PhenomenalV1 fights his way out of the hold after 18 seconds.
PhenomenalV1 performs a headlock takedown against Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 performs a tilt-a-whirl suplex against Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 is going for the cover.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
PhenomenalV1 performs an elbowdrop against Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 uses a single arm DDT on Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 takes Loonerty down with a single arm DDT.
PhenomenalV1 does the "DELETE" arm swipe.
The chants for PhenomenalV1 are deafening.
PhenomenalV1 throws Loonerty out of the ring.
Mike Uppet counts: one, two, three, Loonerty reenters the ring.
PhenomenalV1 whips Loonerty into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 misses with a clothesline.
PhenomenalV1 tries a side slam, but Loonerty counters it with an armdrag takedown.
Loonerty takes PhenomenalV1 down with a Northern Lights suplex.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
Loonerty runs into the ropes.
Loonerty misses with a clothesline.
Loonerty misses with a shoulderblock.
Loonerty executes a flying clothesline against PhenomenalV1.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Loonerty.
Loonerty whips PhenomenalV1 into the ropes.
Loonerty tries an armdrag takedown, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with a backslide.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 throws Loonerty out of the ring.
Mike Uppet counts: one, Loonerty reenters the ring.
PhenomenalV1 tries the Splash Mountain, but Loonerty blocks it.
Loonerty uses a back suplex on PhenomenalV1.
Loonerty runs into the ropes.
Loonerty misses with a kick.
Loonerty attempts a flying clothesline, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with an intercept superkick.
PhenomenalV1 attempts to place Loonerty on the turnbuckle, but Loonerty blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 uses a side slam on Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 runs into the ropes.
Loonerty attempts a flying clothesline, but PhenomenalV1 steps out of the way.
PhenomenalV1 performs a moonsault against Loonerty.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, in the ropes...
PhenomenalV1 tries a lariat, but Loonerty counters it with a Fujiwara armbar.
PhenomenalV1 gets ahold of the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Loonerty goes for a monkey flip, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 sends Loonerty into the turnbuckle.
PhenomenalV1 charges in with a clothesline.
PhenomenalV1 uses a bulldog on Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 uses a single arm DDT on Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 covers Loonerty.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 uses a DDT on Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 attempts an elbowdrop, but Loonerty moves out of the way.
Loonerty throws PhenomenalV1 out of the ring.
Loonerty jumps onto him with a tope.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mike Uppet counts: 1.
PhenomenalV1 throws Loonerty back into the ring.
PhenomenalV1 executes the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown on Loonerty.
The crowd is behind PhenomenalV1 all the way.
PhenomenalV1 goes for the pin.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 kicks Loonerty.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for PhenomenalV1.
PhenomenalV1 kicks Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 executes a spinning headlock elbowdrop against Loonerty.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
PhenomenalV1 executes a headlock takedown against Loonerty.
PhenomenalV1 tries a side slam, but Loonerty counters it with an elbowsmash.
Loonerty whips PhenomenalV1 into the turnbuckle, but PhenomenalV1 reverses it.
PhenomenalV1 charges in with a clothesline, but Loonerty lifts his leg.
Loonerty uses a European uppercut on PhenomenalV1.
Loonerty uses a Russian legsweep on PhenomenalV1.
Loonerty performs an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle against PhenomenalV1.
Mike Uppet counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Loonerty executes the Sharp-Looner on PhenomenalV1.
PhenomenalV1 is valiantly trying to break the hold.
PhenomenalV1 is inching his way towards the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 summons one last burst of energy.
Mike Uppet tells PhenomenalV1 to respond or he'll stop the fight.
PhenomenalV1 nods.
Mike Uppet asks PhenomenalV1 if he's had enough.
PhenomenalV1 shakes his head.
PhenomenalV1 is barely hanging in there.
Mike Uppet asks PhenomenalV1 if he's had enough.
PhenomenalV1 shakes his head.
PhenomenalV1 summons one last burst of energy.
Mike Uppet asks PhenomenalV1 if he should stop the fight.
PhenomenalV1 shakes his head.
PhenomenalV1 is barely hanging in there.
Mike Uppet asks PhenomenalV1 if he's still there.
PhenomenalV1 nods.
Mike Uppet asks PhenomenalV1 if he's had enough.
PhenomenalV1 shakes his head.
Mike Uppet asks PhenomenalV1 if he should stop the fight.
PhenomenalV1 shakes his head.
PhenomenalV1 is inching his way towards the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 is writhing in pain.
PhenomenalV1 submits after 55 seconds.

The crowd is on its feet cheering for Loonerty.

The winner is Loonerty. Time of match: 0:19:34
Sim Rating: **** 1/4

Damn it! I mean...great work Loons. I'll see you in the final...

