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Zero actual scientific proof that immunization is linked to autism. Anecdotal evidence from that person with the autistic daughter is laughable too, it makes it sound like autism is some kind of 'attack' or overnight transformation akin to turning into a werewolf.

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Have been asking myself this question a bit lately. Have immunised both children but in the UK they have the BCG tuberculosis shot which is not required in Aus. Tuberculosis is active in London but we have decided against it as I feel we don't frequent the areas where it might exist and the scarring and pain involved isn't worth it.

My brother's missus is against immunisation and it angers me that she has this position.

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My understanding of the anti-vac movement is that it began with a now discredited, and retracted article in Lancet sometime in the late 90s that linked autism with the MMR vaccine. I was in the UK, and it was such a cause celebre that when Tony Blair *spits* had his last child he refused to say whether he'd had the child immunized, the whole thing seemed to balloon from there. Now that the article has been discredited, and the myth debunked, it seems astonishing to me that people can still "conscientiously object" to having their child vaccinated, how can a parent object to their child not dying from preventable diseases?
My understanding of the anti-vac movement is that it began with a now discredited, and retracted article in Lancet sometime in the late 90s that linked autism with the MMR vaccine. I was in the UK, and it was such a cause celebre that when Tony Blair *spits* had his last child he refused to say whether he'd had the child immunized, the whole thing seemed to balloon from there. Now that the article has been discredited, and the myth debunked, it seems astonishing to me that people can still "conscientiously object" to having their child vaccinated, how can a parent object to their child not dying from preventable diseases?

That's exactly where it stems from. Then 'celebrities' such as Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey took up the anti-vax (or pro-disease, to be more accurate) stance and were given a soapbox on shows such as Oprah to peddle their misinformation from.

Now it has become trendy among 'earth mother' types to not vaccinate their children. Their arguments tend to fall in the following categories:
  • it causes autism (false, numerous studies have proven that this is not the case. Further, a study in Japan showed an increase in autism rates coinciding with a decrease in vaccination rates...correlation does not equal causation, people!!)
  • it's a freedom of choice issue and they are exercising their rights as parents (I bet they won't be singing that tune if their baby contracts whooping cough)
  • if your kids are vaccinated why are you worried about mine? (duh, herd immunity doesn't work when the vaccination rates are in decline)
  • vaccinations are just a ploy from Big Pharma!!1! Educate yourselves! (I can't even muster the energy to respond to this one)

*not serious
I read an article the other day regarding immunisations and why kids shouldn't have to get them. One of their main arguments was that things like smallpox are no longer prevalent in society. There was no mention of the fact that maybe it is no longer common as everyone is being immunised
I hate that this is even a question

Even if immunisations caused autism, WHICH THEY DON'T, it's better than a child with small pox, or polio, or whooping cough or dead.
I know someone whose child caught measles in 2009 and came within an inch of dying because the virus entered their child's brain. It's actually usually fatal if that complication develops, so they were extremely lucky.

And yes, guess what- turns out they were anti-vaccers up until that point. That, thankfully, changed their mind.

In my view, to not immunise your children is grossly irresponsible.

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