Tasmania Tasmania Devils, welcome to the AFL. Mens team to enter 2028. Womens team TBA. Labor declares support for Stadium 6/5

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The liberals are going to have to do deals with the Jacqui Lambi party and the Greens so a stadium is looking very rocky indeed. Surely they are not going to base the team up here in Launceston where only 100,000 people live,that would be crazy in my opinion.
Not only crazy, it will kill the team, because it is in breach of the contract and it contradicts the terms of the business case and workstreams that the AFL commissions and club presidents signed off on. Basing the club in Launceston hasn’t even been evaluated in a feasibility study. We both know this would assess basing an AFL club in a regional city of 100k unfavourably.

Then we also have the issue of the high performance centre, which is supposed to be built in Rosny. If the club is based in Launnie then they would have to base it somewhere in the North which ensures that the club will be stuck as a Launceston-based club for a generation, or if they set up a temporary one in Launceston, then they’ll lose bulk players who don’t want to train in crap facilities as was the case with Gold Coast in their first few years before their HPC was built.

On so many levels, basing it in Launceston (even temporarily) is far too risky so will not get AFL support. It’s evident that the politicians who are proposing this have no idea about football and the nature of the AFL industry.

Unfortunately, I think there are also too many Tasmanians who have been hoodwinked on this issue. They think they are victims in this whole saga, so now their eyes are lighting up that they’ve been presented with an option that allows them to have their cake and eat it too. However, they’ll be in for a rude shock if this brain dead proposal ever makes its way to the AFL and club presidents.
The stadium wasn't a big election issue. The stadium can get done, it just needs to show a good business case
I wouldn’t rule out Labor supporting the stadium under new leadership as well. White has failed at three elections in a row and hardly shifted the ALP vote, so I reckon they’ll be looking for a new leader in the next few weeks.

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I wouldn’t rule out Labor supporting the stadium under new leadership as well. White has failed at three elections in a row and hardly shifted the ALP vote, so I reckon they’ll be looking for a new leader in the next few weeks.
Her days as Labor leader and most probably her political career are done.

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I wouldn’t rule out Labor supporting the stadium under new leadership as well. White has failed at three elections in a row and hardly shifted the ALP vote, so I reckon they’ll be looking for a new leader in the next few weeks.
They weren't super against it anyway
I know this isn't a politics thread, but what a bizarre voting system you guys have down there. Just seems designed to ensure you'll almost always get a hung parliament. Which is a recipe for nothing ever getting done.
Is this a new change in seat allocation and the number a major party will need to form majority? If this is a new change, what was the justification for that? Because the last few elections have been clear wins to the Tasmania Libs.

A bit of a let down after the week the Devils had with membership numbers and new jumper/logo unveiling.

AFL should hold firm. You need that stadium to help generate membership, crowd and sponsorship revenue. A new team needs a world class facility to make it. I can’t see the AFL propping up Tassie like they do with GWS, GC. At least the last two can potentially grow the game into new footy markets.
Is this a new change in seat allocation and the number a major party will need to form majority? If this is a new change, what was the justification for that? Because the last few elections have been clear wins to the Tasmania Libs.

A bit of a let down after the week the Devils had with membership numbers and new jumper/logo unveiling.

AFL should hold firm. You need that stadium to help generate membership, crowd and sponsorship revenue. A new team needs a world class facility to make it. I can’t see the AFL propping up Tassie like they do with GWS, GC. At least the last two can potentially grow the game into new footy markets.

Why do you think the announcement was timed when it was.

To ensure the fervour would guarantee the stadium being built regardless of the result from yesterday.

Smart by the AFL.

No way the Tasweigans don’t build the new stadium
lol this stadium is such a rollercoaster ride. Every single time we get amazing news, we get hit by something that crashes it back down again. That trend continued this week with 165k foundation members getting us to soaring heights, followed by a maybe slightly below par Liberal performance at the election (given where the polls were at) and Rockliff's terrible diplomacy putting us at risk again.

What everyone needs to remember is that even the MOST anti-stadium parties in Tasmania (Greens and Lambie) have never had to have their anti-stadium stance tested. They have been allowed to live in a fairy land where we can still have a team without a stadium, but when reality hits them and push comes to shove, they will then have to make the actually hard decision to kill the team outright. Labor has already been tested with this, they could have stopped the PoSS process and killed the stadium, but they voted it through with the government. They also have said they will build a stadium if the team proves itself. This gives them a lot of wiggle room to support the stadium.

I think the Greens will vote to kill it, the Lambie network have some pro-stadium candidates who will probably stop short of being responsible for killing the franchise, but Lambie will definitely be trying to get some policy concessions in return, which is fine and how democracy should work.

The big watch now is on the High Performance Centre. If that is allowed to go ahead, it's probably all over and we will get the team. If they stop the HPC, then we are in big big trouble.

Welcome to 2024: Another year of having absolutely no certainty about whether we will actually get this team over the line or not.
if it seems like the JLN and Greens who are anti stadium will have the balance of power so the stadium (and you assume team) wont go ahead, where the heck does it leave this deal...
I wouldn't wanna be the pollies responsible for killing the team. I know I'd never vote for a single one of them ever again.
if it seems like the JLN and Greens who are anti stadium will have the balance of power so the stadium (and you assume team) wont go ahead, where the heck does it leave this deal...

This assumes they are even relevant if Labor votes through the stadium.

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So the polticians have ****ed this up the arse then.
Nothing much has changed yet. Liberals had a minority before the election, they will have a minority after it. Even if they got a majority, the PoSS still has to pass both houses. So there is going to need to be some support from other parties regardless.
if it seems like the JLN and Greens who are anti stadium will have the balance of power so the stadium (and you assume team) wont go ahead, where the heck does it leave this deal...

IMO Lambie has being putting herself in a position of leverage with her anti-stadium agenda.
I have no doubt the team/stadium will still happen.
It's just the wrangling with Lambie and Greens which is going to be front and centre for a while.
Have faith people.
I think it will Ultimately happen as well.
It would be horrible PR for any politician to kill off the dream of an AFL team and young people around the state.

It's just going to be a cluster **** to get there but we will eventually.
System didn't cause a -12.1% swing against the Liberals
Almost no government survives 3 terms, add covid in and federal and international issues causing cost of living pressures and it's pretty amazing that they have a clear gap on the total Labor vote and seats.
System didn't cause a -12.1% swing against the Liberals
Exactly and only about 1.5% of that swing went to Labor and the Greens, so all of these votes to Lambie and the Independents are essentially a protest vote from those who previously voted Liberal, but couldn’t bring themselves to voting Labor or Green.
I have no doubt the team/stadium will still happen.
It's just the wrangling with Lambie and Greens which is going to be front and centre for a while.
Have faith people.
That’s my bet. It will happen, but there will be a lot of wheeling and dealing from the minor parties and some concessions have to be made.

The 2030s are not far away and you need world class facilities, not sub standard 1990s facilities. You want to look at the bigger picture and assess the stadium in 10, 20, 30 years down the road. It will be great for the city of Hobart and the state.

Could be character building for the new team. Just the amount of fight to even exist and constant jumping through hoops could build resilience and culture.

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