NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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There are literally posters on this site (an AFL football site), based in Australia that do nothing other than post about 'Hunter Bidens laptop, Biden bad, Trump good, Putin good, Ivermectin good, vaccines bad' along with links to Russian bots on Twitter and YouTube videos.

Or in other words, they've been clearly cooked by the Russians.

What makes you think they're alone?

The biggest impact was with Black voters (who tend to vote Democrat) and undecided voters, with the Russians telling them to stay home and not vote because 'Hillary Clinton has died and been replaced by a body double' or 'She cant be trusted to do the right thing' or 'both candidates bad' etc.

Generally speaking people don't change political allegiances, and the psy-op did little to change that.

What it did do is deeply radicalize and polarize people. People who then went on to engage in flame wars online, before taking to the streets to burn down American cites, engage in the odd mass shooting, and finally storm the Capitol on Jan 6th.

No, I've clearly (and unambiguously) stated that the Russians also heavily targeted Democrats and undecided voters (mainly Black Americans):

When Russian agents used social media to sow chaos among the US electorate, they tried all kinds of tactics. They posed as leftwing social justice activists and rightwing defenders of the Confederate flag. They made memes, bought ads, shared fake news and posted opinions from fake users on all sides of hot-button American issues.
But one theme dramatically outpaced the rest: race.
According to two reports prepared for the US Senate intelligence committee, by far the “most prolific” efforts were made to target black Americans. According to one report, Russia’s Internet Research Agency “created an expansive cross-platform media mirage targeting the black community, which shared and cross-promoted authentic black media to create an immersive influence ecosystem”.
Analysts found that Russians used social media “troll farms” to “confuse, distract, and ultimately discourage” black people from voting for Hillary Clinton. They aimed to do so by describing the Democratic candidate for president as too similar to the Republican, Donald Trump, or by using bogus claims such as Clinton accepting donations from the Ku Klux Klan.
Over five years, such efforts were expansive: researchers reported 10.4 million tweets, 1,107 YouTube videos, 116,205 Instagram posts and 61,483 unique Facebook posts from Russian operatives. Much of the material was intended to inflame anger among black Americans about skewed rates of poverty, incarceration and the use of force by police and thereby, in the words of one report, to “divert their political energy away from established political institutions”.
The Russians obviously view the USA as their greatest enemy and rival. They clearly do NOT want a strong USA; they want the USA fractured, divided, fighting among itself and out of world affairs, so Russia can do what she likes with impunity.

The Russians also pushed hard for a Trump Presidency.

Consider those two sentences above together for a second, and you'll understand why the Russians did what they did.

Still nothing about the swing voters and independents.

That's afterall who decides who wins elections.

You seem incapable of moving away from the red and the blue.

Black voters do tend to vote Democrat.

That's because they have been brainwashed for decades to believing they have too.

Biden let that slip famously.

Questioning people's blackness if they don't vote for the party of their ancestors slave masters.

The majority of black people don't even know the history of the party that they vote for.

Do you question why they are so cooked?
Still nothing about the swing voters and independents.

The post you're quoting from me literally discusses just that, with a ****ing quote from an external source.

That's twice now you've done that. Try reading the damn post at least before claiming it doesnt say something that it clearly says.

The majority of black people don't even know the history of the party that they vote for.

What utter bullshit.

People don't vote on the policies from 100 years ago. People vote on current policies.

I tend to vote Labor here in Australia. I don't stop to consider that Labor supported the White Australia policy as recently as World War 2, when Labor PM John Curtin stated "This country shall remain forever the home of the descendants of those people who came here in peace in order to establish in the South Seas an outpost of the British race."

I'm smart enough to accept that the Labor party has moved on from that bullshit, and I presume Black Americans are also savvy enough to equally accept the Democrats have moved on from supporting Slavery, to now representing the Centre Left of US Politics as well.

Black people tend to vote for the Democrats for the same reason the KKK tend to vote for Republicans.

One party has Right wing policies (they believe hierarchies are good, necessary and to be protected) and the other party has Left wing policies (they believe in removing hierarchies, and promoting equality).

