Society/Culture Tracy Connelly was brutally murdered in her home...

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I was quite saddened by this. When i lived in St Kilda from 09-11 I used to talk and hang out with a few of the street girls. i wouldn't consider any of them friends as such, but if i noticed one out the front of my house or the hostel i lived in for an extended period i would often offer them a beer or a soft drink. almost to a t they were very nice girls who just got caught up in the wrong world.

there were a few very grumpy ones, who you just let do their own things, and most went through wicked mood swings which you could imagine given the profession they were in and (as far as i'm aware) had all taken the drug lifestyle way beyond the fun and mind opening level into the dependence level. but i got a lot more out of 10 minutes with them then i could an entire with night with so many of the 20-something professionals littered across the country who i don't find are worth the shit that excretes from their bodies on a sunday morning after a huge weekend.

when i first saw the segment on the tv a week or so ago i immediately recognised greaves street but i didn't catch the name of the girl. my first thoughts turned to one girl who i last saw maybe 18 or so months ago and was heavily pregnant. her boyfriend wasn't a fan of me, but i think he just had an intrinsic distrust of everyone, and found it even harder to work out why someone would want to relate with his girl on anything other than the a prostitute-client level.

if i was being honest though the main driving force behind me getting to know these girls was to score good drugs, which was a bit of a moral dilemma for me as i've never (*touch wood*) had an issue with dependence, nor been in a position in my life where i feel like i need to escape reality. for pretty much all these girls, neither could be said and whilst i didn't want to be seen encouraging drug use, i was young and caught up in my own world and figured i'm not exactly introducing these girls to a new world....

i would like to think i went above just talking to them so i could score, and i had plenty of friendly amicable chats that had nothing to do with drugs. but in truth i probably didn't rise above it. the fact the only name i can remember is the heavily pregnant girl above (nicky) and even that took a few days to come to me probably attests to that.

i don't know if i ever met tracy connelly but i suspect i did. both the hostel and my house were right next to greaves street.

as for the article, it's just a sad fact of life isn't it. the media will do what it needs to sell papers, and people will create their own preconceived ideas of people.

it should be worth noting though that every news source i read about jill meagher mentioned her occupation, which in essence is no different to how every news source has mentioned tracy connelly's occupation. it's just that people will always conceive things in different ways unfortunately.
I think the author's angst is misguided. It was the feminist mafia that was the main driver for the reaction to the sad death of Jill Meagher. The marches and the want to "reclaim" the streets. The want to live their lives free of danger.

The sisterhood has dropped the ball on this one.
An alternative march might have celebrated that the streets were now safer, since the cops had taken Bayley off them.
do you actually know what this phrase means? because there was no or very little "living by the sword"
yes, I know what the literal meaning is.

I mean in it in the context of working in a high income but dangerous industry can lead to these outcomes.

I would have thought that would be fairly obvious, I'm not suggesting she deserved it.
I was quite saddened by this..........

Top post Passenger.

I was very saddened by this news as well, the same when i hear about a homeless person being bashed to death. I can't stand the abuse of vulnerable people.

Also a very dear friend of mine who passed away a few months ago, spent long periods working the streets of St Kilda in the last 6 years (was bashed a few times as well. She was a tiny petite girl). I met her 14 years ago and she was a bit older than me, very prim and proper, married good job etc. Without going into all the details of her downfall but it begun 8 years ago when i moved os. I left her when she was still happily married, own business and by the time i moved back 2.5 years later she was on the streets using heroin.

It's ridiculous that there's a higher tolerance for violence against prostitutes and homeless people. It almost outrages me more for the same reason child molesters disgust me. They're opportunistic sillys who pray on the vulnerable.
Her death is as much a tragedy as Jill Meagher's though I doubt most see it as such.
An ex of mine (from when we were 17-18) ended up with a heroin addiction and last I heard was walking the streets of St Kilda. Like so many street workers she had been sexually abused by her bastard father and had mental health issues. There are so often tragic stories behind women who end up in this line of work.:(
Also a very dear friend of mine who passed away a few months ago, spent long periods working the streets of St Kilda in the last 6 years (was bashed a few times as well. She was a tiny petite girl). I met her 14 years ago and she was a bit older than me, very prim and proper, married good job etc. Without going into all the details of her downfall but it begun 8 years ago when i moved os. I left her when she was still happily married, own business and by the time i moved back 2.5 years later she was on the streets using heroin.

