NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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You're the one who claimed there were no govt vaccine mandates. You claim it is only 0.8% of the population, I would like to see a source on that.

In 2022, 2.87 million people worked for the US Federal Government:

Total government employees U.S. 2022 | Statista

These were the people who work for the Federal government where the mandates applied. Ignore for a second the fact the mandates did not apply to all Federal employees, and many were exempted on religious grounds or medical grounds that were.

Population of the USA is 332 million. 2.9 million effected.

Do the math. Literally less than 1 percent of the population of the USA was affected by Federal vaccine mandates.
In 2022, 2.87 million people worked for the US Federal Government:

Total government employees U.S. 2022 | Statista

These were the people who work for the Federal government where the mandates applied. Ignore for a second the fact the mandates did not apply to all Federal employees, and many were exempted on religious grounds or medical grounds that were.

Population of the USA is 332 million. 2.9 million effected.

Do the math. Literally less than 1 percent of the population of the USA was affected by Federal vaccine mandates.
How about contractors? What are their numbers? Healthcare workers in medicare facilities number 17M.
How about contractors? What are their numbers? Healthcare workers in medicare facilities number 17M.

Neither Federal employees, or contractors.

And where the **** are you getting 17 million Healthcare workers in Americans (skeletal) Federal Public health system?

That's clearly a fake number. There are 14 million healthcare workers total in the USA, with most of them working at Privately owned hospitals and healthcare centres in Americans mostly private health care system.

Healthcare Occupations: Characteristics of the Employed : Spotlight on Statistics: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

17 million healthcare workers in 'Federal healthcare facilities' in the USA? That's cooker talk and cooker statistics. Made up and not even close to actual reality. The real number would be closer to 17 than 17 million.

As for Federal contractors the number is likely the same as the numbers of Employees (around another 3-4 million, tops). It was 4 million in Trumps term:

The U.S. government is becoming more dependent on contract workers - Marketplace

Which is on par with how many it was historically:

Contractors and the True Size of Government

Usually hovering in the 3-4 million per year mark.

Bear in mind 'Federal employees' includes people like Soldiers (who are required to be vaccinated as part of their employment anyway), and the mandate didn't cover all Federal employees and contractors either (and there were exceptions for religious objectors etc).

So at the upper end, presume the mandates applied to ALL 2.9 million Federal employees, and ALL 4 million or so Federal contractors.

So roughly 7 million people out of 340 million population is around 2 percent.

High estimate (as favorable I can to be to your mandate) is that Bidens mandate applied to 2 percent of the population (although it was very likely, in practice far far fewer than that number).

Are we in agreement?

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Neither Federal employees, or contractors.

And where the * are you getting 17 million Healthcare workers in Americans (skeletal) Federal Public health system?

That's clearly a fake number. There are 14 million healthcare workers total in the USA, with most of them working at Privately owned hospitals and healthcare centres in Americans mostly private health care system.

Healthcare Occupations: Characteristics of the Employed : Spotlight on Statistics: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

17 million healthcare workers in 'Federal healthcare facilities' in the USA? That's cooker talk and cooker statistics. Made up and not even close to actual reality. The real number would be closer to 17 than 17 million.

As for Federal contractors the number is likely the same as the numbers of Employees (around another 3-4 million, tops). It was 4 million in Trumps term:

The U.S. government is becoming more dependent on contract workers - Marketplace

Which is on par with how many it was historically:

Contractors and the True Size of Government

Usually hovering in the 3-4 million per year mark.

Bear in mind 'Federal employees' includes people like Soldiers (who are required to be vaccinated as part of their employment anyway), and the mandate didn't cover all Federal employees and contractors either (and there were exceptions for religious objectors etc).

So at the upper end, presume the mandates applied to ALL 2.9 million Federal employees, and ALL 4 million or so Federal contractors.

So roughly 7 million people out of 340 million population is around 2 percent.

High estimate (as favorable I can to be to your mandate) is that Bidens mandate applied to 2 percent of the population (although it was very likely, in practice far far fewer than that number).

