Conspiracy Theory World Economic Forum

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My assertion that the wealthy love regulation? In this example zuck committed ip theft and profited handsomely from it. Reverse the roles and you can be sure zucko will deploy an army of lawyers to protect his ip. The phrase 'pulling up the ladder behind you' comes to mind.

No, it was irrelevant to your assertion that they came from wealthy families.

The people who are mega-wealthy because of extreme family wealth are the likes of the Rothschilds, Kochs, Packers, Trumps, Royal families, etc.

The people that we have been discussing came from comfortable backgrounds, at best, like hundreds of thousands of others. Like hundreds of thousands of others, some went to expensive schools, and some were given some cash to start a business. But a large proportion of people that have had these 'advantages' are unheard of (in the sense of having so much wealth that they are well-known). Just that handful of people we discussed and a few more are mega-wealthy, and in each case that's due to being self-made and not as a result of family wealth and privilege.

But I suspect you still don't or won't accept that.
No, it was irrelevant to your assertion that they came from wealthy families.

The people who are mega-wealthy because of extreme family wealth are the likes of the Rothschilds, Kochs, Packers, Trumps, Royal families, etc.

The people that we have been discussing came from comfortable backgrounds, at best, like hundreds of thousands of others. Like hundreds of thousands of others, some went to expensive schools, and some were given some cash to start a business. But a large proportion of people that have had these 'advantages' are unheard of (in the sense of having so much wealth that they are well-known). Just that handful of people we discussed and a few more are mega-wealthy, and in each case that's due to being self-made and not as a result of family wealth and privilege.

But I suspect you still don't or won't accept that.
The whole conversation was that the wealthy like regulation, because they can afford lawyers and/or fines. That these people came from wealthy families was just a part of the conversation.
The whole conversation was that the wealthy like regulation, because they can afford lawyers and/or fines. That these people came from wealthy families was just a part of the conversation.

Yeah, nah.

Attend private school, have rich influential parents...

The beginnings of those guys are well documented. None of them could be said to have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, they received significant advantages due to being born wealthy.

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There are regulations about how many pharmacies there can be in a given area, for example. There are all sorts of rules regarding how close they can be together, definitions of what a large shopping centre is, whether they can supply PBS medications and recieve the govt handout. It is absolutely a barrier to entry to anyone wanting to open a pharmacy. I'm sure similar regulations exist in other industries.

You're aware it was the Menzies Government that put into place the Health Act (1953) where those laws originate right?

Was Menzies secretly a socialist as well?
You're aware it was the Menzies Government that put into place the Health Act (1953) where those laws originate right?

Was Menzies secretly a socialist as well?
You asked about regulations, i gave an example. It's hard to build a pharma empire if the regulations prohibit you from opening a shopfront.
Malifice You should really be asking yourself why a capitalist like Menzies allowed such regulations at all, surely he wanted everything unregulated as you have suggested that is what capitalists desire.
Malifice You should really be asking yourself why a capitalist like Menzies allowed such regulations at all, surely he wanted everything unregulated as you have suggested that is what capitalists desire.

Conservatives are not all free market Capitalists.

The National Party in Australia are pro tariffs and anti free markets for example. It's a constant source of friction between themselves and their coalition partners the Liberals.

As a general rule though white collar corporate types hitch their wagons to the Conservative parties.

Surely you are not arguing otherwise?
I'm only arguing that regulations are desired by the wealthy. If you have enough money it is bettet to break the law then pay a paltry fine, like i said it is a business decision. Pfizer is a company to look at, i believe they have paid the most in fines settlements etc... an upstart conpetitor couldn't use the same tactics as the really big corporations can.

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Why does the WEF support carbon taxes?

The WEF 'support' a ton of environmental causes, sustainability, LGBTI+ issues, feminist causes and so forth.

So do Chevron:

Yes, that's right; Chevron supports LGBTI+ inclusion, carbon tax and environmental issues. ****ing Chevron.

Do you honestly think Chevron give a flying **** about any of those issues they publicly support?

