Rudd vs Gillard reprised: The Killing Season, ABC TV

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Also, I haven't met Combet, but knowing a few people who worked for a variety of senior ALP Parliamentarians and Ministers, they all absolutely raved about Combet.....
Very impressive guy and was highly respected right across party lines.

The good ones so often get spat out of the system...and we get left with the useless career pollies that play the game.
When it came to the crunch, Combet didn't have it in him. When he established himself as a possible PM. To just drop out of politics altogther for Juanita Phillips is pretty soft.

I dunno, I'd give her one.

As for Combet, he wasn't alone. A lot of other adults decided to leave the room, like Crean, Ferguson and Faulkner, leaving the dross behind.

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In the wash up it would be a net loss of voters
But hey keep proving my point on who really wants Turnbull as P.M.
So the Liberal right are going to crack the shits and vote for Labor? It's still a two horse race.
I dunno, I'd give her one.
Seems a bit sensitive.

As for Combet, he wasn't alone. A lot of other adults decided to leave the room, like Crean, Ferguson and Faulkner, leaving the dross behind.
Combet was the only one that could've been the next ALP leader. If Shorten was still picked ahead of him, he'd be next in line. In the context of the country's history, the amount of time he'd have to wait, and the supposed qualities he has. He's pretty much left for no reason.
When it came to the crunch, Combet didn't have it in him. When he established himself as a possible PM. To just drop out of politics altogther for Juanita Phillips is pretty soft.
Wise choice in my book.:)

Frankly, much prefer people who get in give it their best shot and get out, to time servers there essentially to collect their exorbitant lifetime pensions.
Seems a bit sensitive.

Combet was the only one that could've been the next ALP leader. If Shorten was still picked ahead of him, he'd be next in line. In the context of the country's history, the amount of time he'd have to wait, and the supposed qualities he has. He's pretty much left for no reason.

He probably had the shits with everyone and everything. That's reason enough.
He probably had the shits with everyone and everything. That's reason enough.

That's the impression I have. Sick of the factional warfare, the political machinations, the bullshit 24 news hour cycle and the willingness of most to sacrifice their integrity for personal gain.

Disillusioned and disgusted - why would you subject yourself to the rigors of public life if you had no faith in the system, or the people, you were meant to do it with.

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Wise choice in my book.:)

Frankly, much prefer people who get in give it their best shot and get out, to time servers there essentially to collect their exorbitant lifetime pensions.
For the supposed qualities Cobet has, he would not have been there to collect a pension.
He probably had the shits with everyone and everything. That's reason enough.
Yeah, soft. Just because it doesn't happen right now. Doesn't mean the "landscape wouldn't turnaround.
No, he probably realised that they would silly enough to pick some stupid twat like Plibersek.
Combet was the only one that could've been the next ALP leader. If Shorten was still picked ahead of him, he'd be next in line. In the context of the country's history, the amount of time he'd have to wait, and the supposed qualities he has. He's pretty much left for no reason.

Shorten completely outplayed him. Organised for himself the economics route into cabinet and left Combet marooned with climate change.
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Another proving my point
The people that want Turnbull to lead the Libs are not Lib voters

It's been pointed out to you numerous times that this isn't true.

Swinging voters - you know, those people that sometimes vote Liberal, sometimes vote Labor - a number of them would vote for Turnbull.

There are also Liberal voters who would definitely vote Turnbull. Don't believe me? Cast your mind back to Abbott's near death experience. Do you think that happened just because the left were kicking the shit out of him at the time? Everyone, including Lib voters, were fed up with Abbott and wanted Turnbull (or Bishop).

Just because Turnbull doesn't appeal to hard right nut jobs doesn't mean there aren't Lib voters that like him and won't vote for him.
Very impressive guy and was highly respected right across party lines.

The good ones so often get spat out of the system...and we get left with the useless career pollies that play the game.

Him and Albo were the only ones who were consistent the whole way through. Even Kim Carr was more moral than the fookwits of the Right. The whole thing made me feel sick and the failure of Gillard to own up to her own ambition and immoral behaviour was sick making - Rudd just was his usual ****wit self. It also reminded me what a grub Abbott was as an opposition leader there was no floor to what he would say or do
Cited health reasons at the time, though not specific.

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He has got crippling osteoporosis and is on horse tablet pain medication - stress makes it worse. That illness is a tragic thing for Australia - the good thing about Greg is he thinks and acts in moral terms - he would show Abbott up to be the moral pygmy he is - the thing about Billy is he is ambition over ability and if you take "politics is the art of compromise" as your mantra you end up standing for and representing nothing.
Seems a bit sensitive.

Combet was the only one that could've been the next ALP leader. If Shorten was still picked ahead of him, he'd be next in line. In the context of the country's history, the amount of time he'd have to wait, and the supposed qualities he has. He's pretty much left for no reason.

Re the bolded, his health was ****ed.

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