Super Sixes Standings
They lock up.
Elton John's Wig punches James Colorado.
James Colorado hits Elton John's Wig.
Elton John's Wig kicks James Colorado.
Elton John's Wig chops James Colorado.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Elton John's Wig.
Elton John's Wig throws James Colorado out of the ring.
Elton John's Wig goes for an elbow suicida, but James Colorado moves out of the way.
Chief counts: 1.
Pickitt comes over to make it two-on-one.
Pickitt goes for a jumping knee strike, but Elton John's Wig ducks out of the way.
Elton John's Wig whips James Colorado into the guardrail.
Elton John's Wig hits an elbowsmash on James Colorado.
Chief counts: 2.
Elton John's Wig goes for the Mandible Claw, but James Colorado blocks it.
Elton John's Wig reenters the ring.
James Colorado rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Elton John's Wig hits James Colorado.
The crowd seems to be rallying behind Elton John's Wig.
Elton John's Wig kicks James Colorado.
Elton John's Wig nails James Colorado with a piledriver.
Elton John's Wig covers James Colorado.
Chief counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Elton John's Wig executes an armbreaker against James Colorado.
Elton John's Wig performs an elbowsmash against James Colorado.
Elton John's Wig tags out to The Injury Factory.
The Injury Factory performs a spinebuster slam against James Colorado.
Chief counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Injury Factory executes an enzuigiri against James Colorado.
The Injury Factory executes a hiptoss against James Colorado.
The Injury Factory whips James Colorado into the ropes.
The Injury Factory misses with a clothesline.
James Colorado hits The Injury Factory with an elbow.
James Colorado tags out to Pickitt.
Elton John's Wig enters the ring, but gets cut off.
James Colorado attempts a high knee, but The Injury Factory ducks out of the way.
James Colorado leaves the ring.
The Injury Factory throws Pickitt out of the ring.
The Injury Factory goes outside.
The Injury Factory attempts a German suplex, but Pickitt blocks it.
Chief counts: 1.
Pickitt throws The Injury Factory into the guardrail.
Pickitt shoves The Injury Factory into the guardrail.
Pickitt executes a fist to the midsection against The Injury Factory.
Chief counts: 2.
Pickitt gets back into the ring.
The Injury Factory follows him back in.
Pickitt goes for a brain buster, but The Injury Factory counters it with a small package.
Chief counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Injury Factory nails Pickitt with a koppo kick.
The crowd is behind The Injury Factory all the way.
Elton John's Wig enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
James Colorado enters the ring, but gets cut off.
The Injury Factory and Elton John's Wig hit Pickitt with a double forearm to the back.
The Injury Factory and Elton John's Wig whip Pickitt into the ropes.
They attempt to hit Pickitt with a double fist to the midsection, but he counters it with a double clothesline.
Elton John's Wig leaves the ring.
Pickitt throws The Injury Factory out of the ring.
Pickitt rolls out under the bottom rope.
Pickitt throws The Injury Factory into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Chief counts: 1.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
The Injury Factory performs an open-handed chop against Pickitt.
The Injury Factory throws Pickitt into the guardrail.
The Injury Factory gets back into the ring.
Pickitt climbs back into the ring.
The Injury Factory gets the Koji clutch on Pickitt.
Pickitt inches his way towards the ropes after holding out for 12 seconds.
Elton John's Wig enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Elton John's Wig performs a back suplex against Pickitt.
The Injury Factory goes for a flying dropkick, but Pickitt counters it with an intercept dropkick.
Elton John's Wig leaves the ring.
Pickitt tries a kick to the midsection, but The Injury Factory counters it with a dragon screw.
In turn, Pickitt counters it with an enzuigiri to the face.
Pickitt runs into the ropes.
The Injury Factory hits Pickitt with an elbow.
The Injury Factory tags out to Elton John's Wig.
Elton John's Wig whips Pickitt into the ropes.
Elton John's Wig performs a kick to the midsection against Pickitt.
Elton John's Wig tries a choke against the ropes, but Pickitt blocks it.
Pickitt hits a high knee on Elton John's Wig.
Pickitt uses a kick to the midsection on Elton John's Wig.
Pickitt whips Elton John's Wig into the ropes.
Elton John's Wig performs a swinging neckbreaker against Pickitt.
The cheers for Elton John's Wig are drowning out the boos.
The Injury Factory enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
James Colorado enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Elton John's Wig and The Injury Factory whip Pickitt into the ropes.
They hit Pickitt with a double kick to the midsection.
The Injury Factory leaves the ring.
Elton John's Wig performs an armbreaker against Pickitt.
Elton John's Wig tags out to The Injury Factory.
Elton John's Wig performs a bodyslam against Pickitt.
The Injury Factory performs a flying dropkick against Pickitt.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Injury Factory.
Elton John's Wig leaves the ring.
The Injury Factory uses a facerake on Pickitt.
The Injury Factory hits a bodyslam on Pickitt.
The Injury Factory hits a koppo kick on Pickitt.
The Injury Factory chops Pickitt.
Pickitt chops The Injury Factory.
Numerous fans are using Pickitt as target practice.
The Injury Factory hits Pickitt.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Injury Factory.
The Injury Factory kicks Pickitt.
The Injury Factory nails Pickitt with a German suplex.
Chief counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Injury Factory nails Pickitt with a koppo kick.
The Injury Factory goes for a German suplex, but Pickitt blocks it.
Pickitt performs an elbowsmash against The Injury Factory.
Pickitt chops The Injury Factory.
Pickitt is being booed out of the building.
The Injury Factory hits Pickitt.
The Injury Factory punches Pickitt.
Pickitt hits The Injury Factory.
Pickitt kicks The Injury Factory.
The Injury Factory punches Pickitt.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Injury Factory hits Pickitt.
The Injury Factory runs into the ropes.
Pickitt hits The Injury Factory with an elbow.
Pickitt tags out to James Colorado.
James Colorado and Pickitt whip The Injury Factory into the ropes.
They hit The Injury Factory with a double elbowsmash.
Pickitt performs a brain buster against The Injury Factory.
The crowd is vociferously booing Pickitt.
James Colorado hits a flying somersault splash on The Injury Factory.
Numerous fans are using James Colorado as target practice.
Pickitt leaves the ring.
James Colorado nails The Injury Factory with a belly-to-belly suplex.
James Colorado hits a running knee strike on The Injury Factory.
James Colorado tags out to Pickitt.
James Colorado performs a snap suplex against The Injury Factory.
Pickitt nails The Injury Factory with a flying elbowdrop.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.

