Gillard's AWU/Wilson past about to haunt her?

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Just got in and saw the news re the submission at the RC. But what does this have to do with Smith's complaint being investigated by the Vic Fraudies?
"8. Before turning to the facts it is appropriate to acknowledge the assistance and co-operation that this commission has received in investigating the Association from the Victorian police force"
"9. Particular mention should be made of Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Ross Mitchell and his team, who have carried out a detailed investigation into the activities of the Association and generously made available to the commission the results of those inquiries. The Commission has benefited greatly from their highly professional [sic]."


5. ... "There is no submission that Ms Gillard has engaged in criminal conduct."

Can I make a stronger connection for you mate?

DR: "I was wrrrrrrrrr... wrrrrooo..... wrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... "
"8. Before turning to the facts it is appropriate to acknowledge the assistance and co-operation that this commission has received in investigating the Association from the Victorian police force"
"9. Particular mention should be made of Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Ross Mitchell and his team, who have carried out a detailed investigation into the activities of the Association and generously made available to the commission the results of those inquiries. The Commission has benefited greatly from their highly professional [sic]."


5. ... "There is no submission that Ms Gillard has engaged in criminal conduct."

Can I make a stronger connection for you mate?

DR: "I was wrrrrrrrrr... wrrrrooo..... wrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... "

Wrong the word is "WRONG" !!!!!
The problem is, certain people think she is guilty due to their dislike of her.
It never mattered what the findings were. Either she was found guilty, or she got away with it.
There is no possibility of innocence in their mind, because they hate Gillard.

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Found this

Sep 13, 2014 - @dwabriz - "Abbott would tell colleagues he wouldn't be surprised if Gillard ' ended up in jail'".

How pathetic is that
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The problem is, certain people think she is guilty due to their dislike of her.
It never mattered what the findings were. Either she was found guilty, or she got away with it.
There is no possibility of innocence in their mind, because they hate Gillard.
Hate is a strong word. I disliked Gillard as PM but I am glad she has been cleared of corruption. She might be a shoddy lawyer but there is plenty of those around.
Hate is a strong word. I disliked Gillard as PM but I am glad she has been cleared of corruption. She might be a shoddy lawyer but there is plenty of those around.
Cool, you don't hate her. Not many people hate other people.
But see how you have also accepted that she is innocent?
You're able to not like her, but appreciate that she isn't guilty.
People that hate her, won't ever accept that.
How does Gillard, quite correctly identifying some of tone's comments as a bit sus re females, have anything to do with this matter?
Poller quoted Abbott as saying he wouldn't be surprised if Gillard did jail time. He also said it was a pathetic comment. I just stated the obvious and you came in with another bs Gillard supporting comment.
If the evidence was so overwhelming that Abbott was a misogynist, he wouldn't of received such a high female vote at the last election.
Poller quoted Abbott as saying he wouldn't be surprised if Gillard did jail time. He also said it was a pathetic comment. I just stated the obvious and you came in with another bs Gillard supporting comment.
If the evidence was so overwhelming that Abbott was a misogynist, he wouldn't of received such a high female vote at the last election.
The obvious... is that Gillard should have gone to jail, for calling Abbott a misogynist?

What percentage of Abbott's vote, was from female voters?
Poller quoted Abbott as saying he wouldn't be surprised if Gillard did jail time. He also said it was a pathetic comment. I just stated the obvious and you came in with another bs Gillard supporting comment.
If the evidence was so overwhelming that Abbott was a misogynist, he wouldn't of received such a high female vote at the last election.
Yep but there is still no link between the comments re Gillard's speech and the AWU stuff-simple.
Do your research and explain to me how some of the comments attributed to Tone are not questionable re women's role in society. ( they have been put up many times on BF). The comments he has made are hard to interpret as anything other than a man with a few 'female' issues.
Why hasn't Tone got more women in his cabinet?
Who knows why tone got high female vote. he got high males votes too-lots of people of both genders didn't like Labour so Tone was the only option, Tone's family man with his daughters attracted votes ( despite the fact its baloney)
Yep but there is still no link between the comments re Gillard's speech and the AWU stuff-simple.
Do your research and explain to me how some of the comments attributed to Tone are not questionable re women's role in society. ( they have been put up many times on BF). The comments he has made are hard to interpret as anything other than a man with a few 'female' issues.
Why hasn't Tone got more women in his cabinet?
Who knows why tone got high female vote. he got high males votes too-lots of people of both genders didn't like Labour so Tone was the only option, Tone's family man with his daughters attracted votes ( despite the fact its baloney)
Put up on BF by the left. Good luck with that.

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I have heard it before. It still doesn't mean he is a misogynist.

'If it's true, that men have more power generally speaking than women, is that a bad thing?'

'...but what if men are by physiology or temperament, more adapted to exercise authority or to issue command?”

“I think it's very hard to deny that there is an underrepresentation of women,” ... “But now, there's an assumption that this is a bad thing.'

Nope not necessarily a misogynist, but can you explain to me how these are not a bit questionable re attitudes to women please?
Poller quoted Abbott as saying he wouldn't be surprised if Gillard did jail time. He also said it was a pathetic comment. I just stated the obvious and you came in with another bs Gillard supporting comment.
If the evidence was so overwhelming that Abbott was a misogynist, he wouldn't of received such a high female vote at the last election.
Are you sure that what you just linked shows he "received such a high female vote at the last election"?
It isn't definitive proof but Abbott did receive more votes from women because of Gillard. Call him a misogynist if you want. Personally, I don't really care. However, I believe this is something you mob carry on about because you can't stand the thought of a Catholic with traditional values being PM.
My wife doesn't think he is a misogynist. It is time the left sucked it up and attacked him on other issues like his oppressive antiterror laws. Wait there, Labor supported these draconian laws as well.
It isn't definitive proof but Abbott did receive more votes from women because of Gillard. Call him a misogynist if you want. Personally, I don't really care. However, I believe this is something you mob carry on about because you can't stand the thought of a Catholic with traditional values being PM.
So he didn't receive such a high female vote at the election, and you just made that up? Cool.

"You mob"? What mob am I?
You brought misogyny into the conversation... and now you're complaining that us mob carry on about it... because he is a Catholic with traditional values?
What the ****?

My wife doesn't think he is a misogynist. It is time the left sucked it up and attacked him on other issues like his oppressive antiterror laws. Wait there, Labor supported these draconian laws as well.

You are the one that brought misogyny into the conversation... Don't sulk about it now
You tried to use it to justify why Abbott would say he wouldn't be surprised if Gillard "ended up in jail". Now you're flailing about harmlessly trying to get out of it.

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