Review St Kilda v North Melbourne Rd 2 2018 Bad Friday

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I for one certainly think our list is better than what showed yesterday.......that's why I found the whole thing so perplexing.....or should I say shattering.

And I have to say I was absolutely shocked when I saw Ghost's first post on this subject......player rumblings(which as he said....goes on at all clubs)....that's the first time that I've heard of any discontent at HQ.......that's extremely worrying.

And then reading Stavro's posts on top........I had a very very uneasy feeling late last night about were things are heading.

There are certainly no player rumblings with our club apart from the usual guys who don't get a game. Same as any club.
To see our team go backwards after an 8 year rebuild is the upmost disappointing moment I think I've felt in a very long time.

Our "system" is seriously flawed.
I'm not sure Richo or any of the senior coaches in the box for that matter are the right people to take us forward.

It's going to be a long year
Yep right money has nothing to do with especially if you aren't prepared to take any personal responsibility.

I know one thing for certain - I have enough sense of responsibility to know that if a club is paying me $500k a year to play football I know I should be busting my gut to deliver for the club irrespective of the coach.

Most of my working life my "Manager" wasn't paying my wage - the company was - so my responsibility is to the company not the manager irrespective of how much a dick he was. Its called PROFESSIONALISM

The coach has lost me, so I can't try anymore - f****ing pathetic - if I was an ageist old prick I'd call it some millennial cop out.

The facts are that yesterday these supposedly PROFESSIONAL footballers being paid $500K a year to play a game on a day when we were supposed to acknowledging the professionalism, sacrifice and suffering associated with the RCH were absolute s*** - couldn't kick, couldn't handball, couldn't mark, couldn't tackle - couldn't play football.

If you need to rely on a coach to inspire you in that situation - p*** off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Early entry in the rant of the year?:)

Early entry in the sensible post of the year.

I recall Aker didn't like Lethal...

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I think our coaching staff arent doing Paddy any favors by playing him away from goal , surely if he stays at home and only gets 4-6 shots on goal he fills his role .
I wouldnt think having a massive slow monster moving around our wings helps our side if anything it brings damaging defenders ( rance ect..) into the game .
Get his marking & kicking confidence back and play him as ....god forbid A TRADITIONAL FULL FORWARD.
It’s a loss but in the context of our progress a massive loss not your run of the mill losses, I think it’s time the club head honchos came out & gave some answers this result is damaging to the club.

It’s time they came out & started some damage control otherwise the club may lose some long & loyal supporters & members I wait there response.
Dunstan would have been tearing his hair out watching Clark get caught holding the ball three times in a quarter while he's playing vfl

To be fair most were hospital bandpasses to a kid surrounded by North players.

Do we have enough talent?
If we don’t, can we develop it?

Do we have a game plan that’s good but poorly executed?
Could the current group improve enough to execute it?
Is the game plan even at all executable?

Can we afford to sack a coach at this point in time?
Can we afford to keep him on?
If we can’t sack him, could an assistant take over?
If one could, who?
Could such an arrangement even work?
And if it could, what’s to say we pick the right one?
For's absolute nightmarish stuff that we're asking all these type of questions after only Round 2..........woke up this morning and thought....."did that really happen"
I was emotional when I posted last night but I stand by what I said.
I will add though that the players do like Richo, he is a great fella. But being a good fella doesn’t make you a good coach. If all supporters are starting to question game plans and selection and player management then is it really a stretch to believe that some players are starting to ask the same questions?
I actually do believe in our list, I think we have the talent there. What concerns me with our players is the way they’re being developed and the way they are asked to play in games (role and position).
It’s going to be an interesting week at Moorabbin (where have I heard that before?), and if what I’ve heard is true there has already been some honest questions asked from some club heavy hitters post match yesterday.

So you basically implied that he lost the players. Now he hadn't and it's an assumption on your part?

Please clarify because that's some dangerous ground right there.
To see our team go backwards after an 8 year rebuild is the upmost disappointing moment I think I've felt in a very long time.

Our "system" is seriously flawed.
I'm not sure Richo or any of the senior coaches in the box for that matter are the right people to take us forward.