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Pickitt and James Colorado whip The Injury Factory into the ropes.
They hit The Injury Factory with a double fist to the midsection.
James Colorado uses a dropkick on The Injury Factory.
Pickitt tries a German suplex, but The Injury Factory blocks it.
James Colorado leaves the ring.
The Injury Factory performs an inverted atomic drop against Pickitt.
The Injury Factory nails Pickitt with a flying forearm.
The Injury Factory attempts a reverse Frankensteiner, but Pickitt counters it with an electric chair drop.
Pickitt whips The Injury Factory into the ropes.
The Injury Factory hits Pickitt with an elbow.
The Injury Factory performs an inverted facelock backbreaker against Pickitt.
The Injury Factory tries a basement dropkick, but Pickitt rolls out of the way.
The crowd is vociferously booing Pickitt.
Pickitt tags out to James Colorado.
James Colorado and Pickitt whip The Injury Factory into the ropes.
They hit The Injury Factory with a double kick to the midsection.
James Colorado and Pickitt whip The Injury Factory into the ropes.
James Colorado and Pickitt hit The Injury Factory with a double bodyslam.
James Colorado and Pickitt whip The Injury Factory into the ropes.
James Colorado and Pickitt hit The Injury Factory with a double backbreaker.
Pickitt leaves the ring.
James Colorado goes for a flying somersault splash, but The Injury Factory rolls out of the way.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Injury Factory.
The Injury Factory tags out to Elton John's Wig.
Elton John's Wig and The Injury Factory whip James Colorado into the ropes.
They attempt to hit James Colorado with a double clothesline, but he counters it with a duck-down move.
James Colorado hits them with a double clothesline.
The Injury Factory leaves the ring.
James Colorado executes a spinning mule kick against Elton John's Wig.
James Colorado tries a snap mare, but Elton John's Wig blocks it.
The Injury Factory enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Pickitt enters the ring and lays out The Injury Factory.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
James Colorado and Pickitt hit Elton John's Wig with a double elbowsmash.
Pickitt leaves the ring.
James Colorado hits a slap on Elton John's Wig.
James Colorado hits Elton John's Wig.
James Colorado punches Elton John's Wig.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
James Colorado executes a kick to the midsection against Elton John's Wig.
James Colorado performs a backbreaker against Elton John's Wig.
James Colorado tags out to Pickitt.
James Colorado uses a backbreaker on Elton John's Wig.
Pickitt nails Elton John's Wig with a flying elbowdrop.
Chief counts: One, two, shoulder up.
James Colorado leaves the ring.
Pickitt throws Elton John's Wig out of the ring.
Pickitt jumps onto him with a tope con hilo.
Pickitt executes an elbowsmash against Elton John's Wig.
Chief counts: 1.
Pickitt reenters the ring.
Elton John's Wig climbs back into the ring.
Elton John's Wig brings the table into the ring.
Elton John's Wig performs an elbowsmash against Pickitt.
Elton John's Wig sets up Pickitt on the table.
Elton John's Wig executes a double arm DDT through the table.
The table is broken in half.
The Injury Factory enters the ring.
Elton John's Wig and The Injury Factory hit Pickitt with the
Bosstino into the Mandible Claw.
Elton John's Wig goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
Elton John's Wig whips Pickitt into the ropes, but Pickitt reverses it.
Pickitt misses with a clothesline.
Pickitt hits a chop on Elton John's Wig.
James Colorado enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Pickitt and James Colorado whip Elton John's Wig into the ropes.
They hit Elton John's Wig with a double kick to the midsection.
James Colorado leaves the ring.
Pickitt executes a snap mare against Elton John's Wig.
Pickitt is going for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
Pickitt executes a spinning mule kick against Elton John's Wig.
Pickitt tries a jumping elbow thrust, but Elton John's Wig steps out of the way.
Elton John's Wig tries a headsmash into the turnbuckle, but Pickitt reverses it.
Elton John's Wig re-reverses it.
Elton John's Wig nails Pickitt with a faceslam.
Elton John's Wig performs an elbowsmash against Pickitt.
Elton John's Wig performs an elbowsmash against Pickitt.
Elton John's Wig tries a vertical suplex, but Pickitt slides down his back.
James Colorado enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Pickitt and James Colorado whip Elton John's Wig into the ropes.
They hit Elton John's Wig with a double kick to the midsection.
Pickitt and James Colorado whip Elton John's Wig into the ropes.
They attempt to hit Elton John's Wig with a double elbowsmash, but he counters it with a duck-down move.
Elton John's Wig hits them with a double clothesline.
James Colorado leaves the ring.
Elton John's Wig goes for a dragon sleeper, but Pickitt counters it with a facerake.
James Colorado enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Pickitt and James Colorado whip Elton John's Wig into the ropes.
Pickitt and James Colorado hit Elton John's Wig with a double bodyslam.
James Colorado leaves the ring.
Pickitt performs a dropkick against Elton John's Wig.
Pickitt whips Elton John's Wig into the ropes, but Elton John's Wig reverses it.
Elton John's Wig hits Pickitt with a clothesline.
Pickitt falls out of the ring.
Elton John's Wig rolls out under the bottom rope.
Elton John's Wig nails Pickitt with a faceslam.
Elton John's Wig throws Pickitt into the ringsteps.
Elton John's Wig clears the announcers' table.
Elton John's Wig sets up Pickitt on the announcers' table.
Elton John's Wig executes a piledriver through the table.
The table didn't break.
Elton John's Wig goes for a legdrop, but Pickitt moves out of the way.
Chief counts: 1.
Pickitt throws Elton John's Wig into the ringsteps.
James Colorado comes over to make it two-on-one.
James Colorado attempts a spinning mule kick, but Elton John's Wig counters it with a low blow.
Chief counts: 2.
The Injury Factory comes over to make it two-on-one.
The Injury Factory performs a koppo kick against Pickitt.
Elton John's Wig attempts a sleeperhold, but Pickitt blocks it.
Pickitt performs a DDT against Elton John's Wig.
Pickitt throws Elton John's Wig into the guardrail.
Chief counts: 3.
Pickitt shoves Elton John's Wig into the guardrail.
Pickitt knocks Elton John's Wig into the ringsteps.
Pickitt doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction he's getting.
Pickitt uses a high knee on Elton John's Wig.
Chief counts: 4.
Pickitt whips Elton John's Wig into the guardrail.
Chief counts: 5.
Pickitt climbs back into the ring.
Elton John's Wig follows him back in.
Pickitt executes the Heel Hook on Elton John's Wig.
Elton John's Wig is struggling to reach the ropes.
Elton John's Wig is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Elton John's Wig makes it to the ropes after being trapped for 28 seconds.
Pickitt performs a jawbreaker against Elton John's Wig.
Pickitt uses an inverted lung blower on Elton John's Wig.
Pickitt works the crowd.
Pickitt attempts a slingshot cutter, but Elton John's Wig throws him off.
Elton John's Wig gives the sign for the Mandible Claw.
Elton John's Wig executes the Mandible Claw on Pickitt.
Pickitt is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Chief asks Pickitt if he's still there.
Pickitt nods.
Pickitt tries to escape the hold.
Pickitt is writhing in pain.
Chief asks Pickitt if he's had enough.
Pickitt shakes his head.
Chief tells Pickitt to respond or he'll stop the fight.
Pickitt nods.
Chief asks Pickitt if he should stop the fight.
Pickitt shakes his head.
Pickitt summons one last burst of energy.
Chief asks Pickitt if he's had enough.
Pickitt shakes his head.
Chief tells Pickitt to respond or he'll stop the fight.
Pickitt nods.
Pickitt is barely hanging in there.
Chief checks Pickitt's arm.
He lifts it... it stays up!
Pickitt fights his way out of the hold after 38 seconds.
Pickitt tags out to James Colorado.
The Injury Factory enters the ring and lays out Pickitt.
Elton John's Wig and The Injury Factory hit James Colorado with a double
forearm to the back.
The Injury Factory leaves the ring.
Elton John's Wig runs into the ropes.
Elton John's Wig tries a swinging neckbreaker, but James Colorado
counters it with a side suplex.
James Colorado performs a flying cross body press against Elton John's Wig.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
James Colorado attempts a bodyslam, but Elton John's Wig counters it with an elbowsmash.
Elton John's Wig tags out to The Injury Factory.
The Injury Factory runs into the ropes.
James Colorado nails The Injury Factory with a Samoan Drop.
James Colorado performs a standing shooting star press against The Injury Factory.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
James Colorado goes for a vertical suplex, but The Injury Factory reverses it.
The Injury Factory executes the Bosstino on James Colorado.
The crowd erupts.
The Injury Factory goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, three.

