The Stadium!

What kind of stadium do you want?

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Tassie also needs to look at addressing where housing in the ‘best’ areas is bought by investors and used for short term holiday accommodation (AirBnB, etc). There’s a lot of evidence that while this can work OK in larger cities, it adversely impacts small cities with tourism dependent economies.

Also the impact of the federal government’s requirements of immigrants seeking permanent residency are required to live in regional cities for a period of time puts even further stress on already struggling areas which is rarely addressed
So when is the parliament vote on the stadium happening?
October. If it passes then an assessment of the project will be undertaken by a committee. Their findings will then be presented to parliament for a second vote (predicted by David O’Byrne - Tas Labor politician) to occur in early 2025. All of this would have been avoided and it would have been a far simpler and quicker process if those two former Liberal MPs had not defected from the Rockliff government a few months ago. Two selfish, arrogant morons who will hopefully be voted out of office at the next state election.

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Oh the ironing! We lobbied the VIC mafia to include us in hosting some of the events, which would have reduced their overheads, only to be told to F'off. Well how the chooks have come home to roost for the arrogant Victorian government. They stuffed up royally, on the international stage no less; schadenfreude!

But the Vics making utter fools of themselves has nothing to do with us (as fun as it is to watch), most Tasmanians don't care about what happens on the mainland at all; let alone how we should act in response. Trying to compare a complete F'up of a budgetary estimate (out by some 4 billion dollars) for a 12 day major event to a stand alone, purpose built, multi-use stadium (that will serve the community for the next decade at least) is drawing a very long bow indeed.
Three decades...
If it's less than that it will be because it's been so successful it needs replacing.
It's interesting to note here in Launny that there has been little opposition (or talk on radio even) or the main stream media for that matter, to the AFL moving ahead with announcing Grant O'Brien as board chairman and Rocky announcing a new "stadia and events portfolio".

I get the feeling all the heat is dissipating from this issue and that the more 'small' developments that occur the harder it will be to undo the plan without great consequences for those who 'loose' us an AFL team. Labor seems to have lost their interest in this fight.
It's interesting to note here in Launny that there has been little opposition (or talk on radio even) or the main stream media for that matter, to the AFL moving ahead with announcing Grant O'Brien as board chairman and Rocky announcing a new "stadia and events portfolio".

I get the feeling all the heat is dissipating from this issue and that the more 'small' developments that occur the harder it will be to undo the plan without great consequences for those who 'loose' us an AFL team. Labor seems to have lost their interest in this fight.

Oppo leader white on 936 this morning still opposing a stadium development at this site.

We've spent near $50million clearing this site over 10 years. It's still a pile of dirt & they have NO plan for anything else on that industrial wasteland. Its next to a 24/24 working port. Hardly good for much else.

Its opposition for the sake of sounding important. The positive message is still strong. Build it for an AFL team, for other sports & events, for building jobs, for operational jobs, Tourism & related jobs, small business opportunities, social benefits of fun, excitement, encouraging kids into sports, keeping our kids here for footy opportunities.

This is a multigenerational benefit for the whole island.

All whilst the ALP could be committing multigenerational political suicide.
Oppo leader white on 936 this morning still opposing a stadium development at this site.

We've spent near $50million clearing this site over 10 years. It's still a pile of dirt & they have NO plan for anything else on that industrial wasteland. Its next to a 24/24 working port. Hardly good for much else.

Its opposition for the sake of sounding important. The positive message is still strong. Build it for an AFL team, for other sports & events, for building jobs, for operational jobs, Tourism & related jobs, small business opportunities, social benefits of fun, excitement, encouraging kids into sports, keeping our kids here for footy opportunities.

This is a multigenerational benefit for the whole island.

All whilst the ALP could be committing multigenerational political suicide.
Interesting, One thing is a given build it and people will turn up. This could very well be one of the most important projects for Tasmania. Having a world class stadium would then bring in international acts etc into the state. Just ,must get done.
Interesting, One thing is a given build it and people will turn up. This could very well be one of the most important projects for Tasmania. Having a world class stadium would then bring in international acts etc into the state. Just ,must get done.

I think hardly of world class. Too small for that. Certainly no reason it cant be an exceptional regional facility.

Multiuse, modcons, bells & whistles & all. ;)
I know this is a stadium thread but would anyone be opposed to me creating 2 threads on the same topic?

Both pertaining to Tassie's appointments, dates of appointments and a link confirming each one but one will be just links and dates without discussion and the other to be the same but with discussion.

Or nah?

