Werewolf You can take this job... and restaff it werewolf

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I'm not caught up on everything that's happened today, but could this backfire? If one of them flips late to the other, we're down to 7 players and then 6 after an overnight kill, but we at least have a guaranteed lynch the next day. Not so bad, I guess.

But is there a possibility we multilynch two Villagers? Then we're down to 6 and then 5 overnight and then tomorrow is pretty sketchy.

I'm gonna vote for DemurePrincess for the sake of the plan, but also because I have slightly more suspicions on them than dogs. Thanks, jmoo wan.
I’ve been seered as a villager. Kind of a wasted vote here don’t you think unless you, yourself are evil 😳

jmoo wan
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I’m at a loss given barry is staying so tight lipped on what he does and doesn’t know. I’m even contemplating the existence of a seer elsewhere given that reveal last day phase coincided with trying to shift to DP, which in turn nearly got Gralin off.

With a lack of counterclaim, I can only trust, but what was put on the table isn’t quite what I anticipated. I absolutely didn’t realise that Barry’s intel was just his speculation.

I’m all ears for everyone else’s thoughts.
We've definitely reached the paranoia part of the game where everything is now in doubt haha. This is what I both hate and love about Werewolf!
We've definitely reached the paranoia part of the game where everything is now in doubt haha. This is what I both hate and love about Werewolf!
Yeah I’m certainly at a point of wherever the chips may land now 😂
Nice to see people show up.

"Seered as villager" doesn't mean villager. But of any two players you put together who seer as villager, one IS a villager.

The plan at the start of phase was simple. Some are not playing the game.

If DP is a villager she is doing a great job of looking evil.

If boncer is a villager, he needs to go. That simple. He serves zero purpose at the moment.

Pick two names. Three votes on one, three votes on another. I know more than most but I don't enough to get us over the line yet.

Wolves will manipulate the vote though.
Why’d you avoid the Gralin play yesterday?
Wasn’t on my radar 🤷🏼‍♀️
Nice to see people show up.

"Seered as villager" doesn't mean villager. But of any two players you put together who seer as villager, one IS a villager.

The plan at the start of phase was simple. Some are not playing the game.

If DP is a villager she is doing a great job of looking evil.

If boncer is a villager, he needs to go. That simple. He serves zero purpose at the moment.

Pick two names. Three votes on one, three votes on another. I know more than most but I don't enough to get us over the line yet.

Wolves will manipulate the vote though.
I’m not sure how you come to that co conclusion. If we are looking in mirrors…you think your game play ain’t sus?

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thewizardmelon thoughts on the trustworthiness of Baz?

I don’t but given there’s no counterclaim, it’s hard not to trust him. Even the real seer with no info would have come out (I would think), as everyone left has played enough.

Sigh, I’m not confident at all given we’ve got no info. But if I had to guess, boncer is more dangerous and that’s where I’m going to place my vote.

jmoo wan
Nice to see people show up.

"Seered as villager" doesn't mean villager. But of any two players you put together who seer as villager, one IS a villager.

The plan at the start of phase was simple. Some are not playing the game.

If DP is a villager she is doing a great job of looking evil.

If boncer is a villager, he needs to go. That simple. He serves zero purpose at the moment.

Pick two names. Three votes on one, three votes on another. I know more than most but I don't enough to get us over the line yet.

Wolves will manipulate the vote though.
How do you know you haven’t put up two villagers as the alternatives against one another? Just assuming from voting patterns? Which is reasonable, but still fraught.

I understand the mutual exclusivity, but we’re held in better stead if we had an actual wolf v one unknown.
Hey, have you heard about the latest drama in our small office? It's not about who's dating who this time; it's about the mystery of the disappearing lunches from the tea room! Yeah, you heard me right. It seems like we've got a lunch bandit among us. I mean, who would stoop so low as to swipe someone else's sandwich or salad? It's like a real murder mystery, with Tupperware containers instead of murder weapons. People are starting to get really frustrated, and I can't blame them. I mean, we're all here to work and earn a living, not to play detective and protect our lunches from sticky-fingered colleagues.

Accusations fly left and right, and ultimately the workplace decided to get rid of two employees, hoping the odds would be in their favour that at least one of them was a dirty, lunch stealing thief!

Alas, neither boncer34 (villager) nor DemurePrincess (villager) had done anything wrong, and the lunch thief remains at large

Werewolf You can take this job... and restaff it werewolf

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