The winners are TheInjuryFactory and Elton Johns Wig. Time of match: 0:16:40
Sim Rating: *****

And NNNNNEEEEEEWWWWWWW SFAEW World Tag Team Champions...The Wig Factory! What a pleasant surprise their alliance has been over the last few months!

Well, it was a short and sweet one week reign for the Bang Bang Furie Gang, but I'm sure we haven't heard the last of them...

See you on Wednesday for the return of Midweek Mayhem!
They lock up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a hiptoss against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a soccer kick on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits JoshWoodenSpoon with a kick.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan sends JoshWoodenSpoon into the turnbuckle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a lariat on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is going for the cover.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a superkick against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan attempts to place JoshWoodenSpoon on the turnbuckle, but
JoshWoodenSpoon blocks it.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits JoshWoodenSpoon with an elbow.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan tries a springboard knee strike, but JoshWoodenSpoon steps out of the way.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes a spinebuster slam against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits a dropkick on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon sets up Shaun Freakin' Duggan on the turnbuckle.
JoshWoodenSpoon uses a superplex on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a backbreaker against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Numerous fans are using Shaun Freakin' Duggan as target practice.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses a running single-leg dropkick on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for a spinning mule kick, but JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with a legsweep.
JoshWoodenSpoon puts Shaun Freakin' Duggan in a figure-four leglock.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is struggling to reach the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan makes it to the ropes after holding out for 6 seconds.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits a snap suplex on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon uses a hiptoss on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon nails Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a powerslam.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon complains about a slow count.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a knee to the back against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a spinning mule kick against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan with an elbow.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon misses with a kick.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a lariat on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs the Sling Blade against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan nails JoshWoodenSpoon with a backbreaker.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is going for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan nails JoshWoodenSpoon with a standing moonsault.
Blacky counts: One, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan misses with a clothesline.
JoshWoodenSpoon goes for a high speed sunset flip, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan blocks it.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon tries a flying shoulderblock, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan counters it with an intercept superkick.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan kicks JoshWoodenSpoon.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan chops JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan punches JoshWoodenSpoon.
The crowd is vociferously booing Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a short-arm high knee on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan climbs to the top turnbuckle, but JoshWoodenSpoon nails him in the stomach.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan falls onto the top turnbuckle.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits a superplex on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The crowd is behind JoshWoodenSpoon all the way.
JoshWoodenSpoon covers Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon does the "Good Blend" hand wave taunt.
JoshWoodenSpoon goes for the STF, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan counters it with a small package.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan nails JoshWoodenSpoon with a rolling elbowsmash.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan takes JoshWoodenSpoon down with a bodyslam.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a backbreaker on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is being booed out of the building.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for a frog splash, but JoshWoodenSpoon gets his knees up.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits a kick to the head on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon nails Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a flying cross body press.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a dropkick against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon nails Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a DDT.
The chants for JoshWoodenSpoon are deafening.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a Frankensteiner against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon takes Shaun Freakin' Duggan down with a back suplex.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a back suplex against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts a vertical suplex, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan slides down his back.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs an inside cradle against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a springboard lariat against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan throws JoshWoodenSpoon out of the ring.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes through the ropes.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan reenters the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon climbs back into the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon brings the table into the ring.
JoshWoodenSpoon sets up Shaun Freakin' Duggan on the table.
JoshWoodenSpoon tries to drive Shaun Freakin' Duggan through the table with a DDT, but he blocks it.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for a back suplex, but JoshWoodenSpoon blocks it.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts an electric chair facebuster, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan counters it with a Victory Roll.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan sets up JoshWoodenSpoon on the table.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the Pedigree through the table.
The table is broken in half.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan sends JoshWoodenSpoon into the turnbuckle.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs shoulder-first into the corner.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan chops JoshWoodenSpoon.
The crowd is vociferously booing Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan chops JoshWoodenSpoon.
JoshWoodenSpoon punches Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The chants for JoshWoodenSpoon are deafening.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan punches JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is being booed out of the building.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan tries a high knee, but JoshWoodenSpoon ducks out of the way.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes an inverted suplex against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon is going for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon does the "Good Blend" hand wave taunt.