Are we in agreement?
Dude WTF? The 17M number is literally in the article you linked. You are spending in inordinate amount of time on an argument you already lost. You should have spent it reading the article you linked.
With the recent passing of that Navalny fella, I couldn't help but reflect on how atrocious it is to lock up a political foe, to prosecute a man for revealing uncomfortable truths, for blowing the whistle on crimes against humanity.

I'm sure you share my outrage over how the Obama / Biden admins similarly went full Putin. Because you know what they say m8... never go full Putin!

View attachment 1914367

View attachment 1914368

Oh sayy can you seeeeeeeeee...
"Similarly" :tearsofjoy:

When's your birthday m8, I'll get you a dictionary!
I burst into a tremendous guffaw when I saw the name of the channel.
An insightful observation as always, ET. I daresay it may be prudent for them to consider establishing a presence as a culinary expert channel, entitled "Cooked by the Algo Rhythms."
Proof should be rather easy to produce if it's as obvious as you all seem to suggest.

You're relying on your feelings that "it might have swayed a few voters".

So what you're saying is don't worry about proof, just believe what you say?

Ah good faith, you shill the same s**t that CNN and MSNBC parrot and you think you're engaging in good faith.

LOL, you hypocrite.

They are all as bad as each other. Takes two to keep that system propped up and a closed shop.
Uh huh :rolleyes:

If Joe starts ringing state reps to 'find' votes when he loses this November and daily accuses the GOP of stealing the election via fraud for 2 straight months ably supported by the bulk of his party you might have point.
When's your birthday m8, I'll get you a dictionary!
Unnecessary. As with all my posts, it was fact checked and grammar corrected by ChatGPT prior to going live here on BF. Only the best for my adoring fans here... I have a reputation to uphold m8.

If you wish to honour me with another gift, I simply ask that you make a donation to Trump's legal team on my behalf... democracy ain't gonna save itself!
Who uses language like "bad faith poster".

Not normal people.



Ah good faith, you shill the same s**t that CNN and MSNBC parrot and you think you're engaging in good faith.

flipping LOL.
An insightful observation as always, ET. I daresay it may be prudent for them to consider establishing a presence as a culinary expert channel, entitled "Cooked by the Algo Rhythms."

The presenter would have to be a culinary expert AND an expert on Fascism.

I continue to marvel at the sheer number of lefties who genuinely believe the great man is a russian asset.

It shows the power of the msm to manipulate the most mentally fragile in our society.

I for one hope lefties continue with their russiagate conspiracy theory and really lean into it until it leads them to the destination we can all see unfolding ie a padded cell with a nice clean window to lick.

"If you will it, it is no dream."
Dude WTF? The 17M number is literally in the article you linked.

What? No it's not. Can you read?

Here is the exact link I provided:

In 2022, 14.7 million people age 16 and older were employed in healthcare occupations, accounting for 9.3 percent of total employment. The largest of these occupations was registered nurses, who numbered 3.4 million in 2022, or more than 1 out of every 5 healthcare workers.

Healthcare Occupations: Characteristics of the Employed : Spotlight on Statistics: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Next to none of those Healthcare employees would be 'Federal contractors' because the US Healthcare system is overwhelmingly privately owned, funded and operated:

In the US, ownership of the healthcare system is mainly in private hands, though federal, state, county, and city governments also own certain facilities. There is no nationwide system of government-owned medical facilities open to the general public.

As of 2018, there were 5,534 registered hospitals in the US. There were 4,840 community hospitals, which are defined as nonfederal, short-term general, or specialty hospitals.[86] The nonprofit hospitals share of total hospital capacity has remained relatively stable (about 70%) for decades.[87] There are also privately owned for-profit hospitals as well as government hospitals in some locations, mainly owned by county and city governments.

Healthcare in the United States - Wikipedia


14 million people are in the US Healthcare sector (in total, including admins etc), a sector that is funded 97 percent by sources other than the Government (private sources, such as patients, insurers, third parties and investors). Total government spending (State and Federal) accounts for 3 percent of hospital funding, and most of that funding is likely State funding.

