News Rucci: Travis Boak may or may not renew contract at Port Adelaide (Part 2)

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Cam Hitchcock is calling for a "save Travis Boak" night at the Glanville Hotel.

Thats really not a good sign if the playing group feel like they need to do that

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I still think people are being over dramatic. If anything I think geelong acting so desperate signals boak is ready to commit to port and Geelong asked for one last ditch meeting. Ruining their recovery plans is stupid if they aren't desperate and boak has already committed

I'm actually more confident he will stay as a result of
FWIW if Boak does leave I think Port will do well out of it in terms of picks/players they get . You always do well at the trade table...... Brooks for pick 8, Bode for pick 11 or something like that....your trading team must have been laughing at those trades. I don't think Port have been screwed once at the trade table ( not including Stevens cos there was no trade there)

The days of 'Brooks for pick 6' and 'Bode for pick 12' are long gone. High draft picks are no longer traded so easily. At this point though, I'm not concerned with potential trades for Boak, I'm concerned about our vice captain and current acting captain meeting with representatives of an opposition team during the season. Would any opposition club be as ballsy with a Collingwood player? I think not. It makes us look weak - the vultures don't even need to circle, they can just take what they want.
The days of 'Brooks for pick 6' and 'Bode for pick 12' are long gone. High draft picks are no longer traded so easily. At this point though, I'm not concerned with potential trades for Boak, I'm concerned about our vice captain and current acting captain meeting with representatives of an opposition team during the season. Would any opposition club be as ballsy with a Collingwood player? I think not. It makes us look weak - the vultures don't even need to circle, they can just take what they want.

Spot on Forza.
I see this as Geelong finding out that Boak is on the verge of re-signing here and that this is their last ditch attempt to get him to come over.

Even if true, Boak didn't need to meet with them, at least not in person.
I think his family put him up to it. Imagine trying to bully your own family into where he plays for his career.

If the players think he needs to be "saved" then they should go over to his place and plead their case to him tonight like Geelong did, not twitter about it.
1) I do now believe that we require a complete renovation or makeover - gut the place from top to bottom, retain the foundations and ensure we get a damn good site supervisor to oversee the project!

2) I'm not happy that Boak is talking to these guys but hey that's exactly what our club should be doing in our current state.

3) If he decides to go then so be it but no disrespect to the cats or Boak, it will be on our terms ie: we will get him back to Victoria but for the best price. Therefore Geelong will need to put something pretty enticing to the PAFC even if they think it may be slightly overs. There's more than just a couple of clubs that would want his services, no!

4) Refer point 1.
1) I do now believe that we require a complete renovation or makeover - gut the place from top to bottom, retain the foundations and ensure we get a damn good site supervisor to oversee the project!

2) I'm not happy that Boak is talking to these guys but hey that's exactly what our club should be doing in our current state.

3) If he decides to go then so be it but no disrespect to the cats or Boak, it will be on our terms ie: we will get him back to Victoria but for the best price. Therefore Geelong will need to put something pretty enticing to the PAFC even if they think it may be slightly overs. There's more than just a couple of clubs that would want his services, no!

4) Refer point 1.

The problem with your first point is that the "we" that you think is in control of the club, isn't. The people who do control the club are not interested in having a review of the football operations and if they do "gut the place from top to bottom", the resulting club will not be the Port Adelaide Football Club.

Hell, I'm starting to even think that our old tin-foil friend, GG, may have been right all along.

These are dark times indeed.

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There is only one cub acting unprofessionally here and it isn't Port. Sure we would like them to make a strong statement but could you imagine the snickering behind cupped hands hidden among faux coughing if Port cried foul about a club talking to a not yet out-of-contract player? It is an unspoken given in the AFL environment.

You think we didn't do it with Brad Ebert? Freo with Josh Carr? Hawthorn with Shaun Burgoyne? Adelaide with Scott Thompson? That those players woke up after Mad Monday and thought I think I would like to change clubs next year. I wonder who would have me? Those wheels were well in motion long before that decision was made.

What Geelong have done that is disrespectful is go public in their chase. It puts Port and Boak in a difficult position because it makes public what has been for many a long year done with a nod and a wink. Port can't really complain about Geelong doing something publicly that every club has been doing privately forever and a day. It is a desperate act by Geelong.
Statement from the club. Looks like Boak is expected to play this weekend and it will be business as usual, despite this whole situation descending into a farce.

Weak as piss response from the club. Clear we are basically begging him to stay to be so cordial to a supposed leader of our club selling himself interstate.
The days of 'Brooks for pick 6' and 'Bode for pick 12' are long gone. ...
No they aren't. Both Bode and Brooks had value when we traded them. They both had potential and were on the upwards slope so to speak.
Since then we have tried to trade players after their full potential has been fully exposed, or after they have started sliding backwards due to age.

As Andre mentioned in another thread, if you want people to pay for chocolate you must be prepared to sell chocolate.
What Geelong have done that is disrespectful is go public in their chase. It puts Port and Boak in a difficult position because it makes public what has been for many a long year done with a nod and a wink. Port can't really complain about Geelong doing something publicly that every club has been doing privately forever and a day. It is a desperate act by Geelong.