Once you figure out where Black and White Americans sit in that hierarchy in the USA (both historically as literal slaves to the other, and currently), the general voting patterns of white and black Americans makes perfect sense.
There are literally posters on this site (an AFL football site), based in Australia that do nothing other than post about 'Hunter Bidens laptop, Biden bad, Trump good, Putin good, Ivermectin good, vaccines bad' along with links to Russian bots on Twitter and YouTube videos.

Or in other words, they've been clearly cooked by the Russians.

What makes you think they're alone?

The biggest impact was with Black voters (who tend to vote Democrat) and undecided voters, with the Russians telling them to stay home and not vote because 'Hillary Clinton has died and been replaced by a body double' or 'She cant be trusted to do the right thing' or 'both candidates bad' etc.

Generally speaking people don't change political allegiances, and the psy-op did little to change that.

What it did do is deeply radicalize and polarize people. People who then went on to engage in flame wars online, before taking to the streets to burn down American cites, engage in the odd mass shooting, and finally storm the Capitol on Jan 6th.

No, I've clearly (and unambiguously) stated that the Russians also heavily targeted Democrats and undecided voters (mainly Black Americans). I literally said as much in the post you're quoting here (that you obviously didn't read, likely because you're cooked into only seeing the world one way), and I'll do it again now:

When Russian agents used social media to sow chaos among the US electorate, they tried all kinds of tactics. They posed as leftwing social justice activists and rightwing defenders of the Confederate flag. They made memes, bought ads, shared fake news and posted opinions from fake users on all sides of hot-button American issues.
But one theme dramatically outpaced the rest: race.
According to two reports prepared for the US Senate intelligence committee, by far the “most prolific” efforts were made to target black Americans. According to one report, Russia’s Internet Research Agency “created an expansive cross-platform media mirage targeting the black community, which shared and cross-promoted authentic black media to create an immersive influence ecosystem”.
Analysts found that Russians used social media “troll farms” to “confuse, distract, and ultimately discourage” black people from voting for Hillary Clinton. They aimed to do so by describing the Democratic candidate for president as too similar to the Republican, Donald Trump, or by using bogus claims such as Clinton accepting donations from the Ku Klux Klan.
Over five years, such efforts were expansive: researchers reported 10.4 million tweets, 1,107 YouTube videos, 116,205 Instagram posts and 61,483 unique Facebook posts from Russian operatives. Much of the material was intended to inflame anger among black Americans about skewed rates of poverty, incarceration and the use of force by police and thereby, in the words of one report, to “divert their political energy away from established political institutions”.
The Russians obviously view the USA as their greatest enemy and rival. They clearly do NOT want a strong USA; they want the USA fractured, divided, fighting among itself and out of world affairs, so Russia can do what she likes with impunity.

The Russians also pushed hard for a Trump Presidency.

Consider those two sentences above together for a second, and you'll understand why the Russians did what they did.
You can provide all the facts and reporting you want. Its no use.

Bostonian is a completely vibes based poster, nothing more. His feels are his reality. Bloke is still convinced that Democrats are worse than the GOP on voting rights and democracy coz they got someone struck off a ballot once - decades of confirmed GOP gerrymandering and voter suppression not a factor in his calculations. Democrats up there with the nazi party, coz they supported slavery 150 years ago. Probably more utter insanity I'm forgetting.

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You can provide all the facts and reporting you want. Its no use.

Bostonian is a vibes based poster, nothing more. His feels are his version of reality. Bloke is still convinced that Democrats are worse than the GOP on voting rights coz they got someone struck off a ballot once - decades of confirmed GOP gerrymandering and voter suppression not a factor in his calculations. Democrats up there with the nazi party, coz they supported slavery 150 years ago. Probably more utter insanity I'm forgetting.

I've asked for and not got a single bit of actual data that shows non red or blue voters were influenced by the ohmygherd Russians.

And there we go again.

150 years ago...

Joe Biden was against bussing in the 70s 😂

Show us where the history books touched you.
You can provide all the facts and reporting you want. Its no use.

