Jeremy Corbyn, former UK Opposition Leader

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So you still cant actually find anything where Corbyn has come out and supported terrorism.

You are the true delusional. Constantly and desperately clutching at straws trying to fabricate a link between Corbyn to terrorism.

Corbyn certainly has the establishment, and their hanger on lickspittles like you, thoroughly rattled. Long may it continue.
So you still cant actually find anything where Corbyn has come out and supported terrorism..

Lol, repeatedly shared a stage with them, invited them to houses of parliament, and donated money to their supporters.

Yes, the evidence is overwhelming.

Corbyn certainly has the establishment, and their hanger on lickspittles like you, thoroughly rattled. Long may it continue.

The bloke is a trainwreck, see how many of his own party despise him (decent rebellion last night as well)

Rattled? Lol, keep it up comrade, enjoying the spectacle of you making an utter fool of yourself

Jeremy Corbyn worst-rated opposition leader on record -

The YouGov survey for the Sun gave Mr Corbyn a -8 approval rating - this compares to a +26 for Ed Miliband after he became Labour leader in 2010.

He also comes in lower than Michael Foot and former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith, who both got a 0 approval rating when they took the reins.

The president of YouGov, Peter Kellner, gave a bleak assessment of Mr Corbyn's standing, saying: "Most Opposition leaders start with voters giving them the benefit of the doubt. Few are giving Mr Corbyn that."

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Lol, repeatedly shared a stage with them, invited them to houses of parliament, and donated money to their supporters.

Yes, the evidence is overwhelming.

The bloke is a trainwreck, see how many of his own party despise him (decent rebellion last night as well)

Rattled? Lol, keep it up comrade, enjoying the spectacle of you making an utter fool of yourself

Jeremy Corbyn worst-rated opposition leader on record -

The YouGov survey for the Sun gave Mr Corbyn a -8 approval rating - this compares to a +26 for Ed Miliband after he became Labour leader in 2010.

He also comes in lower than Michael Foot and former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith, who both got a 0 approval rating when they took the reins.

The president of YouGov, Peter Kellner, gave a bleak assessment of Mr Corbyn's standing, saying: "Most Opposition leaders start with voters giving them the benefit of the doubt. Few are giving Mr Corbyn that."

- See more at:

'Evidence' to you is a faint association or the fact he was once in the same room or building as someone. The guy is nearly 70 and has been to more functions and events than most other MPs. Being on the frontline of most progressive social movements and causes is bound to make you eventually run into a few fringe elements. To screen and filter every crowd would be impossible. You can bet that if we went through every crowd or association that David Cameron has been apart of we would find numerous instances of unsavory characters.

And who cares what his approval rating is now. Still 5 years to an election. Obviously the right wing fear mongers have done a good hatchet job on him so far but not sure if they can sustain this negative tactic for another 5 years. They might eventually actually have to debate some policy.

What scares them the most is that he actually has some decent moral values and integrity and doesn't just sell out for political gain and conform to group think at every opportunity.

During the kerfuffle over the parliamentary entitlements a few years back he was the one revealed to have used the least tax payer dollars.

This quote is highly prophetic as all this has come true:

"As Chris Mullin – the ex-Labour minister and writer of A Very British Coup, which explores the fate of a left-wing Labour Prime Minister at the hands of the Establishment – puts it: “The media will go bananas, of course. Every bit of his past life will be raked through and every position he has ever taken will be thrown back under him.” People Jeremy Corbyn has met, or has been close to, will be scrutinised in great deal. Quotes will be taken out of context and twisted. His political positions will be ruthlessly distorted. The media will seek to portray Labour as being in a state of chaos (a narrative fuelled by right-wing MPs); and Corbyn as dangerous or ridiculous or both."
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What scares them the most is that he actually has some decent moral values and integrity and doesn't just sell out for political gain and conform to group think at every opportunity.

Invited IRA to Sinn Fein to parliament two weeks after the Brighton bombings.

Yep moral values and integrity

No idea why I bother with intellectual non entities and pathetic Soviet era apologists like you

Being on the frontline of most progressive social movements and causes is bound to make you eventually run into a few fringe elements

IRA, Hamas, Hezbollah


You are an idiot that cant even find a village.
The walking dead will have you focus on Corbyn and progress to evaluating him.

But The election of Corby and the advent Sanders in the USA is much much more about the failings of the exisiting incumbents and their recent predecceors. Infact, the more outraged you are about Corbyn the more you must realise how thoroughly depraved the politics as usual has become. It is this outrage which has elevated Corbyn.

The prevailing economic political reality is at a terminal dead end. The ancient power politics of winners and losers in short the politics and economics of dick waving is stagnant - it is entirely incapable of adjusting to the 21st century post industrial and advanced technology of the age. It is only capable to returning us back to a precivilised age and very very quickly.

Corbyn and sanders are hopefully the first outward signs of a mass awakening. It is to be expected that their policies are immature and unsophisticated. right now, we are not really ready to comprehend exactly how screwed up we have become. Corbyn and sander will not win but they may force more of us to think and think and think.

