Are you a geek?

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Norm Smith Medallist
Apr 26, 2006
AFL Club
Port Adelaide
I was the jock through High School and Uni, played every sport known to man, was relatively popular and had an active social life.

Recently several non-computer literate friends have been commenting that I have turned into a fully fledged geek. Naturally I assumed it was their inability to embrace technology that has caused this fear.

but maybe I was wrong. I made my status on facebook about how I definitely wasn't a geek because I got a low score on the following test, known as the "GSAT";

I thought 16 was a low score. until every one of my friends starting getting 0's 1's and 2's

What did you get?
4. But after watching Beauty and the Geek last night, I know I'm not a geek, altho I have some geeky qualities. Or is that nerdy? ;)
Sorry mate I only got 2 as well. Getting worried yet?

1 for dominating conversations and 1 more for correcting peoples spelling on line.

Your/You're drives me completely ****ing mental.

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you're in trouble morell - lol

I scored 8 btw - I'm a little geeky, but not as geeky as you

You're like James Dean, if James Dean were less attractive, less famous, less rich, alive and interested in gadgets. You're a relatively "cool" person, but that's only relative to people who are seriously awkward, so don't go patting yourself on the back just yet

I'm OK with this^ outcome

I have some certain geeks at work, so it will be interesting to see how close you are to them.

They've been telling me that geek is the new cool (kewl) anyway ;)
You Scored a 5 Out Of 50

You're like James Dean, if James Dean were less attractive, less famous, less rich, alive and interested in gadgets. You're a relatively "cool" person, but that's only relative to people who are seriously awkward, so don't go patting yourself on the back just yet. You still read a gadget site in your free time.

I can live with 5, any more than that and I'd have been worried ;)
I don't think I am in any immediate danger...

I had to ring my niece to find out what lol meant a while back.

There are still quite a few abbreviations used in sms's and online that I have absolutely no idea of the meaning. I'm sure there is an abbreviation for people like me.....

I thought Rory would be higher than me.


You Scored a 2 Out Of 50
You're like James Dean, if James Dean were less attractive, less famous, less rich, alive and interested in gadgets. You're a relatively "cool" person, but that's only relative to people who are seriously awkward, so don't go patting yourself on the back just yet. You still read a gadget site in your free time.

Alright. If DT comes on here at gets lower then me I am officialy going to a Geeks Anonymous meeting.

hmmm.. maybe Geeks Anonymous isn't the best name for that ... < only the true geek will get that joke.

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You Scored a 1 Out Of 50
You're like James Dean, if James Dean were less attractive, less famous, less rich, alive and interested in gadgets. You're a relatively "cool" person, but that's only relative to people who are seriously awkward, so don't go patting yourself on the back just yet. You still read a gadget site in your free time.

I got my one for answering yes to always having the last word in arguments on messageboards.

I answered yes knowing that others often have the last word but only because I've decided that the argument has played itself out. I once spent about a fortnight arguing on the Crows board basically over who said what with a tosser from over there. It was in the days when moderating was much more relaxed than now. At various points other Crowies intervened attempting to help the poor sod out until a one of their number announced that I was so far ahead on points only a knockout could save my opponent. At that point he failed to show up.

Potentially if other questions had been in there they could have bumped me up to around 4. This makes me think that Morell with a score of 16 needs urgent help.
You Scored a 2 Out Of 50
You're like James Dean, if James Dean were less attractive, less famous, less rich, alive and interested in gadgets. You're a relatively "cool" person, but that's only relative to people who are seriously awkward, so don't go patting yourself on the back just yet. You still read a gadget site in your free time.

The trouble is, you get this summary even if you score zero. It doesn't take into account you're only on a geek site because you were directed there by one!
You Scored a 6 Out Of 50

You're like James Dean, if James Dean were less attractive, less famous, less rich, alive and interested in gadgets. You're a relatively "cool" person, but that's only relative to people who are seriously awkward, so don't go patting yourself on the back just yet. You still read a gadget site in your free time.​
These are the questions I answered Yes to.

  • On an average day more of my human interaction happens on message boards or in blog comments than with actual other people.
  • I commonly use very specific technical jargon without considering whether or not the person I'm talking to understands it.
  • I hold and Engiineering or IT degree
  • I have made a member of the opposite sex sit and watch me play video games for an hour or more.
  • I play with my phone at restaurants.
  • Almost all of my jokes are actually just catchphrases or references to The Simpsons, Family Guy, Borat, or any other popular comedic film or show.
  • I live or have lived for an extended period completely nocturnally, sitting at my computer all night and sleeping all day.
  • My sense of humor is more in line with 4chan than any other comedic source.
  • I am the dominant talker in most conversations I have.
  • I own a sword, nunchucks and/or throwing stars.
  • I have corrected someone's spelling or grammar on a message board or in blog comments.
  • I vote for politicians based on their stance on net neutrality.
  • I do things for the "lulz."
  • I always have the last word in online arguments. Always.
  • I believe that it's the rest of the world that's awkward and I actually have everything pretty much figured out.
  • I read Gizmodo more than the New York Times.
Alright, I am probably on Facebook and BigFooty too much, I think the 4Chan posters are hilarious, I happen to hold a computer related degree.

Other than that I fail to see how any of the other ones make me geeky.
The first step to recovery is to acknowledge the problem. :cool:

Actually I should have answered yes to correcting peoples spelling but I don't do it all that much. Puts me up to 2.
You Scored a 12 Out Of 50 , i'm surprised i'm that geeky seeing as i've been out of IT for 2 years now. guess being a house husband allows me to still go on the net too much. At least i'm not king geek on these boards :p
..... I thought 16 was a low score. until every one of my friends starting getting 0's 1's and 2's

What did you get?
I work in IT and I only scored 3.

Some of the questions were odd for determining geekness. If you own nunchakas/nunchaku you are a geek :confused:

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