The future of the ABC - Guthrie sacked

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Cuts, cuts, cuts, that's all this government have done, now given this budget has higher spending than all but one of the ALP's in power, what the hell are they spending our money on? And what happened to the debt, and deficit emergency? All they've done is increase it.

Lot easier to scare people into voting for you when everything else you have done is to the detriment of the the country & planet. The Reds from under the beds never eventuated but with our free trade agreement with China they are getting control anyway, it's all done to drive down wages & keep the mega wealthy in control. It's a disgrace & all we seem to worry about is some half nut job having his view.

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The confected outrage over this guy still, eight days after the program aired is too funny. As Paul Barry pointed Mallah has been a go to guy for a comments for a number of a number of media outlets in the past, the Australian go as far as claiming him reformed, now, all of a sudden he's a terrorist again, and a threat to other audience members just be his presence. Spare me.

You have to feel uncomfortable when the PM starts to talk about taking sides. Miranda Devine let the cat out of the bag - the old campaigner Rupert does not like a state funded competitor
Has Mr Abbott been on the front foot this morning over the mafia allegations & his party, what about Mr Bolt & the rest of their media pack ? I don't watch commercial TV or listen to commercial radio so please let me know.
Has Mr Abbott been on the front foot this morning over the mafia allegations & his party, what about Mr Bolt & the rest of their media pack ? I don't watch commercial TV or listen to commercial radio so please let me know.

Fairfax and the ABC!! Talk about at lefty lynch mob. This story will die because no doubt the Calabrian brothers have spread their largesse amongst the Labor Party - my guess Mark Arbib
Has Mr Abbott been on the front foot this morning over the mafia allegations & his party, what about Mr Bolt & the rest of their media pack ? I don't watch commercial TV or listen to commercial radio so please let me know.
Strangely silent...............................
Fairfax and the ABC!! Talk about at lefty lynch mob. This story will die because no doubt the Calabrian brothers have spread their largesse amongst the Labor Party - my guess Mark Arbib
A worthy successor to Al Grassby.

He said (paraphrasing here): 'Because of people like you (a parliamentary secretary that had just advised an Australian citizen that had he would have revoked that citizens citizenship and kicked him out of the country unilaterally despite the courts acquitting the bloke a decade ago) many young people will now feel justified in joining ISIL'

What 'cheers of the faithful' are you referring to? He was condemned by all and sundry afterwards.

I get that you're a conservative who relies on emotive hyperbole instead of actual rational factual discussion of topics, but can you at least speak the truth?

You call that paraphasing? Lol, you added some words.

What he actually said was; "'Because of people like you many young people will now feel justified in joining ISIL". (Zaka Maller - terrorist wannabe, convicted criminal, woman hater to a senior member of the elected government of Australia on the topic of terrorisim laws targetted at protecting society from criminals like himself ... on live national tv... after the Australian Broadcasting Communists delievered him in a mini bus*).

*To the cheers of the hand picked studio audience
Fairfax and the ABC!! Talk about at lefty lynch mob. This story will die because no doubt the Calabrian brothers have spread their largesse amongst the Labor Party - my guess Mark Arbib

Strangely silent...............................

So lucky I listen to the ABC then as they are the only news broadcaster in this country that give you both sides of the debate.
It's alright for Abbott to praise the ABC one week when they're sticking it into the labor party & when he does not like it thereout of control & require an inquiry.He wants free media China government style so when his daughter is getting free scholarships for her education it's all swept under the carpet while the rest of us go into debt for years. Bothe sides are so bad thank we need the ABC more than ever & non politicised.
You call that paraphasing? Lol, you added some words.

What he actually said was; "'Because of people like you many young people will now feel justified in joining ISIL". (Zaka Maller - terrorist wannabe, convicted criminal, woman hater to a senior member of the elected government of Australia on the topic of terrorisim laws targetted at protecting society from criminals like himself ... on live national tv... after the Australian Broadcasting Communists delievered him in a mini bus*).

*To the cheers of the hand picked studio audience

Zakky just said what most of us already knew.

Since the day the coward won office he's " poked the bear "

But lol , like the cowards they are , they won't even take ownership of it.

All dat huff n bluster when they're pointing the bone but when they get called out on it , it's all dat indignation.

What he actually said was; "'Because of people like you many young people will now feel justified in joining ISIL".

No he didn't. Stop making shit up and passing it off as fact.

He actually said: “The Liberals have just justified to many Australian Muslims in the community tonight to leave and go to Syria and join ISIL because of ministers like him,

Which I paraphrased as:

He said (paraphrasing here): 'Because of people like you many young people will now feel justified in joining ISIL'

And you paraphrased as:

(U)nless Australia's lawfully elected government waters down terrorism laws the people he purports to represent would join ISIS.

I'll let you work out which is a more accurate representation of what he said.

And for the last time; stop making shit up and passing it off as fact. Were trying to have an actual discussion of the topic here and you're detracting from that with your usual obfuscation, use of emotive rhetoric and 'us v them' bullshit.

It might work for Abbott and his cronies, but it wont work here.