The only 'Federal' employees who are health care professionals would be largely Doctors, Nurses and Medics in the Armed Forces (and they're already accounted for as Government employees).

Have you even been to the USA mate? They don't do 'free government socialized medicine'. You either pay, or you're ****ed.

Where are you getting this number of '17 million Federal contractors working in the US Health care system' from anyway?

The actual number of 'Federal contractors in US Healthcare' would be closer to 17 and wouldn't be more than a few hundred at most.

Face it mate, best case scenario (for you) there are around 3 million Federal employees (mainly public servants, Posties, the FBI, CIA etc and the Armed forces) and another 3-4 million or so 'Federal contractors' (mainly private security, cooks, staffers and the like) that would have been subject to Bidens Vaccine mandate (and many of those employees could have likely claimed religious exemption).

If you're still in doubt, remember most Americans work in the Private sector:

There were nearly 118 million private sector jobs in May 2020, representing 85 percent of U.S. employment. State government had 4.6 million jobs (3.3 percent) and local government had 14.1 million jobs (10.1 percent).

private vs public sector us numbers - Google Search

85 percent of all employment in the USA is in the Private sector (not for the Government). They were not affected by Bidens vaccine mandates, and neither were State or Local government jobs either (although they may have had their own State mandates to deal with, but they were not mandatory in many States).

You seem to have this ****ing twisted perception that Americans were forced to get vaccinated. Very very few were (unlike here in WA were 90 percent of all employees were mandated to be vaccinated by McGowans Labor).

Social media has cooked you.
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Proof should be rather easy to produce if it's as obvious as you all seem to suggest.

You're relying on your feelings that "it might have swayed a few voters".

So what you're saying is don't worry about proof, just believe what you say?

Ah good faith, you shill the same s**t that CNN and MSNBC parrot and you think you're engaging in good faith.
Righto Mr Both Sides. Please prove that the massive Russian disinformation campaign had no effect. “Proof should be rather easy to produce.”
Please prove that the massive Russian disinformation campaign had no effect.

Oh BlueE and Lebbo73 have all already done this.

In the same breath as talking about 'Hunter Bidens laptop, Trump good, Putin good, Biden bad, Pelosi bad, biolabs and tunnels, MSM bad, vaccine bad, Russia are the good guys' and literally retweeting and reposting links to Russian activists and bot accounts.

So they post the exact narrative the Russians have been pushing into the internet, even linking to Russian operatives, sympathizers and bots in the process, while at the same time - and in literally the same breath - denying the Russians have any influence over anyone.

Like Bostonian they also hilariously deny being on 'social media sites' (despite frequently linking to those social media sites, on this social media site) or 'knowing anyone that might be cooked into thinking the exact shit they believe', when literally everyone has at least one ****wit in their lives that's been cooked by this bullshit.

Man I can even tell them when they started to change (become withdrawn, and obsesses with social media and US politics and vaccines etc). Likely around 8-10 years ago or so, with things really picking up around 4-5 years ago.

'They did their own research'.

Lol. The Russians did it for them.
Oh BlueE and Lebbo73 have all already done this.

In the same breath as talking about 'Hunter Bidens laptop, Trump good, Putin good, Biden bad, Pelosi bad, biolabs and tunnels, MSM bad, vaccine bad, Russia are the good guys' and literally retweeting and reposting links to Russian activists and bot accounts.

So they post the exact narrative the Russians have been pushing into the internet, even linking to Russian operatives, sympathizers and bots in the process, while at the same time - and in literally the same breath - denying the Russians have any influence over anyone.

Like Bostonian they also hilariously deny being on 'social media sites' (despite frequently linking to those social media sites, on this social media site) or 'knowing anyone that might be cooked into thinking the exact s*t they believe', when literally everyone has at least one ****** in their lives that's been cooked by this bullshit.

Man I can even tell them when they started to change (become withdrawn, and obsesses with social media and US politics and vaccines etc). Likely around 8-10 years ago or so, with things really picking up around 4-5 years ago.

'They did their own research'.

Lol. The Russians did it for them.

Never call anyone else cooked.