It's going to be a long year

If we finish bottom 4 ( and we will ) a total review into every position on our Football Department should be done.
I really hope the guys can turn it around. The alternative is too painful to contemplate. Yet another rebuild, another sacked coach, countless more years in the football wilderness. If that happens many will turn away from the club. I cant say ill blame them.
So do I you say.........the alternative is way to painful to think about......couldn't help it but all those scenarios were flashing thru my head last night........and it made me feel sick!
I, like many, have had time to sleep on what transpired last night and everyone else has covered the issues that seem glaringly obvious to everyone.

What I will say is that, from my own point of view, it looked like we had no strong on field leadership.

I like Geary as captain but when he is busy getting hammered in defense with the ball coming in more than a teenage boy going dingerless for the first time, how can he alone get the message out to the group.

Where are the rest of the leadership group? Why isn't someone like Armo/ Ross or Steven getting in there, pointing the finger and demanding more?

Who is going to be our BJ or Lenny and lead from the front in the midfield when shit is hitting the fan?

I'm not going to touch on why one of our best clearance player and tackler last year is now playing in the forward line.

Anyway, we'll probably beat the crows next week now...

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It’s a loss but in the context of our progress a massive loss not your run of the mill losses, I think it’s time the club head honchos came out & gave some answers this result is damaging to the club.

It’s time they came out & started some damage control otherwise the club may lose some long & loyal supporters & members I wait there response.
I agree. A written apology to members and fans is probably in order.
What irritated me about Richo's speech was the focus on effort etc. Yeah, that wasn't there, but where was the apology for the skills out there. That was the most embarrassing par for mine. Somebody said VFL-like...forget that. My high school 3rds team dropped less marks, missed less targets and kicked into the man on the mark fewer times than that when they went out to play.
Focusing on effort and then waffling about the sick lad for the rest of the interview was a bit gutless for mine.
Having a well drilled footy team is your job Richo
At least the players have a nice comfortable lounge with a big screen and playstation at the new statium. Maybe instead of working on their skills they can play some more video games and have an essential oils spa bath or something. Played better when we were at Seaford, what a waste of money!
"Good Friday Massacre".
I remember Richmond's infamous "Mothers day massacre" many years ago......when they got belted in that game....they wore that tag for a very long time.
Glad to see the points about Armitage.

I love Arma, been around for ages, etc etc.

However, he's Richo's favourite there is absolutely no doubt.

Fact is, Steele playing on a flank (and not in the guts, his ONLY position) is a direct result of "Dave" (as Richo calls him, with love in his eyes) being in the team.

Pick the best bloody team, with no favourites, whilst picking blokes in roles they excel in. It must go to this formula.

This formula will more than likely mean someone who "should" be playing seniors plays 2's, and players suited to roles, play in the 1's. But that doesn't matter. Because the best team always wins. And we weren't playing like much of a team at all yesterday.

Armo is still ahead of Steele. He's a leader when we don't have any either. I reckon Steele looks okay but he's the opposite to what we needed, he's like more of the same same. Koby, Steele, Armo, Seb etc are all too similar. We have needed outside pace for 5 years. We keep getting similar slow insiders who don't even win a bulk of clearances. We should get a new recruitment plan from someone with experience. Trout was just someone that was already on staff, he was not someone who was a recruiter in training. I thought Armo was one of the few who tried yesterday.
Still can’t believe we extended Richo’s contract by a further two years. Us mere supporters knew it was an extremely poor move....**** our club are clueless
I'm a fairly conservative guy by nature but if the club wanted "stability" as Ghost alluded'd think one year extra was the go and reassess after that.
Well if this isn't the perfect representation of the synergy between the club and us fans...

Just been out flogging around a difficult golf course here in Edinburgh. Rained pretty much the whole time, freezing cold. I got beaten.

Come back home and catching up with this thread. Makes me want to head back out into the rain! Far less painful.
Verdun69......that sounds like you had a seriously bad day........I would've just gone and jumped into a
If we finish bottom 4 ( and we will ) a total review into every position on our Football Department should be done.
Agree STK2020.....if at the end of the year we are at the base of the ladder.....I have no doubt something like that will happen....I guess we have to really hope that those at the top know what their doing.

It's been said many many times that successful clubs are strong/competent from the top down.

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