Call it a hunch, but I bet you London to a Brick he literally knows (IRL) at least 1 person (usually a crazy Aunt) who runs around the place talking about 'Trump good, Putin good, save the children from the Paedos, vaccines bad, Ivermectin good, Hunter Bidens laptop, Biden/ Clinton bad, Pelosi bad, international banking cabals are trying to impose socialism on us'.

Heck, I'd bet my entire savings account that his Facebook feed is probably littered with shit like that.

Equally, those same people he knows IRL couldnt tell you the first thing about Australian politics. They know Pelosi was the leader of the House of Reps in the USA, but couldnt name the Australian Speaker in Canberra, or (without looking it up) who the Governor General is, what color the seats on the Senate and the House are, or anything else.

Reason being is they've 'done their own research' online, been exposed to US centric misinformation, their computers (and the social media programs) algorithms have pushed certain information (and misinformation) on them, and next thing you know they're sitting there watching YouTube videos from 'influencers' pushing one side of the story getting further radicalized into US centric nonsense.

All thanks to the Russians.

And they're totally oblivious to what's going on.

Bostonian how was my hunch? Be honest now; you know at least one person IRL that matches that description (heck you know several online on this site alone).

Im on the money aren't I? You've literally seen the impact of online radicalization in your own real life, and yet you still deny that it occurred.

This is Australians mind you. The impact in the USA is much worse.
I've asked for and not got a single bit of actual data that shows non red or blue voters were influenced by the ohmygherd Russians.

And there we go again.

150 years ago...

Joe Biden was against bussing in the 70s 😂

Show us where the history books touched you.
Oh, a mere 50 years ago, my bad. And clearly Joe on the bussing issue = up there with the nazi party of Germany.

Really putting to bed the idea that you're a pretty irrational operator here, nicely played :tearsofjoy:

Show us where any reporting or data point from the last 20 or so years touched you.
Call it a hunch, but I bet you London to a Brick he literally knows (IRL) at least 1 person (usually a crazy Aunt) who runs around the place talking about 'Trump good, Putin good, save the children from the Paedos, vaccines bad, Ivermectin good, Hunter Bidens laptop, Biden/ Clinton bad, Pelosi bad, international banking cabals are trying to impose socialism on us'.

Heck, I'd bet my entire savings account that his Facebook feed is probably littered with s**t like that.

Equally, those same people he knows IRL couldnt tell you the first thing about Australian politics. They know Pelosi was the leader of the House of Reps in the USA, but couldnt name the Australian Speaker in Canberra, or (without looking it up) who the Governor General is, what color the seats on the Senate and the House are, or anything else.

Reason being is they've 'done their own research' online, been exposed to US centric misinformation, their computers (and the social media programs) algorithms have pushed certain information (and misinformation) on them, and next thing you know they're sitting there watching YouTube videos from 'influencers' pushing one side of the story getting further radicalized into US centric nonsense.

All thanks to the Russians.

And they're totally oblivious to what's going on.

Bostonian how was my hunch? Be honest now; you know at least one person IRL that matches that description (heck you know several online on this site alone).

Im on the money aren't I? You've literally seen the impact of online radicalization in your own real life, and yet you still deny that it occurred.

This is Australians mind you. The impact in the USA is much worse.

I don't know a single person like you have described.

Don't know a single person that didn't get vaxxed.

It might surprise you but some people live their lives among other groups of people who don't give two shits about cheerleading for politicians.

That is my circle of friends. No liberals, no laborites, no greens.

Have you missed the ground swell of people who have had a gutful full of politicians so just ignore them on the whole?

See you read all the posts in this thread.

I ignore 99.9% of the ones you would call "radicalised".

You get triggered by the "cooked" posts.

I ignore them.

I actually use Facebook Purity to block out all the social media guff you seem to be referring too. So the only social media I use blocks out all the garbage.
I've asked for and not got a single bit of actual data that shows non red or blue voters were influenced by the ohmygherd Russians.

And there we go again.

150 years ago...