Any normal person who read what you wrote would think you're an absolute weirdo.

You're paranoid delusional with McCarthyism like traits that the Russians are under the bed.

Scared little boy syndrome.

I mean you can't find a single thing where I've supported Putin in any way, so keep lying.

Can't find a single thing where I was anti-vax, so keep lying.

Thanks for the laughs though.

There's a whole world out there who doesn't give a toss about the things you're obsessed with.
Just wondering with all the illegal immigrants that Biden and co are happy to flood over the border in record numbers why are people not angry. These people are a good chance to be unvaccinated or have we forgot about that now. I know a few on here was pretty COVID cooked. Think a good border would have helped fix this problem.

No, Meta, Google, X and other social media sites have reams of data on how effective the algorithm is convincing people to believe s**t, buy s**t and so forth.

They literally track your every move on the platform, construct psychological profiles of you, check on what sites you visit, measure your engagement time with content and much much more. They then use this data, to target advertisements to you, with proven rates of success in getting you to purchase s**t via click throughs. This data is then presented to Advertisers who then give Meta billions of dollars to sell s**t to unsuspecting dupes who don't understand how the Internet works.

Where do you think Meta's income comes from?

There is ample evidence on the effectiveness of Social media algorithms to channel people down rabbit holes and get them buying s**t, or entrenching behaviors and beliefs in people. Google, Meta, Apple, Samsung etc would not exist without that evidence.

Fact check US: What is the impact of Russian interference in the US presidential election?

Literally near 20 percent of all Tweets relating to the 2016 Election were from Russian Bots spreading deliberate misinformation, encouraging Black Americans not to vote (and pretending to be Black Activists), selling misleading and fake stories about Clinton, and promoting the cause of Donald Trump.

1 in 5 election Tweets was Russian disinformation. Along with literally hundreds of millions of Facebook interactions.

These are not just Advertisements. They're targeted ads, and deliberate misinformation, in viral news stories that flood peoples feeds, in a manner tailored to the individual user, convincing them that the fake news is real.

Those Tweets (along with the aforementioned Facebook and Instagram stories) plus YouTube, Rumblr, Reddit, MSN, 4Chan and other sites reached literally hundreds of millions of Americans, with the algorithm tailoring the individual content of each of those victims with 'news' articles that literally painted a totally fabricated picture of reality, tailored to that persons individual interests.

People got cooked by this process.

If you think they didn't, you're literally the most naive person I know (and also likely cooked). You're like Lord Nelson with the telescope up to his blind eye claiming not to see the Spanish Armada.

It is a conspiracy!

Specifically, it was literally a Psy-Op ordered by the Kremlin, and conducted by Russian agents, with the plan being to use Social media algorithms to cook people in the USA with disinformation and to radicalize them, get Trump elected, and to sow discord in the USA.

The fact you're sitting there with your fingers in your ears still, despite overwhelming evidence you're wrong, including Trump and the Republicans admitting it occurred, plus the FBI, CIA, ASIS, MI5, Interpol etc, plus numerous people being literally charged with being involved in the plot, plus the companies themselves admitting it, plus independent researchers studying it, and literally petabytes of data showing it, just tells me you're either an idiot, or you've also been cooked, or both.

The Russians influenced the election, and radicalized people. Those same people that support Trump now also overwhelming also support Putin and Russia, and oppose Ukraine.

Because the Russians told them to.

BlueE and Lebbo73 are both heavy users of social media sites (not just this one) are both clearly cooked by the above process, and have also repeatedly reposted tweets and links to Russian bots and propagandists on this site (effectively making them default agents/ stooges of the Kremlin).

In other news, despite being Australian, both men also think (Putin good, Ukraine bad, there was no election interference by the Russians, Trump good, Biden corrupt and bad, Hunter Bidens laptop!, Qanon/ pizza gate is real, vaccines dont work, take your ivermectin, Heil Putin!) as well, and they started thinking this around 2016, right when the Russians started posting the exact same narratives online for the algorithm to push onto people.