It might also mitigate the current madness and that too is not a bad thing
Of Zombies who forget the 70s and the failure of socialism. Another day, another skeleton emerges.

as it emerged that Mr Corbyn once used a House of Commons motion to call for the ‘complete rehabilitation’ of Marxist Leon Trotsky’s reputation
and prior to the socialist experiments of the 1970s there are further millenia of civilisation to inform us that the battle for power, wealth resource and status is not a battle defined by the 1970s
Rather it is the very story of man from the dawn of time.

It is precisely this that defines every civilisation

To dismiss one side of this eternal battle by its late socialist moniker is at the most fundamental level historical amnesia
It is unfortunately an amnesia which has for a few decades become endemic.
Of Zombies who forget the 70s and the failure of socialism. Another day, another skeleton emerges.

as it emerged that Mr Corbyn once used a House of Commons motion to call for the ‘complete rehabilitation’ of Marxist Leon Trotsky’s reputation

WOW breaking news. Corbyn supports socialism/marxism. Who would of thunk it. You certainly stuck it to him there meds.

You really do provide nothing other than rhetoric, misinformation and bile. Just a pathetic pseudo/claytons intellectual who believes in myths like the laffer curve like they are excepted economic consensus.
Socialism is in trouble isn't it. Corbyn elected leader of PLP. Sanders gaining support in America. Trudeau elected in Canada. Syriza in Greece. Abbott's austerity and right wing nihilism being utterly rejected in Australia. Socialists in power in France.

Meds worst nightmare is coming true.
Canada just elected a Prime Minister who will legalize weed. Jeremy "he wants to re-nationalize railways LOL!!!!!" can't be ruled out anymore.
You really do provide nothing other than rhetoric, misinformation and bile. Just a pathetic pseudo/claytons intellectual who believes in myths like the laffer curve like they are excepted economic consensus.

Another balotron with no idea. Countless examples of the Laffer curve working not least recently in UK where top rate was cut and revenue increased.

Lol at your "misinformation". You are just another fanboi with no clue on economics (nor it would appear much else)

Meds worst nightmare is coming true.

You really are too thick to get it. This is why the Laffer curve exists. Those with a clue refuse to bow to the stupidity of socialists and simply rearrange things to pay less tax. I would be ashamed if I couldn't outsmart a moron like Corbyn and a bunch of barely literate public servants.

The top rate of tax in the UK in the 70s was over 90%. Hopeless failure, IMF had to be called in. Some people learn from the past.

Morons don't.
Another balotron with no idea. Countless examples of the Laffer curve working not least recently in UK where top rate was cut and revenue increased.

Lol at your "misinformation". You are just another fanboi with no clue on economics (nor it would appear much else)

You really are too thick to get it. This is why the Laffer curve exists. Those with a clue refuse to bow to the stupidity of socialists and simply rearrange things to pay less tax. I would be ashamed if I couldn't outsmart a moron like Corbyn and a bunch of barely literate public servants.

The top rate of tax in the UK in the 70s was over 90%. Hopeless failure, IMF had to be called in. Some people learn from the past.

Morons don't.

The laffer curve was jotted down on a napkin by a bunch of republicans in a restaurant looking to help their mates get out of paying taxes.

Yes 90% is excessive. But many economists put the peak rate of taxation at close to 70% (on your beloved laffer curve). So going by your theory we should maximize revenue by increasing the top rate of tax to 70-75%.

Meds the inner socialist in you is coming out.
Yes 90% is excessive. But many economists put the peak rate of taxation at close to 70% (on your beloved laffer curve).

Way less than that. Most put it at 40-50%. Treasury bloke was too pessimistic in hindsight.

Raising the top rate of tax to 48 per cent would bring in maximum revenue for the Treasury, a former senior Whitehall mandarin said last night.

In a surprise intervention, Gus O’Donnell suggested the Government’s Budget decision to cut the rate from 50 per cent to 45 per cent may have gone too far if the aim was to raise the maximum amount from the rich.
Cutting the top rate of income tax has massively increased the amount of money the rich are paying into government coffers, says a senior Tory MP.

John Redwood points to figures from HM Revenue and Customs that show a £9bn increase in tax receipts this year - after the top rate was cut to 45%.

So going by your theory we should maximize revenue by increasing the top rate of tax to 70-75%.)

Why do something you know wont work ie will cut revenue? In any event, why would I think revenue maximisation is a worthwhile goal?

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Given DC won't be there next election anyway it's meaningless.

Corbyn's still negative, and has been for a long time.

The problem for the Tories is that Osborne, who is the natural successor to Cameron, is even more disliked.

They may have to parachute in Boris Johnson as they dont have much in the way of talent knocking down the door. Not that Boris Johnson is much better, just seems more popular.
At this rate it won't be David Cameron he debates in 2020.
Lol, it won't be him or David Cameron debating in 2017. You really think they're going to go back to being jollys for four more years? The UKs version of Trump is standing on a table declaring the dawn of a new era, and you think Farage and Johnson will let Scotland leave and Corby and Cameron to keep debating about nothing?
Corbyn's heart clearly wasnt in remain. He put some token effort in but it was pretty clear he couldnt give a toss.

The Blairites will try to use this to mount a challenge, but Labour would be better off rallying behind Corbyn and putting up a united front as the Tories will be trying to rip themselves apart after this.

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