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  1. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    Mate the 2022 midterms the Republicans may have won the house but they lost big time in the future of the party, they are a split party and infighting will affect the 2024 election, And they should have won the Senate. 2022 mids was a big fail mark for the Republicans..
  2. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    Well lets just sit back a see what happens,
  3. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    Mate Don't care about the Dems, Just Saying if Trump is the Republican Ticket then he will not win and the Republicans will lose the House and Senate, any other Republican would stand a big chance against Biden and could regain the Senate and Hold the House.
  4. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    Mate there is a lot of good articles out there highlighting why the reasons you stating will not work, From very prominent Replucian Legal people look them up. Jack Smith has done his homework on this,
  5. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    Just curious Do you know which president oof the US made the Most Money from China while they President Let's remove the Politics on this one, as does not matter who is in Charge. The US and its allies will defend Taiwan, Treaties, Stoping China Expansion, and Support a Democratically...
  6. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    Mate read the Polls correctly and break them down the Swing voter the Youth and military voters are deserting him, there is a reason a lot of Repluciuan are starting to turn on Trump. And it's the wing Vote that will determine the president its the wing vote that will determine the House and...
  7. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    Mate Trump had 2 years, where he had control of the Housse , Senate, and DOJ and had his own head of the FBI, Trump and his MAGA supporter tried hard to get Clinton Even non-maga Republican legal begals agree there was not much in it to warrant an indictment, But that is all a distraction to...
  8. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    We will see, by the way, are you going to use the what about Clinton and Biden when the Georgia indictment comes out, But again have you read the indictment and made up your own mind? Or are you just another one of those Twitter sheep who fall pray to various Algorithms and only see one side of...
  9. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    Mate I tell you what when Trump trots out the what about Clinton in his defence in this case, as one of 4 defences he will try. I wait eagerly for you and others to reply. when it fails big time.. Because I am now 100% positive you and some others have no idea what in the indictment And I...
  10. ad victoriam

    Resource 2023 AFL Draft Discussion...

    The problem with a Tall forward line is the Midfield will bomb the ball and make it easier for defenders, People become happy with Mids and runners who cannot kick, they then have to rely on the small forwards. to kick winning scores The shorter KPF use their leap and ability to lead in front of...
  11. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    Yea you are correct we are not lawyers But apart from the recorded fact H Clinton was never found to have systematically or deliberately mishandled classified information. Remember that investigation happened in a republican dominated House and Senate with a Republican DOJ, Maybe the...
  12. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    Mate in USA criminal law you must show Mens-Rea, (willfulness/criminal intent) If you bother to read the Indictment it full of Criminal intent H Clinton, Biden, Pence even Reagan all apologised at this time and followed up by to returning all documents, or in H Clinton case remove all email...
  13. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    Guys and Girls There is a big difference between Trump's handling of Documents when compared to Bidens and Pence. Trump had a get out of jail early in the peace but he chose not to follow the advice of his Lawyer Christopher Kise, instead, he listened to Tom Fitton (not a Lawyer nor expert)...
  14. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    Mate Money and the debt burden have pushed Africa into China's arms, it is all part of the BRI along with some countries in South America, and the Pacific, It has nothing to do with US politics and started when President Xi Jinping decision to expand China outwards, away from its borders, prior...
  15. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    Mate you are dead set wrong, There are recording and documented details of Putin's Plan, While Europe was not a strong point of mine, I am very familiar with the military aspect of what goes on in Europe along with the political re-hostile takeover, I am confused about how you are linking Biden...
  16. ad victoriam

    Opinion New AFC HQ: Back on Track*

    Industry and beaches, Queensland Like WA has mining money to spend on infrastructure, which attracts people.
  17. ad victoriam

    Opinion New AFC HQ: Back on Track*

    early 1800's
  18. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    Mate Putin first moved on Ukraine way before Biden became president, And he move on Ukraine firstly because he mistakenly believes he would have more support, Putin is on record rating he wants to return Russia to the great day of the Soviet Union, Putin invasion is all about power and money...
  19. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    Why, Are you serious Are you truly saying Republican supporters of 50+ years are just as bad as Democrats, But MAGA supporters of 10 years who some previously never once supported the Republicans prior to Trump are true Republican supporters? Just curious how long have you supported the...
  20. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    read that article a while ago, what it does not explain is why the Azov Regiment is slowly changing its branding, why the regiment will disappear once the war is over,
  21. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    The Azov Regiment will be disbanded after the war, due to internal Ukraine and Western pressure. A lot of the fighters may stay on in the Ukraine ARMY but the unit name will disappear. And not based on the belief of the soldiers fighting in the regiment today but based on why the regiment was...
  22. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    Believe they are still being supplied albeit in a limited supply, but also believe once the war is over the Ukraine government will completely disband them and remove any power they have.
  23. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    Just want to mention this before it becomes news, The sitting Judge in the Trump indictment will come down to the Location. If the case is held in Maimi, a 3-hour daily converse for a sitting judge will not happen and housing a judge in arranged accommodation for a long trial will be unworkable...
  24. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    30% claim is incorrect, But I believe he might be talking about Andry Biletssky AZOV movement who went on to form a Battalion to defend Ukraine from Rusiawhile these fighters are strong and resourceful they are not the main bulk of Ukraine's military. Also, Iran is not as innocent as he...
  25. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    Mate where are you getting your info from several comments you made are full of proven inaccuracies.
  26. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    Any military Prades Have medical staff (including Doctors) on hand and stretcher bearers, ready to move when personnel collapse, It happens all the time, been in one or two parades myself in several countries, but the hottest parades were in Australia. In the Olden days there were no...
  27. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    I have at least read the Indictment, and from that, I understand the ramification those indictments will have if Trump is found Guilty. As clearly stated in the Indictment paperwork. I even understand the ramification those documents will have in the future re Miltary Intelligence and the...
  28. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    No Mate I have attempted to explain various discussion points several times on BF over the years and most time I got attacked due to my Gramma and ability to explain it in simple terms, Old age and several injuries are making it harder to put thoughts into words. So Now All I ask is for people...
  29. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    Mate why are you making this personal? Read the indictments, they were enough to force Trump to go to court, and it was a grand jury that made that decision, not me. A grand Jury based in a strong Republican State as well, a point a few have missed. Also, read from page 28 onwards it lays out...
  30. ad victoriam

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

    Mate suggests you attempt to read from page 28, as you don't seem too interested in the build-up and some of the damming evidence on show, And Just a quick glance from page 28 will be enough to put a hole in your comment. it well laid out and starts with indictments 1-31, But I believe it...