Obviously that's just a co-incidence though. They were just 'doing their own research'.
Instead of spamming this thread with Russia did this, how about you show us how these Russians were charged and convicted with election interference?
When these so called Russians were eagerly awaiting their day in court, all charges were suddenly dismissed. You can’t have those pesky Russians appearing in court and making the Deep State prosecutors look guilty of what they were charging the Ruskies with.
The presenter would have to be a culinary expert AND an expert on Fascism.
I continue to marvel at the sheer number of lefties who genuinely believe the great man is a russian asset.

It shows the power of the msm to manipulate the most mentally fragile in our society.

I for one hope lefties continue with their russiagate conspiracy theory and really lean into it until it leads them to the destination we can all see unfolding ie a padded cell with a nice clean window to lick.

"If you will it, it is no dream."
This “great man”?
Instead of spamming this thread with Russia did this, how about you show us how these Russians were charged and convicted with election interference?

How do the Seppos arrest Russians based in St Petersburg, Russia?

Internet Research Agency - Wikipedia

But OK, sure. Notwithstanding the difficulty of heading over to Russia, to arrest Russians, the Yanks did arrest and charge 12 of them who were based in the USA:

The Department of Justice today announced that a grand jury in the District of Columbia returned an indictment presented by the Special Counsel’s Office. The indictment charges twelve Russian nationals for committing federal crimes that were intended to interfere with the 2016 U.S. presidential election. All twelve defendants are members of the GRU, a Russian Federation intelligence agency within the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian military. These GRU officers, in their official capacities, engaged in a sustained effort to hack into the computer networks of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the Democratic National Committee, and the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, and released that information on the internet under the names "DCLeaks" and "Guccifer 2.0" and through another entity.

Grand Jury Indicts 12 Russian Intelligence Officers for Hacking Offenses Related to the 2016 Election

Here are four more Russian spies (and 3 Americans) who also took part in the influencing of the election and spreading misinformation to favor Trump:

A federal grand jury in Tampa, Florida, returned a superseding indictment charging four U.S. citizens and three Russian nationals with working on behalf of the Russian government and in conjunction with the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) to conduct a multi-year foreign malign influence campaign in the United States. Among other conduct, the superseding indictment alleges that the Russian defendants recruited, funded and directed U.S. political groups to act as unregistered illegal agents of the Russian government and sow discord and spread pro-Russian propaganda; the indicted intelligence officers, in particular, participated in covertly funding and directing candidates for local office within the United States.

U.S. Citizens and Russian Intelligence Officers Charged with Conspiring to Use U.S. Citizens as Illegal Agents of the Russian Government

Here are yet more Russian agents charged with influencing the election:

Thirteen Russians have been criminally charged for interfering in the 2016 US election to help Donald Trump, the office of Robert Mueller, the special counsel, announced on Friday.
Trump-Russia investigation: the key questions answered
Mueller’s office said 13 Russians and three Russian entities, including the notorious state-backed “troll farm” the Internet Research Agency, had been indicted by a federal grand jury in Washington DC.

A 37-page indictment alleged that the Russians’ operations “included supporting the presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald J Trump ... and disparaging Hillary Clinton,” his Democratic opponent.

Mueller alleged that Russian operatives “communicated with unwitting individuals associated with the Trump campaign”, but the indictment did not address the question of whether anyone else in Trump’s team had knowingly colluded.

Mueller charges 13 Russians with interfering in US election to help Trump

And here is another Russian arrested and charged with the same thing:

Federal authorities charged a Russian man Friday with a years-long malign influence campaign targeting American politics — alleging that he used American groups in Florida, Georgia and California to sow discord and push pro-Russia propaganda.


They haven't charged the dude behind the 'Hunter Biden Laptop' nonsense yet, but he's still floating around:

The man accused last week of delivering false allegations to federal investigators about Hunter Biden and President Biden's business dealings told officials after his arrest that individuals "associated with Russian intelligence" were tied to apparent efforts to peddle a story about the first son, federal prosecutors revealed in a court filing Tuesday.

Alexander Smirnov was arrested last week after being charged with two counts that alleged he lied to the FBI.