I agree with all of your post except this... from what I've read it seems the Geelong representatives were spotted at Adelaide Airport by a news crew. I'm certain we didn't issue a press release detailing plans of our meeting. Your players busted Ablett meeting with McKenna on the Gold Coast and subsequently it became public. As you said, these type of meetings would happen every year, especially among players who request a trade to a specific club (Ball to Collingwood, Gibson to Hawthorn, Ebert to Port among others). The fact our visit today became unintentionally public is through no fault of Geelong's.
I agree with all of your post except this... from what I've read it seems the Geelong representatives were spotted at Adelaide Airport by a news crew. I'm certain we didn't issue a press release detailing plans of our meeting. Your players busted Ablett meeting with McKenna on the Gold Coast and subsequently it became public. As you said, these type of meetings would happen every year, especially among players who request a trade to a specific club (Ball to Collingwood, Gibson to Hawthorn, Ebert to Port among others). The fact our visit today became unintentionally public is through no fault of Geelong's.

Don't interfere with my outrage! :mad:

Seriously no I don't suppose they would have sent an itinerary to the Adelaide media. But then they were incredibly naive at best and demonstrably arrogant at worst. These days a deputation from Geelong landing at Adelaide airport would be spotted and tweeted/facebooked/social mediaed within seconds. I think they wear some responsibility in that case.
Im sorry, but you either love this great club and be proud to play for them, or **** off !!

Talk of trying to convince him to play for us is bullshiit!!
All I want is my club to grow some balls, and come out and say how pissed off they are that an opposition club has the balls to fly over and target a contracted player.
Believe me, every club will be supporting pafc, this is not how its done !!
I agree with all of your post except this... from what I've read it seems the Geelong representatives were spotted at Adelaide Airport by a news crew. I'm certain we didn't issue a press release detailing plans of our meeting. Your players busted Ablett meeting with McKenna on the Gold Coast and subsequently it became public. As you said, these type of meetings would happen every year, especially among players who request a trade to a specific club (Ball to Collingwood, Gibson to Hawthorn, Ebert to Port among others). The fact our visit today became unintentionally public is through no fault of Geelong's.

I don't really have an issue with Geelong doing what they did. Just looking out for their own interests. I wish Port did a bit more of that. Not sure Geelong fans would be happy if someone did it to them though.
I don't really have an issue with Geelong doing what they did. Just looking out for their own interests. I wish Port did a bit more of that. Not sure Geelong fans would be happy if someone did it to them though.

Well it happened the year before last with Ablett, so it has happened to Geelong. Anyway, it sucks for Port, and its a horrible position to be in, for the club and the players as well as the supporters.
There is only one cub acting unprofessionally here and it isn't Port. Sure we would like them to make a strong statement but could you imagine the snickering behind cupped hands hidden among faux coughing if Port cried foul about a club talking to a not yet out-of-contract player? It is an unspoken given in the AFL environment.

You think we didn't do it with Brad Ebert? Freo with Josh Carr? Hawthorn with Shaun Burgoyne? Adelaide with Scott Thompson? That those players woke up after Mad Monday and thought I think I would like to change clubs next year. I wonder who would have me? Those wheels were well in motion long before that decision was made.

What Geelong have done that is disrespectful is go public in their chase. It puts Port and Boak in a difficult position because it makes public what has been for many a long year done with a nod and a wink. Port can't really complain about Geelong doing something publicly that every club has been doing privately forever and a day. It is a desperate act by Geelong.
I'm pretty sure we didn't send our coach and some players over when negotiating with Ebert, Carr, etc. One thing for a meeting with an official, quite another to send a playing group over.
But are we sure that he did meet with them in person? Could've just been meeting with his manager, or (unlikely, but not impossible) could've been here for a completely unrelated reason.

who is his manager? the obscure commentary conversation that Pickering and Dwayne were going on with made me think that Pickering had some knowledge of what was going on, but maybe not the manager, i.e is it him? and did he find out later?

The other scenario is not that Geelong are desperate that Port are about to re-sign him, but that someone else is. Anyone sure Essendon haven't been making themselves 'available' in the last few days?

If Boak has been in discussions with his family about going home (like he has in the past contract negotiations) have the Clubs now been made aware of the answer? step 1 - stay or go. step 2 - where to go. Maybe step 1 got answered. It's bloody hard to walk out and get where you want.
I think Peter Rhode should just say to Travis and his manager that we need an answer one way or the other and give him a firm 2-3 weeks to make up his mind this will take the drama out of the media if theres a confirmed deadline date for a decision. If they give no answer then we can assume that he's leaving and start planning for next year. Afterall we have other players contracts who need sorting out and if Travis goes we will have a bit more $$$ to pay other players or to try and entice a home sick SA boy..

As long as Trav and his manager dont try to pull a nick stevens on us (by saying i will only go to one club and then that club tries to bend us over) i would harbor no ill feeling towards him.
I don't really have an issue with Geelong doing what they did. Just looking out for their own interests. I wish Port did a bit more of that. Not sure Geelong fans would be happy if someone did it to them though.
Probably very true, all we all want is for our own clubs to do what is in their own best interests.... But what is in our best interest isn't always what is in yours and visa versa...

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