i remember you posting about her and it was heavy indeed.

it's a bad downward spiral and it's heroin which is the big killer. even when it's not directly, it is what keeps most of the girls on the streets. i remember nicky (from post above) telling me she spent about $200 a day on it. she pretty much said 'how else is a 35 year old with no skills, no education past year ten, and hardly any work experience gonna get that sort of money, plus food, plus rent, plus paying tax?'

the common theme was turning to the streets to make some quick cash. from memory it was often related to needing to pay off a gambling debt of some description. the standard line was something like "i just needed to make a few grand quick so i thought i could do this for a month or so". the first addiction was to the cash (often making $400-$500 a day tax free, which at 5 days a week is equivalent to about $180k salary*), then turning to drugs to escape the reality of what they are doing, and thus the spiral began.

the reality is getting off heroin is not easy. put simply it's the most incredible feeling one can imagine. the way it takes away any feelings of angst is incredible. during my st kilda period me a few mates dabbled. never injected, just snorting. i was never in a position where i felt i needed to escape reality, i was just doing it for a bit of experimentation at the end of night out, or to take me away from a (usually) brutal hangover. but even for us, who i would put in the low risk (relatively speaking) category, what started as a once every month or so thing, over the course of about nine months became a weekly thing until we cut it off before it really escalated.

i can only imagine the lure it has to someone who is in actual desperate need of escape, injecting, and whose tolerance levels would go well above the ~$50 a hit we were paying.

sorry if this cuts a bit close to the bone, but just relating my own experiences. wasn't really thread related which was about the media portrayal of different victims.

*EDIT: When i was re-reading this post and then read another one a few down i realised i might be implying that this is the sort of cash that these girls are earning over a year but it's nothing of the sort.

over the short term they can earn that sort of cash daily and even for extended periods (multiple months) but the general drudgery and depression of the whole things means that the income is very inconsistent and a lot of them would go similarly lengthy periods with little or no work to try and get away form it, however it goes without saying the cost of the drug habit didn't dry up which meant in time they would have to turn back once they burnt through whatever cash they had saved up.

it was such an incredibly vicious cycle.

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First thing I did when I saw that a picture had been released was to check if it was Cath, she was beautiful, warm, witty and it just devestates me to think that this is the way she may have ended up. And then to think that if she did, people wouldn't care or would just believe that she 'knew the risks'.
I wonder what it was with Tracy that made it hard to break the cycle? I wonder how hard she tried to get out but couldn't? There's probably a good lesson here. Probably why few are listening.
yes, I know what the literal meaning is.

I mean in it in the context of working in a high income but dangerous industry can lead to these outcomes.

I would have thought that would be fairly obvious, I'm not suggesting she deserved it.

High income. She's a street walker not a high earning escort. Pretty sure the street girls who are either drug addicts or unable to work the licensed industry for other reasons so they turn tricks for cheap because there is nothing else they feel or society feels they can do.

And just because this is what she does she in no way deserves to have someone use the quote live by the sword die by the sword as her final epitaph.

It would be nicer to think, if sadly a little too much of cliche, that her murder caught and things happen to improve the safety of this industry so we can truly say her death was not vain .
Top post Passenger.

I was very saddened by this news as well, the same when i hear about a homeless person being bashed to death. I can't stand the abuse of vulnerable people.

Also a very dear friend of mine who passed away a few months ago, spent long periods working the streets of St Kilda in the last 6 years (was bashed a few times as well. She was a tiny petite girl). I met her 14 years ago and she was a bit older than me, very prim and proper, married good job etc. Without going into all the details of her downfall but it begun 8 years ago when i moved os. I left her when she was still happily married, own business and by the time i moved back 2.5 years later she was on the streets using heroin.