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You call that paraphasing? Lol, you added some words.

What he actually said was; "'Because of people like you many young people will now feel justified in joining ISIL". (Zaka Maller - terrorist wannabe, convicted criminal, woman hater to a senior member of the elected government of Australia on the topic of terrorisim laws targetted at protecting society from criminals like himself ... on live national tv... after the Australian Broadcasting Communists delievered him in a mini bus*).

*To the cheers of the hand picked studio audience

As a matter of interest, are you more concerned with the audiences reaction, or to the substance of the issues discussed?

Do you not see the the 'furore' over this for what it is?

For God sake, Zaka is a miserable little malcontent, thats about it. Nothing was done about the maniac Monis until after the event. We've had months of this garbage about taking citizenships off people. Get real. Thats a tiny issue in the scheme of things.

We have Muslims here. The vast majority want to live quiet family lives. So how about a more supportive approach to their communities. I'd dare to say many of them feel are torn between the devil & the deep blue sea over this. They need support from the rest of us, why? I hear you say.

Its called self interest.

The Abborts hairy chested approach might make some dumb, sad red necks feel good, but it doesnt help make anyone feel or actually be safer.

So would you rather the USA style approach of getting everyone to pack heat & shoot the piss out of everything that moves?, like school kids etc?, or everyone to create a more supportive community. I know which alternative would be cheaper, more enjoyable & more sustainable.


But of course, would that suit our peace loving PM?
I would suggest that more people are taking up the call to arms against government tyranny.

The hundreds of "Australian" dual citizens fighting with ISIS are a threat to national security and the government has come up with the only mechanism possible to do so. Strip the bastards of their citizenship. Which sounds like a bloody good idea to me. The legal industry need not poke their noses in either, they had no say when the immigration department rubber stamped them in the first place, none of their business if they have that privilage revoked. The only people crying tyranny are those with something to hide. Dickwads like little Zaky and his mates
The hundreds of "Australian" dual citizens fighting with ISIS are a threat to national security and the government has come up with the only mechanism possible to do so. Strip the bastards of their citizenship. Which sounds like a bloody good idea to me. The legal industry need not poke their noses in either, they had no say when the immigration department rubber stamped them in the first place, none of their business if they have that privilage revoked. The only people crying tyranny are those with something to hide. Dickwads like little Zaky and his mates
I thought conservatives believed in institutions like the law. It's one of their ideological foundations.
The hundreds of "Australian" dual citizens fighting with ISIS are a threat to national security and the government has come up with the only mechanism possible to do so. Strip the bastards of their citizenship. Which sounds like a bloody good idea to me.

Great. So now any radicalized person will simply stay in Australia and carry out attacks, instead of leaving the country.

The only people crying tyranny are those with something to hide.

Spoken like a true 'libertarian'.
The hundreds of "Australian" dual citizens fighting with ISIS are a threat to national security and the government has come up with the only mechanism possible to do so. Strip the bastards of their citizenship. Which sounds like a bloody good idea to me. The legal industry need not poke their noses in either, they had no say when the immigration department rubber stamped them in the first place, none of their business if they have tht privlage revoked. The only people crying tyranny are those with something to hide. Dickwads like little Zaky and his mates

Where do you stand on the dual citizenship of the Israeli when they go back to do military service if they then go into Palestine ?, where do you draw the line?
It might work for Abbott and his cronies, but it wont work here.

By Abbotts "cronies" I assume you are referring to the majority of Australians who chose the Liberal party to run Australia, who support the Australian Governments efforts in the national security space? The many who's voice is seldom heard on the unrepresentative, unbalanced national broadcaster and increasingly....."here"?
The hundreds of "Australian" dual citizens fighting with ISIS are a threat to national security and the government has come up with the only mechanism possible to do so. Strip the bastards of their citizenship. Which sounds like a bloody good idea to me. The legal industry need not poke their noses in either, they had no say when the immigration department rubber stamped them in the first place, none of their business if they have that privilage revoked. The only people crying tyranny are those with something to hide. Dickwads like little Zaky and his mates
Even dickwads like Zaky and his mate deserve the fair rule of human justice. I don't like this type of scum as much as you do. However, innocent people will be affected if one person has the power to make this decision.
Even dickwads like Zaky and his mate deserve the fair rule of human justice. I don't like this type of scum as much as you do. However, innocent people will be affected if one person has the power to make this decision.

Many more innocent people will be impacted otherwise when 150 ISIS fighters return to Australia. In enacting legislation at least a minister will be held to account if he gets things wrong, there would be a right to appeal - bureaucratic institutions make decisions that effect peoples lives all the time.
Even dickwads like Zaky and his mate deserve the fair rule of human justice. I don't like this type of scum as much as you do. However, innocent people will be affected if one person has the power to make this decision.

Well, thats the single smartest thing you've ever posted.:cool:

Measured, thoughtful & quite right.

I dont 'trust' any politician. I 'entrust' them to act in a reasonable manner. Its a healthy way to view them all. We must have some legal redress to any decisions they make.

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