PC World of Warcraft - Including Classic

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TM/SS world pvp used to be so great same with the old school AV games that would go for 2 or 3 days

It won't have that homely feel of knowing every name you're up against, but it's still going to be awesome. Think I might have to restock my vanilla transmorgs for these events. Might even level my hunter back up just to run around with my Rhok like old times!

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OK, Ive been playing a bit over the last few days and I need to move to an Oceania server. Pretty much everyones left the game or transferred. If theres a server BF ppl are going on I'll transfer there. The economy where I am is stuffed aswell.
You want a PVP or PVE server?
Casual? Casual raider or Casual BG?
OK, Ive been playing a bit over the last few days and I need to move to an Oceania server. Pretty much everyones left the game or transferred. If theres a server BF ppl are going on I'll transfer there. The economy where I am is stuffed aswell.
I'm on Jubei I think there is a couple people on it.
Are you horde or alliance?

I tried to resurrect my old battle net account this morning to get all my old 70 and 80 toons but I had an authenticator and lost that phone many moons ago.
Blizzard wanted me to submit a government used I'd photo so they could cross check me before removing the authenticator
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I'm on Jubei I think there is a couple people on it.
Are you horde or alliance?

I tried to resurrect my old battle net account this morning to get all my old 70 and 80 toons but I had an authenticator and lost that phone many moons ago.
Blizzard wanted me to submit a government used I'd photo so they could cross check me before removing the authenticator
I'm alliance but I'll change if need be. It's boring as hell where I am.
You want a PVP or PVE server?
Casual? Casual raider or Casual BG?
Casual anything really, I'm not that bothered about raiding anymore tbh so BG's, 5 mans would be ideal. Tried playing a bit yesterday but it's boring on my own :/ As I said I'm Allliance but I'd change to horde if need be.

PvP or PvE server, I'm not bothered, either will do.

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I'm going to move to Frostmourne It looks like. Anyone here on there? Alliance.

My ally mage is on Gundrak

Add my battle tag i'm usually up for some pvp if i'm not busy
**** sake, havn't played this since I quit in 2011 cause I couldn't be ****ed raiding anymore. Watched the trailer above and am now downloading WoW with a 10 day MoP trial. Screw you blizzard and your amazing cinematics.
**** sake, havn't played this since I quit in 2011 cause I couldn't be ****** raiding anymore. Watched the trailer above and am now downloading WoW with a 10 day MoP trial. Screw you blizzard and your amazing cinematics.
You can check out anytime you like but you can never leave.
13 Nov release on the expansion.

As usual an awesome cinematic from Blizzard.

Epic. Makes you wonder who they're going to run with as the end boss - can't see them going with Garrosh (or Grom) after MoP. Putting a beating on Gul'Dan would be fun, lore-wise.

Level 50 Demo warlock on Saurfang - seems to be a good bunch of Aussies floating around. Tossing up rolling a priest for the first time once I get the web hooked back up.
You can check out anytime you like but you can never leave.
I think 3 years is a good effort. I really only want to play it for the story, I am a huge fan of Warcraft lore.
Epic. Makes you wonder who they're going to run with as the end boss - can't see them going with Garrosh (or Grom) after MoP. Putting a beating on Gul'Dan would be fun, lore-wise.

Level 50 Demo warlock on Saurfang - seems to be a good bunch of Aussies floating around. Tossing up rolling a priest for the first time once I get the web hooked back up.

Archimonde is my bet. Apparently he's showing up here and there in the beta. Kil'Jaeden not so much.
I usually come back for a couple of months each expansion. I enjoy leveling through the new content, doing some 5 person dungeons, and then I usually run some raid-finders to see those and get some welfare epics. It's generally good fun for a bit, but then I unsub before it gets to the point of repeating the same shit over and over again each week for 18 months until they put out a new expansion. It must be nearly 12 months since the last content patch, I don't know how they keep anyone playing for that long.
Everytime I see stuff for new xpacs I get those feels again and want to jump right back in. I've been sucked back in a few times before only to be quickly disappointed since while the game has changed so much, it was my old guildmates that had me coming back 5+ hours every night. They're all gone from WoW bar 2 or 3 and everytime I remind myself this the feels go away. You won't get again WoW you evil temptress.

RIP Dropbears of Funk. Jubei horde.

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