What are you listening to right now? - Part 1 (cont in part 2)

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Been thrashing this for 48 hours. Total show was shown live across East Germany in July 1988 and 300,000 were at the concert. Took the words of a Bob Dylan song to make the point.

"Es ist schön, in Ost-Berlin zu sein. Ich bin nicht für oder gegen eine regierung. Ich bin gekommen um Rock'n'Roll zu spielen für Ost-Berlinern, in der hoffnung dass eines tages alle Barrieren abgerissen werden."

"It's nice to be in East Berlin...I want to tell you that I'm not here for or against any government, I have come to play rock'n'roll for the East-Berliners...in the hope that one day all barriers will be torn down..."


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I'm off listening to individual albums or artists apart from the odd one or two occasionally.
It's a debilitating situation.
I have triplej playing on the radio at my desk throughout the day which gives me my music fix until my love of it returns.
Most here would vomit at my hottest 100 list given the past couple pages of songs I've seen.
Charlie Daniels, I done told you once you sonuvabitch I'm the best that's ever been.

I went to an Australia Day concert at Memorial Drive many years ago. The acts were Australian Crawl, Charlie Daniels Band and Little River Band.

Bucketed down with rain so the women in the cheese cloth dresses looked amazing.

The encore consisted of reps from all bands getting up on stage and performing "Sweet Home South Australia".
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