Chevron Corporation has been one of the most widely-criticized companies in the world, mostly stemming from its activities and involving climate change. Chevron's most widely-known scandal involves Texaco's activities in the Lago Agrio oil field, which Chevron is deemed responsible for due to its acquisition of Texaco in 2001. Chevron has been most widely criticized for its handling of litigation against it filed by residents of the Lago Agrio region, which included what activists see as the "jailing" of Lago Agrio lawyer Steven Donziger.

Climate change activists have also held an Anti Chevron Day since 2013, which is held on or around May 21 of every year to coincide with the general period of time that Chevron holds its annual meeting of shareholders. was found to have,6,000 /-9.4% y-o-y).

It's all a load of aspirational horseshit, to keep investors, governments and the public happy, and to greenwash the actual practices by a company that literally doesn't actually care one iota about any of the above topics, and exists solely to make money for its shareholders, while dumping tens of billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, polluting like a boss, and with a vested financial interest in continuing to do so.

If you actually think that the billionaires that attend Davos actually give a **** about 'helping the world' and the whole thing isn't textbook greenwashing by capitalists you're quite the sucker.
If you actually think that the billionaires that attend Davos actually give a heck about 'helping the world' and the whole thing isn't textbook greenwashing by capitalists you're quite the sucker.
That's quite the 180 you have pulled there. I've said the whole time they don't give a frig.
Yeah. All they care about is making more money.

Because they're capitalists. Not socialists.
You're still thinking that socialist are socialists. They can be "socialists" while not actually doing anything that would fall within the text book definition of socialist. It's just a veil to make more money and alienate the middle class more.

I suppose the proper term is neo-marxist.
You're still thinking that socialist are socialists. They can be "socialists" while not actually doing anything that would fall within the text book definition of socialist.

Dude, you cant be a socialist without being a ****ing socialist.

You conflate leftist political thought with socialism. Not all socialists are leftists. Not all leftists are socialists.

But all socialists are socialists.
Dude, you cant be a socialist without being a ******* socialist.

You conflate leftist political thought with socialism. Not all socialists are leftists. Not all leftists are socialists.

But all socialists are socialists.
Incorrect, I conflate leftist political thought with evil. Socialism is a part of that.
Incorrect, I conflate leftist political thought with evil. Socialism is a part of that.

Socialism is not necessarily left wing. The Nazis (far Right) were (partly) socialist, and they were anything but left wing.

And you define the following as 'evil':

Left-wing politics describes the range of political ideologies that support and seek to achieve social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy as a whole[1][2][3][4] or certain social hierarchies.[5] Left-wing politics typically involve a concern for those in society whom its adherents perceive as disadvantaged relative to others as well as a belief that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished[1] through radical means that change the nature of the society they are implemented in.[5] According to emeritus professor of economics Barry Clark, supporters of left-wing politics "claim that human development flourishes when individuals engage in cooperative, mutually respectful relations that can thrive only when excessive differences in status, power, and wealth are eliminated." politics describes the,whole or certain social hierarchies.

That's what you consider to be 'evil'?

A few questions for you; firstly what about Right wing politics appeals to you:

Right-wing politics is the range of political ideologies that view certain social orders and hierarchies as inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable,[1][2][3] typically supporting this position based on natural law, economics, authority, property, religion, biology or tradition.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10] Hierarchy and inequality may be seen as natural results of traditional social differences[11][12] or competition in market economies

Secondly; why do you support hierarchies over egalitarianism?
Socialism is not necessarily left wing. The Nazis (far Right) were (partly) socialist, and they were anything but left wing.

And you define the following as 'evil': politics describes the,whole or certain social hierarchies.

That's what you consider to be 'evil'?

A few questions for you; firstly what about Right wing politics appeals to you:

Secondly; why do you support hierarchies over egalitarianism?
Correct, left wing ideology is founded in oppression, tyranny and theft. It cannot survive without destroying others. Right wing ideology promotes the natural order and meritocracy. Nature is hierarchical. Right wing ideologies are a form of nature. The left is inherently unnatural.
Right wing ideology promotes the natural order and meritocracy.

Questions for you:

1) What is the natural order?

2) Who is at the top of this natural order, and who is at the bottom?

3) How did those at the top (and the bottom) get there?

4) Where do you sit in this natural order, and where does Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg sit?

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