The future of the ABC - Guthrie sacked

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can you please keep it civil, his blog is not revolting, try to be a bit more impartial in your outlook, being extreme about your politics is not a good look

Full of mis-truths, omissions, biased and poor journalism. Not political, just my view on what he writes and says.
I assumed it was preempting a possible defamation action - ABC as publisher would be liable. That was the inference I drew from mediawatch. She may be jointly liable (someone can google that) but the plaintiff would pursue abc because it has deeper pockets.

Apologies if stating the obvious or missing the point.

Fair enough, I can understand that.
Full of mis-truths, omissions, biased and poor journalism. Not political, just my view on what he writes and says.
okay fine, but also you have to give old Marcia Langton a blast after the dribble spouting out of her hole, I still waiting for you to do this , times awasting

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I think Bolt has climate change wrong but he's not racist. Leftists, activists, insufferable sycophants, group thinkers and those only too willing to shut down free speech with aggressive labels and slanderous abuse are not worth the time of day imo. If anyone needs to be shut up, it’s those losers.
can you please keep it civil
okay fine, but also you have to give old Marcia Langton a blast after the dribble spouting out of her hole
Still making so much sense, aren't you Ross/Lennon?

Everyone can see Langton doesn't communicate very well verbally (academics largely deal in the written word, anyway). This is why it is so hilarious that Bolt pretends to be so offended by her. He has been reduced to picking fights with easy targets who he still has to talk over the top of so that she doesn't point out the errors of fact and racism in his articles on fair-skinned Aboriginals. Whatever Bolt originally had - he has lost it.
Bolt can and has freely talked about Q & A, look at his revolting blog.

Langton brought up specific individuals from the court case that Bolt is not allowed to discuss.

The editorial in the Australian was sensible.

The spat between Professor Langton and Bolt is grounded in complex issues. His original comments about light-skinned Aborigines seeking advantage reflect the views of many Aborigines themselves. For the benefit of our most disadvantaged citizens, Australia needs a mature, sophisticated debate on the best policies to “close the gap’’. The chances of such debate were stymied, however, when Bolt was found guilty in 2011 of racial vilification under section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act. The complainants about his commentary, including Ms Behrendt, the Federal Court found, were likely to have been “offended, insulted, humiliated or intimidated’’. Australia needs to shake off such shackles on free speech and move beyond “guilt politics’’ and the habit of labelling those who express opposing views on indigenous issues with the “racist’’ tag. We should be able to deal in fact on this issue, rather than feelings based on identity politics.
you really are maligning a guy, just because he has a differing outlook to you, you need to keep it civil and show respect

Nice sentiments Ross old boy. How about you apply it to your own posting style?

okay fine, but also you have to give old Marcia Langton a blast after the dribble spouting out of her hole, I still waiting for you to do this , times awasting

Marcia Langtons cousin that's who, I want to just say what an arse clown she is, and I thought you might agree with me
Langton brought up specific individuals from the court case that Bolt is not allowed to discuss.

The editorial in the Australian was sensible.

The spat between Professor Langton and Bolt is grounded in complex issues. His original comments about light-skinned Aborigines seeking advantage reflect the views of many Aborigines themselves. For the benefit of our most disadvantaged citizens, Australia needs a mature, sophisticated debate on the best policies to “close the gap’’. The chances of such debate were stymied, however, when Bolt was found guilty in 2011 of racial vilification under section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act. The complainants about his commentary, including Ms Behrendt, the Federal Court found, were likely to have been “offended, insulted, humiliated or intimidated’’. Australia needs to shake off such shackles on free speech and move beyond “guilt politics’’ and the habit of labelling those who express opposing views on indigenous issues with the “racist’’ tag. We should be able to deal in fact on this issue, rather than feelings based on identity politics.

Know all this, not the point of the post.

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Good news in Melbourne Radio yesterday, ABC won the ratings for every period in the day-time. Beat all commercial radio stations in both AM and FM. Not bad for our ABC, someone must be listening. Most trusted media in Australia!

No ads and a massively larger budget than the rest helps.

Let's see how they'd go competing on a level playing field.
Did Janet Albrechtsen get appointed to the ABC board, or is someone taking piss out of me?

No, she was appointed to the committee that selects candidates for the board. (they select 3, minister chooses 1 from those 3)
Good news in Melbourne Radio yesterday, ABC won the ratings for every period in the day-time. Beat all commercial radio stations in both AM and FM. Not bad for our ABC, someone must be listening. Most trusted media in Australia!
Ah well Albrechtsen will get that sorted.
Common sense.

BTW..what does this radio service provide that couldn't be done by a commercial station? AKA, why am I paying for what users (via advertisers) should pay for themselves.
So just your subjective opinion. Ads and commercials do not deter me listening to other radio stations, just like watching TV, I tune ads out if I want to listen/watch the programs.
I listen to ABC in the mornings Red and Jon Faine, then I switch to other stations in the afternoon.
ABC radio offers listeners the opportunity to ring in and express opinions without being ridiculed. You also get to hear from politicians from all sides of politics. Further, more often they are first with the news, cover more state, national and international news than the commercial stations.
So IMO if you want to be informed, ABC wins hands down.
So just your subjective opinion. Ads and commercials do not deter me listening to other radio stations, just like watching TV, I tune ads out if I want to listen/watch the programs.
I listen to ABC in the mornings Red and Jon Faine, then I switch to other stations in the afternoon.
ABC radio offers listeners the opportunity to ring in and express opinions without being ridiculed. You also get to hear from politicians from all sides of politics. Further, more often they are first with the news, cover more state, national and international news than the commercial stations.
So IMO if you want to be informed, ABC wins hands down.

Common sense.

talkback station 1...55 mins of content, 5 mins ads.
talkback station 2...60 kins content, no ads.

People don't like ads, so if they're close in content/ability/quality/etc, people are more likely to listen to station 1.

More news is due to them having a massively larger budget. Part of the reason for this is because commercial organisations need to cut down on ads to compete with the ABC. Why do you think Fairfax is going broke? Their main competitor for the left viewpoint is free AND has a massively bigger budget.
Actually station 2 has plenty of breaks if you include cross promotion of programs on the station.
Doubt that the budgets of station 1 is smaller, it is more how they choose to spend their budgets and are appealing to a waning audience.

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