It's ridiculous that there's a higher tolerance for violence against prostitutes and homeless people. It almost outrages me more for the same reason child molesters disgust me. They're opportunistic sillys who pray on the vulnerable.
I shared a house in the late 60s with a beautiful, incredibly fit man, at the peak of his witty, intellectual powers. Three months after he adopted his heroin addiction, he was a gibbering skeleton. I became tired of saving his life. Such an attractive lifestyle. I can see why people would fall into it. :eek: The most pressing reason I never took smack was because of my detestation of needles - this turned out to be a good thing, except when I used to faint while giving a blood sample.
I shared a house in the late 60s with a beautiful, incredibly fit man, at the peak of his witty, intellectual powers. Three months after he adopted his heroin addiction, he was a gibbering skeleton. I became tired of saving his life. Such an attractive lifestyle. I can see why people would fall into it. :eek: The most pressing reason I never took smack was because of my detestation of needles - this turned out to be a good thing, except when I used to faint while giving a blood sample, but i did see a psychoanalyst, and she managed to get me to conquer sewing and knitting, so there.

see how quick Deadwood creator David Milch has gone downhill in the last decade. now be about 70, but looks 80. he was looking about 50 and about 30upstairs, only a decade ago. the opiate addiction he had in his adulthood just hit him with twobyfour
To be fair and brutally straight down the line! Posters here share experiences with addicts?. They would then know the behaviors and operating procedures and lack of soul these people can display as a result of their addiction and a result of they way they're manipulated and choose to be manipulated. I think it was something cap was trying to express? If anyone's ever been close to someone addicted to heroin or amphetamines, they would of been ripped off, lied to or bullied (in some way shape or form) some more than others.

Sometimes and pardon the pun, victims (lack of better term) crack. Mostly towards the more innocent and over indulge in it.

However it must be said that rapists and serial killers tend to see the target on the forehead of the vunrable clearer, as do the drug dealers, the coppers (ask a worker about them) and other filth. Why wouldn't you get all you can, when you can in the jungle? The vulture does! Why worry about kharma when natural selection might get you first?
To be fair and brutally straight down the line! Posters here share experiences with addicts?. They would then know the behaviors and operating procedures and lack of soul these people can display as a result of their addiction and a result of they way they're manipulated and choose to be manipulated. I think it was something cap was trying to express? If anyone's ever been close to someone addicted to heroin or amphetamines, they would of been ripped off, lied to or bullied (in some way shape or form) some more than others.

Actually i think Cap was implying that they deserve it for putting themselves in that position.

Also not all junkies lose their soul and do the things you're accusing all junkies of doing. Your post is annoying and more so that you decided to have your little rant in this thread.

I shared a house in the late 60s with a beautiful, incredibly fit man, at the peak of his witty, intellectual powers. Three months after he adopted his heroin addiction, he was a gibbering skeleton. I became tired of saving his life. Such an attractive lifestyle. I can see why people would fall into it. :eek: The most pressing reason I never took smack was because of my detestation of needles - this turned out to be a good thing, except when I used to faint while giving a blood sample.

When i was 18 my group of friends at the time became friends with a girl who went down that path. She was an incredibly attractive, smart, witty person albeit HIGHLY manipulative. Over the years her straight friends dropped off and this eventually included me too. She was an absolute train wreck of a person. Always getting herself into outrageous situations that would need require some of my intervention. Anyway I was so burnt by this person that a decade later i still can't bring myself to catch up with her. She's on my fb and every six months or so she contacts me for a catch up, she says her life is on track, she has 2 children and lives a safe life in suburbia. She's soo much fun, hilarious and witty but i don't trust her. She's the kind of person you could catch up with for drinks and 3 days later you're mortgaging your place in order to pay off gangsters so they don't kill you. Slight exaggeration, but she seriously has no boundaries or danger a filter and knows how to get people to do things for her.
To be fair and brutally straight down the line! Posters here share experiences with addicts?. They would then know the behaviors and operating procedures and lack of soul these people can display as a result of their addiction and a result of they way they're manipulated and choose to be manipulated. I think it was something cap was trying to express? If anyone's ever been close to someone addicted to heroin or amphetamines, they would of been ripped off, lied to or bullied (in some way shape or form) some more than others.

Sometimes and pardon the pun, victims (lack of better term) crack. Mostly towards the more innocent and over indulge in it.

However it must be said that rapists and serial killers tend to see the target on the forehead of the vunrable clearer, as do the drug dealers, the coppers (ask a worker about them) and other filth. Why wouldn't you get all you can, when you can in the jungle? The vulture does! Why worry about kharma when natural selection might get you first?

A sad existence with very little chance of a recovery.

It's so depressing to hear of the vultures who prey on other people's misfortunes,
live by the sword die by the sword?

Otherwise, I'm not sure why you are surprised it isn't still headline news.

Arguably one of the worst posts I have seen on this site.

In an effort to give you the benefit of the doubt, I'm going to presume you either don't know the meaning of the phrase or have made a very poor joke.

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