Vale Judith Durham

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May 5, 2016
AFL Club

This makes me so sad.

If forced to nominate my favourite genres I’d probably go

1. Classic Rock
2. Australian pub rock
3. 90s alternative (grunge, Brit pop etc)
4. Hard rock

Then a fairly eclectic mix.

But since I was very little I loved the Seekers, largely because Judith Durham had simply the most angelic heavenly voice I’ve ever heard.

I still get teary listening to her and Bruce Woodley sing I Am Australian together.

This sucks

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wow, Three Aussie icons of previous generations gone within a week of each other.
Sad times especially for those of their generation.
The three of them mostly before our time but every time I heard Olivia Newton-John talk it felt like she reminded me of my aunties.
She one of those people that lived overseas but still sounded like she lived next door.
R.I.P Archie Roach, Judith Durham and Olivia Newton-John
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So sad.

Judith & The Seekers were of my Mum & Dad's generation but I always liked their songs.

Then when they re-formed in the 90s, I discovered a new appreciation for them and have loved watching their performances.

Vale Judith. The carnival may be over, but your songs will live on forever.

This makes me so sad.

If forced to nominate my favourite genres I’d probably go

1. Classic Rock
2. Australian pub rock
3. 90s alternative (grunge, Brit pop etc)
4. Hard rock

Then a fairly eclectic mix.

But since I was very little I loved the Seekers, largely because Judith Durham had simply the most angelic heavenly voice I’ve ever heard.

I still get teary listening to her and Bruce Woodley sing I Am Australian together.

This sucks
I had a best of Seekers at a very early age.
Loved Durhams vocals.

I'm a jazzer and a progger but love any genre really.
A further note of sadness todaY with news coming out that Tom Springfield (brother of Dusty and writer/producer of most of the Seekers' hits) passed away himself - some days before Judith.
I was away in remote parts of the Kimberley, well beyond phone/internet reception when word filtered through of
the deaths of Judith Durham and Olivia Newton John (and I wasn't even aware of the passing of Tom Springfield
until I just read the above post). Both Judith (in particular, given her pitch perfect, powerful vocals) and Olivia go
down as Australian music greats.

Although Durham will always be best remembered for her time in The Seekers (especially those beautiful Tom
Springfield composed songs), she started her singing career fronting a jazz band (with a lot of blues and gospel
also thrown in) and afterwards pursued a solo career in her first music loves of jazz, blues and gospel, free of the
constraints imposed by being a pop/folk band member. Even at age 60, she still had a great voice and in this live
performance in London in 2003, she delivers this timeless African-American gospel jazz standard, with it's New
Orleans funeral dirge beat, - and it just gets better and better as she gets into it, full of soul -

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