The crowd is behind JoshWoodenSpoon all the way.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts an electric chair facebuster, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan counters it with a rana.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes, but JoshWoodenSpoon reverses it.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses a lariat on JoshWoodenSpoon.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a rolling elbowsmash on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan attempts an enzuigiri, but JoshWoodenSpoon steps out of the way.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits a dropkick on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon is going for the cover.
Blacky counts: One, kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits a powerslam on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a vertical suplex against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The chants for JoshWoodenSpoon are deafening.
JoshWoodenSpoon runs into the ropes.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a kick.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts to place Shaun Freakin' Duggan on the turnbuckle, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan blocks it.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits JoshWoodenSpoon with an elbow.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a reverse neckbreaker on JoshWoodenSpoon.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses a snap suplex on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for a standing moonsault, but JoshWoodenSpoon gets his knees up.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a swinging cutter against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts a diving overhead legdrop, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan steps out of the way.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is going for the cover.
Blacky counts: One, shoulder up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes, but JoshWoodenSpoon reverses it.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan with an elbow.
JoshWoodenSpoon puts Shaun Freakin' Duggan in the STF.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan makes it to the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
JoshWoodenSpoon takes Shaun Freakin' Duggan down with a vertical suplex.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes the Good Blend on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon attempts a back suplex, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan counters it with a facerake.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for a springboard lariat, but he can't do it.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes the Good Blend on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes a vertical suplex against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon takes Shaun Freakin' Duggan down with a snap suplex.
JoshWoodenSpoon goes for a DDT, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan counters it with a backdrop.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits an enzuigiri on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is being booed out of the building.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan gives the sign for the DuggWalker.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the DuggWalker on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan tries a superkick, but JoshWoodenSpoon ducks out of the way.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes, but
Shaun Freakin' Duggan reverses it.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits a lariat on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a kneedrop against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a backbreaker against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is being booed out of the building.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses a lariat on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses a kneelift on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan performs a spinning mule kick against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan whips JoshWoodenSpoon into the ropes, but JoshWoodenSpoon reverses it.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits a spinebuster slam on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Blacky counts: One, two, in the ropes...
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a powerslam against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon goes for a vertical suplex, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan reverses it.
In turn, JoshWoodenSpoon counters it with a small package.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a bodyslam against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a bulldog against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan misses with a clothesline.
JoshWoodenSpoon misses with a clothesline.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a running single-leg dropkick against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan is being booed out of the building.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan works the crowd.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses a springboard lariat on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan attempts a short-arm high knee, but JoshWoodenSpoon ducks out of the way.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes a spinebuster slam against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon nails Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a high speed sunset flip.
Blacky counts: One, kickout.
JoshWoodenSpoon throws Blacky out of the ring.
Blacky is out cold.
Blacky crawls back into the ring.
Blacky shakes off the pain.
JoshWoodenSpoon performs a dropkick against Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
JoshWoodenSpoon goes for a swinging cutter, but Shaun Freakin' Duggan turns in mid-air and lands on him.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a Falcon Arrow against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Blacky counts: One, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan uses a chop on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a superkick against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan works the crowd.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan nails JoshWoodenSpoon with a standing moonsault.
Blacky counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes a lariat against JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan nails JoshWoodenSpoon with a superkick.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan attempts a legdrop, but JoshWoodenSpoon moves out of the way.
JoshWoodenSpoon does the "Good Blend" hand wave taunt.
The crowd is giving JoshWoodenSpoon a standing ovation.
JoshWoodenSpoon runs into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan misses with a clothesline.
JoshWoodenSpoon hits Shaun Freakin' Duggan with a shoulderblock.
JoshWoodenSpoon gives the sign for the Good Blend.
JoshWoodenSpoon executes the Good Blend on Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
JoshWoodenSpoon shoves down Blacky.
JoshWoodenSpoon shoves Blacky.
JoshWoodenSpoon takes Shaun Freakin' Duggan down with a gutwrench suplex.
JoshWoodenSpoon whips Shaun Freakin' Duggan into the ropes.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan hits JoshWoodenSpoon with a clothesline.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the DuggWalker on JoshWoodenSpoon.
The crowd is vociferously booing Shaun Freakin' Duggan.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan executes the DuggWalker on JoshWoodenSpoon.
Shaun Freakin' Duggan goes for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, three.

The winner is Shaun Freakin' Duggan. Time of match: 0:15:51
Sim Rating: *****

Frothies Mcveigh comes to ringside.

Frothies McVeigh grabs a microphone.

FMcV: People of Sweet...the end of the Senor M age is coming! My good friend Shaun Freakin' Duggan will be World Champion once again!

As for the rest of the Bang Bang Furie Gang...well Pick and JC already have the tag belts...and I have a bone to pick with another champ!