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Jeff Kennett sticking in his thoughts re: the stadium (posted also in the media section).

sorry about the quality of cut and paste… only have the app version so can’t submit the article in 1 upload
View attachment 1762065
View attachment 1762066View attachment 1762069View attachment 1762070
Unhelpful comments from Jeff. Although I do agree there should be a plan B if the stadium doesn't get up. Would be so stupid to lose the license just because our small state can't justify such a stadium that the AFL has demanded. I don't see my city (Launceston) ever hosting a professional AFL team here full time, it will be in Hobart one way or another.
Unhelpful comments from Jeff. Although I do agree there should be a plan B if the stadium doesn't get up. Would be so stupid to lose the license just because our small state can't justify such a stadium that the AFL has demanded. I don't see my city (Launceston) ever hosting a professional AFL team here full time, it will be in Hobart one way or another.
Jeff Kennett is a dh for one and I think he doesn't really want Tassie to have a team.

Tassie isn't that small all things considering and population is projected to grow. We know the stadium will be a positive for the Tasmanian economy and will attract more than just footy/sport. Hopefully it will attract live music and other things that Tassie miss out on.

I would hate for Tassie to lose their licence because of idiot politicians who won't look at the bigger picture. You only have to see what Adelaide Oval and Optus Oval have done for Adelaide and Perth respectively. I know I'm not saying anything that hasn't been discussed already but I'm super pro Tassie team.

Would the Hurricanes play at Mac point in the summer?

Launceston has Monkeys so they don't need a stadium 😝
Would there be anywhere else in the world where the Government would borrow the money to build a roofed stadium (probably cost a billion or more dollars) for 7 matches a year?

The point of the roof is so it won’t just be a 7 football game stadium and a multi event facility that will guarantee schedule security for any entertainment events that would otherwise have to take into account variability of weather which is very much the case with Hobart having the most days of rain of any of the capitals.

The venue would be the second largest indoor Venue in Australia without the restrictions that Bellerive has being in a residential zone (eg noise restrictions, access etc.)
Would there be anywhere else in the world where the Government would borrow the money to build a roofed stadium (probably cost a billion or more dollars) for 7 matches a year?


Jeff Kennett is a dh for one and I think he doesn't really want Tassie to have a team.

Tassie isn't that small all things considering and population is projected to grow. We know the stadium will be a positive for the Tasmanian economy and will attract more than just footy/sport. Hopefully it will attract live music and other things that Tassie miss out on.

I would hate for Tassie to lose their licence because of idiot politicians who won't look at the bigger picture. You only have to see what Adelaide Oval and Optus Oval have done for Adelaide and Perth respectively. I know I'm not saying anything that hasn't been discussed already but I'm super pro Tassie team.

Would the Hurricanes play at Mac point in the summer?

Launceston has Monkeys so they don't need a stadium 😝

And Hobart has Parliament, so we dont need monkeys. :p
Nice little shot across the bow at Tas Labor there I reckon.

The Parliament have just voted that the Stadium (state significance projects) be voted on by Parliament, not some unelected body, albeit of experts. Labor & Greens voted for this.

Its not a guarantee of the Stadium going ahead, but most feel it is a positive move towards that end.

PM Albanese's tweet, which comes after the Parliamentary vote, is quite poignant. It MAY indicate some political movement behind the scenes.

I understand some pro Labor Unions have also been active behind the scenes in pushing for a change of Labor attitude. Thousands of building jobs, tourism & small business jobs are at stake.

We don't know, but I suspect the ALP are realising that their strategy of looking for the Northern parochial vote is unraveling. Older people do often hold their parochial views, however is this issue strong enough for people to actually change their basic voting intention?

I suspect that support for the stadium has grown. That based on the continual positive argument of economic & social benefit for us, our kids & generations to come. Also the many of us who've been pushing for our own team for 30 years since the early 1990's.

A lot of pro stadium/AFL/Sports supporters are Labor voters. They'd be feeling torn.

The argument of Housing & Health is a first priority has started to unravel. Its not a linear argument. The spending/investment on the new Bass Strait ferries, the Bridgewater Bridge ($800mill & $750mill) are not spoken about. So why is the stadium such a political target? Because of short term political opportunism.

My completely subjective reading is that those in favor of having an AFL team would be say 40%, against 15%, with 45% really don't care. In favor of a stadium 30%, against 20%, 30% dont care & the other 20% are interested in the issue of the multiuse stadium but are maybe undecided. I think the last group are drifting towards the positive.

The social media 'Yes Team, Yes Stadium' group of over 22k I believe are having an effect of the politicians, of that I have no doubt. How much effect I'm not sure. The Albo tweet is important!

The Stadium!
