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Have you ever had one of those moments where you know something isn't right with the force and can kinda guess what it is before you truly know? Chris's injury was one of those moments. I was sitting in our empty house (our moving truck didn't arrive until yesterday) in Brisbane awaiting my partner and her father to finish their massive drive up here (I had to get the keys on Friday morning) and loosely following the scores on my mobile phone. I was overcome with an uneasy feeling that quickly turned to sadness. I'd just spoken to my partner so I knew they were okay. The only other thing really going on was Carlton. So I knew it was related to that. Sure enough a few moments later up pops the devastating news. I can't remember the last time I sat down and just cried and wept like a baby.

Chris Judd, you were a wonderful player but more so you're one of the greatest leaders through action and through your sheer and utter determination that I have personally ever seen. I'll always remember the story that Sticks Kernahan told us, Carlton's loyal and faithful, at the pub in Brisbane's CBD prior to the 2009 final. That on your first day as a Blue, almost immediately after signing and the ink not having yet dried, you went to lunch with Sticks and a couple of your new teammates. You were disgusted when you found them eating hot chips with their lunch and without a second thought you told them in no uncertain words exactly what you felt about that.

It's now a little over six and a half years later and while the club hasn't put into action nearly half of what you tried to teach it there are players at the club now in the form of Patrick Cripps, Sam Docherty and others who are ready, willing and able to take their place in building the future of this club's history. They have learned much from you in their short time with you. They will continue to learn from you as your influence remains at the Carlton Football Club. You may not have won a premiership but mark my words these kids will by the time their careers are over. What you need to understand is that when they do achieve the ultimate team success you will own a part of that glory whether you're a past champion of the club or an official in whatever capacity.

Life has just begun for you Chris and while it's true that life can just as suddenly end as it starts I am certain that you have many, many successes and glories in your future. Enjoy spending time with your beautiful family and enjoy pouring your passions into whatever your future may bring.
Almost a week on and this still doesn't seem real to me.

Think when I see "Out- C.Judd (injured)" it will really sink in.

I still remember sitting in the tea room at work when the news came in that you had selected Carlton. My cup of tea nearly went all over everyone. I was absolutely mesmerized with the way you played at the eagles, and just the thought of you in navy blue brought a smile to my face.

I can't even begin to put into words what you mean to the Carlton faithful. We will always be so greatful for you picking our great club. Your presence alone dragged us out of a dark place. The impact you have had on our club, and all the young players around you is simply immeasurable.

I have one of your match worn boots, signed, hanging in my man cave. It was always one of my most prized possessions but now it has an even more special spot in my heart. Every time I look at it from now on I will remember all your great moments you delivered for our club.

Thank you Chris. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. It's been a pleasure watching you. I will tell my grand children about you one day.

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Going to miss going to the footy with my bro and hearing "Go Juddy,straighten 'em up".
Becoming increasingly clear just how much many have misread his passion for the game.
I think some people in general get a rather odd perspective on Juddy. Particularly those opposition fans who would call him a mercenary, a robot, non-caring or arrogant etc etc.

He's obviously a funny guy and he clearly has a passion of the game even if he still prioritizes real life over it and keeps his head in everything that is important in life rather than putting all his eggs in the footy basket, if that makes sense. He's just a smart fellow.

He may have had a couple of strange brain-farts on-field, but I'll be damned if there's a more fair and ball-playing individual around. Never, ever, saw Juddy duck for a free kick or cheat either.
Thank you Juddy for choosing the Blues. Thank you for all you tried to do to change us for the better.
It breaks my heart you won't be there to hold #17 aloft, but hopefully you'll be somewhere in the stands cheering the boys on.
Your gutsy attitude and competitive spirit continue to flow through the club in the form of our young blokes who no doubt benefitted from training and playing alongside you.


C. Judd...3 votes...FOREVER
couple things

will he be hanging around the club til the end of the year? I'd love him to continue his mentoring of Cripps

will he be on the back of a ute, doing laps for the crowd at our next home game? If yes, can someone yell QUAZ LOVES YOU for me?
couple things

will he be hanging around the club til the end of the year? I'd love him to continue his mentoring of Cripps

will he be on the back of a ute, doing laps for the crowd at our next home game? If yes, can someone yell QUAZ LOVES YOU for me?
Lappies v Melbourne on Aug 22.
I'll give him a good shout for ya

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Probably makes more sense. lol Otherwise they'd do it v Gold Coast.

Also he grew up barracking for Melbourne and having 2 local teams means they might get a decent crowd in.
I've had Working Class Man going round in my head every time Juddy gets a mention. "He's a country boy, with a heart of gold". Damn you Juddy [shakes fist] :D
I was a bit reluctant to put this up in here, but I found it to be an interesting view of the accident. I hadn't seen this pic until today, but it shows just how twisted the knee got. (apologies to those that are squeamish, still upset, or just plain don't want to see it)
I'm definitely penciling in the Demons game.

EDIT: I've left it small so you can choose whether to click on it.


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I really started following footy religiously in about 2004-2005 when we were terrible, and seeing Juddy arrive blew my mind. I remember we were on a family holiday to Rome, Italy, and me and my old man heard the news of Judd signing. That night we went out for tea and we see 2 blokes strolling down the street in Carlton jerseys. My dad yells out: "JUDDY!!", obviously they loved it and yelled back and started kissing their jumpers. Carlton was back.

A mate of mine plays VFL for Northern Blues and raves about the man. Said when he played his VFL game last year he got around every single one of the players, coached them individually throughout the game and was just the most grounded bloke he'd met. My mate now does pre-season with the club and is around a fair bit and whenever he walks past Juddy, he always takes a minute or 2 to chat to him.

Oh he also said that during pre-season playing on Juddy in intra club matches is an absolute joke. He said Murph, Gibbs yeah they're all good. But the thing that sets Judd a part from them is that he never, ever jogs to a contest, he ****ing sprints, and will not stay stationary at a stoppage, no matter how tired he is. He said it's like hes flying around the ground.

Going to miss the great man terribly.

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