Hey Loonerty! Last time I checked, you haven't beaten me 1-on-1! You made JC tap, and the one time we fought, the only thing that kept me from winning was the time limit!

I want a rematch...and I want it for your Intercity Championship at SweetaMania!

Frothies McVeigh poses on the turnbuckles.

Shaun Freakin' Duggan looks up at him and raises an eyebrow.
Just admiring my chiseled figure I’d have to assume ShaunDuggan
Grand Uncle Horace and Mrs Turbo start brawling in the back of the tavern.
King Tenz enters the tavern and distracts Grand Uncle Horace.
Mrs Turbo is handed a keyboard.
Mrs Turbo hits him with the keyboard.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Mrs Turbo hits him with a keyboard.
They're brawling in the back of the tavern.
King Tenz comes from behind and distracts Grand Uncle Horace.
They're brawling in the back of the tavern.
Mrs Turbo hits him with a keyboard.
Mrs Turbo throws Grand Uncle Horace into the arena wall.
Mrs Turbo hits him with the keyboard.
They're brawling up the tavern stairway.
Mrs Turbo nails Grand Uncle Horace with a pop-up Samoan Drop.
Mrs Turbo is handed a baseball bat.
Mrs Turbo hits him with the baseball bat.
They're brawling in the first floor hallway.
Mrs Turbo launches Grand Uncle Horace across the hallway with a release German suplex.
Mrs Turbo taunts the crowd.
Mrs Turbo performs a hiptoss against Grand Uncle Horace.
King Tenz comes from behind, but Grand Uncle Horace nails King Tenz.
Mrs Turbo hits him with the baseball bat.
Mrs Turbo hits him with a baseball bat.
They're brawling up the tavern stairway.
Mrs Turbo executes a bodyslam against Grand Uncle Horace.
King Tenz comes from behind, but Grand Uncle Horace nails King Tenz.
Mrs Turbo hits him with the baseball bat.
They're brawling on the roof.
Grand Uncle Horace goes for a back suplex, but Mrs Turbo counters it with a bulldog.
Mrs Turbo hits him with a baseball bat.
They're brawling on the roof.
Mrs Turbo is handed a keyboard.
Mrs Turbo hits him with the keyboard.
Mrs Turbo doesn't quite know what to do with the mixed reaction she's getting.
Mrs Turbo covers Grand Uncle Horace.
Chief counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Mrs Turbo hits him with a keyboard.
They're brawling on the roof.
Mrs Turbo gives him a vertical suplex, but Grand Uncle Horace only stares at her.
They're brawling on the roof.
Mrs Turbo executes a backbreaker against Grand Uncle Horace.
Mrs Turbo is handed a road sign.
Mrs Turbo hits him with the road sign.
They're brawling down the stairway.
Mrs Turbo hits a snap mare on Grand Uncle Horace.
Mrs Turbo is handed a fire extinguisher.
Mrs Turbo hits him with the fire extinguisher.
Mrs Turbo is handed brass knuckles.
Mrs Turbo hits him with the knuckles.
Mrs Turbo executes a release German suplex against Grand Uncle Horace.
King Tenz comes from behind, but Grand Uncle Horace nails King Tenz.
They're brawling in the first floor hallway..
They're brawling down the stairway.
Mrs Turbo is handed the Beez Trophy.
Mrs Turbo takes a swing at Grand Uncle Horace with the Trophy, but he gets out of the way.
Grand Uncle Horace snatches the Trophy from her.
Grand Uncle Horace hits her with the Trophy.
Grand Uncle Horace acknowledges the portion of the crowd which is cheering him.
Grand Uncle Horace yells at the fans.
King Tenz comes from behind and distracts Grand Uncle Horace.
They're brawling in the back of the tavern.
Mrs Turbo uses a legsweep on Grand Uncle Horace.
They're brawling in the pokies lounge.
Mrs Turbo executes a kick to the midsection against Grand Uncle Horace.
Mrs Turbo flings Grand Uncle Horace over a row of chairs.
They're brawling in the pokies lounge.
Mrs Turbo is handed a road sign.
Mrs Turbo hits him with the road sign.
All of a sudden, the boos are turning into almost unanimous cheers.
Mrs Turbo hits him with a road sign.
They're brawling in the bar room.
Mrs Turbo attempts a chokehold, but Grand Uncle Horace counters it with a facerake.
They're brawling behind the bar.
Grand Uncle Horace throws Mrs Turbo over the bar.
They're brawling inside bar room.
Grand Uncle Horace throws Mrs Turbo over the bar.
Grand Uncle Horace throws Mrs Turbo into the bar.
They're brawling inside the bar room.
Grand Uncle Horace throws Mrs Turbo over the bar.
Grand Uncle Horace hits a kick to the thigh on Mrs Turbo.
Grand Uncle Horace covers Mrs Turbo.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
Grand Uncle Horace performs a belly-to-back suplex against Mrs Turbo.
Grand Uncle Horace throws Mrs Turbo into the bar.
They're brawling behind the bar.
Mrs Turbo hits an elbowsmash on Grand Uncle Horace.
Mrs Turbo is going for the cover.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
They're brawling behind the bar.
They're brawling behind the bar.
Mrs Turbo goes for a backbreaker, but Grand Uncle Horace counters it with an elbowsmash.
They're brawling behind the bar.
They're brawling behind the bar.
Mrs Turbo executes a bodyslam against Grand Uncle Horace.
Mrs Turbo whips Grand Uncle Horace into the bar.
They're brawling in the bar room.
Mrs Turbo executes a release German suplex against Grand Uncle Horace.
The crowd is wildly cheering Mrs Turbo with only a few scattered boos audible.
Mrs Turbo runs Grand Uncle Horace into the bar.
Mrs Turbo is handed Chain.
Mrs Turbo hits him with theChain.
Mrs Turbo tries a short clothesline, but Grand Uncle Horace ducks out of the way.
Grand Uncle Horace covers Mrs Turbo.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
They're brawling inside the bar room.
Grand Uncle Horace executes an elbowsmash against Mrs Turbo.
King Tenz comes from behind and hits Grand Uncle Horace with a pipe.
Mrs Turbo covers Grand Uncle Horace.
Chief counts: One, two, three.
The boos are resurfacing again.

