PS4 Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

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Just got a copy of all 3. Hope they live up to the hype :)

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I didn't mind 1 but didn't understand the hype.

2 didn't blow me away but I find bits and pieces of it thoroughly enjoyable. That train sequence is one of my favourite video game moments ever.

Yet to buy 3, will probably do so in the next month or so.
well i cant wait to get stuck into 3. Im on chapter 6 on drakes fortune and ive found about 12 hidden treasures. Was up til 3am playing last night. Best $30 i spent all week getting this series :)
wow. I just lost about 10 hours of progress somehow during uncharted drakes fortune. Was up to chapter 16. Connected the PS3 to the internet, restarted game and my progress was gone.

Seriously wtf?

EDIT: ok so when i start the game i have no option to continue from where my progress was (about 75%), but when i go to saved data utility i can see the Uncharted saved file. But for some reason i dont see the option to resume play from that file. The only options are copy, delete, view information and some other shit.

Really hope i can figure this out because i dont think i can play from the start again just to get up to where i was.
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wow. I just lost about 10 hours of progress somehow during uncharted drakes fortune. Was up to chapter 16. Connected the PS3 to the internet, restarted game and my progress was gone.

Seriously wtf?

EDIT: ok so when i start the game i have no option to continue from where my progress was (about 75%), but when i go to saved data utility i can see the Uncharted saved file. But for some reason i dont see the option to resume play from that file. The only options are copy, delete, view information and some other shit.

Really hope i can figure this out because i dont think i can play from the start again just to get up to where i was.
Can you load your save progress to the cloud?
Can you load your save progress to the cloud?
just trying that now. But because im using my housemates PS3 (which he hasnt turned on for about 5 years) i have a bunch of software updates to download. But yeah, once its done, im hoping i can upload my saved progress to some online space, and then redownload it or something. This page here doesnt really explain it all that well but im giving it a go:
well i successfully loaded my saved data file to the online storage, and then redownloaded it again. Still no dice. Start up Uncharted and i have no option to resume from my save point. Dont get it.

EDIT: finally worked it out. My saved progress games were for an unpatched version of Uncharted, and once the patch was applied automatically when i connected to the internet, the stupid PS4 wouldnt recognise the old save file. So i deleted removed the Uncharted disc from the PS3, deleted the game data, and then inserted the disc again and voila! Im back to where i was. Looks like i wont be able to see my trophies and such online but oh well. At least i havent lost a bit over 7 hours of gameplay.
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well going to bed at 4am. Just got up to a part where these ugly heckin'g monsters were trying to kill me and some mexican dude. Then i left Elena alone in some room and im walking alone in some dark passages with scary music. Fck that im going to bed.

Oh and just as a side note - before Eddie gets pulled off the ledge by the monster, he calls the monster a c*nt in Spanish. Respect Naughty Dog for dropping the c bomb in a video game, albeit a foreign language :)
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well going to bed at 4am. Just got up to a part where these ugly heckin'g monsters were trying to kill me and some mexican dude. Then i left Elena alone in some room and im walking alone in some dark passages with scary music. Fck that im going to bed.

Oh and just as a side note - before Eddie gets pulled off the ledge by the monster, he calls the monster a c*nt in Spanish. Respect Naughty Dog for dropping the c bomb in a video game, albeit a foreign language :)
I don't know much Spanish but I'm pretty sure the word you're talking about can mean multiple things; it's pretty much a c bomb/bitch/etc hybrid from what I understand.

I thought it was pretty great when I heard it too though.
Uncharted 1, the section that did was pretty brief. If I'm remembering it wrong it's because I thought Uncharted 1 was pretty uninspiring.
That's why I never played on. Didn't like it.
well finished the 1st uncharted and loved it. Its like im Indiana Jones. The final chapter of showdown against Navarro took me longer than it should have. Just struggled to do the button sequence of beating him in a fist fight lol.

So managed to get 45 of the 60 treasures while clocking the game on normal difficulty.

Cant wait to get stuck into the 2nd. Lived up to the hype :)
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With Tomb Raider now looking to be an Xbox exclusive, I wouldn't be surprised to see Sony try and make ND make a few more Uncharted games to combat MS. MS will pretty much own the market on these games if this is the last Uncharted.
Sony has never and will never tell ND what to make but you can bet your arse they will make someone else

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