Man accused of lying to FBI about Hunter Biden claimed he got fake information from Russian intelligence

And of course, Smirnov is just the latest in a long line of Trump officials that have had contact with Russian spies, and then lied about it and/or been charged with lying about it to the FBI.

Flynn, Scaramucci, Kushner, Manafort, Gates, Papadopoulos, Stone, Don Jr, Cohen etc.

Links between Trump associates and Russian officials - Wikipedia

Further detailed here:

But while Mueller may not have found any evidence that Trump associates conspired with Russia to interfere in the election, they nonetheless had a lot of contact with Russians leading up to Election Day. In fact, investigators have found that Trump and at least 17 of his campaign officials and advisors had more than 100 contacts between Trump associates and Russians...

Here Are All the Times Donald Trump and His Associates Intersected With Russians

How much more evidence do you want mate?

You can lump all the above into the terrabites of data provided by Meta and Google. The evidence is literally overwhelming.
Oh BlueE and Lebbo73 have all already done this.

In the same breath as talking about 'Hunter Bidens laptop, Trump good, Putin good, Biden bad, Pelosi bad, biolabs and tunnels, MSM bad, vaccine bad, Russia are the good guys' and literally retweeting and reposting links to Russian activists and bot accounts.

So they post the exact narrative the Russians have been pushing into the internet, even linking to Russian operatives, sympathizers and bots in the process, while at the same time - and in literally the same breath - denying the Russians have any influence over anyone.

Like Bostonian they also hilariously deny being on 'social media sites' (despite frequently linking to those social media sites, on this social media site) or 'knowing anyone that might be cooked into thinking the exact s*t they believe', when literally everyone has at least one ****** in their lives that's been cooked by this bullshit.

Man I can even tell them when they started to change (become withdrawn, and obsesses with social media and US politics and vaccines etc). Likely around 8-10 years ago or so, with things really picking up around 4-5 years ago.

'They did their own research'.

Lol. The Russians did it for them.
Too true. Bostonian is a slightly different but equally sad case. He at least admits that the Russians conducted a massive disinformation campaign, but he thinks they did it purely for the giggles.
Too true. Bostonian is a slightly different but equally sad case. He at least admits that the Russians conducted a massive disinformation campaign, but he thinks they did it purely for the giggles.

And that the algorithms pushing misinformation that generated literally hundreds of millions of engagements and interactions (likes, shares, reposts etc) had no effect for some reason.

Apparently 340 million Americans are immune to social media algorithms cooking the shit out of them.

Its just self-evidently so untrue as to either be a lie from him, or a complete ignorance of how social media works, and why advertisers pay shitloads to get in on it, and how influencers make money, or both.

If I set up thousands of bot accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc to sell a narrative of 'Australia isn't real, it's a made-up country that doesnt actually exist' and those bots generated literally hundreds of millions of likes, shares, reposts, comments, flame wars and engagements, followed by influencers on YouTube and elsewhere grifting off the back of that lie, pushing clickbait videos about the nonexistence of Australia to sell merch and generate AdSense revenue, I ****ing assure you a significant number of people would believe it to be true, and deny the existence of Australia.

They've' 'done their own research', clicked on a topic, and the algorithm has done the rest. Before long they're convinced of their own reality.

That's why companies pay Meta and Google etc a shitload of money for advertising, and how influencers make their money for ****s sake. Its how half a million people (and Lebbo73 ) got cooked into Qanon insanity, or SovCit nonsense, or 'Ivermectin cures COVID'.

His denial of this phenomenon is next level self-deception or ignorance, and sadly I cant tell which one.

'I wasn't cooked by social media; I did my own research.'

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I have noticed its overwhelmingly (socially isolated and vulnerable) boomers getting cooked by this process also, likely because they don't understand that their computer is literally telling them what to believe, and leading them down a garden path of conspirational nonsense.

'Stay off science journals, and editorially checked mainstream media. Get your facts from random ****wits and grifters on social media' also forms part of the narrative.

Keeps them in front of the screen devouring utter nonsense and cooking themselves silly, all while being totally unaware of what's happening, how its happening and why.

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