The winner is Mrs Turbo. Time of match: 0:09:44
Sim Rating: ** 1/2

Mrs Turbo retains! With some help from former champ King Tenz. Interesting...
long live the King
It's Thursday, you know what that means!

It means I'm a day late for SFAEW'S Midweek Mayhem!

In our first match tonight:

r16 thrilla vs brak.png

serial_thrilla and Braklet face off in Super Sixes!​
They lock up.
Braklet tries a bodyslam, but serial_thrilla counters it with an elbowsmash.
serial_thrilla goes for a DDT, but Braklet counters it with a backdrop.
Braklet tries a leg lariat, but serial_thrilla ducks out of the way.
brahj and pantskyle come to ringside.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
Braklet goes for a kick to the midsection, but serial_thrilla blocks it.
serial_thrilla uses a bodyslam on Braklet.
serial_thrilla performs a draping DDT against Braklet.
serial_thrilla works the crowd.
The chants for serial_thrilla are deafening.
Braklet begs off.
serial_thrilla whips Braklet into the ropes, but Braklet reverses it.
Braklet hits serial_thrilla with an elbow.
Braklet throws serial_thrilla into the turnbuckle, but serial_thrilla reverses it.
Braklet comes back, but is met with a kick to the midsection.
serial_thrilla hits a springboard roundhouse kick on Braklet.
The chants for serial_thrilla are deafening.
serial_thrilla performs a double leg slam against Braklet.
serial_thrilla nails Braklet with a draping DDT.
serial_thrilla works the crowd.
serial_thrilla attempts to place Braklet on the turnbuckle, but Braklet blocks it.
serial_thrilla punches Braklet.
serial_thrilla chops Braklet.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for serial_thrilla.
serial_thrilla hits Braklet.
serial_thrilla performs a Muscle Buster against Braklet.
serial_thrilla works the crowd.
Braklet begs off.
serial_thrilla hits a Flatliner on Braklet.
serial_thrilla works the crowd.
serial_thrilla nails Braklet with a superkick.
serial_thrilla uses a vertical suplex on Braklet.
serial_thrilla uses a springboard dropkick on Braklet.
serial_thrilla hits a kneelift on Braklet.
Braklet begs off.
serial_thrilla attempts a drop-down uppercut, but Braklet ducks out of the way.
Braklet kicks serial_thrilla.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Braklet chops serial_thrilla.
Braklet hits serial_thrilla.
serial_thrilla kicks Braklet.
serial_thrilla goes for a powerslam, but Braklet counters it with a sunset flip.
Richard Head counts: One, kickout.
Braklet hits a kick to the midsection on serial_thrilla.
Braklet whips serial_thrilla into the ropes.
Pantskyle pulls down the top rope.
Braklet goes for a baseball slide, but serial_thrilla moves out of the way.
Richard Head counts: 1.
serial_thrilla tries a flying forearm, but Braklet steps out of the way.
Numerous fans are using Braklet as target practice.
Richard Head counts: 2.
serial_thrilla clears the announcers' table.
serial_thrilla hits an open-handed chop on Braklet.
serial_thrilla sets up Braklet on the announcers' table.
serial_thrilla tries to drive Braklet through the table with a moonsault bodyblock, but he moves out of the way.
The table is broken in half.
A few fans are trying to get a shot in.
Braklet whips serial_thrilla into the guardrail.
Richard Head counts: 3.
Richard Head counts: 4.
Richard Head counts: 5.
Braklet shoves serial_thrilla into the guardrail.
Richard Head counts: 6.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
serial_thrilla executes a moonsault bodyblock against Braklet.
serial_thrilla hits a dropkick on Braklet.
serial_thrilla throws Braklet back into the ring.
serial_thrilla attempts a side slam, but Braklet blocks it.
Braklet performs a forearm to the back against serial_thrilla.
Braklet uses a kneelift on serial_thrilla.
Braklet gets a sleeperhold on serial_thrilla.
serial_thrilla makes it to the ropes after 5 seconds.
Braklet hits a bulldog on serial_thrilla.
Braklet covers serial_thrilla.
Richard Head counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Braklet nails serial_thrilla with a Russian legsweep.
Braklet throws serial_thrilla into the turnbuckle.
Braklet hits a kneelift on serial_thrilla.
Braklet uses a knee to the back on serial_thrilla.
Braklet performs a reverse neckbreaker against serial_thrilla.
Braklet whips serial_thrilla into the turnbuckle, but serial_thrilla reverses it.
serial_thrilla runs shoulder-first into the corner.
serial_thrilla kicks Braklet.
serial_thrilla hits Braklet.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for serial_thrilla.
serial_thrilla chops Braklet.
serial_thrilla tries a powerslam, but Braklet counters it with a lariat.
Braklet goes for a headbutt, but serial_thrilla blocks it.
serial_thrilla punches Braklet.
serial_thrilla punches Braklet.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Braklet begs off.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
serial_thrilla performs a flying forearm against Braklet.
The crowd erupts.
serial_thrilla attempts to place Braklet on the turnbuckle, but Braklet blocks it.
serial_thrilla attempts a Muscle Buster, but Braklet counters it with a sunset flip.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
Braklet hits a Gory lock faceslam on serial_thrilla.
Numerous fans are using Braklet as target practice.
Braklet uses a kneelift on serial_thrilla.
Braklet uses a facerake on serial_thrilla.
Braklet sends serial_thrilla into the turnbuckle.
Braklet charges in with a corner forearm smash, but serial_thrilla moves out of the way.
Braklet begs off.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
Braklet and serial_thrilla get hit with a double clothesline.
