The future of the ABC - Guthrie sacked

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The real worry for me is the complicity from the opposition. They have provided no resistance to all the crazy ass BS legislation that has been rushed through. Why is that ? Where is this all going ?

Yes, not enough focus on the cowardly Opposition.

Reminds me of Beasley vs Howard's lot.
The real worry for me is the complicity from the opposition. They have provided no resistance to all the crazy ass BS legislation that has been rushed through. Why is that ? Where is this all going ?

They cant seem to counter his gutter propaganda either.

"Propaganda must not investigate the truth objectively and... must present only that aspect of the truth which is favorable to its own side. (...) The receptive powers of the masses are very restricted, and their understanding is feeble. On the other hand, they quickly forget. Such being the case, all effective propaganda must be confined to a few bare essentials and those must be expressed as far as possible in stereotyped formulas. These slogans should be persistently repeated until the very last individual has come to grasp the idea that has been put forward. (...) Every change that is made in the subject of a propagandist message must always emphasize the same conclusion. The leading slogan must of course be illustrated in many ways and from several angles, but in the end one must always return to the assertion of the same formula."

"Stop the boats. Stop the waste."

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Yes, not enough focus on the cowardly Opposition.

Reminds me of Beasley vs Howard's lot.

They have been gutless - absolutely gutless. If ever it was proof that focus groups are setting their policy agenda its their performance on National Security issues - totally principle free. Bill can't cut it ....on anything!
Its hard not to get conspiratorial about it all.

That's because your looking at things from a wildly left prism. There's no conspiracy just democracy working for the good of Australia. The opposition is representing their constituents by supporting the legislation, the government is as well. Between the two major parties overwelmingly middle Australia is being represented. Its only the fringe of society and "their" ABC megaphone who have a problem with it (but who gives a stuff about them)?
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The most blatent propogandists in the country are the ABC. Their bias is what has driven 143 pages of debate.
Don't read News Corp publications then?

Funny how when the ABC rails against Labor as in the Killing Seasons the Mad Monk and the right wing crackpots are all for them.

They don't want true independent journalism. They want a cheer squad like they get from the Dirty Digger and his grubby publications.

Funny how it was fine for the Dirty Digger to give Mallah publicity in that loss making rag The Australian. As it was channels 7 and 10. But when he appears on the ABC the crackpot right goes ape.

How embarrassing was Paul Kelly on Q & A last night in attempting to explain his double standards. What a f@#kwit!

Long live the ABC. The only major media organisation that is truly independent.
That's because your looking at things from a wildly left prism. There's no conspiracy just democracy working for the good of Australia. The opposition is representing their constituents by supporting the legislation, the government is as well. Between the two major parties overwelmingly middle Australia is being represented. Its only the fringe of society and "their" ABC megaphone who have a problem with it (but who gives a stuff about them)?

And again. Hyperbole. No facts. Emotive language. Lack of substance. Supposition. Lies.
You accuse me of misrepresentation.. then pass that steaming turd off as truth?

Yeah, I nearly choked on me dinner when I saw this li'l gem

Malifice said:
Actually Its worse than that with Xsess

He's neither apathetic or stupid. He's smart enough to know exactly what they're up to, but just biased enough to not care

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And again. Hyperbole. No facts. Emotive language. Lack of substance.

What percentage of the Australian public voted Labor?
What percentage of the Australian public voted Liberal?
On bipartisan issues add the two together, this is the contituency being represented, an overwelming majority of Australians. Democracy!
They have been gutless - absolutely gutless. If ever it was proof that focus groups are setting their policy agenda its their performance on National Security issues - totally principle free. Bill can't cut it ....on anything!

Oh, yes he can.

Screws workers, marries up and cowers in the shadow of his masters

The cable, covering a meeting on the 11th June 2009, appears to be in part an audition piece, with Shorten presenting his Prime Ministerial credentials to the US Consul General. In the leaked document he talks about his ambition, criticises the union movement, plays up his friendship with Melbourne business elites, and is disappointed about being overlooked in a recent cabinet reshuffle.
Former AWU leader FFS
What percentage of the Australian public voted Labor?
What percentage of the Australian public voted Liberal?

What percentage of Australians are gullible?

What percentage of Australians are ignorant?

What percentage of Australians watch brainless reality shows e.g. stupid cooking and renovation shows?

What percentage of Australians are as thick as pig shit?
Just ignoring the rest of your repeated bullshit.

Where did you get this from? A quick google didn't show me anything.

I heard Ray Hadley mention it on 2GB.........or was it that groping alco Chris Smith ??........actually i reckon it was Ben " good hit mate " Fordham...........................................................

If 2GB said it then it MUST be true....
I wonder if the PM is a clever enough politician to be able to keep running with this terror issue, and not over egg it. He's already come close once with the coming to get us line, and I'm not sure the public won't start to see him as just a little bit too eager.

He shat the bed this week.

You can't honestly say peta's still writing his shit , uncle Roop-Roop is faxing his thoughts directly to the coward , i'm sure of it.
I wonder if the PM is a clever enough politician to be able to keep running with this terror issue, and not over egg it. He's already come close once with the coming to get us line, and I'm not sure the public won't start to see him as just a little bit too eager.

Nah its burn bright and burn out. His reaction to the Q and A is so over the top he can't take it further. How can he maintain the hysteria - he wil drive Australia bankrupt with the number of flags he will need for press conferences
Google 'Tyranny of the majority' and get back to me.

I have and oddly I still dont care one iota about Australian ISIS members or their rights and it seems, overwelmingly Australians dont either. In fact I only found out people actually cared about the welfare of terrorists through the ABC.
Nah its burn bright and burn out. His reaction to the Q and A is so over the top he can't take it further. How can he maintain the hysteria - he wil drive Australia bankrupt with the number of flags he will need for press conferences

Our mate Andrew Elder agrees

The idea that Abbott can make up for policy failings elsewhere in government with the lights-and-greasepaint of "national security theatre" isn't just 'flawed', as they say in Canberra: it's crap. It doesn't play to a strength. It doesn't compensate for his weaknesses, it emphasises them

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