Joe Biden was against bussing in the 70s 😂

Show us where the history books touched you.

You're such a bad faith poster.
Who uses language like "bad faith poster".

Not normal people.

Look man, it's just you and me.

If I'm right, you'll know someone who I described, and just lied about it online to a stranger to win an argument.

Which tells me that you actually know I'm right, but cant acknowledge it.

Just stop for a second, and process the cognitive dissonance that led you to be sitting here doing that.

I mean I can literally point to several people on this very subforum that have been cooked by the Russians. They were everywhere during COVID lockdowns (and during the Voice debates) as well.

Does the fact you have to lie about it on the internet to a stranger bother you at all?

No bullshit.

Unlike you who for some reason moderates an internet forum and has to care what people think I don't give two shits what you think.

You're nothing to me. I don't have to lie to impress you or lie to "win on the internet" I don't give a **** what you think 😂

That allows me to be honest 😊
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Definitely worse than Jim Crow Laws and still impacting people today.

The origins of how the Democrats and Republicans 'switched sides' and became the modern progressive and conservative parties, respectively. NB: The Simpsons reference Taft a few times in earlier episodes.

The origins of how the Democrats and Republicans 'switched sides' and became the modern progressive and conservative parties, respectively. NB: The Simpsons reference Taft a few times in earlier episodes.

They didn't swap.

In 1964 when they voted for the Civil Rights Act in the Senate 78% of the no vote was Democrats.

In the House vote the no vote was 74% Democrat.

The 74 day filibuster was lead by Southern Democrats.

Does that surprise you that it was the Democrats who voted the majority against it?
They didn't swap.
I don't think it's possible to have a rational conversation with anyone deluded enough to think that in the current election cycle Democrats are Conservatives and the Republicans are the Progressive party of the US.

A real Lebbo - Submarine tunnels moment.
Who uses language like "bad faith poster".

Not normal people.
I mean... would you prefer "dishonest liar"? I'm cool with whatever.

Although I suppose there's always the possibility you truly do believe the shit you post, that the Dems are worse than the GOP on voting/democracy coz they got someone removed from a ballot once, or Dems bad coz of their policies 50 or 150 years ago, and you just refuse to acknowledge any other data points. I guess in that case we'd just be back to garden variety "cooker".
I mean... would you prefer "dishonest liar"? I'm cool with whatever.

Although I suppose there's always the possibility you truly do believe the s**t you post, that the Dems are worse than the GOP on voting/democracy coz they got someone removed from a ballot once, or Dems bad coz of their policies 50 or 150 years ago, and you just refuse to acknowledge any other data points. I guess in that case we'd just be back to garden variety "cooker".

You're triggered as all **** 😂
I don't think it's possible to have a rational conversation with anyone deluded enough to think that in the current election cycle Democrats are Conservatives and the Republicans are the Progressive party of the US.

A real Lebbo - Submarine tunnels moment.

Thats because you just ignore everything the Democrats do and how they openly they treat black people still.

The white American liberal thinks they are all dumb, can't think for themselves and if they don't vote for them they must have been so stupid as to be swayed by Russians.

They think they still own them. The President thinks that...

We even have one of the mods spouting that kind of crap.
They didn't swap.

In 1964 when they voted for the Civil Rights Act in the Senate 78% of the no vote was Democrats.

In the House vote the no vote was 74% Democrat.

The 74 day filibuster was lead by Southern Democrats.

Does that surprise you that it was the Democrats who voted the majority against it?
60 years ago :tearsofjoy:

Yep this is definitely a reason why the democrats suck currently, going well mate.
No bullshit.

You don't know anyone who supports Trump or cooker conspiracies.

Yet you find yourself (of your own choice) on the US Politics thread, on the Conspiracies sub forum, talking about Trump and the Russian election interference in the election, on a board literally full of Trump loving cookers who babble on about conspiracies.


Your level of self delusion is only surpassed by BlueE and his 'I'm not on any social media sites, so I cant be cooked' assertion.

Lying to others is one thing, but lying to yourself takes it to a whole new level.

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