Braklet throws serial_thrilla out of the ring.
serial_thrilla hangs on to the top rope.
serial_thrilla slides back in under the bottom rope.
serial_thrilla attempts to place Braklet on the turnbuckle, but Braklet blocks it.
serial_thrilla hits Braklet.
The crowd erupts.
serial_thrilla punches Braklet.
Braklet punches serial_thrilla.
Numerous fans are using Braklet as target practice.
Braklet chops serial_thrilla.
serial_thrilla chops Braklet.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
serial_thrilla hits a drop-down uppercut on Braklet.
serial_thrilla uses a powerslam on Braklet.
Richard Head counts: One, shoulder up.
serial_thrilla takes Braklet down with a powerslam.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
serial_thrilla performs a Muscle Buster against Braklet.
Braklet begs off.
serial_thrilla takes Braklet down with a vertical suplex.
serial_thrilla uses an inverted atomic drop on Braklet.
serial_thrilla sets up Braklet on the turnbuckle.
serial_thrilla hits a superplex on Braklet.
serial_thrilla executes the Take My Money on Braklet.
serial_thrilla goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, shoulder up.
serial_thrilla attempts a front-layout suplex, but Braklet counters it with a vertical suplex.
Braklet goes for a dropkick, but serial_thrilla steps out of the way.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
Braklet uses a fist to the midsection on serial_thrilla.
Braklet whips serial_thrilla into the ropes.
Braklet and serial_thrilla get hit with a double clothesline.
Braklet chops serial_thrilla.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
serial_thrilla hits Braklet.
serial_thrilla kicks Braklet.
The crowd is giving serial_thrilla a standing ovation.
Braklet begs off.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
Brahj pulls down the top rope.
Richard Head counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, serial_thrilla reenters the ring.
serial_thrilla tries a bodyslam, but Braklet blocks it.
Braklet hits serial_thrilla.
Braklet hits serial_thrilla.
Braklet executes a facerake against serial_thrilla.
Braklet sends serial_thrilla into the turnbuckle.
Braklet hits serial_thrilla.
Braklet chops serial_thrilla.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Braklet punches serial_thrilla.
serial_thrilla punches Braklet.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for serial_thrilla.
Braklet kicks serial_thrilla.
Braklet is being booed out of the building.
serial_thrilla punches Braklet.
serial_thrilla attempts a draping DDT, but Braklet throws him off.
Braklet executes the Squid Clutch on serial_thrilla.
serial_thrilla tries to escape the hold.
serial_thrilla manages to grab the ropes after 38 seconds.
Braklet executes a bodyslam against serial_thrilla.
Braklet whips serial_thrilla into the ropes, but serial_thrilla reverses it.
Braklet hits a leg lariat on serial_thrilla.
Braklet goes for a bodyslam, but serial_thrilla counters it with an elbowsmash.
serial_thrilla performs an open-handed chop against Braklet.
serial_thrilla attempts to place Braklet on the turnbuckle, but Braklet blocks it.
serial_thrilla tries a drop-down uppercut, but Braklet ducks out of the way.
Braklet hits a vertical suplex on serial_thrilla.
Braklet takes serial_thrilla down with a back suplex.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Braklet executes a reverse neckbreaker against serial_thrilla.
Braklet nails serial_thrilla with a Russian legsweep.
Braklet whips serial_thrilla into the ropes.
Braklet misses with a clothesline.
Braklet misses with a clothesline.
serial_thrilla hits a drop-down uppercut on Braklet.
Braklet begs off.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
serial_thrilla hits Braklet with an elbow.
serial_thrilla whips Braklet into the ropes.
serial_thrilla takes Braklet down with a bodyslam.
Pantskyle throws Braklet a fire extinguisher, but serial_thrilla intercepts it.
serial_thrilla hits Braklet with it and goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, kickout.
serial_thrilla goes for a flying dropkick, but Braklet steps out of the way.
Braklet uses a bodyslam on serial_thrilla.
Braklet is going for the cover.
Richard Head counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Braklet uses a forearm to the back on serial_thrilla.
Braklet goes for a sleeperhold, but serial_thrilla counters it with a jawbreaker.
Braklet begs off.
serial_thrilla executes the Take My Money on Braklet.
serial_thrilla goes for the pin.
Richard Head counts: One, two, in the ropes...
serial_thrilla hits a springboard dropkick on Braklet.
serial_thrilla places Braklet on the turnbuckle.
serial_thrilla uses a top-rope Frankensteiner on Braklet.
Richard Head counts: One, two, kickout.
serial_thrilla tries a dropkick, but Braklet steps out of the way.
Braklet attempts a sleeperhold, but serial_thrilla counters it with a jawbreaker.
serial_thrilla is going for the cover.
Richard Head counts: One, shoulder up.
serial_thrilla whips Braklet into the ropes.
serial_thrilla misses with an elbow.
serial_thrilla goes for a superkick, but Braklet ducks out of the way.
Braklet hits the Emerald Flowsion on serial_thrilla.
Richard Head counts: One, two, three.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.

The winner is Braklet. Time of match: 0:15:31
Sim Rating: ****

Brahj and Pantskyle enter the ring.

Brahj and Pantskyle hit serial_thrilla with a double chokeslam.

Pantskyle is handed a mic.

P: The Kind Man sends his regards.

Pantskyle throws the microphone onto serial_thrilla.

Pantskyle and Brahj head backstage.

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